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EU Server lag

PC- During every single match i have played over the last few days, the matches have been unplayable due to severe lag. whenever i try to move my character around they will lag and rubber band back to where i started. actions cannot be performed as there is too much lag.
PS5 + PS4. same as @JJ0809 for me Killer is worse than survivor. Has been unplayable esp killer last few days. Rubber banding and teleporting making it near impossible to control movement (plenty posts on reddit too). loading into games also taking such long time more peps dc'ing. so can't really play game atm.
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can confirm also been getting horrible lag on pc ,and also still getting dc penalty whilst this is live, bit of a joke really :(
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i can confirm this for some reasson ive been lagging like crazy this may be becuase im connecting to other servers other than EU becuase when i have crossplay disabled this goes away but im left with 20 30 minute queue time and its frustrating the 2nd thing is it could be your servers becuase i know for a fact it isnt mine i use geforce now to stream and its on a 3080ti wiht 20 to 30ms in my servers this only started happening in the recent update also with switching charchters in the menu or any action causes the game to freeze or fps drop in other cases this is getting to the point were its unplayable please fix this soon honestly its ruining the experiance.
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Hi, thanks for raising this.
This is something that has been brought to the teams attention earlier today, unfortunately the office is currently closed for the vacation period, however as soon as more information is known we won't hesitate to let you know.
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Can compensation be confirmed? 1000's of people are missing out on the Winter Tome Event and the standard Rift alone.
I really hope they extend these as people have been waiting days for acknowledgment over this, the game is basically unplayable.
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This is happening not just in EU but NA as well. The game is unplayable
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EU servers are very laggy for me too. Average ping 90 ms and back-teleporting all time. Everyone in the same match, even when playing from different countries. When I use VPN to force other servers (NA, SA or anywhere else), I don't face the same problem, even with a ping above 200 ms. It's server-related, not latency or connectivity related.
I tried submitting a ticket. They did nothing and told me to make a post here. 🤡
Post edited by rafaelhb on0 -
Any of the people on Steam and are getting this lag/rubberbanding - can you upload your game logs here for me please, it will certainly help our team?
It would need to be the logs straight after the match.
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I can do it. Just tell me how to get these logs.
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When you get the issue, close your game and do not reopen it until you get your logs.
- Press Win+R
- Type in appdata
- Press OK
- In opened window navigate to: \Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
- Usually you would need to attach the DeadByDaylight.log file.
Thank you for your help!
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Just got out of a game on Léry's with this issue. The killer disconnected (understandably) so hopefully this still helps.
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Cheers Jarky!
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Just played a lagged one as well. I hope you can figure out what is causing it.
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Post edited by Hex_Rabbit_nn on0
A new one. The first match of the day, fully lagged for everyone. The killer DCed (understandably).
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So what do we do when we have this problem? DC? Do we still getting penalties? There are people saying that DC penalties are switched off, can you confirm? I don't want to play a game when this happens. I don't want to kill myself on hook every time and benefit the killer cos of this.
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You still lose pips if you have to dc, which is very unfair.
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Closing the office and hoping no problems occur until everybody comes back from Christmas break is such a bad idea.
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I hope we are compensated for this as we are missing out on the 1.5 BP bonus rift and winter tome as we can not play the game 10k auric cells will make up for my wasted time.
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New lagged match. The first match of the day was awful, as usual. :)
The next match I played right after collecting these logs was fine. I wish every match were like this one without lag. All survivors died, though, haha
Happy new year, everyone!
Post edited by rafaelhb on1 -
Assuming this isnt fixed yet? I came back to DBD yesterday after a 6month ish hiatus and the 2 games i played were laggy beyond belief
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I've been having that and when I logged in two times today all my characters got reset, thankfully i still have all my perks and cosmetics and things like that but everyone defaulted back to their original skins and it removed all perk loadouts.
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Not fixed yet. I even got the issue on Xbox One today, in a custom game with against bots.
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Ugh thats a bit annoying, hope they fix it soon.
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Just checking in to see if this is still an issue for players? We're looking into possible causes/solutions so things are getting tweaked.
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Yes this is still a massive problem for EU players. Literally every other game is unplayable.
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The issue was resolved earlier today.
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I just got the same issue again. I am in UK.
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Hi, if you get this again - can you grab me your game logs immediately after the game, and let me know what time the match occurred so we can look into individual issues.