New Survivor Idea #3

Hello fellow members of the forums, it has been a while since I have shared another fun character idea I've had. I would greatly appreciate any feedback, response, or just your time to read it since a few of you were interested when I was more active on the forums.
I will attach my other character ideas as a link below if anyone is interested in my other ideas.
New Survivor: Kiyo Takashi
Description: A knowledgeable anthropologist who has studied rigorously in cultures notably ones involved with sacrificial and abstract practices which helps him study this unforsaken world.
His personal perks: Humane Divinity, Seance, and Hex: Metamorphosis give him enhanced insight of others’ actions and locations while performing practices derived from the beings of this bizarre world to exploit their own tools.
Short Bio:
Kiyo Takashi born in a rural area in Japan had a strange interest in humanities. He questioned the actions of humans and wanted to find the underlying truth of life. Once he was old enough, he used his saved money to travel around Japan and overseas. He was thrilled to see the different traditions and cultures that inhabit the lands of the earth. Although Kiyo was naturally quiet, he was a quick thinker and his way of thinking was very elaborate. He studied overseas in anthropology and became hungrier for answers. One visit to an ancient forest in the Americas left him intrigued. He stumbled upon ruins with inscriptions that he tried to decipher. However, as he walked deeper into a tunnel, the inscriptions became odder and appeared to have a glow-like effect. Kiyo didn’t look back, but to say the least, he was never seen leaving as the thick fog slowly left the entrance of the tunnel.
Humane Divinity:
Your interest in others has influenced you to study and become close to other survivors at the campfire.
At the start of the trial, all survivor’s auras are revealed to you for 40/50/60 seconds. When any survivor loses a health state by any means, you see the aura of all survivors you’ve interacted with via cooperative or altruistic action for 5 seconds.
“Please do tell. How is your life like living in these conditions?” -Kiyo
Years of studying the historical actions of humans has sparked your curiosity of those within this realm. You feel an intense connection when the presence of others have passed. When a survivor is hooked, the last object they interacted with has its aura revealed to you for 6/8/10 seconds in white.
When a survivor is sacrificed, all of the objects they touched are revealed to you in a white aura for the remainder of the trial.
“Viewing the world from the lens of anthropology is truly a gift” -Kiyo
Hex: Metamorphosis:
You’ll do what it takes to better understand the entity even if it means practicing its own terms.
While injured and cleansing a dull totem, press the ACTIVATE ABILITY BUTTON to sacrifice pints of your blood causing the totem to ignite in flames creating a replica of a hex totem. In doing so, you become injured and suffer from the broken status effect for 60 seconds.
This totem will be revealed to all survivors in a white aura and will automatically be snuffed after 20/25/30 seconds. While the hex is active, the entity is caught off-guard and therefore becomes disoriented by the unwelcomed and unstable force replicating its powers. All other hex totems will be neutralized, preventing their effects from working until Hex: Metamorphosis is snuffed. In addition, the entity is unable to block any generator while the hex is active.
“It appears to be agitated from my actions. How marvelous!” -Kiyo
If you made it this far, I appreciate your time reading! Here are my other ideas if anyone is interested: