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Nobody mentions that Adrenaline is actually more broken than DS



  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Maximus7 said:

    Ebony Mori is more broken that ds and adrenaline and nobody mentions :)

    But it's not??? Ebony moris, while pretty bullshit, still require you to do your job and hook a survivor first. DS rewards you for losing in a chase and Adrenaline rewards you for focusing on gens instead of healing yourself, getting rid of any pressure the killer accumulated during the match if all 4 had it.

    The former perhaps the latter rewards you for doing your job which is DOING GENS and if you're the person playing catch me if you can. Then DS is rewarding you for choosing it and actually getting away but if you're never chased, get dribbled, slugged, dropped into the basement.

    You get hooked but never get unhooked to use it again, get camped, get mori'd by Rancor or DH, sandbagged by a teammate etc.

    The Ebony mori is a guaranteed kill on anyone that's been hooked, no 2nd chances, no wiggling free and running off nada zip zero zilch. You can't fail a skill check with it, you can't get dribbled, slugged or anything like that.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    @Maximus7 said:
    So you get gen rushed because nobody healed. Not that big of an issue, right? Everyone's injured, you can just try to slug for at least 1 or 2 kills before they open an exit gate?

    Adrenaline. Not only do you lose a chase due to a 5-second Haste effect, but everyone who was injured is fully healed, or everyone downed is running around again. This perk has ruined all momentum any killer can get before they have the gens completed, and just having this perk alone basically makes healing useless when you can complete 2 gens in the same time it would take to heal.

    Now, the 5-second Haste is fine, but healing a full health state? And also waking up from Freddy's dream world? Absolutely ridiculous. People have finally realized how broken it is and in a 4-man swf, me and many others just run all Adrenaline and gen rush without healing. It's broken. It is game-changing. It needs a nerf.

    so youre saying that adredaline its broken what about insta down addons with ebano mori. the problem its that if you really want this to get nerf then the game will be broken cuz remember that 70% or less i dont know killers tunnel and camp and the mayority cannot use adredaline cuz they didint finish the last gen

  • Code25
    Code25 Member Posts: 5

    @tehshadowman33 said:
    What if adrenaline gave you 75% of a heal bar progress instead of a flat-out full heal state at rank 3? You can keep the haste effect, I don't care about that... It doesn't make too much of a difference.

    Holy ######### dude that's honestly genius, and for downed players, you could give them a temporary unbreakable

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    powerbats said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    Ebony Mori is more broken that ds and adrenaline and nobody mentions :)

    But it's not??? Ebony moris, while pretty bullshit, still require you to do your job and hook a survivor first. DS rewards you for losing in a chase and Adrenaline rewards you for focusing on gens instead of healing yourself, getting rid of any pressure the killer accumulated during the match if all 4 had it.

    The former perhaps the latter rewards you for doing your job which is DOING GENS and if you're the person playing catch me if you can. Then DS is rewarding you for choosing it and actually getting away but if you're never chased, get dribbled, slugged, dropped into the basement.

    You get hooked but never get unhooked to use it again, get camped, get mori'd by Rancor or DH, sandbagged by a teammate etc.

    The Ebony mori is a guaranteed kill on anyone that's been hooked, no 2nd chances, no wiggling free and running off nada zip zero zilch. You can't fail a skill check with it, you can't get dribbled, slugged or anything like that.

    Again, not defending moris, I honestly don't like them either. But are we seriously defending DS and Adrenaline? Like, why the hell are we actually pretending DS is fair and balanced?
    For Adrenaline, yes, your job is doing gens, but when completing your job allows you to get rid of any pressure the killer ever had, that is a huge problem. Not to mention it completely ignores exhaustion AND is pocketed for use whenever you're off a hook or dropped by the killer.
    For DS, it's a free escape. Full stop. You lost a chase yet get off the killer's shoulder for hitting a skill check, which you all play skill check simulator on gens anyway. If you don't get to use the perk, that's your fault for going down too close to a hook.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    Tru3Lemon said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    So you get gen rushed because nobody healed. Not that big of an issue, right? Everyone's injured, you can just try to slug for at least 1 or 2 kills before they open an exit gate?

    Adrenaline. Not only do you lose a chase due to a 5-second Haste effect, but everyone who was injured is fully healed, or everyone downed is running around again. This perk has ruined all momentum any killer can get before they have the gens completed, and just having this perk alone basically makes healing useless when you can complete 2 gens in the same time it would take to heal.

    Now, the 5-second Haste is fine, but healing a full health state? And also waking up from Freddy's dream world? Absolutely ridiculous. People have finally realized how broken it is and in a 4-man swf, me and many others just run all Adrenaline and gen rush without healing. It's broken. It is game-changing. It needs a nerf.

    so youre saying that adredaline its broken what about insta down addons with ebano mori. the problem its that if you really want this to get nerf then the game will be broken cuz remember that 70% or less i dont know killers tunnel and camp and the mayority cannot use adredaline cuz they didint finish the last gen

    I can't get out of the quote textbox on mobile, REEEEEEE.

    Anyway, yes, I don't like insta-down add-ons into ebony moris, either. It's why I always refrained from using Iri Head on my Huntress (I have like 50ish Iri Heads just in case I run into some toxic #########). I'd love for those to be reworked as well. Both sides have bullshit options, and reworking said options would be a great step towards balancing the game.

    And II'm sorry, but if you can't survive until the end with how fast gens progress, then one of three things happened:

    1. You went down way too fast.
    2. You and/or your team doesn't know how to do gens
    3. You got camped to oblivion.

    Two of those are completely in your control, and in the case of the third one, he sacrifices the entire game just to kill you. So the team should do gens and get out.
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    @Maximus7 said:
    Arroz said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    So you get gen rushed because nobody healed. Not that big of an issue, right? Everyone's injured, you can just try to slug for at least 1 or 2 kills before they open an exit gate?

    Adrenaline. Not only do you lose a chase due to a 5-second Haste effect, but everyone who was injured is fully healed, or everyone downed is running around again. This perk has ruined all momentum any killer can get before they have the gens completed, and just having this perk alone basically makes healing useless when you can complete 2 gens in the same time it would take to heal.

    Now, the 5-second Haste is fine, but healing a full health state? And also waking up from Freddy's dream world? Absolutely ridiculous. People have finally realized how broken it is and in a 4-man swf, me and many others just run all Adrenaline and gen rush without healing. It's broken. It is game-changing. It needs a nerf.

    Ebony Mori is more broken that ds and adrenaline and nobody mentions :)

    But it's not??? Ebony moris, while pretty bullshit, still require you to do your job and hook a survivor first. DS rewards you for losing in a chase and Adrenaline rewards you for focusing on gens instead of healing yourself, getting rid of any pressure the killer accumulated during the match if all 4 had it.

    Where is the lol button when you need it.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    @Maximus7 said:
    So you get gen rushed because nobody healed. Not that big of an issue, right? Everyone's injured, you can just try to slug for at least 1 or 2 kills before they open an exit gate?

    Adrenaline. Not only do you lose a chase due to a 5-second Haste effect, but everyone who was injured is fully healed, or everyone downed is running around again. This perk has ruined all momentum any killer can get before they have the gens completed, and just having this perk alone basically makes healing useless when you can complete 2 gens in the same time it would take to heal.

    Now, the 5-second Haste is fine, but healing a full health state? And also waking up from Freddy's dream world? Absolutely ridiculous. People have finally realized how broken it is and in a 4-man swf, me and many others just run all Adrenaline and gen rush without healing. It's broken. It is game-changing. It needs a nerf.

    It prevents slugging, if the 5th gen is popped and you haven't killed 1 or at least have a couple hooked, you need to git gud.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Chi said:

    Where is the lol button when you need it.

    Ask and you shall receive an evolved one.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    Adrenaline isn't more broken than DS as it's massively situational. It's like saying Unbreakable is OP and more problematic than DS 'cause someone was slugged and got up. It is a strong perk, but it's only good for end game. If they're injured and the last gen isn't done yet, that makes them an easy target. I would say don't get greedy when you see two injured people. Don't slug one to go after the other and just hook them, then chase. They actually have to get to end game for it to slow you down, though. With DS, just having one (or multiple) present can massively hinder and slow down the killer. So, it's more or a problem.

  • Oooooof
    Oooooof Member Posts: 109

    git gud

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    I wouldn't say Adrenaline is more broken than DS.

    DS destroys the killers momentum if they are on the obsession and unless they run IG 45% Wiggle isn't hard to achieve unless they are right under a hook.

    Adrenaline only activates when the doors are powered so if the game ends as a 4k or hatch the perk never activates at all.

    I don't consider this a comparison at all.