I feel like the amount of hits for a single down has gotten way out of hand

With the whole team jumping in to body block over the course of the chase, that's potentially 5 hits, then with perfect buckle up + ftp usage that's another 8, and that's only taking into account 2 perks. Happens incredibly rarely but kinda insane that it can happen.
Those two perks can also negate exposed or 1-hit powers.
Edit: misspelled also
Post edited by Nos37 on0 -
If it happens rarely then it's likely not much of a problem. I can't imagine a game where everybody is throwing themselves at the killer is going to go very well for the survivors lmao
Just played a match where all three teammates had flashlights and threw themselves at the killer. All three were down in under a minute. Classic.
2nd Edit: After looking at the footage, I realised it actually took them 2:13 to all get downed after the start of the match. I apologise for besmirching the reputation of my teammates.
Post edited by CatnipLove on7 -
From what I've seen that perk combo is indeed rarely pulled off, requiring a dedicated build and spot-on coordination. The vast majority of players can't reliably pull it off, and it seems to only really be a problem during EGC too.
I've always held if there's three or more survs still alive when the gens are done I should expect teamwork to try and get everyone out, like the conga line bodyblocking or exit gate heal tech. This feels like those methods, with very limited counterplay that will work. Doesn't mean it's OP.
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This why Sloppy is a must run perk for me right now. Keeping everyone injured beats out anyone trying to be cute with FTP or Dramaturgy atm.
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You can't just say 'I had bad survivors on my team so therefore body blocking is bad'
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I didn't say that. I'm not sure what you're on about.
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You gave an example of people playing poorly and acted like it was the norm
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In my experience, games where survivor teams throw themselves at the killer to defend each other usually end in a slug fest under a hook at 5 gens.
Unless they're very smart with how they go about it, and have stacked up on healing perks and medkits, it can be hard for them to make a come back.
And ultimately, even if they do, it's self-imposed slowdown. They've just given you everything a hit and run killer tries for in the first place.
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What are you saying? Are you going to give an example of where all the survivors execute their strategy to perfection and act like that's the norm?
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survivors dont do gens if they are using buckle up so thats pretty OK to me.
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That's not really true.
If used correctly you will have only one survivor there ready with For the people, so two survivors are still on gen. Then they can just cycle.
It's basically flashlight save (on steroids), which is impossible to prevent. It's also not really that hard for SWF to do.