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What is my incentive to stay in a game with a hook camper or tunneler?



  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,880

    That's part of the problem though.

    Players just give up the moment the game isn't perfect.

    This happens on both sides with killers giving up if they lose 3 gens without a hook or lose the first chase and survivors the moment the killer does anything that violates the survivor rule book.

    I'd wager half of the easy wins handed to players are not because of mechanics but because the player base (like a lot of online games) is infected with quitters.

    Part of that problem stems from equating hard with miserable.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 7,956

    Its really rare to see killers give up with 1 hook/3 gens. Because the chance to turn that into 2-3 or even 4K with end game build is fairly high.

    2 escape with 1 death at 4 Gens remaining? I played thousand games and it happened like 1 hand fingers count.

    If you give a person (survivors team) a candy (1 escape) either they do a task or not (play the game or not playing). They pick not to do the task and get the candy. There is no incentive to do the task.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,269

    This social contract only comes i to play for killers tho, in my time playing this game (2016-2024) I have never seen an ounce of empathy or regard for gameplay quality from a survivors towards killer. However I have seen multiple times the contrary being avocated to. When the stun save timing patch that broke saves happened, no survivor said that was problematic and it made killer horrible to play as, when a killer gets killswitched or has a game breaking bug that makes playing them bad I have NEVER seen survivor players avocate for their fixing, I have however seen them celebrating because they dont have to face said killer. Its kinda hard to respect this social contract when you are not getting any benefits of it while having all the drawbacks no?

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,689
    edited May 1

    Have you only played Killer during those 8 years?

    What you are claiming sounds more akin to motivated perception that objective reality.

    Just this past week I…

    • Stopped working on gens because Survivors completed 3 before the first down
    • Gave Dredge a free down because 3 gens popped before he could down me
    • Gave Wesker as many free hits as he wanted because he was struggling on Garden of Joy
    • Gave the Unknown 3 free downs on the same pallet because I made him look silly early game
    • Gave Myers a free down in EGC because I was directly responsible for the numerous challenges he faced that game

    …and I'm just one player who I know for a fact is not the nicest, most considerate gamer playing DBD right now.

    You can't possibly claim that Survivors lack empathy toward Killers' experience, when Survivors are capable of lifting their foot off the gas without cueing anyone else in the lobby to their behavior. Do I think a Killer will feel good seeing me give them free downs? Hell no! So what do I do? I pretend to be outplayed.

    Hell, I may have pretended to be outplayed by you at one time or another. From your perspective, you just pulled off a great play and feel real great about yourself. From my perspective, I just gave you a freebie to protect your ego.

    You're none-the-wiser, so of course you're going to think no one did you any favors.

    Edit: Just so we are clear, the acknowledgement and adherence to social contracts in gaming is not a Survivor or Killer thing. Survivors are just as capable of demonstrating good sportsmanship as Killers, if not for the sole fact that nothing is stopping a Survivor from playing Killer, and vice versa.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,269

    Could be possible but I am not talking only about gameplay aspect, which is why I think you omitted the other part of the post, when has a survivor player ever avocated for chages that make the killer experience better? Literally have seen it like 3-4 times in all my time on the forums and dbd related social media. When lockers were bugged almost everyone was using it and justifying it, same with wake up and after boil over was buffed people felt a strong need to play on rpd for some musterious reason.

    Now killers do this too, as when mercyless storm was bugged its pickrate went up, or when legion was bugged people also played them a lot.

    However the debate is always "killer has to make sure everyone has fun", but a survivor has not that need whatsoever.

    When we have had patches that change killer and make them more cluncky/worst to olay as, from the survivor side you will hear no voice claiming that maybe some qol changes are needed, but you will habe a lot of voices claiming "good riddance, maybe less people will play that annoying killer".

    Sorry but I do not buy your narrative, I have never gotten any empathy from any survivor player, not even as their teamate, as all I get is flamed, deathreads or just mocking messages, you can a 100% be telling the truth, but its hard to convince someone that the dog doesnt bite when every dog they have met has mauled them.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,689

    I did not respond to your remarks about the forum, because I don't consider out-of-game experiences a part of the social contract.

    The governing bodies on this forum do not exist in-game, and the power disparity between players is not felt on the forums in the same way that it is in-game. In other words, I believe that individual player willingness to uphold the social contract in-game has a larger impact on game health and overall player experience than the feedback and/or criticism that takes place on the forums.

    I won't deny that player opinion outside of game impacts player behavior and/or perceptions in-game, but player opinion over any one element of the game (however heinous) wouldn't matter if everyone treated their opponents with respect.