Pyramid Head unhooks

Whenever you pull someone from an executioner cage, it won't activate any unhooking related perks, and doesn't count toward challenges. I feel like it should at least count toward challenges, because you could unhook people 10 different times, and not get a single challenge done.
Its a cage not a hook this is by design, although counting towards challenges wouldn't be the worst
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I mean its slightly annoying that it doesnt count towards challenges, but also how often do you actually face P.Head. He's just one killer out of many.
And even then, it's not like he can use cages exclusively. Unless the Survivors are just constantly running into torment trails, he's gonna have to use hooks too.
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I agree, this seems like a bug to me. Developers should give all privileges from the cage hook as it's the same thing
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Pyramid head can force the survivors to get tormented by dropping them on a trail
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It would be more confusing to players if it counted for challenges and didn't count for perks, it really does need to be one thing or the other. And in this case, Pyramid Heads cages have been designed to be unlike hooks so it makes sense that anything related to unhooking (or hooking) doesn't work, that includes perks and challenges.
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I just want the cages to give the 10 seconds protection. They shouldn’t activate hook-related perks, but that isn’t a perk. There is nothing you can do if Pyramid Head stands far enough from the cage to prevent relocation but close enough to just down you as soon as you’re uncaged.
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Yeah this
The teleportation range is 5m, PH's ranged attack is 8m, he can sit there aiming it with zero consequence.
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They really shouldn't be giving killers a mechanic that's almost purely used for tunneling
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I think that what Mandy said makes sense, considering that Pyramid is one of the only exclusive killers that has built-in anti hook power that counters hook perks/challenges. And it not like the killer is so strong that you see him every game, yeah it suck that the match you got into will make it impossible to complete the challenge if he cages all the time. But. I can simply just play and moved on with the next match and get lucky with Any killer that isn't a Pyramid head. It really not a big deal, as out of the 26 killers we have, only one of them has a power that makes your challenge impossible to do. Thr chance of spawning in a match vs. Pyramid head is low, but not impossible.
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So then would it not be healthier for the game to just say : Cages count as hooks?
This would let PH get BBQ from cages and prevent tunneling.
This would make it less confusing for new players.
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Nah i like it being different from hooks even for challenges,,,tbh i get a pyramid head every 20 games or even more so that's not even a thought for me
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I'm not sure about making it less confusing, due to the mechanic of the cages moving if PH's location is too close etc, I think it will be more confusing and better defined as cages and that they're a separate mechanic to hooks.
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Having explained the game details to multiple people I can assure you that if any rescue from a hook or cage counted as an unhook then it would make the game more simple.
And it would be more fair to both sides.
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it also doesn't progress the hook meter. the idea is that you use cages at the end of the sacrifice meter rather than as the initial hook. so basically hook twice then sacrifice
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Then make at least 10 seconds protection from tunneling like from hooks
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Couldn't challenges be changed to be "safe rescues" instead of "safe unhooks" so it would count for both unhooks and cages - similar to killers "kill survivors by any means" includes hook sacrifices, cage kills and moris. That way you can complete the challenge as survivor even if someone gets caged and the wording is changed to make it clear it is more than just hook related unlike perks that specify hooks.