are the developers going to do something with the generators?

They should make at least the minimum time a gen can be done higher, indeed. Starting with the base progression two or more survivors can do in a gen.
It's not logical that with just 2 survivors they can shave off 38 seconds from a gen. With 3, 48 seconds. With 4, 50 seconds. And this without counting great skill checks, perks, toolboxes, brand new parts, etc.
It should be changed so with 2 survivors doing a gen they could only take away 20 seconds approx from the gen, and then maybe escalate it so it still maintain the 50 seconds with 4 to compensate only "pressuring" one gen.
2 -
Why would they do anything to gen times? They added 10 seconds to them a few patches ago. Any more and survivors will start whining (I say as if they didn't throw a fit over those 10 seconds), and they can't have that, so, no, gens will continue to fly, but don't you worry, on top of making sure you're punished as a killer if you're ever in the same zipcode as a hooked survivor, the devs are going to kill 3-genning to make sure you absolutely cannot pressure survivors anymore than you already can. That's what you actually want right?
11 -
Survivors have no problem with it, so it will likely not be touched. Survivors have to be kept happy, Killers just have to show up to be punching bags.
22 -
Just play Nurse and Blight and end chases quickly. Then you won’t have to worry about gen speed. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait a very long time.
4 -
In my opinion they should add a mechanic, that prevents survivors from rushing the gens in under 4 minutes. This is only achieved by people, who focus solely on rushing gens anyway and it would already help a bit. It wouldn't hurt any of the more casual players, while helping with the absolute extremes.
Well, either that or the long requested and frankly overdue early game help that especially low tier killers need. But that is not going to happen as it was apparently deemed unfun.
2 -
The best advice is from the person who said play Blight or Nurse. If something is not working: alter your gameplay, try a different character, different perks, add-ons, offerings. Change your strategy.
Don't demand that the devs change the game and just sit and wait for it to happen. It might never happen.
3 -
Barring for very specific exceptions (like a team with all good toolboxes who spawn on separate gens from the start), if your gens are flying super fast, it's probably your fault. That's not an insult or a condemnation, it should be a relief- if it's your fault, you can fix it.
Considering how much control the killer has these days over the speed of their gens, I do genuinely think there are probably things you should be looking at yourself. If the survivors don't all have top tier genrushing tools, you've got a ton of room to exercise your skill and slow down the generators yourself.
Your build is a good place to start. Slowdown perks are useful, but more important than just having them is them working as part of a coherent build. You can get away with just one slowdown perk if it works cohesively with your other three perks and your playstyle, after all. Then you can look at your macro play, and how well you're spreading your pressure, to see if you're maybe getting tunnel-vision on chases that take too long or on one specific survivor at the cost of giving the team uncontested generator time.
The cumulative changes that have happened to generator time, to slowdown and speedup tools, to chases, and to maps really do add up. The state of the game is really pretty good when it comes to your skill giving you good returns regarding generator time.
15 -
are the developers going to do something with the generators?
I think they will append the haste on MFT to generator time. Stacking, of course.
6 -
They should remove gen regression and gen speed, I don't use any gen regression as oni and it helps until you realize even with quick downs it doesn't help with the speed gens take. So no gen regression, no speed buff and slightly higher repair time
4 -
That is blatantly untrue and you know it...
Killer early game more often than not starts on a 90-45 second timer to find, chase, down and hook just the first guy.
The time it takes to *find and down* an average player on ideal circumstances still takes close to 60-90 seconds.
Meanwhile since it took 60-90 seconds to get your first down *in ideal circumstances* 2 gens pop, with a 3rd and 4th one starting to be worked on.
The game either needs a pseudo slowdown in the form of survivor spawn fixes, or killer needs to be given some basekit slowdown just so the game doesn't end in 5-6 minutes.
14 -
I absolutely do not know that. In fact, I'm pretty sure I know the exact opposite.
If you're struggling with your early game, there are things you can do to mitigate that. The silver bullet to guarantee a better early game would be either Corrupt Intervention or Lethal Pursuer, and I do definitely recommend either if you have either of them, but you can learn survivor spawns to better pressure survivors straight away, as well as equipping some other perks to either aid in your first chase (EG, chase perks like Enduring or Bamboozle or whatever works best for your killer) or to give better information throughout the trial (EG, Discordance to know when you can get massive gen pressure early on or something like Whispers/Darkness Revealed/Ultimate Weapon to give you a general idea where early survivors are).
I do think survivor spawns need to be fixed so they can't spawn all spread out, I already acknowledged that as an outlier situation where you kinda do struggle by default, but I don't think that happens frequently enough for every game to have impossibly fast generators outside your control. You can improve your play and your build to slow down the game, it is doable.
10 -
Losing two gens is completely normal.
If you're losing 4 gens in a single chase, you need to learn how to switch targets
17 -
Of course. The fact that survivors can do 5 gens in 2:40 minutes total doesn't have anything to do with generators flying. If a killer have any type of gameplay problem, is purely because skill issues. Everybody knows that.
7 -
You're well aware I highlighted outlier scenarios like that, so what's the point of this response?
4 -
That you are ignoring the fact even when pointing it out. The problem is not that a well coordinated group with builds and toolboxes can do the gens fast, the problem is that they can do them that fast in the first place.
So, while you are partly right (I would love for you to explain how the killer has any control on gen speed), the skill of the killer is not the only factor on gens flying faster than it should, and arguing "skill issue" as being the only problem like you are doing is wrong and deceptive.
Gen times should be touched. If adding max charges or reducing base progression is a no-no as survivor would cry that they hate to do gens and would need to stay in one place more time, they at least should make the penalty for having multiple survivors in one gen higher, so 2 survivors can't shave off 40 seconds of a gen just by repairing it together.
When this is done, then we can talk about the skill issues of killers that are not able to stop gen progression effectively.
8 -
This, until it's not a problem for survivors, devs are not going to touch it
5 gens can be done in 2.20 ? No problem, that's healthy for the game, on and while we're on it let's nerf and obliterate any regression perks in the game
5 -
I moved past the exception because it is just that, an exception. When survivors bring those tools and spawn on four separate generators at the start, yes, gens do fly and you don't have much control over it. I would support actions taken to address both parts of that situation; survivor spawns, and gen speed tools, mostly just toolboxes.
However, as I said, that is not every match. Even matches where more than one survivor just has a generally good toolbox but aren't coordinated enough to be on separate gens from the start aren't anywhere near that damaging for you as a killer, even if the toolboxes are still too strong. Implying or stating that is the case in the average match would be wrong and deceptive.
Gen speeds are in your control (to a degree) as killer because you have the ability to spread your pressure. I've made this point on the forums before, but I'll raise it again: The more survivors you have occupied, the fewer can be on generators. One hooked, one in chase, one going for the save cuts the generator efficiency down by 75% if everyone's alive. That's a massive reduction in generator speeds for as long as you maintain that situation, which if you're both good in chase and good at macro strategy, is pretty frequently. That's where skill comes in.
Gen times don't need to be touched. They especially should not make grouping up on a generator even worse, because that would incentivise spreading out, which is so much harder to deal with as killer. If two survivors are on a generator, congrats, you've occupied two survivors when you go there, not just one. What needs to be touched is a combination of spawns (to stop outlier situations where all four survivors are spread out) and toolboxes (because they're really the glue that holds actual genrushing builds together, everything else is dramatically less useful without a toolbox).
It's important to mention the skill component because otherwise people might end up not realising where they're going wrong, and blame the game for it. In a majority of your matches, unless you're unlucky enough to be running into Team Eternal frequently, your skill affects gen speeds. In a majority of matches, you will be the deciding factor in how efficient the survivors can be, because a majority of matches aren't against ultra-coordinated 4-man groups.
4 -
In all fairness, you are a prolific whiner. You never stop complaining about survivors. If you are unaware of how much you complain, just go look at your own comment history. I'm not even close to joking, it's a constant stream of complaints and bitterness. I scrolled down a long way and didn't see a single positive comment.
Complain as much as you want, but don't accuse other people of whining, when that's literally all you do.
9 -
Everyone I play against knows:
Separate gens is win.
Multi people on gen at end only.
They could be Team Potato and they get this.
Even so, if I wanted to beat up on disorganized drunken individuals, I have a local bar for that.
Here, I want to deal with the most challenging things the game has to offer. And maybe in that match, gen times need some examination.
1 -
I think the issue is spawns, Often times survivors will spawn next to a generator so they often end up working on before the killer has time to move.
5 -
A lot of words that even if they are not untrue still ignores the main problem: The min times of gens are absurd, and need to be addressed. Again, it is not the exception of a full SWF squad trying to beat the world record what is the problem, the problem is survivors having the capacity of doing gens in less than 30 seconds even if they don't shave off all that much time in all games. Again, without any toolbox, without any perk, without doing great skillchecks, just two survivors doing a gen, they would do it in 52.94 seconds approx. This is the true problem.
And about gen speed in your control: I don't think you know what "control" means. All of the things you said there depends greatly in how survivors play and what they allow you to do. And if you don't use a killer with strong chase or anti-loop power, even less. If a survivor decide to take you to a tour around every single pallet on the map, no matter what you do, how many times you try to mindgame or how good you are in general, he will make you lose your time and you would be forced to break chase, leaving him free to keep doing gens while their teammates keep doing them in the time you find your next chase. In what point here is the killer in control of gen times?
Again, I'm not saying skill is not a factor, but that doesn't means that there isn't an intrinsic problem with gens times that should be fixed.
6 -
Then what are you arguing in relation to my post? I already acknowledged that the potential minimum times need reigning in, but I'm not arguing about potential minimums, I'm arguing realistic averages. In the average match, you are not facing survivors who have those tools or even the inclination/coordination to use them. It's not relevant to my point.
I did say "to a degree", because obviously you can't completely control gen speeds. It's a multiplayer game, your opponents have some control and can exercise their skill just as much as you can exercise yours. What I mean by control is that things which are under your control have a massive influence on survivor efficiency, because you as the killer have the ability to pressure multiple survivors at once.
To your argument about survivors taking you on a tour around every pallet on the map, that is hilariously map based. Sure, if they're playing Garden of Joy, Badham, or the Game (depending on your killer on that last one), that'll work, but other maps are actually meaningfully limited in their resources. That specific chase might be extended, but future chases will have a fraction of the resources to work with.
I'm not saying there isn't a problem, to be clear, I am saying that the problem both isn't present in the average match and does not revolve around the base speed of generators when it is present. It's spawns, and toolboxes, typically a combination of both.
4 -
I honestly think the game is in a good place right now balance wise. When you can notice your team throwing by not doing generator as a Survivor you know that the balance has shifted compared to years ago. They're slowly ironing out the broken stuff that they have a decent base at the moment. They would just have the tinker with other mechanics but I don't think touching generator speed is the right move at best should be tool boxes.
2 -
Gen times have already been increased some time ago, and people are still complaining that they dont have enough time. Its a neverending story. If 3 gens pop before youre first down you did something terrible wrong. If you complain about a fast first gen, then you dont udnerstand that there are 3 people doing a single gen which is most likely the worst choice as survivor. The only problem here is the skill of the killer player. Most players cant utilize the killer power as theyre meant to be used. Most killer players rely just on "strategies" as they dont require any skill nor power of a killer and just circumvent gameplay to make it as easy as possible to play, neglecting any negative impact on other players. Everytime killers post videos to justify how bad something is, you can see how bad their choices are, that they dont have a sense of whats happening during a chase, lack map knowledge and cant handle their power properly. Maybe in 1% of the cases there is something that should be balanced, but gen times are surely nothing to be increased anymore.
And an advice: play survivor. The most boring thing to do is sitting on a gen for 80s or most likely even more, as 90% of the killers run four slowdowns for their lack of skill.
The thing that devs would need to do is train killers until they understand what they can do, and isnt unfun for the rest of the people in the same match.
4 -
At one point killers were running things like CoB, Eruption, Pain Res and Overcharge all in the same loadout and still play in the most unfun of ways. Killers complain about survivors stomping them but perfectly fine when survivors get stomped and "skill issue."
Who wants to be in a game where gens would take 100 seconds base and still get tunneled out at 5 gens.
Gens are probably going to remain as is.
4 -
Just because something is "the norm" doesn't mean its okay or balanced.
The fact that killer can be put into an auto-loss situation just because of map RNG+spawn RNG is fundamentally unhealthy.
If BHVR considers that fixing the spawns is too much work, then putting 30s of basekit corrupt is the second best option to adress the survivors spawning 3-4 gens from the get go.
Hearing 2-3 gens pop while you're literally walking from your spawn area to the survivor spawn area to *try to find them* is one of the most unmotivating experiences in DBD.
9 -
Again, without any toolbox, without any perk, without doing great skillchecks, just two survivors doing a gen, they would do it in 52.94 seconds approx. This is the true problem.
This is not a problem. Perks might be a problem, toolboxes might be a problem, but this isn't.
At the start of the match, survivors doing the same gen, unless they are breaking up the 3 gen, is usually a weakness. If those two survivors did two gens together, it would take ~106 seconds, it would take 90 seconds if they'd just gotten on different gens. And by being on the same gen the killer can disrupt both survivors at the same time.
Your conception of the issue is off. This is like when CoH was nerfed because killers didn't like that survivors could heal on their own, but they didn't take account of the fact that some survivors would run all the way across a map to heal themselves when they should have stayed on gens. If they penalized multiple survivors working on gens even more, survivors would just spread out which would actually make it even harder for killers.
If a survivor decide to take you to a tour around every single pallet on the map
Pallets are a limited resource. If at the start of the game the first survivor runs the whole map and burns a ton of pallets and 3 gens pop, its not a great start, but the killer is by no means out of the game at this point. The survivor chases should now be much shorter and you have even fewer gens to worry about.
On the other hand, if we're talking balance, if the killer gets a strong start and downs a survivor before a single gen is even done, he's at such a massive advantage that it should be a surprise if he loses.
As others have said, the first few gens that pop aren't really relevant given it becomes increasingly harder for survivors to finish a gen.
2 -
Completely agree with you. A lot of killer mains respect Otz and he has said the same - the ideal scenario is one survivor in chase, one on hook, one going for the unhook/heal, and only one free to do gens. This makes the first chase/down very important. If people are struggling in this area, then as you said - Corrupt Intervention or Lethal Pursuer are great. Perks should be used to make up for perceived weaknesses. I know what areas I'm weak in, and I pick perks to help.
1 -
And you see absolutely no problem with killer being forced to either only play nurse and blight , or being pigeonholed into playing 4 slowdowns, or dedicating 25-50% of a build to have a marginally fairer match IF the survivors don't bring distortion and outright delete your LP?
When survivors already play with 5-6 perks thanks to basekit BT+ items , it makes no sense to not extend the same benefit to killer with either basekit LP or basekit corrupt.
2 -
I'm fine with them nerfing toolboxes, and I assume it's gonna happen at some point. I just wish there was some way to bridge the gap between matches where gens go by really fast, and the matches where they go slow as hell. But that's an issue of matchmaking, or just down to the times where players go AFK (I assume and hope it's due to some emergency bathroom break).
2 -
None of those things are true. You can play any killer you like and do well (with maybe the exception of Trapper, where it's a bit more up to luck), playing 4 slowdowns is honestly kind of a bad idea if they don't synergise with each other, and you only have to dedicate a perk to a better early game if you struggle with the early game. Personally, I never take Lethal Pursuer off (excepting for gimmick builds), but that's just my preference; you don't need it. I also want to mention that one of my suggestions there was for perks that would be useful throughout the entire match, so it's not just reacting to a poor early game; perks like Discordance help early on and once the match has gotten into the swing of things, for example.
Basekit Corrupt isn't an idea I'd consider tremendously terrible for the game, but I would consider it kind of a clumsy bandaid. It'd be better to tackle the problem at its source- stop survivors from spawning all spread out from one another, and nerf toolboxes. That would give killer players much more consistent early games, and stop dedicated genrushing teams from snowballing well ahead of where most killers can keep up.
Post edited by jesterkind on1 -
The problem with that is it already is more efficient to split up on gens. Making co-op gens more inefficient will only make the problem worse in the long run. I'd argue the opposite, to have co-op be more efficient than soloing gens. If the Killer interrupts a coop gen, they disrupt 2+ Survivors, so a max of 2 gens can be pumped, but if a Killer disrupts a solo gen, they only stop 1, and leave 3 gens to be pumped.
Yeah, maybe a perk that blocks the most progressed gen for 30s when a gen pops, or another perk to block the 3 furthest gens for the first 2 minutes.
Yep develop different skillsets and raise your account MMR, that way when you swap to a normal Killer you can't stand a chance /s. That's why you don't want to get addicted to overpowered Killers. You need to lose to learn, and if you refuse to even stomach the possibility of losing, it will bite back causing you to lose more in the long run.
Gen regression is an important crutch for players learning Killer. The problem is when people refuse to take off the weights and can win through bruteforce attrition. Making gen regression for Killer similar to Exhaustion for Survivor might be better than removing it altogether, but if they did that then I'd agree with removing/reworking Survivor gen speed perks.
The problem with these arguments lies in the extremes required. Hypothetically you can have giga genrushers like seen in Hens' video with 3m22s average escape time, but if you take the opposite extreme, you can get speedruns of Killer 4king under 2 minutes with Billy/Bubba/Legion/Ghostface/Blight/Pinhead, and under 3 minutes with the vast majority of the others. The extremes mean nothing. The median and mean both matter much more.
The average (assuming the Killer knows how to play the game) has 1 on hook/being healed, 1 in chase, 1 going for the rescue/healing, and only 1 to pump gens. Even if that 1 person teleports to the next gen after every pop, that still takes 7.5 minutes minimum with no regression.
The only way to hear 2/3 gens pop when crossmapping is to be AFK for a minute from the start. Just play the game and that won't happen.
-- Separate from the replies above --
Honestly I wouldn't mind a basekit scream from all Survivors with a Loud Noise at their spawn position. You could run Calm Spirit to negate it, and would make it more expected to be found early, so being AFK is all the more of a punishment. The Killer has initial intel, but nothing lingering, making Lethal Pursuer and Corrupt Intervention still have value. (I can't tell you how many locker grabs Lethal has given me from the start.)
This seems to be the primary complaint, is the lack of knowing where to start, and fumbling for the first minute. Experienced players aren't given too much more than what they already mostly knew/assumed. That way this primarily helps the whining Eruption MMR inflation Killers who mistakenly believed they were good at the game, and now are getting stomped against Survivors of their MMR, but outclassed in skill.
3 -
If you're losing gens in 25 seconds, someone is either cheating or they all spawned on a single gen with toolboxes WHICH IS GOOD FOR YOU
6 -
It does suck losing two or three gens fast. It feels like most of the match seems to revolve around the last three generators. It's really rough if that momentum continues, but in most of my matches I find the momentum really slows down after two gens have popped. Two gens feel free as survivor. Only solo queue matchmaking results in a 4K before two gens are completed.
1 -
The generator repair speed itself is normal. The problem is that even with the killer's ability and the killer player's skills, there are various factors that cannot physically interfere with the repair.
The Cenobite provided a good solution to this. In other words, it is a task that survivors should perform in addition to repair.
The essence of the problem is that while the killer is chasing other survivors, the other survivors can focus on repairing the generator without thinking.
The increase in tasks will make it more ups and downs, and the tasks themselves will play a role in the battle between killer and survivor.
Originally, rescuing onhook survivors and healing injured survivors would be similar tasks, but the current balance is somewhat broken.
Increasing simple tasks as a base kit leads to good rituals.
2 -
Run secondary objectives, slug more. Tunnel if you need to. Especially with AFC coming up, snowball builds will probably see more use than the traditional chase - down - hook playstyle
1 -
"It is not relevant to my point" It is relevant, because you are making a point against gen times. You wanting to use mental gymnastics to turn around the argument to "your point" is what is not relevant here. It's like a restaurant having awful food, and the chef saying "well, people can put sauces on top of it and mix various things so it is not that bad, also most of the time our food is fine depending on who cook it". Alright, but the possibility of the food being awful is still a base problem, and we should address it. In other words, you keep trying to derail the main argument to your point while yet again ignoring the base problem.
And I know what you are saying, and my answer to that is you are so wrong. It is present in every single match because it is the minimum the generator mechanic allow survivors to do, so it doesn't matter if they just shaves off 50 seconds instead of 60, they should not be able to shave off that much time in the first place. Spawn, toolboxes and progression perks are just symptoms of the disease, and solving the base problem would solve the rest. But you don't have to believe me, let's do the math:
- One survivor with Commodious Toolbox:
32 charges at 1.5 c/s during 21.333 seconds + 58 charges at 1 c/s base progression = 90 charges in 79.333 seconds.
- Two survivors, one of them with Commodious Toolbox:
(32 charges at 1.275 c/s) + (32 charges at 0.85 c/s) during 21.333 seconds = 45.332625 charges done.
90 charges - 45.332625 charges = 44.667375 charges left.
44.667375 charges at (0.85 * 2) = 26.27492647058824 seconds.
21.333 + 26.27492647058824 = 90 charges in 47.60792647058824, or 47.608 seconds.
- Two survivors, both of them with Commodious Toolbox:
32 charges at 2.55 c/s during 21.333 seconds = 54.39915 charges done.
90 charges - 54,39915 charges = 35.60085 charges left.
35.60085 charges at 1.7 c/s = 20.94167647058824 seconds.
21.333 + 20.94167647058824 = 90 charges in 42.27467647058824, or 42.275 seconds.
In conclusion:
- One survivor with the toolbox would only shave up 10 seconds from a gen.
- Two survivors, just one with a toolbox, would shave up only 6 seconds more than not having the toolbox at all.
- Two survivors, both with a toolbox, is slightly more effective than having 3 survivors doing the gen without any toolbox, and only 5 seconds more effective than only using one.
Now, with the numbers in place it is more than obvious than the toolboxes are not the main problem, as you would need two survivors with the best toolbox in the same gen at the same time and apply the full toolbox to that gen to be worth it, and doing that would left the toolboxes empty, so they would have waste them and aren't able to do it in another gen. And as you want to strictly argument about "realistic averages", this situation won't happen in random games unless at least two survivors are in SWF and decide to do it.
So, the problem are not the toolboxes adding too much to the base progression, the problem is not two or more survivors spawning in one generator, the problem is and always have being the base progression of two or more survivors allowing them to do one gen in at least 37 seconds less by default before adding other progression bonus on top. And taking in count that both toolboxes and progression perk works in a percentage basis, solving this big problem by lowering the progression multiplayer when two or more survivors are in a gen you would also solve every single smaller problem related to it. Easy, and simple.
Now, the big question: Are you going to admit you were wrong, or are you going to keep ignoring it and trying to make the argument about other points?
0 -
Read my other post and you would see how and why it is not only a problem, it is the problem:
Also, there is enough pallets on any map for one survivor with WoO to "loop" (I can't emphasize the quotes enough) any killer without a chase or anti loop power for 5 gens before he would get out of pallets.
4 -
the problem is and always have being the base progression of two or more survivors allowing them to do one gen in at least 37 seconds less by default
They already nerfed prove thyself and BNP because that was 'the most egregious thing ever' before the nerfs.
Survivors grouping up to work on gens is the best thing a killer can want. It means you can interrupt and pressure *multiple survivors* at once, and it's still the *least efficient* way for survivors to do gens. It's always, *always* more efficient for survivors to split up, including some cases where there's only one gen remaining. And that was true even with the old, pre nerf prove thyself. It's even more true now.
The only reason killers are upset (this time) is 100% due to not playing well. Especially in the current build of the game, if you don't know where survivors are and aren't running at least one information perk, then you're just blindly wandering the map while survivors do gens for free.
If you aren't pressuring the right places on the map, or don't even know where they are, that's completely on you.
This is 100% a case of 'I've tried nothing and I'm out of ideas'
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
I'm... not sure I'm following.
There's a lot that seems to be wrong here. First of all, your numbers seem to only be looking at the Commodious Toolbox without any addons or perks supporting it, which... I'm not going to argue that the Commodious Toolbox isn't as damaging to the killer if it's used on its own. I agree with that, it's when they're built into with strong addons and supporting perks that they become overpowered.
The more important thing here though is that you keep talking about survivors grouping up? Survivors grouping up do generators faster in terms of raw numbers as applied to that one generator, yes, but they do generators overall slower because they aren't split up. If we're talking about generator speeds, if we're talking about the killer not being able to do anything about how fast generators fly in their matches, we will never be looking at survivors that group up. We'll be looking at survivors who spread out over multiple generators at once, and only double up when it comes to the last generator, because that is overall faster and harder for the killer to pressure. It's objectively the stronger tactic and the one that actually makes generator speeds difficult if it happens at the very start of the match.
You want survivors grouped up. That's much less generator progression overall and it's an opportunity to pressure more than one survivor at once when you go to interrupt it. If you've got some tool that'll take off a bunch of progression at once, like Pop or Pain Res, you do immense damage to their overall objective progression if they were grouped up on the generator you just applied it to.
If you nerf the efficiency of survivors grouping up on generators (even more than it already is inefficient), things will get worse for you as killer, not better, because it would incentivise survivors to do the stronger tactic and split up.
Let's look at two scenarios:
- In scenario one, all four survivors have stacked toolboxes and spawn spread out, each starting to repair a separate generator as soon as they load in for a total of four generators actively being repaired.
- In scenario two, the survivors spawn in groups of two, and each group up on the closest generator they spawn to for a total of two generators being repaired.
In scenario two, you might see one generator pop while you're still in chase, but that's it. They'll have that one generator done, and because you pressured them away from the other generator, they basically have no other objective progress. Compare that to scenario one, where you only pressure a survivor away from one generator and leave three still being actively repaired. That is much more objective progress even if you manage to get the down before those other three generators are completed, because you're at minimum going to see two generators pop with serious progress on a third even if you get a reasonably fast down and reach a generator in time after the hook.
If they're grouped up, your skill matters and my actual point applies. If they're spread out but they don't have anything for gen speed, it's harder but my point still applies. It's when they're spread out and have strong gen speed tools that things start getting out of hand.
TL;DR, I guess, the speed of one generator isn't the only thing that matters. How much progress there is on other generators when that first one pops is easily just as important, if not moreso.
4 -
If the Killer interrupts a coop gen, they disrupt 2+ Survivors
I keep hearing this, but people that say it seems to forget that a killer can only chase one of you, letting the other one free to keep repairing the gen. And if he decides to stay on the gen to defend it for a while, all of you have free time to progress other gens.
Seriously, I don't know who said that is is more effective having one person in three gens than at least 2 people in one gen, but obviously didn't do the math.
The problem with these arguments lies in the extremes required.
And again shielding in the extremes. There is no extreme required to do a gen in 40 to 60 seconds less as you only need two survivors and some perks and items. The point is not that some hardcore speedrunners can do all gens in 2:40 minutes, but the simple fact that survivors have the capacity to do the gens as fast as that. I think it is not hard to understand.
The extremes mean nothing.
Alright, read my other post with the math to see what happens in an average game with progression, then:
And when you see the math, then tell me how the problem here is not the base progression of two survivors, something happening and present in all games, and it is only a problem in the extremes.
The average (assuming the Killer knows how to play the game) has 1 on hook/being healed, 1 in chase, 1 going for the rescue/healing, and only 1 to pump gens. Even if that 1 person teleports to the next gen after every pop, that still takes 7.5 minutes minimum with no regression.
You all keep saying this, and talking about "realistic averages", but all of you seems to forget that usually, a survivor just don't stand still so you can hook him so you are at all moments in the 1/1/1/1 situation, specially at the start of the game. There are survivors that are good at not get caught in chases, there are perks that prevents you to find your next survivor if they are hiding well, there are perks that allow survivors to not even have to be good at not getting caught or hiding and just press W and predrop pallets so you have to waste time brute forcing the hit or just brake it and give him the chance to get to the next loop. There is a ton of things that could make you not be in the wonder situation of 1/1/1/1 for most of the game. And every second you spent out of that moment, is less time to be able to get it.
In other words, for people that talks about realistic averages and use them to argue, you all seems to make points assuming a killer would be able to always get and maintain that perfect situation at all times when is something that needs so many factors out of your control to favor you that when you get it is almost by chance.
4 -
- Reads a post with a lot of points and maths of how and why it is the problem.
- Ignore everything and stick with just one phrase.
- His answer: "This is the biggest load of crap I've ever read."
Again, nerfing PT and... BNP? You mean buffed? Whatever, was treating the sympthoms and not the real problem.
And they don't solve the real problem because there is people like you that would cry hard about survivors getting nerfed at the same time they say that it is more efficient for survivors to split up and that is what they should do, so they shouldn't have any problem in making grouping up in a gen less powerful in the first place.
Also, just for fun:
- Genrushing has being a problem for years.
- BHVR destroyed regression perks and backtracked the nerf to altruistic healing.
- BHVR only slightly touched PT while making Deja Vu not having a cooldown, "nerbuffing" BNP and adding broken haste and endurance perks that makes chases longer than they should.
- Genrushing is a bigger problem as before and any killer without chasing power is not viable.
- Him: "The only reason killers are bitching (this time) is 100% due to not playing well."
I love the logic some people has. I would pay to see their thought process to come to those conclusions.
Post edited by Batusalen on8 -
No,do gen not fun .
It's killer should do better.
We already got a nerf in this year, should not got another one.
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So, the answer is no, you won't admit you were wrong and you are going to keep with the mental gymnastic on top of grasping straws (I didn't take in count addons as I didn't take in count any perk, because we are comparing bases here) and ignoring points and facts (as toolboxes and perks, addons or not, are percentage based so making the base progression lower would also make those less effective) and trying to derail the argument to other not relevant points (like technically splitting up being the smart move instead of grouping up. Even if it was the case, something I was never so sure about, it is not relevant.).
That is all I had to say about your whole post. So much irrelevant stuff that it is not worth to even try to answer, and the few legit points that are relevant I already answered in previous post, so read them if you are interested, and have a nice day.
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I answered your post very specifically, my friend. Your point is that survivors grouping up on generators gives them too much extra speed. My counter argument to that is that they only get one generator done, which is less efficient than spending slightly longer on multiple generators, and that it leaves them open to being interrupted + having far more of their overall progression regressed.
It's not just that splitting up is the smart move, it's that splitting up is how generator speeds can fly without the killer being able to do anything about it. If they're grouping up, the combination of inefficiency and increased pressure from interruptions + regression makes that favourable for you, not too fast for you to do anything about.
If those points don't counter yours, I will readily admit that I have no idea what you were trying to convey.
5 -
You're complaining about gen times and somehow think that BNP was buffed in the recent rework? You realize that it used to actually speed up gen times, right? I can't even believe you have a basic understanding of game mechanics at this point.
Someone else did a much more thorough debunking of your crap, and I'll leave it to them. But just the fact that you're so off base with why grouping up is bad for survivors and good for the killer is enough to make me think you have zero clue what you're talking about.
As with many of the killers on this forum, the issue is not having any clue how to pressure *survivors*, and likely not having a build that works with that. Shockingly, if you stack something like pop, pain res, jolt, and eruption, but only get 2 hooks before gens are done, you're effectively playing perkless, blind, and not helping yourself in chase. But it's much easier to cry for nerfs than examine your own gameplay.
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"I keep hearing this" - If 1 is free to repair the gen, they are also free for the Killer to drop chase and take the free hit on them. Chasing 2 people lets you choose the person in the worse spot also. The person who runs to the Shack Window blocks that so the other person has to go out by Shack Pallet, as opposed to a solo Survivor always being free to take the better of the two.
"And again shielding in the extremes" - Yes, you are shielding a bad faith argument in the extreme case that all gens pop in 2m total, when that is closer to the 4k speedrun than the escape speedrun (which Survivors was ~3m). If you have 1 gen popping in 40s with 3 people, or 1 gen popping in 60s with 2 people, that still shows it would be better for them to split and complete 3 in 90s as opposed to 3 in ~165 with trioing gens, or 3 in ~100s with a duo and a solo, and that is assuming travel time between gens doesn't even exist (which would tip the balance even further away from your camp).
"Read my other post" (Which was posted AFTER my reply) - First off the solo gen with an add-onless Commodious/Event toolbox should shave 16s, or a 74s total gen time. So I'm not sure how you came to your numbers. Secondly Regression exists alongside progression, and the mirror equivalent is pallets. Killers cannot regress or 'heal' a gen, but a Survivor cannot repair or 'heal' a broken pallet. Just as Any Means Necessary allows you to lift the unbroken pallet back up, Regression perks help slow down the progression of gens. However if the Survivor pops the gen or the Killer breaks the pallet, it is permanently gone. Finally a Toolbox is a multiplier to increase gen speed (by 50%), and co-op is a multiplier to reduce gen speed (by 15% per person). I can't fathom the argument that people doing the slower option is too fast. The duo Commodious gen followed up by a duo gen takes ~90s (total), compared to the 2 solo commodious gens getting done in 74s (total). The gen times are already longer to group up than solo, so that clearly isn't the problem. The only time this is a problem is if Killers are camping gens, and never leveraging pressure. That would be a failing on the Killer's part to learn how to play the game, and that could only be from someone who had the broken CoB+OC+Eruption as their only method of winning, not any skill whatsoever.
"You all keep saying this, .../'realistic averages' " - (the three paragraphs below)
Partially true, yes. There are roughly 3 phases of the game, early/mid/end. Early game is basically before the first hook(or kill in the edge cases of Onryo/Tombstone Myers), mid game which typically roughly functions along the 1/1/1/1 paradigm, and endgame where gens are done. Even in the absurd case of an AFK Killer and the Survivors teleporting to gens and gates, that still takes the first 4 gens solo'd at 90s, the 5th gen quad pumped in ~41s, the gates opened in 20s, totalling a ~151s or 2m 30s permanent early game. Meanwhile if the Killer is actually playing the game, the 1/1/1/1 concept is in play more than 2m30s, even when the Killer is ineffective.
In addition, 1(Hook/be healed/be slugged)/1(Chase)/1(Unhook/healing)/1(pump gens) isn't the perfect scenario, it is merely the normal scenario. An even better scenario is 2/1/1/0 or 2/0/2/0, or 3/1/0/0, or 3/0/1/0, or you've won at 4/0/0/0. Killers call 1/1/1/1 the normal scenario because they utilize their M1 skill, their power, their meta knowledge of the map or Survivor playstyles in order to shorten chase+hook times to be faster than the unhook+heal times. Then you run into a better Survivor taking longer, then a worse one taking shorter, but you ultimately hover around that normal case 1/1/1/1. If that isn't the normal case in anyone's matches, I suggest checking out some more guides or practicing power at odd spots. You don't know if you can land the Huntress hatchet until you try, so always attempt new shots. In the short run you likely will lose a couple of matches being forced to reload early because you wanted to test a high wall, but then in other matches you will get downs all the faster, because you won't attempt it at that same spot that didn't work, and use it in the new spot you learned that does work. Learn to lose (take risky power usages), lose to learn (find good and bad spots), lose (now) to win (more later). Even things like Ghostface cloaked redstain or crouch mindgames at loops are things to try, not only ranged characters risky shots.
Also, holding W and predropping essentially means 20s per hit, as the Killer can walk around a predropped pallet. Nothing stops the Killer from Bruteforcing Bloodlust back, which kicks in at 15s. So that means even if they try to actually play a pallet, they are still going down. Also even if their perks allow them to hide easier, or delay chase, that just means Killer Perks that do the same will shave this time down. STBFL cutting down the post-hit CD shortening the 20s to ~15s, or BBQ/Floods/Nowhere to Hide to reveal non Distortion users, and Ultimate Weapon to reveal non Calm Spirit users. Then on top of that you can run gen slowdown to buy extra time to burn through the pallets in a final war of attrition, and win by not even mindgaming or utilizing power.
-- Separate from the individual section replies above--
All of this assumes the Killer brings skill and an actual loadout, just alongside the Survivors bringing skill and an actual loadout. Not the sweatiest loadout possible, but normal/average scenarios. If the Survivors brought far more skill and/or tools to the table (like a giga toolbox on all of them), then the Killer is mostly going to lose. Similarly if the Killer brings far more skill and/or tools (like C33+Alch Ring Blight), they too will mostly win and the Survivors will mostly lose. If the Killer suffered from Eruption Inflation or facecamping Bubba and that artificially raised their MMR with kills from tools and not skill, then they are going to need to lose, in order to lower their MMR back down to Survivors of their actual skill range, since they can no longer abuse the tools that gave artificial wins. This can be true in the opposite case as well, with juicy toolboxes or old CoH or MfT artificially inflating Survivor MMR, and losing the matches without them.
3 -
Well, again, I don't know how the most efficient strategies to use has anything to do with base progression times being too high. In other words, you are trying to (again) use specific situations where it is not a "big problem" to argue against a base problem affecting every match.
And that was not what you argued in first place, what you said is the problem was spawn points and toolboxes, not base progression of two or more survivors and I already proved that you are wrong. The only thing you are doing now is, again, trying to derailing the argument in another direction so you could now make the point of "but the smart and fast thing to do is...!". Something that as I said, I never was so sure it was the smart thing to do, anyways.
Mathematically, it makes sense. 3 survivors in one gen each = 3 c/s, so more charges getting fed to gens. But it also gives the killer 90 seconds to find someone, chase him, down him, hook him, have the chance of use a regression perk like PR and make one of you have to leave the gen to do the save, while the killer find another one and chase him, and then he get the wonderful and perfect 1/1/1/1 situation so mentioned here.
With at least two survivors in one gen, it would mean less charges (2 survivors in one gen = 1.7 c/s, another in other gen 1 c/s, 2.7 c/s total) but yet again, you would only give him 53 seconds to do all that before you get a gen done and secured, without any probability of it getting regressed, another gen with only 37 charges to go and two of you free to go do a save/heal and the other to keep doing gens or distract the killer while the 3º one finish his solo gen. Yes, if the killer comes and disturb you it would be 1.7 c/s less while it happens, but the moment the killer decide to chase one of you the other can simply continue repairing the gen with minimum loss on gen repairing.
But yet again, this is a whole other topic based on subjective things. Getting back on point: The big and real problem of gens flying is that with only two survivors and base progression they would shave off 37 seconds from the gen. With PT, almost 40. And from there, every single perk or item that add a bonus to progression would lower that number. That's why they should make so the times saved goes from 20 with two survivors to the 50 that 4 survivors in one gen can save, because it would make the minimum times a gen can be done higher and effectively reduces the bonus that toolboxes and perks grants (and if some ends up being too much weaker, a buff would be needed to those things to make them useful).
And that is an irrefutable fact. It is the big disease that is causing the problem and trying to treat the symptoms of it because survivors like what that disease causes like BHVR is currently doing would not resolve anything. If you don't have any more "counter" to this, again, have a nice day.
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Right, I think I see where I'm failing to communicate here.
It's not that splitting up is "the smart and fast" thing to do. It's that grouping up is slow and inefficient. Generators are done slower if survivors group up. This is an undeniable fact, the only way you can think generators get done faster when survivors group up is if you only look at how long it takes to do a single generator rather than all five.
There's really not much more to it than that. Grouping up is both slower and riskier, and so therefore it is more favourable to the killer than the alternative. Generators do not fly when survivors group up, because they are done slower. I'm not making the argument that if you want the highest chances of escaping you shouldn't group up, I'm saying grouping up lowers your chances of escaping (in most contexts, with exceptions, naturally).
That's why my initial post is still correct, because if survivors are grouping up on generators, the killer has a lot of agency to react to that with their skill and macro strategy.
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First, explain to me how something that grants an instant unregressable 10 seconds shave off on any gen, almost the same as a full 32 charges toolbox in 21 seconds, is not a buff compared to what the BNP did before.
Second, I already said to who is "debunking" my crap why arguing that grouping up is bad for survivors have anything to do with what I'm saying. Starting with "grouping / not grouping is good / bad" was never the point of the argument. But if you want to try to make a real point to what I said for a change, be my guest.
To finish, of course you had to end with the "If a killer has a legit problem with the game, is because skill issue no matter how many reasons he has" argument. Never gets old!
But again, if you want to point out in what moment anyone has talked about wrong builds, skill of the killer or how anything of that has to do with the undeniable fact that base progression with multiple survivors being much higher than it should is a mechanic problem and is what causes min gens times to be that low, you are free to do.
Post edited by Batusalen on2