We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

grades and depipping

NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

if grades are time played and got nothing to do with MMR why are we still depipping?

I'm in gold 1 on killer and survivor but I can't grade up

on killer I needed 2 pips to grade up and I had many bad and ok started either safely pipping or depipping now back to no pips then I get 2 pip then 1 pip but then it starts giving all bad games back to 0.


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    funny know care we depip? or people think the grades are the MMR either way I like to know.....

    grades are time played so when I depip am I minus my time played?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,189

    Because the communty's interpretation of a game mechanic does not mean it is how the Devs see it.

    Grades are check points towards a goal. Without the ability to fail what would be the point of them?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,189

    She said many times that grades are not for matchmaking. Which is true. The reason why you cannot depip down a grade is because of that.

    The problem is that plays are complaining that theu depip within a grade. If you didn't depip then what is the point in doing well? If the match starts off bad for a player they would be more inclined to not try anymore if no risk.

    While little, the risk of depipping should remain or the whole system removed entirely.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    Based on dev comments in their own official live streams and forum comments have said Grades are time played, not matchmaking. No one but you can even see your grade so it's not even a thing you can show off. Remove negative pips and replace with 0, +1, and +2 pips. Grade rewards should be a positive thing for putting time into the game throughout the month, the negative pips are unnecessary.

    If I get multiple matches with negative pips thanks to getting camped/tunneled out where I couldn't even safety pip it discourages me from playing more because I'm not only not making progress in a match earning BP I'm making negative progress in my grade that would give me BP later on. It's like rubbing in that the match was unfun. Atleast if I safety pip it doesn't discourage me from continuing playing.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    Most people don't care about Grades or MMR and just play the game, from my experience.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245
    edited January 2023

    If you didn't depip then what is the point in doing well?

    Doing well is how you earn pips. Earning pips becomes harder as you get to higher grades. In a game that's so heavily built around RNG, where their Steam page is all "be a team player or a lone wolf," it sucks to penalize survivors with a de-pip just because they got crap teammates or were put into a lobby they have no business in because "backfill" or the map had the absolutely worst pallet spawns ever. So much in this game is out of the players' hands.

    The existence of de-pipping doesn't keep me playing through bad matches. If I keep pipping and de-pipping and not getting to the next grade, I usually meme myself down to 0 pips and keep myself there. When my best efforts have me getting nowhere, there's just no point in frustrating myself when I could be doing silly stuff and having real fun. It's a game, after all. If the rewards for good matches weren't taken away when I have a bad match, I'd be more inclined to actually keep trying my best instead of running survivor builds that have one purpose (which never have anything to do with the objective) or playing killer and doing random stuff like purposefully chasing one survivor around a single pallet for an entire match (it's amazing how many never notice I slow myself down to avoid running in front of them once I'm in tier 3 Bloodlust). The dumb side stuff in DbD is way more fun than sitting on a gen or fighting through Switch issues to get someone on a hook, especially if the rewards for bothering with the objective feel unreachable.

    During this holiday event all I want to do is dance around in snowmen, as both killer and survivor. I'm sure, whichever role I'm playing, it sucks for the survivors in that match who want to pip, but it's a limited event and this is how I want to spend it. Is it fair that they randomly got stuck with me and are penalized for it? I wouldn't say so. I'm having fun with these snowmen while they're here, though, dammit.

    ^ This. De-pipping doesn't incentivize playing well, it de-incentivizes playing at all. The player already had an unfun match where they didn't earn much for BP, and on top of no fun and not earning much they're penalized. It's just so unnecessary to make miserable matches worse.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    I hate that de-pipping is int he game and do not think, as a mainly solo survivor, I should be in a position to lose a pip because I can not control who I am paired with and how they choose to go into the trial and play.

    You also have no say in a killer that wants to camp and tunnel you out quickly.

    I don’t care if I escape but I do the best I can in matches. But we all have those games where it snowballs quickly and there is absolutely no way to turn it around. Even getting hatch on one of these types of games doesn’t guarantee you a safety position! The fact you can escape and still de-pip is even more ridiculous.

    De-pipping should be removed full stop.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    It is totally improper to lose a pip for something that is out of your control.

    I don't know what BHVR can't or won't see in that.

    It would be okay (if you want to see pips and grades as a reward for performance) to lose pips when you underperform.

    But if as a survivor you get tunneled or camped out of the game with 5 gens up, or your teammates disconnect early or commit hook suicide, or if you play killer and the survivors disconnects, then it has nothing to do with poor performance on your part, it has to do with with things totally out of your own control.

    De-pips in a game that has so much RNG is grossly outdated and unfair.

  • Trev1979
    Trev1979 Member Posts: 18

    I just got to add that I just played a game going into it at Iridescent 4 with 3 pips, (survivor) escaped the game with two other survivors and I depipped down to 2 pips....something is off with the system.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    glad there more see it my way I mean safely pipping don't mind but depipping after so many games been trying get all of gold for a week was 1 pip away then bad game bad game BAD GAME one right after the other.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    While I will agree that the requirements for safety pipping could stand to be adjusted, my suggestion would be using bronze safety pip values for bronze/silver and silver safety pip values for gold/iridescent, and adding a minimum saftey pip for when a DC occurs.

    Persnally I dont think getting rid of depips altogether is the right idea. Currently the only punishment there is for the person who gets hooked first and dies as fast as possible on hook is the depip.

    Lets say you are in a killer match, I can often tell a few minutes in roughly how its going to go. Now if you know your going to lose (0k less than 4 hooks) and not pip or depip because the survivors are much better than you, what is the incentive to continue trying in the match? Sure there is BP but that is gonna be minimal anyways, If you are trying to pip up your best option is to get out of the match as fast as possible by not interacting with the survivors so they finish gens and you can get to the next game faster.

    The same logic applies on the survivor side as well. All that removing the depip would do is increase AFKs and hook suicides by people trying to pip up especially as you get closer to rank reset.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    No, this is a weird response that I don't really follow. Is it a strawman, or am I just not understanding you?

    One of the goals for every month is getting your grade as high as you can, because those BP rewards are amazing.

    Depipping, especially on survivor, feels unnecessarily cruel because far too often it has zero to do with how you play, and instead determined by what the killer does.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    In my opinion the deppiping thing should only happen when you DC with the addition of "deranking" like in the old rank system and even losing two pips instead only one. Also, depipping is unfair when you play solo survivor, because you sometimes depip not because your lack of skill but because you've been tunneled or camped at the start of the game or simply because your team mates are babies or they DC or suicide quickly.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited January 2023

    The point in doing well is pipping instead of getting 0 pips.

    For me getting 0 pips is enough and more fair penalty for having a bad game, specially for solo-q players.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    sorry you don't understand me nott good at typing thing down but I'm just sick of pipping and depipping many times in one grade becaause this game so random we shouldn't depip.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    Right now it takes 90 pips to go from Ash4 to Iri1.

    I've elegant solution would be to do away with the hate de-pipping, unless you had a DC, but increase the Pips needed to something around 120.

    120 good games in a month, any way Split up like you want. That's not trivial, but manageable and at least consistent. One aspect that I totally despise with the current system is how you so often get screwed. I was at 4 Pips, had some cute survivors that I memed with and let them escape.

    I didn't pip up obviously, but a string of bad games and sweaty SWFs took all my progress away. Next time something similar happened I just killed off all the cuties, but feelings be damned. The only time to relax was once I reached Iri1.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,189

    "Because solo player"

    Stop please, if your team sucks you should be getting plenty of unhooks. The only grade that is difficult to pip on is Iri. Losing a pip isn't the end of the world and is a healthy progess system. Zero consequence to giving up on a match is not.