For the record, I don’t typically slug unless forced to (like survivors running to hookless dead zones). But your argument is ridiculous. “Just because things are in the game doesn’t mean they’re meant to be utilized” is an absurd thing to say.
Also, for the record, I agree that being slugged is boring and I would welcome a change that would eliminate it, as long as it wasn’t just a straight-up massive survivor buff (as the Unbreakable basekit was).
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It only takes one death or a sabo squad to remove the only hook near a corner of the map. Stop with the disingenuous arguments.
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Killer spot the 3 gen
Hook survivors at the same hook and now camp the survivor and he gens
Survivor die but the hook is not gone
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How can a random in this forum knows something about my experience on the game? I will keep my opinion. And everyone one that reads can go and test it. Hooks are RNG based you can't know all the spawns, but you can know spawn areas applying game logic. Most often than not Dead dog Saloon will have a lack of hooks near the water tower making it harder to carry the survivor if a sacrifice was made in that region or the hook is sabotaged.
Your example used a lot of niche situations, like "the killer not seeing a hook".
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Hooks are about as random, as tiles on a map or as generator placements. They have predefined spots where they either spawn, or don't. But for each spawn point you have like 5 points in vicinity where at least 1 will be occupied. If you know all spots, you just know 1 of those will be used.
As I play saboteur for many many many hours now, I DO KNOW possible spawn points for hooks. I can reliably say, that your experience of not being able to hook in saloon is 100% fault of you not noticing some hook, or hook being destroyed (breakdown, pre-sabotage), or aura of hook being hidden by boil over user.
And specifically around water tower - you have 3 hook spawns very close by - 1 is touching small hut (the one with totem spawn), 1 is next to the loop with pallet of the water tower itself (there are rocks there and hook can spawn there) and another is directly on the road in front of water tower. There are about 3 other hook spawns that are still within carry distance from these points, but they are at least a little bit further away. Depending on where in the water-tower vicinity did you down a person - you can even make it to a shack's basement.
This is not up to debate. The map is HANDS DOWN most difficult map to sabo in whole game. The ultimate sabotaging boss. Literally THE hardest map because of hook density. ANY and I mean it literally ANY other map is easier to hook in compared to saloon.
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Ah. Perk designed that way.
By the same logic - now let's buff adrenaline, because it has 5s usage and than it's poof. Or let's make DS permanent, because it can go poof as well...
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What if it goes away temporarily, like when a hook gets sabotaged?