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General Discussions

"We did a pretty good job so far"

Member Posts: 8
edited April 2024 in General Discussions

I don't know where are you goind dbd but your game is going to die. All killers are tunneling hard and focus, it's unplayable, and with that tunnel we didn't ask, we loose our pips. Seriously do something for the game and allow us to play your game, cause it just broke the game, and your game was crazy before, but it's becoming extremlely toxic and annoying...

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  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Great, what do new players do that don't have those perks? Spend a lot of money to get them?

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited April 2024

    You can get OTR within a couple of weeks farming for shards. Dead Hard is available immediately from the base game.

    Regarding OP:

    "All killers" are not hard tunneling a player immediately out of the game and ignoring everything else. I see it happen maybe 3/5 games on the most unlucky days (Ive experiencd this 3 times in 12 months), and 1 in 10 most days. Claims tunnelling is in every game is an inflammatory and frustrating exaggeration, to the point saying it makes it hard to take any other point made seriously.

    Does tunneling need addressing? Maybe. Disabling Pain Res to stop working once a player dies would be a change worth considering to combat tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    The shrine eats a lot of shards for just one perk... And a couple of weeks still means within that time you don't have it... And you don't even know how long it takes for the perk to be in the shrine again, worst case you have to wait for months... Buying the character takes a huge amount of playtime to buy it with shards. I don't think such perks should be locked within high amounts of playtime or behind a pay wall... Besides that dead hard would probably be quite hard to use for a beginner... So that one does not really help them much anyway.

  • Member Posts: 4,634
  • Member Posts: 14,914
    edited April 2024

    the game is not going to die any time soon.

    There is no alternative and DbD got WAY too many licenses.

    Tunneling has been a thing since the beginning.

    And depipping was just removed…

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • Member Posts: 2,250

    He means via purchasing the character with shards. Zarina is 4500. I understand the anger at the shards that are locked behind pay, but unlocking things via gameplay is a pretty normal mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I also mentioned that alternative, but it takes probably like 100+ hours of playtime to get that character... Which is really a lot... Sure unlocking stuff via playtime is one thing... But DBD takes the crown in how long it takes. It takes several thousand hours to unlock everything and until then your kit is very limited. The perks you get baseline and are available for all characters are just really weak, which is why the new player experience is so bad, among other reasons.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited April 2024

    OK I'm not trying to a be an arse... but 2 weeks is an insane amount of playtime to unlock a whole character? That seems quite reasonable to me...

    The shrine of secrets sucks, that isn't news... it needs a major overhaul. This is my suggestion:

    However outside of that what is your point?

    A new player has to unlock characters and perks to use them? I mean thats the entire point of the prestige system isn't it? Or are we proposing scrapping that and giving all perks to all players? Premium content is what it is... it has to be premium in order to fund the licenses that allow them to be in the game… it kinda sucks it has to be that way, but it's that or nothing.

    Even with Premium content though, you make it sound like without Decisive Strike or Off The Record the game is completely unplayable... which isn't true. I myself play the game regularly without exhaustion perks or second chance perks, and I have only 1100 hours in the game total… I'm still a newb, and yet I'm fine. I think you've been playing much longer than me, but when I started playing last year, Sprint Burst, We'll Make It, Prove Thyself/Deja Vu and Kindred is a pefectly viable starter player build, and is available from the base game... in fact is actually available just by playing Meg alone.

    A new player is going up against low ranked killers, killers likely to be doing Adepts, killers not having all the killer perks themselves... Killers lacking Pain Res, Pop, Grim Embrace, Deadlock, Dead Man's Switch, Surge, Eruption.. the starter killer perks are often a lot worse than the the starter survivor ones... so I'm having trouble discerning your point...

    What are you proposing exactly? Giving everyone Decisive Strike as a free perk?

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    A whole character that in case of survivor is nothing more than a skin that breathes louder or more quiet and gives you 3 perks. Also 2 weeks? How many games do you think a new player plays in that time? You probably need around 50 h to get those shards... According to the wiki it should require around 65000 XP points to reach that level, 300xp a day for the first game on both sides, around 600-672xp per game max. If the person plays survivor probably a lot less, because the game probably won't last ten minutes, at least not for that guy.. So let's say it goes well and he gets to play 4 games an hour and gets like 350 xp per game. So 1400xp per h. That is a little less than 50 h, let's say 45 h because we still have the daily xp bonus for the first game.

    So to call this two weeks the guy is playing 3 h a day for two weeks straight, without getting frustrated because he feels defenseless when the killer goes for him right away after getting unhooked and with very little understanding of how the game works at that point...

    My point is not necessarily that it is bad that you need to unlock content, my point is that the new player experience sucks because you don't have good anti tunnel perks without getting additional characters.. That should not be the case, the base stuff should already be decent, but as it is right now the general perks for killer and survivor are mostly trash. Which is why beginners are very limited in their options for not only decent builds but especially for builds against tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited April 2024

    OK fair enough, so let's say we half that to 25h.

    There are people who can't manage more than 3h a day. There are also people such as single adults or students who can manage 6-8hr a day consistently, even more on weekends.

    A person such as this can get a character in just 3 days. With 14 characters to unlock at 4500 shards, a player can unlock almost the entire FTP survivor roster in a about a month and a half.

    So my point is dropping the prices of everything to FTP players to have the ability to unlock everything really fast removes any reasons to ever buy anything... and while there are philanthropic people who buy content to support developers, most people won't if it's too easy, and a live service game needs to keep generating revenue to stay alive. The bundles to unlock all these characters is now pretty cheap, and you get a lot of content in the Gold Edition for the price. The solution of dropping the price of everything to make it easier for new FTP players has side effects outside of making the game easier to get into for new players, it can potentially hurt the revenue stream of DBD as a whole.

    Now if you want to argue to make the base pool of perks better for new players, thus making getting into the game easier with a solid base of common perks, that is something I can get behind... but trying to balance the new player experience by making all existing content much easier to acquire with in game currency has greater implications than just that.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    My whole point was saying that it is a bad idea to say a new player should just play a long time just to be able to have a perk to help with an issue the person experiences, so basically it is bad that perk x that would be nice needs to either be bought or put hours into to get it because what they from the start sucks... I don't know I think most people that start the game don't immediately play it that much, especially if they are confronted with annoying stuff like tunneling and maybe don't know yet what to do about it... Not only is it frustrating it might as well prevent them from continuing to play, which is why the new player experience needs to improve.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited April 2024

    That is fair, and I was a little saddened when BHVR announced they had no intention of creating new perks after Stranger Things was brought back and lost teb respective perks for Steve Nancy and Demo.

    There are a number of perks that needs overhauling but we need new ones as well for sure.

    I posted this a while back, no traction sadly, but I still would like to see something like these added:

  • Member Posts: 4,704
    edited April 2024


    According to some players, the ds buff was the saviour the game needed. Just pay for the perk like good little sheep and stun the killer for 5 seconds.

    Shouldnt everything be fine now?

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    The ideas on the post are quite decent.

    Besides that bad new player experience I also think the game is way too loaded with perks, we have like 200+ perks probably on each side and that is just way too much, they seem to struggle to come with new ideas as well to some degree and there are just so many perks that nobody uses because of how useless they are. Maybe sum up the weaker ones to give one perk the effects of several, but then again they probably won't change the 3 perks per character thing...

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Put on Decisive Strike or Off the Record, or both. Or even add Dead Hard if you struggle. If you struggle taking chase (I take that from you complaining about someone going for you all the time) you should give yourself a bit of help.

  • Member Posts: 5,979

    DS is in the shrine right now, FWIW

  • Member Posts: 679
    edited April 2024

    Another your game is going to die thread mixed in with I get tunneled every game.

    Just play the game or don't if it's that bad.

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