Spirit/unfair nerf to duration

ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

What the duration add-ons received was immensely unjust, especially the purple amulet my god is it bad now….

anyway, the recovery aspect of the duration add-ons previously was to always merely keep the cooldown to 15 seconds and didn’t actually increase the recovery rate of her power like how it was ignorantly parroted by so many starting from Otz -_-

i hope to see the speed debuff removed from the amulet at the very least and a buff to Senko hanabi and mother’s glasses and Furin ( really sad what they did to it such a joke ) or rework them entirely.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I will just say, I kinda miss the old Ultra Rare that allowed you to see Blood pools. That was very strong but maybe you could bring it back and add some downside to it (maybe you move slower a bit or something in phasing).

    Also people who had no / bad audio could at least play Spirit without big nerf on themselfs.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    anyway, the recovery aspect of the duration add-ons previously was to always merely keep the cooldown to 15 seconds and didn’t actually increase the recovery rate of her power

    ....so it increased the recovery rate to keep the cooldown at 15 seconds.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    They did over nerf duration, but the nerf was needed. All they need to do is make recovery cap out at 15 seconds. It will make duration more viable while still giving recovery add ons its own separate niche.



    Katana Tsuba

    Wakazashi Saya

    Kintsugi Teacup


    Rusty Flute

    All browns and yellows except duration and Juniper Bonsi.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    what makes stronger killer is strong add-on+strong base-kit. spirit now has mediocre base-kit with 2-3 mediocre add-on's. it is sad when spirit had good base-kit and almost every add-on was possible to use. Sure, few stood out as better than others but everything was good.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If you are thinking Spirit's base-kit is mediocre, we have nothing to talk about this. You are free to believe whatever you want but this does not mean it's true.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    People still think Spirit is mediocre? It’s very clear who the loyal ones were after her slight but fair nerf in 2021.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    when i look at killer. i like to think to think of what I can do as survivor to make it more difficult for killer to down me and track me. it is not that hard... to outplay spirit. it should not be possible to always consistently avoid phase-walk. it should be prediction based. sign. no true Scotsman fallacy is too strong with spirit. also not every spirit is good... either.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If Spirit player is not good with her, they should not get easy downs. That's the point of strong killers.

    You can't perform good with Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Wesker etc as well if you are not good with their powers. Because that's where skills come out.

    Good Spirits are performing well enough. Because they are skilled. Because they know how to play Spirit. Because they know how to trick survivors. Spirit is no longer phase and just get your free hit type killer. She has counterplay but she is not dead.

    But she is not braindeadly easy, yes. She need to work for kills. If this makes her weak on your mind, like i said on my pre-message. You can believe to whatever you want. But it does not mean this is true. And nobody forces you to play her tho. You can play Blight or Nurse before they get same judgment.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2023

    Honestly? She's fine the way she is now.. Well, except the directional phase walk.

    I wish, we could still see her affecting the environment and hearing her directional phase walk while being within ~6 meters from our position to have the game reward fast reactions, but give the killer some breathing room at the same time. The directional phase walk cue that can be heard across the entire map was some huge and undeserved nerf, they've truly overdone it.

    (The mentioned ~6 meters from our position would've been my personal suggestion, that was never the case.. So, don't get the wrong idea.)

    That being said.. Her add-ons are all fine the way they are. All of them, yes.

    As somebody who has been and still plays Spirit without add-ons for years, I can't even tell you how much using add-ons plays the game for you. One brown add-on can mean being a second faster, which can mean making it before the survivor can drop the pallet or vault the window, resulting in a hit or avoided hit.. And given her long recovery time (unless you use add-ons) makes it very clear and obvious that she's a very difficult killer rewarding precision and focus, and a proper timing.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    If you walk 3 miles in 1 hour, you are slower than if you walked 4 miles in 1 hour. It takes the same amount of time but you travel a greater distance.

    This is what all of the complaints about her recovery came down to. You had more charges when running these addons but it also changed the speed at which you recovered these charges so that the actual time it took you to recover your power was the same. This is exactly how Otz explained it too. The worst part is that because you had more time to use your power, you'd use a smaller percentage in your average chase, which would result in a quicker recovery in total.

    This nerf was completely justified. A killer as strong as Spirit does not need addons that have a super strong effect and a super strong side effect.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    If Spirit player is not good with her, they should not get easy downs.

    the spirit is getting easy downs because survivor... is not playing well against the ability. I think over estimate how much killer has control over.. the game.

    You can't perform good with Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Wesker etc as well if you are not good with their powers. Because that's where skills come out.

    ..... You can if your opponent is worse then you.

    Good Spirits are performing well enough. Because they are skilled.

    no they are performing because their opponent does not understand how to counter the phase-walk. you can't base a killer strength by people that have no game-sense. it is like basing a killer off playing vs bots...

    She has counterplay but she is not dead.

    she has too much counter-play...

    You can play Blight or Nurse before they get same judgment.

    but blight and nurse do work for their kills. what a weird conversation.

  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346

    Seriously? What about Furin,Mother’s glasses and Senko Hanabi…would you really call those good?…

  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
    edited August 2023

    It really infuriates me seeing posts saying how Spirit is still aMAMZinG power-wise even addon-less and winning against clueless survivors then attributing the win to Spirit’s StRENGtHs -_- it’s sad really but that’s the majority and some still claim she’s BuSTED even now can you imagine 🤣

    i miss old Rin :/ i really do

    Post edited by ProudRinMain on
  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    Why not use the Thread you already created? More Threads dont make your opinion more valid.

  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
    edited August 2023

    The nerf was huge, Having a constant crystal clear and pinpoint accurate directional sound against a killer that is blind and has to deal with audio bugs and inconsistencies is massive, it completely and utterly gave survivors the power over her by default. Her 176% movement speed doesn’t mean anything if it only lasts for 5 seconds and not to mention factoring in her having to charge her power and going in it first while the chase music blasts in your ears enough to drown out all sounds survivors make on top of how unbelievably buggy the audio is.

    Spirit is mediocre add-on-less because her power lasts for only 5 seconds not long enough for the 176% M/S to actually be of use and is extremely predictable with the laughably easy to pinpoint directional audio ( so much for a Spirit sigh ) and her having to wait for a full 15 second cooldown not to forget the activation part of her power which is slow base-kit.

    i’m a hard-core Spirit fan and have been playing her exclusively since late 2019 ( around her very first nerf ) and i can confidently say that the changes she got to her base-kit and add-ons were undeserved ( there was a better way to go about it ) and still haven’t stopped playing her even though the directional audio sucks to have and it pains me immensely seeing how unique she once was sigh….

    but of course we can agree to disagree :)

    What i would like is for the yellow and brown duration add-ons to be base-kit so that the 176% M/S can actually be useful…imagine that when paired with rusty flute and Rin’s broken watch, would be amazing like constant map pressure but it’s never happening 🙄

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I realized my last message might have been a little insulting and misleading so I do apologize for that. I was trying to refer to the disloyal ones that the people who just completely dropped her after the nerf, and if I made it sound like I was including you in that, then I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention. You definitely are a very loyal Spirit fan like me so the two of us have the experience needed for this discussion.

    Anyway from one Spirit fanatic to another, I do believe that something needed to be done with duration. Having duration before would mean that using 5 seconds of your power will give less recovery than if 5 seconds were used without duration add ons, and that’s the main concern I had. Recovery add ons before felt too redundant because of that. I do think BHVR could’ve handled it differently though, because Yakuyoke Amulet is awful right now and it’s kinda sad. I am glad they buffed recovery add ons to compensate though, Rusty Flute is very good right now.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Yes, keeping the cooldown at 15 seconds is specifically how it increased the recovery rate. If you have 5s of power and a 15s cooldown, your effective cooldown is 1/3 charge/second. If your have 30s of power and a 15s cooldown, your effective cooldown is 2 charges/second. If you only use part of your power, you would recover those seconds faster than if you weren't using duration addons, aka faster recovery.

    It's unreal how some people struggle with basic math sometimes.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    spirits recharge is meant to be 3 seconds for 1 second of use

    its not the same as other killers where its a flat number for regen, her duration is meant to affect her regen

    the only change id make to her is let her use her power once she has 5 seconds of duration (base max charge) so that the yakuyoke amulet doesnt feel so awful

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2023

    In a way, she's having easier times than back in the day; It's easier to track down survivors nowadays in comparison to the past, because everybody was running Iron Will with ~100% crying in pain noise reduction. Nowadays, all you have is ~75% crying in pain noise reduction and MFT ~3% speed boost, which, however shouldn't pose an issue for players with good tracking because phasing is still faster than survivors with MFT.

    On one hand, I miss old Rin.. But on the other hand, I am satisfied with where she is now, except of the directional phasing cue. That shouldn't be global ranged, but only possible to hear while being within ~X meters of the survivor, where ~X < 6 meters like I have mentioned within one of my posts above. The body blocking husk was truly unfair.. And rewarding clueless players despite having above average movement speed, regeneration, (...). The nerf was deserved, but they've overdone it this time, especially if I take in mind the current MFT and other perks alike.

    Yes, seriously.

    They may not be as good as they should be, but they're still average or above average in terms of what do they do in comparison to the add-ons of other killers. For example, Nemesis still doesn't have decreased recovery time upon successful or missed tentacle attacks, which I feel like he should have, and so on..

    .. Father's Glasses were never viable, please, let's ignore those.. 😋

    As for Furin, I'm not sure how does that work. If they all hear you phasing, do they hear it directionally, or does it remove the directional sound cue? If it doesn't remove that, then it's an add-on that sorta replaces the usage of Distressing, Monitor & Abuse, and other perks alike.

    Senko Hanabi may be very viable and even win you a few chases, actually.. All you have to do is to make it in time before the survivor can start the vaulting animation to have a guaranteed hit. With the combination of STBFL, this add-on can be especailly deadly, but nonetheless very situational in my eyes. There are better add-ons, but this one isn't as bad as you're making it sound.

  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
    edited August 2023

    No not at all :) it’s ok to having differing opinions your opinions of Spirit is just as valid as mine :) i know you put a lot of hours into her just like i have.

    it’s ok i will adapt to the changes even if i don’t like them but i would really like to see mother’s glasses reworked and senko hanabi buffed as well as Furin getting to be omnidirectional instead of directional or at least make the directional sound be tricky like if you hear it from the right it’s actually coming from the left and vice versa.