DBD Killer Timeline



  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Demogorgon placement/madman's rant has been added.

  • The Demogorgon is probably the one being held by the Russians at the end of season 3. I would say it is more probable since we get a season 3 outfit for Steve. Plus the chained up cosmetics for Demogorgon would also back up that theory, which would make it 1984-1985.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    since we get a season 3 outfit for Steve

    So? We gonna get season 2 outfit for Steeve soon. Like, this one:

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Like I (kind of) said in my mental breakdown, I didn't believe it was that Demogorgon because it only is seen for one scene, while the original was a constant threat throughout the entire first season. It does, however, work with the Season 3 cosmetics and the supposed ages of Nancy and Steve a bit better than the original, and it makes the quotes make more sense.

    Until more evidence comes out though (possibly through the Archives), I'm sticking to it being the original, but it does have potential.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    The Demogorgon model is from the end credit scene in Season 3. It looks different from the one in Season 1. Timeline or not, it ain't the same Demo from the first season. Sorry.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    True. I'll try to figure out how to edit it tomorrow when I actually have time. Again, never seen the show, so I wouldn't know they are that different, therefore leading me to assume that they were pretty much the same model.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    It's a common mistake and it's perfectly okay. Demogorgons are like wolves or tigers. Fierce and deadly but not unique. The only Demo that was memorable was D'art who was tamed by Dustin just because it imprinted on him as a baby and he gave it Three Musketeers bars for breakfast.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I have fixed my error with Demogorgon, as well as cleared up a small amount of the clutter (I don't want to delete too much, as I like to see the progress I have made, and see my mistakes like with Rin and Demogorgon, but I realize it might be a little hard to read. If I need to delete all of the crossed out parts, I will, but I'm leaving them here for now.)

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It wasn't noted anywhere, but Hag is definitely from somewhere after the 1830's. The Pale Rose map features a paddlesteamer, and that type was only made after 1814, popular after the 1830s.

    Since it's included in her memories of the swamp it only makes sense.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    As I've stated before, since Anna/Huntress was confirmed to be the oldest (until Adiris/Plague was released) and she was from 1918, this information is unfortunately irrelevant (see my response to jesterparty). I'd love if it was helpful, but it sadly isn't. We're just going to have to wait for her Archives.

    And while I'm here (this part isn't in response to you anarchy), and on the topic of the Archives, I just want to say that I'm going to wait for ALL of the Archive parts of Evan's history to come out, so I can do it all in one fell swoop (and also redesign his part).

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Even so the only notes given on Hag was that there was NO information on her, well there's at least a little.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I think the way I interpreted it in my head when typing was everything before 1918 was irrelevant to Lisa's placement. You do bring up a good point though. I did say that NO information existed. I'll change it a little.

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    Thankyou SOOOO much I always want to know this

  • Where do you think the Oni would fall in this timeline? Early 19th century maybe? He's definitely older than the Huntress, given that he's Rin's ancestor, presumably the son of the first Yamaoka.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited December 2019

    Let's say, that samurai as society class stopped existing somewhere in 1868, so, Oni is second old killer.

    First kanabo is dated somewhere in XV century, so the Oni somewhere from (1400-1867).

    Post edited by Rattman on
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Oni-Yamaoka is in. Along with a slightly confusing history lesson on Japan that I hope makes sense.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    Wonderfully written, I am glad to finally see somebody recognizing that Anna comes from WW1 (Russian Empire..). Regarding the timeline, either killers came one by one throughout History (and so, in a logical way, Plague came before Spirit and Anna), or we can also admit the Realm of the Entity is outside from Time and Space, and therefore for instance a killer from 1914 could be there since before a killer from the times of Babylon.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    op, i have just noticed the red jacket for Frank (the one called "Fairview Varsity Jacket") has 1993 written on the back.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Could be an older jacket of his.

    Unless they are explicitly shown to be canon (like Susie and Joey, or Kazan's unreleased wolf-themed armor), I don't count cosmetics, and the Legion was definitely on Earth after 1993, as I said shown by Susie's sweater and the photograph that sends you to Ormond.

    Not a bad find though.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2019

    I'm no chainsaw expert but Hillbilly's chainsaw looks like it was custom built by him. Very long guide bar and there seems to be guards around the handle, (Like a brace for his lower arm) which resembles a gas pump a little bit. Basically something he scrapped together out of parts lying around. A purpose-built killing machine designed for murder. Leatherface's chainsaw (in the movie anyway, which the ingame chainsaw is based off of) is an actual chainsaw.

  • Bradyguy99
    Bradyguy99 Member Posts: 230

    Reason for Adris is because she's a religious person. The entity is a god like being that saved her. I think she's going to do whatever that god wants.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    In one of the lores for torment greek it says the fallowing: ''The Silo is one of the oldest remaining buildings that made up Coldwind Farm. The great storm of 2003 brought the ancient structure crashing down. It was weeks later that searchers discovered twelve bodies that were buried in the ruins. Their crushed corpses were buried deep in the slurry that oozed out from the base and made identification almost impossible.'' Which leads me to belive Hillbilly is from the early 2000's.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    "The centrepiece of Coldwind Farm, the Farmhouse, stood proudly over the fields of golden corn for decades. After the horrific events of 1972, the building fell into disrepair and eventual ruin. The Farmhouse is now nothing more than a forgotten, former home where holidays were once celebrated."

    This is what the description for the Thompson House says. A storm may have come in in 2003, knocking the silo over, but the actual murders of Hillbilly's parents was likely in 1972.

    To be honest though, the entire Coldwind Farm realm is confusing, because it also says "Coldwind Farm was widely known as it spanned two counties. Mr and Mrs Adams put a lot of work into the farm, but all those blisters and sweat paid off. But for some reason, one day in 1946, products stopped coming."

    We've got three years that directly conflict with each other. I can easily explain the 2003, but not the 1972 against 1946, outside of early lore that wasn't changed (like not giving Hillbilly the name Max Thompson Jr. in-game).

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Assuming that hillbilly got taken years before the sillo was torn down why would the entity copy things from the future.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I can see where you're getting at, but you also have to remember that time isn't linear in the Entity's Realm.

    Again, Coldwind Farm is all over the place.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited August 2020

    Entity creating realms via killer's and survivor's memories. And all locations that are ingame also exist somewhere out of Entity's realm.

    By the way, we can tell for sure, that Hillbilly stayed some time at Coldwind farm, after he killed his parents. Cuz, first, in lore he mentioned as "boy". Tho, ingame he looks like adult. Also, devs mentioned, that all 3 original killers are more than 30 years old. Second, as I said, Entity creates realms via memories. Last, it's also implied in his lore, that he wasn't kidnapped by Entity immediately:

    The son of wealthy landowners Max Thompson Sr. and Evelyn Thompson, this unnamed boy was an unwanted child born to savage parents. Hideously disfigured, he was shut away from society. So ashamed of their son, they bricked him off into a room and fed him through a hole in the wall. When the boy escaped, he took his revenge savagely and terribly, slaughtering the parents that had tortured him instead of raising him.

    After the deed was done, he continued to live his life at the farm, taking out his deranged violence on the animals that were allowed to run free. As he finally broke free from his shackles he ran through the cornfields, chasing and slaughtering whatever he could find. They never found the bodies of Max and Evelyn, but they did find tortured and disembowelled animals all over the farm.

    Coldwind Farm was quickly settled and the land split up and sold off. There was never a buyer for the farmhouse. Perhaps it was the sound of the chainsaw you could hear throughout those hot summer nights.

    So, technically, yes, he still could be from 2003-ish

    Tho, I believe, 1946 shouldn't be considered as canon, since "Mr and Mrs Adams" really sounds like early concept names and date is linked to them.

    Post edited by Rattman on
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Finally completed Evan's Archives (I've been way too busy these past few months), so I can finally add that info and correct a few more things.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Put Steeped in Blood in, and updated Rin's placement slightly.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited February 2020

    Caleb seems like he should be around mid to late 1800's. He can't have come from earlier than 1845, when the potato blight broke out. His lore mentions he is the son of Irish immigrants who were heavily oppressed as Americans feared they would take their jobs. It specifically mentions the phrase "No Irish Need Apply" which put his father out of a job. The phrase first began taking form in 1854, and it mentions that Caleb's father was out of a job for quite a while, so we could put Caleb's birth from around late 1840s to early 1850s. Something else worth mentioning is that Caleb's Modified Ammo Belt addon mentions the Arizona territory, not Arizona state. Arizona was recognized as a territory in 1863, and was officially recognized as a state in 1912. Due to the addon mentioning his specialized weaponry, and the addon Marshal's Badge also mentioning the Arizona Territory, we know that he was in the Hellshire Gang some point after 1863.

    Going off of this, Caleb's lore mentions Hellshire Penitentiary as the nation's first private prison. The first private prison I could find was in 1852, San Quentin. If we believe Caleb was born late 1840s, Caleb would be around 19 to 20 when he maims Henry Bayshore and is thrown in prison. It mentions he was in prison for a time, before being released to catch outlaws with the help of his Hellshire Gang, meaning they were released around 1867-1869. They went with this plan for around 6 years before finding the Warden accepted a deal from Bayshore when they go back and murder him and the warden, and Caleb is taken by the Entity. This means Caleb was possibly taken around 1876-1878. I think at least. I wrote this all down in English so this might not be entirely accurate. At least we know he is between 1863 and 1912.

    Post edited by Spooky13 on
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Zarina Kassir's lore tells us about an inmate (that all evidence shows is Caleb), who was sent to Hellshire in 1860 for 15 years. This means he was released in 1875, and he was active for another 6 years after that, placing him in roughly 1881.

    I'm just going to wait until he is officially released before I put him in, though. I've done the same with all of the others (except Danny, but that was a special case with me being away from my account when he came out, so I did him earlier).

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Don't forget though, in the Deathslinger's lore it mentions that he had his sentence shortened by the warden in exchange for him hunting for prisoners. In Arizona, aggravated assault (assault inflicted with a deadly weapon, he shot Bayshore with his harpoon gun) is met with 5-15 years for first time offenders, meaning he could've been released earlier due to his deal with the warden. Meaning that he was charged with 15 years on his record, but the warden might not have put down he released Caleb early. Although these are current laws in Arizona, not sure if it was different back in the 1800s. I don't know, just making wild guesses here.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Yeah, that's going to be the only difficult part of his placement, since it's unclear. 1881 is the absolute latest he could have been taken if he was freed just a little bit before his planned release, with 1866 being the absolute earliest if he was freed before serving even one year. Both are unlikely.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Ascendance is now in place.

    Caleb's placement will be in ASAP when he is officially released, as stated earlier.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    As promised, Caleb's placement is complete

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I just found something for Caleb's lore. In the description for his uncommon outfits, it says:

    "After being detained for fifteen years, the prison warden paid him a visit, offering to expedite its release. There was a catch: he would have to fill the prison."

    This means that his original sentence was actually longer than 15 years, but the deal with the warden shortened it, meaning that the former isn't actually correct. This means that Caleb was sentenced in 1860, was released early in 1875, worked for the warden for 6 years before realizing he was being double crossed and heading back and killing him, placing Caleb perfectly in 1881.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Found it. Couldn't get on for a little bit due to life, but I found it. Thanks.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Placed Anna's archive in and slightly edited Leatherface's year.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Good job, this is very well put together.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    Jeff got taken years after Legion. He was paid by the members to paint their hideaway, it was his first paid gig. He left Ormund and wound up coming back years later when his dad died. Legion was gone at that point because I believe his journal entry mentions that he went up there for a viewing of his painting and the locals thought it haunted or something. Poor bugger never came back down.

    As to Hag, I always saw her as being between 1890s or 1910 or during the height of riverboats or just before it. Before everyone had nice lightbulbs and power. And really somewhere along the Mississippi because Riverboats were a huge thing back in the day. Blame a half forgotten research paper I did years back when my high school did the musical Showboat.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Long before we had Plague, the devs confirmed the Huntress (1918) to be the oldest Killer. This is why I used the rise of witchcraft for the Hag in the major timeline while leaving her out of the TL:DR because that is just pure guesswork rather than looking at evidence like with everyone else because there simply ISN'T evidence for her. Add-ons, power description, backstory, cosmetics that are clearly canon... Nothing.

    I really hope she gets her Archive soon so we can finally settle her placement, but for now we have such a large area to work with.

  • The_Werewolf
    The_Werewolf Member Posts: 30

    I know this thread is dedicated to an actual chronological timeline, but could anyone who knows fill me in on presumed movie canon based on in-game appearance, quotes, etc? I haven't watched many of the sources for the licensed characters, or if I have, not in a very long time. I watched Halloween (1978) for the first time 2 nights ago.

    For Laurie & The Shape, it would seem they are both exclusively from Halloween (1978) as all the quotes, cosmetics, etc are from that film, and there is no mention of Laurie being [TEMPORARY SPOILER TAG] and nothing references the time-skip to Halloween (2018).

    I have never watched ANY of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, but from what I've heard around, his name being confirmed to be Bubba Sawyer at least eliminates some of the remakes from the equation, I just don't know what's what. Anyone know what movies are confirmed canon to The Cannibal who appears in Dead By Daylight?

    I know for a fact Quentin and The Nightmare are exclusively from the most recent remake.

    I've seen all the SAW films at some point, and fairly clear Detective Tapp and The Pig (Amanda) are taken from their last moments in the series.

    The Demogorgon is confirmed to be from end of season 3.

    The 4-year anniversary stream confirmed The Executioner is the same Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2, though I've never played a Silent Hill game, so I'm going to take that to mean Pyramid Head is a species of some sort, and that The Executioner is from Silent Hill 2 only?

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Laurie and Michael have very little lore to work with, but we can narrow a few things down. The Halloween chapter came out in 2016, so the 2018 movie doesn't count. The Rob Zombie remake doesn't count, as clear by Michael's pristine mask, and neither does its sequel. And we have a young Laurie, which eliminates Halloweens 4-Resurrection. We can also dismiss the 3rd movie because it doesn't have Michael involved (except for a cameo on a TV).

    All that said and done, we have the first and the second movies, the latter of which takes place mere minutes after the first. With how little we actually have for these two (seriosuly, Laurie has two paragraphs with less description than Nancy Wheeler's one paragraph), we have to make assumptions.

    Leatherface was taken at the very end of the first movie (which is honestly not as graphic as you're probably imagining, it's honestly more of a psychological horror film). However, we can confirm the names established in the second film (Drayton, Nubbins and Bubba) for the Sawyer family to be canon.

    You are dead on with Quentin and Freddy.

    You're also right with Tapp and Amanda, 2004 and 2006 respectively (although I'm questioning the year I placed Amanda because the Saw timeline is so convoluted).

    The Stranger Things characters are supposed to be post-season 3, even though I still don't agree with that.

    As for the Executioner, you and I are in the same never-played-Silent-Hill boat. From what I can gather from the Silent Hill wiki, Pyramid Head is a species of some sort, given life through guilt, or something along those lines. The Pyramid Head we have is based on the ones from the 2nd game, which takes place in the 1990s (which I will update when he comes out).

    Hope this makes sense.

  • The_Werewolf
    The_Werewolf Member Posts: 30

    Cool. Well, was trying to avoid a spoiler I stumbled upon, but Halloween 2 introduces a plot twist that seemingly carries through the original series sans remakes, and that is that Laurie is Michael and Judith's younger sister, adopted after their parents died in a car crash, and establishing Michael's "obsession" seems to focus on his family/bloodline or maybe even just familial women. Since that plotline seems to be absent for Michael and Laurie in DBD, and the convenience of Michael going missing at the end of Halloween, I'm willing to bet The Entity is why he disappeared.

    Right, if those names aren't introduced until after the 1st TCM movie, then The Cannibal is Leatherface from at least the movie that names them.

    Everything else is pretty consistent and obvious.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Updated with Pyramid Head, in a really non-standard way.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I heavily debated whether I should include Soldiers of Mayhem due to how much of a retcon it was, and it doesn't really change their placement. But I put Anna's archive in when it didn't change where she was, so I decided to include it anyway.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    I think spirit might be from the early 2000s. She went to Takamatsu University, according to lore. The university was built in 1996

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I apologize if this comes off as mean, because that isn't my intention, but did you read the post?

    "It wasn't until January 15, 2019 that it finally clicked in my head to check her university, Takamatsu University. I learned that it wasn't founded until 1996. This made that year the earliest she could have been taken. And she was likely taken later than that."

    There just isn't enough information to say early 2000s when she could be from the very tail-end of the 1990s (say, 1998 for example). We're just not given enough information.

    Again, sorry if I came off as rude, but I clearly acknowledged the information you gave me a a while back.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    @VolantConch1719 you’re fine, I was just putting my thoughts in. Also, @The_Werewolf It’s now cannon that the 1978 movie and the 2018 movie are the only ones relevant in the story. Every Halloween movie in between those two movies now don’t count according to the 2018 directors

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I will say this though, in your other thread, you've given me a new perspective about Kazan's whole sword law. So that's something I have touched on with him.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    After so long of endless Hag arguments, Stroke of Luck may have finally put the nail in the coffin for Lisa Sherwood's placement in this timeline. It's admittedly loose, but far better than my earlier "resurgence in witchcraft" theory I had since 2018.