Ghost Face Revealing

Not sure if you guys changed the sensitivity level on GF's reveal in the last update or 2, but it seems to be really hard to reveal him now... much more than before.
I've been right on him, like 10 feet away, while he's looking elsewhere and I was looking directly at him, and it took like 5 seconds before the revealing started to work.
Also, from far distance, it appears that GF can stalk the survivor, but the survivor can't reveal GF. Another situation, where I see GF clear as day.. and I'm looking directly at him.. He's square in the middle of my screen... I look at him for like 5-10 seconds without any revealing beginning, but GF ends up exposing me...
Something has gone wonky with the GF stalking mechanic... unless, this is what the Devs wanted... in that case, terrible, terrible buff... please remove.
I can confirm, how many times I start staring at GF, and the revealing sound starts to play, but then stops, even though neither of us moved. And then BAM, I'm exposed. Something's very wrong.
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Or you're just about to reveal him and then he starts leaning on a wall, still exposing you, but your revealing stops.