Salty killers finally killed the game



  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    They wanted what they wanted and now everyone will pay the price it’s a assymetric game for a reason and unfortunately theres not much we can do

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    its never been easier for solo survivor... I would genuinely love to see some kind of factual basis for that sentiment. 

    easier for SWF? absolutely.
    solo?  get real. 
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Avariku said:
    its never been easier for solo survivor... I would genuinely love to see some kind of factual basis for that sentiment. 

    easier for SWF? absolutely.
    solo?  get real. 

    It depends on your teammates really

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    Wait, you think the game SHOULD be unfair for the killers???

    Oh, what I’d give for the LOL button right now...
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Sandt21 said:
    Wait, you think the game SHOULD be unfair for the killers???

    Oh, what I’d give for the LOL button right now...

    I know and that was my highest number of awards too

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Why is "I can easily...." brought up in balance discussions. Obviously there are those that can or can't, declaring that you can easily do what other try for states nothing more than you play with more skill. So be top tier but stop complaining that every adjustment is geared towards your individual style, these are for the community and provide feedback on what works/doesn't as it is collected over time. Honestly I find the increases to difficulty far better in the long run (still not as stressful as killer), especially when the rank system allows noobs to climb higher than they should.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Avariku said:

    - Survivor DC favors killer (but they are the only ones who get a disconnect bonus) 

    This one really needs to change. Also you should be able to opt-out of 3 vs 1 games penalty free, nobody wants to be forced to play those games.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Except that I know there are tons of survivors on because I was JUST playing survivor at the same rank (reset) and saw new faces every game.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    The queues for killer had been broken since the blight event.
    Everyone claimed it is cause of the event and everyone playing killer.
    But after the event was over, lobbytimes for killer still sucked.
    It was obviously a bugged MM, which happens basically every other patch, but the Devs didn't do anything about it, because they already had their new MM system up the pipe.
    Bad luck it didn't worked as intended and they rolled the change back and guess what?
    We have weird long wait times for killer again.^^
    But that is for sure just a lack of player doing survivor, right? :sarcastic:

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    If so many people have stopped playing survivors just because the game has become more balanced now, than that's truly sad. Just because survivor is challenging now as well shouldn't make survivors quit the game. How laughable.

    I still believe that if anything it's not the balance that causes this but the frustrations caused by the design of the game survivors have to deal with that killer mains just think are totally fine and don't need changing, the main offender here being camping. If you get camped multiple games in a row, that's no fun, and might push you to take a break from the game. People who don't understand how unfun getting camped is clearly play much more killer than survivor, and it's starting to make me go insane how people think camping is totally fair and fine and then complain that gen rush is an impossible thing to deal with and needs nerfing asap.

    My lobbies however almost always filled up instantly, at least in the evening, after the big balance patch, sometime after the event. The long lobby times just started now with the new patch again. Now tell me exactly what in this patch could have made survivors finally quit the game? If anything this patch was ever so slightly survivor sided, which is a good thing of course.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Delfador said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

    @Tsulan isn't biased. In fact, he/she is one of the few forum users who actually cares about balance.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Survivor mains call anyone asking for true balance "biased", because they want to keep their edge.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Wolf74 said:

    Survivor mains call anyone asking for true balance "biased", because they want to keep their edge.

    Some survivors believe looping and genrushing every single game is how it was meant to be.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Every single one of you is biased. This includes me as well.

    You can't see the game through 100% objective eyes, you will care more about the side you play since you will know that side's problems than anybody else. We all are going to be biased.

    I am sure he understood me anyway, no need to discuss.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Wolf74 said:

    Survivor mains call anyone asking for true balance "biased", because they want to keep their edge.

    Some survivors believe looping and genrushing every single game is how it was meant to be.

    Looping is basically an exploit and gen rush is bad gamedesign (miscalculations on how long a chase takes, compare to how long a gen takes to get done).

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Delfador said:

    Every single one of you is biased. This includes me as well.

    You can't see the game through 100% objective eyes, you will care more about the side you play since you will know that side's problems than anybody else. We all are going to be biased.

    I am sure he understood me anyway, no need to discuss.

    I play both sides 
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    @alivebydeadight said:
    If you play console, you wait a year and the match takes an actual year to load


    In what world?

    I play on PS4 and I find matches quickly and they load rather quickly.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Delfador said:

    Every single one of you is biased. This includes me as well.

    You can't see the game through 100% objective eyes, you will care more about the side you play since you will know that side's problems than anybody else. We all are going to be biased.

    I am sure he understood me anyway, no need to discuss.

    I play both sides 

    I do as well, still doesn't make me or you 100% objective.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @ScottJund said:
    I will never understand how people non-ironically say walking around objects is an exploit.

    hurr the killer hitbox bigger auhhhh. You're also 15% faster than the person which means you're catching up way faster than they're getting away.

    Welcome to the DBD forums where everything we don't like is an exploit.

  • towhead
    towhead Member Posts: 61

    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    is this what your teddy bear told you?  
  • towhead
    towhead Member Posts: 61

    wait, you think the survivors should out power the killer.....

    That is all i'm going to say.

    right?  they already do anyways.  they play with comms.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    Yes, survivors got some small nerfs in the last 6 months. Exhaustion nerf only affected a tiny amount of survivors. Really few people were able to use SB twice during the same chase. But to make up for it, they nerfed Bloodlust a little to hard. 

    The healing nerf was necessary. Simply because everyone was running SC and no one bothered to heal other survivors. Which made it really hard for solo survivors. Now people start to heal others. At the same time, slugging was nerfed hard and sabotage was buffed. I'm honestly surprised that we don't see more sabotaged hooks. 

    Why are survivors stronger than ever? Because the devs try to give solo survivors the same information lvl as SWF players have. With all the warning signs. When I started 2 years ago, I had to pay attention. If that survivor was injured or if the killer was using NOED. Now we have a warning sign on every perk that affects survivors. Lullaby warning before it's active, UP gives a warning before survivors hear the heartbeat, etc. 
    This not only buffs solo players but also SWF.

    Most of the killer buffs have been QoL changes to underwhelming killers. Which made them somewhat more viable.

    Camping is boring for both sides. We got  BBQ to give killers a reason to leave the hook. Now they nerfed that hard and soon we will see way more complaints about camping. BBQ was easy to avoid. But required some action on the survivor side. But now? Just enter a locker. 

    Killers also get a penalty for staying close to the hook. While nothing was introduced to slow down the gen rush. All 5 gens can be repaired in 3 minutes...
    So a chase takes somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes. Then the killer camps because 3 gens popped during that chase and before the hooked survivor dies, the last 2 gens are done. Now with BT buffed, he gets unhooked in the killers face and can escape through the gate. gg ez 

    The new engine buffed stealth. But nothing has been done to make looping less efficient. That's another unasked buff.

    Want me to continue or is this enough?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Delfador said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

    I mostly play solo. And I would prefer it, if the game was scarier. More jump scares and stealth instead of running in circles. I love to face Myers. For example: yesterday I was playing on the pale rose and through I saw the killer far away, only to turn around and look right into his face. That was fun!

    Killer should be the power role. Something  you should avoid at any cost. Not the kid you can bully.
    But since some streamers play to bully, the community adapted to that playstyle. 

    Does it suck to be on the hook and no one comes? Sure it does. But then I just enter the next game. I don't have to escape every match. But some people take it as a personal offense if they die. Which is just stupid. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Delfador said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

    @Tsulan isn't biased. In fact, he/she is one of the few forum users who actually cares about balance.
    Thank you! 
  • HarshOnion44
    HarshOnion44 Member Posts: 30

    I think this post is just a tad bit of an overreaction.  I think salty tryhards in general can ruin matches for anyone. But to say they’ve ruined the game? I have to kindly disagree with you there. 
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Tsulan said:

    I mostly play solo. And I would prefer it, if the game was scarier. More jump scares and stealth instead of running in circles. I love to face Myers. For example: yesterday I was playing on the pale rose and through I saw the killer far away, only to turn around and look right into his face. That was fun!

    Killer should be the power role. Something  you should avoid at any cost. Not the kid you can bully.
    But since some streamers play to bully, the community adapted to that playstyle. 

    Does it suck to be on the hook and no one comes? Sure it does. But then I just enter the next game. I don't have to escape every match. But some people take it as a personal offense if they die. Which is just stupid.

    I don't disagree at all. Here are a couple of my posts from the past.

    But saying that solo survivor is easier now than before is just wrong. In the past, before exhaustion nerfs, I didn't care if somebody came for me or not because I could loop a leatherface around the barn with my sprint burst for 4-5 minutes and then leave the match. Note that I have never been a good looper anyway, it was braindead easy because of unmindgameable long ass loops with sprint burst survivors.

    The game has never been more difficult for solo survivors. At least not that I know. The game has never been easier for killers than now.

    I am not saying that playing the killer is the easiest thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing killer is more difficult now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Again I am not saying that playing solo survivor is the most difficult thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing solo survivor is easier now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Tsulan said:
    Delfador said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

    @Tsulan isn't biased. In fact, he/she is one of the few forum users who actually cares about balance.
    Thank you! 
    Absolutely love what you just posted here.  If I could send homade cookies/brownies I would.  Your reasoning and understanding that things can end up sour for both sides and the reasons fornit
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Delfador said:

    @Tsulan said:

    I mostly play solo. And I would prefer it, if the game was scarier. More jump scares and stealth instead of running in circles. I love to face Myers. For example: yesterday I was playing on the pale rose and through I saw the killer far away, only to turn around and look right into his face. That was fun!

    Killer should be the power role. Something  you should avoid at any cost. Not the kid you can bully.
    But since some streamers play to bully, the community adapted to that playstyle. 

    Does it suck to be on the hook and no one comes? Sure it does. But then I just enter the next game. I don't have to escape every match. But some people take it as a personal offense if they die. Which is just stupid.

    I don't disagree at all. Here are a couple of my posts from the past.

    But saying that solo survivor is easier now than before is just wrong. In the past, before exhaustion nerfs, I didn't care if somebody came for me or not because I could loop a leatherface around the barn with my sprint burst for 4-5 minutes and then leave the match. Note that I have never been a good looper anyway, it was braindead easy because of unmindgameable long ass loops with sprint burst survivors.

    The game has never been more difficult for solo survivors. At least not that I know. The game has never been easier for killers than now.

    I am not saying that playing the killer is the easiest thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing killer is more difficult now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Again I am not saying that playing solo survivor is the most difficult thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing solo survivor is easier now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Never claimed that killer is harder. But the game is terribly unbalanced towards survivors. A survivor shouldn't be able to loop a killer for 5 gens. But they are.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I played against a lot of survivors tonight.

    I don't think killers broke the game.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    All this talk of power role and the killer should be stronger.. Shouldn't the killer> @Tsulan said:

    Delfador said:

    @Tsulan said:

    I mostly play solo. And I would prefer it, if the game was scarier. More jump scares and stealth instead of running in circles. I love to face Myers. For example: yesterday I was playing on the pale rose and through I saw the killer far away, only to turn around and look right into his face. That was fun!
    Killer should be the power role. Something  you should avoid at any cost. Not the kid you can bully.

    But since some streamers play to bully, the community adapted to that playstyle. 

    Does it suck to be on the hook and no one comes? Sure it does. But then I just enter the next game. I don't have to escape every match. But some people take it as a personal offense if they die. Which is just stupid.

    I don't disagree at all. Here are a couple of my posts from the past.

    But saying that solo survivor is easier now than before is just wrong. In the past, before exhaustion nerfs, I didn't care if somebody came for me or not because I could loop a leatherface around the barn with my sprint burst for 4-5 minutes and then leave the match. Note that I have never been a good looper anyway, it was braindead easy because of unmindgameable long ass loops with sprint burst survivors.

    The game has never been more difficult for solo survivors. At least not that I know. The game has never been easier for killers than now.

    I am not saying that playing the killer is the easiest thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing killer is more difficult now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Again I am not saying that playing solo survivor is the most difficult thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing solo survivor is easier now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Never claimed that killer is harder. But the game is terribly unbalanced towards survivors. A survivor shouldn't be able to loop a killer for 5 gens. But they are.

    You make it sound like survivors are unstoppable gods.. What an absolute bunch of dribble.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    "You make it sound like survivors are unstoppable gods.. What an absolute bunch of dribble."

    I think that.... checks post history

    ....I'm not going to waste my time :(

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Tsulan said:
    Delfador said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

    @Tsulan isn't biased. In fact, he/she is one of the few forum users who actually cares about balance.
    Thank you! 
    Absolutely love what you just posted here.  If I could send homade cookies/brownies I would.  Your reasoning and understanding that things can end up sour for both sides and the reasons for it, while having a great attitude about it
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Tsulan said:
    Delfador said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    I was gonna write the same thing but @Tsulan is not like the others here, though he is biased, just like every single one of us, he thinks before he writes something. So I tried to understand what he meant and came up with this.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. OP complained that playing solo is difficult now and tsulan said that playing solo was not easy to begin with, it has always been difficult and nothing changed much to ease the pain solo survivors have.

    At least this is what I believe he meant to say.

    @Tsulan isn't biased. In fact, he/she is one of the few forum users who actually cares about balance.
    Thank you! 
    Absolutely love what you just posted here.  If I could send homade cookies/brownies I would.  Your reasoning and understanding that things can end up sour for both sides and the reasons for it, while having a great attitude about it
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Killer queues only started goobering out when the new killer came out
     Survivor is fine.
    There are so many more people trying the killer out. I always notice when I'm like I'm tired of waiting for a lobby. As soon as I'm about to leave, someone shows up.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @ScottJund said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Wolf74 said:

    Survivor mains call anyone asking for true balance "biased", because they want to keep their edge.

    Some survivors believe looping and genrushing every single game is how it was meant to be.

    Looping is basically an exploit and gen rush is bad gamedesign (miscalculations on how long a chase takes, compare to how long a gen takes to get done).

    I will never understand how people non-ironically say walking around objects is an exploit.

    hurr the killer hitbox bigger auhhhh. You're also 15% faster than the person which means you're catching up way faster than they're getting away.

    Yes, killer are15% faster, because they are meant to catch up to survivor. Because this is an asymetrical game and how else should a killer ever catch anyone if they where the same speed?
    That's intended.
    But the different size in hitboxes(collisionboxes) partially negates this speedadvantage, when running around objects.
    If you can't understand that, go back to school and ask your old mathematics teacher if he can get over simple circlecalculations with you again.
    But by mocking people who actually understand mathematics, you only embarrassyourself.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    CornChip said:

    All this talk of power role and the killer should be stronger.. Shouldn't the killer> @Tsulan said:

    Delfador said:

    @Tsulan said:

    I mostly play solo. And I would prefer it, if the game was scarier. More jump scares and stealth instead of running in circles. I love to face Myers. For example: yesterday I was playing on the pale rose and through I saw the killer far away, only to turn around and look right into his face. That was fun!
    Killer should be the power role. Something  you should avoid at any cost. Not the kid you can bully.

    But since some streamers play to bully, the community adapted to that playstyle. 

    Does it suck to be on the hook and no one comes? Sure it does. But then I just enter the next game. I don't have to escape every match. But some people take it as a personal offense if they die. Which is just stupid.

    I don't disagree at all. Here are a couple of my posts from the past.

    But saying that solo survivor is easier now than before is just wrong. In the past, before exhaustion nerfs, I didn't care if somebody came for me or not because I could loop a leatherface around the barn with my sprint burst for 4-5 minutes and then leave the match. Note that I have never been a good looper anyway, it was braindead easy because of unmindgameable long ass loops with sprint burst survivors.

    The game has never been more difficult for solo survivors. At least not that I know. The game has never been easier for killers than now.

    I am not saying that playing the killer is the easiest thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing killer is more difficult now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Again I am not saying that playing solo survivor is the most difficult thing in the world or anything but if you think that playing solo survivor is easier now, then it means you either didn't play the game in the past or you don't play the game anymore.

    Never claimed that killer is harder. But the game is terribly unbalanced towards survivors. A survivor shouldn't be able to loop a killer for 5 gens. But they are.

    You make it sound like survivors are unstoppable gods.. What an absolute bunch of dribble.

    Have you seen the depip squad? Hundreds of matches where they wreck rank 1 killers?
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Tsulan said:
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    Yes, survivors got some small nerfs in the last 6 months. Exhaustion nerf only affected a tiny amount of survivors. Really few people were able to use SB twice during the same chase. But to make up for it, they nerfed Bloodlust a little to hard. 

    The healing nerf was necessary. Simply because everyone was running SC and no one bothered to heal other survivors. Which made it really hard for solo survivors. Now people start to heal others. At the same time, slugging was nerfed hard and sabotage was buffed. I'm honestly surprised that we don't see more sabotaged hooks. 

    Why are survivors stronger than ever? Because the devs try to give solo survivors the same information lvl as SWF players have. With all the warning signs. When I started 2 years ago, I had to pay attention. If that survivor was injured or if the killer was using NOED. Now we have a warning sign on every perk that affects survivors. Lullaby warning before it's active, UP gives a warning before survivors hear the heartbeat, etc. 
    This not only buffs solo players but also SWF.

    Most of the killer buffs have been QoL changes to underwhelming killers. Which made them somewhat more viable.

    Camping is boring for both sides. We got  BBQ to give killers a reason to leave the hook. Now they nerfed that hard and soon we will see way more complaints about camping. BBQ was easy to avoid. But required some action on the survivor side. But now? Just enter a locker. 

    Killers also get a penalty for staying close to the hook. While nothing was introduced to slow down the gen rush. All 5 gens can be repaired in 3 minutes...
    So a chase takes somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes. Then the killer camps because 3 gens popped during that chase and before the hooked survivor dies, the last 2 gens are done. Now with BT buffed, he gets unhooked in the killers face and can escape through the gate. gg ez 

    The new engine buffed stealth. But nothing has been done to make looping less efficient. That's another unasked buff.

    Want me to continue or is this enough?

    I agree with you about the last part. Stealth has been buffed with the new engine, but looping hasn't been nerfed. That is a probpem.

    However I disagree about your "3 gens pop so killer camps" excuse.

    1 or no gens can pop and many killers will still camp. This isn the problem, that unjustified camping is far too common.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Tsulan said:
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?

    So I'm definitely the last one to complain about survivors being to hard and killer to easy. I believe this game has improved a lot with the latest patches balance wise. But explain to me how survivor is the easiest it's ever been. Survivors have seen multiple nerfs and killers have seen multiple buffs in the latest patches. Survivor definitely isn't nearly as easy as it was a half a year ago.

    Also, complaining about camping is totally fine. Of course complaining about killers who camp isn't fair, since they are just using a valid strategy. Problem is that camping is a valid strategy right now, which isn't good game design. Don't you understand how unfun and boring it is to get camped and just stare at a hook until you die as survivor?

    Yes, survivors got some small nerfs in the last 6 months. Exhaustion nerf only affected a tiny amount of survivors. Really few people were able to use SB twice during the same chase. But to make up for it, they nerfed Bloodlust a little to hard. 

    The healing nerf was necessary. Simply because everyone was running SC and no one bothered to heal other survivors. Which made it really hard for solo survivors. Now people start to heal others. At the same time, slugging was nerfed hard and sabotage was buffed. I'm honestly surprised that we don't see more sabotaged hooks. 

    Why are survivors stronger than ever? Because the devs try to give solo survivors the same information lvl as SWF players have. With all the warning signs. When I started 2 years ago, I had to pay attention. If that survivor was injured or if the killer was using NOED. Now we have a warning sign on every perk that affects survivors. Lullaby warning before it's active, UP gives a warning before survivors hear the heartbeat, etc. 
    This not only buffs solo players but also SWF.

    Most of the killer buffs have been QoL changes to underwhelming killers. Which made them somewhat more viable.

    Camping is boring for both sides. We got  BBQ to give killers a reason to leave the hook. Now they nerfed that hard and soon we will see way more complaints about camping. BBQ was easy to avoid. But required some action on the survivor side. But now? Just enter a locker. 

    Killers also get a penalty for staying close to the hook. While nothing was introduced to slow down the gen rush. All 5 gens can be repaired in 3 minutes...
    So a chase takes somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes. Then the killer camps because 3 gens popped during that chase and before the hooked survivor dies, the last 2 gens are done. Now with BT buffed, he gets unhooked in the killers face and can escape through the gate. gg ez 

    The new engine buffed stealth. But nothing has been done to make looping less efficient. That's another unasked buff.

    Want me to continue or is this enough?

    I agree with you about the last part. Stealth has been buffed with the new engine, but looping hasn't been nerfed. That is a probpem.

    However I disagree about your "3 gens pop so killer camps" excuse.

    1 or no gens can pop and many killers will still camp. This isn the problem, that unjustified camping is far too common.
    Unjustified camping happens mainly on low ranks. Not much we can do about that. Survivors already got BT buffed. 
    I see more disconnecting survivors than camping killers. At least a camp keeps the killer busy.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @stvnhthr said:
    The game is unbalanced. The average game length is getting shorter. Average survivor bloodpoints are consistently about half of what the killer ends the game with. This is wise from a developer standpoint, but it makes the game very heavily weighed in the killers favor by design. In an evenly balanced game 2 survivors should escape and have scores about equal to the killers. In an evenly balanced game this would be the norm at all ranks. This seldom happens. I main as a survivor but when I need quick bloodpoints I play with an unperked Trapper and usually get 3 to 4 kills without even trying that hard. I don't understand anyone who mains as a killer and complains. It is so easy as a killer and with the new perks it is getting easier all the time.

    Thank you for agreeing with me. So many killers complain just because they think they deserve a 4k every game

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Avariku said:
    lmao. all the killers defending their power role and preaching their tired nonsense of the game being survivor sided. it might be SWF sided, but it is not survivor sided as a whole. 

    I've tried, honestly tried to continue playing survivor, because I enjoy the chase, the tense uncertainty that surrounds each round... but as time has gone on, I'm one of those that has completely quit survivor. 

    -pallets haven't been reliably dropping when I need them to, instead I have to hit the button 5-6 times sometimes and by then I'm either hit or down.

    • less bloodpoints

    • campers

    • lag favors the killer

    • hit boxes are pretty generous for the killer

    • Survivor DC favors killer (but they are the only ones who get a disconnect bonus) 

    • coop action hasn't been counted so I can't even complete that daily for more bp. 

    meanwhile when I play killer, I ONLY have stress when I'm going up against a sweaty SWF team and even then I manage 2-4k and I at least made them work for it. 

    if it's just your average team, I take my time and have fun with it... I don't even have to kill anyone to get 20k bp. yea... survivors just have it all...

    Thank you. Why is everyone hiding from the dull truth that the game isn't survivor sided, it's SWF sided

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @ad19970 said:
    If so many people have stopped playing survivors just because the game has become more balanced now, than that's truly sad. Just because survivor is challenging now as well shouldn't make survivors quit the game. How laughable.

    I still believe that if anything it's not the balance that causes this but the frustrations caused by the design of the game survivors have to deal with that killer mains just think are totally fine and don't need changing, the main offender here being camping. If you get camped multiple games in a row, that's no fun, and might push you to take a break from the game. People who don't understand how unfun getting camped is clearly play much more killer than survivor, and it's starting to make me go insane how people think camping is totally fair and fine and then complain that gen rush is an impossible thing to deal with and needs nerfing asap.

    My lobbies however almost always filled up instantly, at least in the evening, after the big balance patch, sometime after the event. The long lobby times just started now with the new patch again. Now tell me exactly what in this patch could have made survivors finally quit the game? If anything this patch was ever so slightly survivor sided, which is a good thing of course.

    You say that but many survivor mains are saying it's no fun and you barely get any blood points

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Biggest reason for drops in numbers is boredom. Survivor is boring af to play. Especially against try hard sweaty campers/tunnelers. I stopped playing survivor a couple months ago. Killer is much more fun. unfortuantely, less and less play survivor. This makes killer wait times too long. Therefore, less want to play at all.

    This game needs new blood. As long as the low-level ranks (16-20) are so filled with camping/tunneling killers that love to face camp and taunt, it will not get new blood. I've had 3 friends try the game in the past couple weeks and they all said it was for the birds. They did not want to try and learn a game with so much toxicity, and that allowed players to exploit it in that manner.

    Blame the devs for not seeing their own weakness in this design.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited December 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Yes, how dare anyone demand the proper balance of asymmetrical gaming where a power role is equal too a numbers role...smacks self on forehead over Op's sillyness Also , OP is likely a dwight wearing trappers mask, Killer main btw folks.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited December 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @lasombra1979 said:
    I am on the PS4 and I never have a wait time longer than 4 minutes. Usual wait time as a killer is maybe 2 minutes, if not a little less. Maybe the issue is with the entitled PC players, but I seen no issue as a lowly PS4 player.

    I was mainly talking about PC, as Ochidos moving to console itself shows, killers are way worse on console just cuz the controls r clunky, the divide is still pretty good

    ochido moved to console cuz he got banned on pc... christ are you clueless.