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To lobbydodgers



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Mister_xD said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    I’d rather be dodged in lobby then load into game, and have 3 survivors DC because of ruin or they don’t like the killer... that happens way more often then a lobby dodge 

    LOL, no it doesn't.

    yeah, cuz survivors ragequitting when something happens they dont like is a myth and would never happen in the game.
    there are even ppl walking around with names like "Legion = DC" and stupid stuff like that.

    little heads up: killers arent the only ones dodging stuff they dont like. the only difference is, that survivors actually get banned for doing it too often, while killers dont. therefore, the killer doesnt ruin the whole game experience for all the other people and instead just makes you go in a different lobby, which takes ~20 seconds.

    That's cool and all, but all I said is killers dodge lobbies way more than "3 survivors dc bc of (insert thing here)".

    Never once did I say that survivors don't DC or dodge things once hey're in the game.

    I've had many killers DC because of maps, totems being broken, having a pallet slammed on them, being blinded ETC, and when a killer does DC it ruins the match far more than one or two survivors DCing, the killer gets points and the survivors can try to do something, both sides have DCers, but survivors don't lobby dodge unless it's for ping or they're using MLGA, which wont work soon anway

    Both sides are bad but to imply more matches have 3 survivors DC than killers dodge lobbies is ridiculous.

    Edit - also you say "it only takes 20 seconds" yea when it happens 4 - 8 times in a row it takes a lot longer than you think.

    The law of mathematical averages would disagree with you, and pretty sure a lot of legion players over the last month probably would too

    Your over exaggerated comment is not related at all to "the law of mathematical averages".

    I get dodged dozens of times a week while I usually see about 10-15 DCs from my killer matches a week, the law of mathematical averages would disagree with you.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @fcc2014 said:

    Wait you play 10 min rounds with Trapper at rank 1 without ruin? I find that hard to believe. Are the ssurvivors afk or just cherry picked potatoes?

    Actually I've faced good trapper, Pigs, Doctors, Freddy, Myers etc at rank 1 who make the games either last really long or they end them quickly.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Boss said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Boss said:

    That's nothing compared to the loads and loads of ingame DCers.

    While i don't support dodging in general, at least Survivors lose nothing but a bit of time from lobby dodgers...

    So @Vietfox waiting 4 hours and only playing one game is nothing? That's ridiculous and biased 

    You took that well out of context.
    Did you not see "compared"?

    Yea I saw it clearly and you having survivors DC and getting points is hardly a problem for you and this is a way bigger issue than the not so often DC that happens from survivors
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)

    I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous.

    So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)

    I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous.

    So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey.

    Wow chill, why do you assume I’m speaking to you, it’s not a reply to you, it’s a reply to the OP which is where the number comes
    from,, so who’s having difficulty with this conversation?

    not sure why you’ve got your knickers in such a bunch, or why your trying to start an argument with anyone about their experience of the game, it’s pretty pointless.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited January 2019

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)

    I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous.

    So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey.

    Wow chill, why do you assume I’m speaking to you, it’s not a reply to you, it’s a reply to the OP which is where the number comes
    from,, so who’s having difficulty with this conversation?

    Imagine trying to act smart.

    You directly say "2600" hours which is the amount of hours I accidentally quoted to you in a comment but quickly removed as I didn't mean to tag you in it.

    Nowhere in this thread does the number 2600 show up except for the amount of hours that I removed after tagging you.

    paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Mister_xD said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    I’d rather be dodged in lobby then load into game, and have 3 survivors DC because of ruin or they don’t like the killer... that happens way more often then a lobby dodge 

    LOL, no it doesn't.

    yeah, cuz survivors ragequitting when something happens they dont like is a myth and would never happen in the game.

    there are even ppl walking around with names like "Legion = DC" and stupid stuff like that.
    little heads up: killers arent the only ones dodging stuff they dont like. the only difference is, that survivors actually get banned for doing it too often, while killers dont. therefore, the killer doesnt ruin the whole game experience for all the other people and instead just makes you go in a different lobby, which takes ~20 seconds.

    That's cool and all, but all I said is killers dodge lobbies way more than "3 survivors dc bc of (insert thing here)".

    Never once did I say that survivors don't DC or dodge things once hey're in the game.

    I've had many killers DC because of maps, totems being broken, having a pallet slammed on them, being blinded ETC.

    Both sides are bad but to imply more matches have 3 survivors DC than killers dodge lobbies is ridiculous.

    oh, im sorry but you seem to have misunderstood me there.
    i never claimed that it would happen more often.
    i even explained why it does: survivors get banned for doing so and killers dont, as the killers can dodge before the game even started, thereofre not being forced to DC.
    just imagine this: survivors can now see the killer they face
    guess what? nurse players would not find a single lobby anymore. same goes for billy, michael, huntress, basically all the top tier killers.

    the thing you didnt seem to understand was, that this is a twobladed sword. it can work in both directions.

    What you've just said make 0 sense, we're talking about people DCing Vs Lobby Dodging. I say that killers lobby dodge way more often than there are 3+ DC's

    You come back with a sarcastic comment insinuating that my comment before it implies that I deny survivors DC (hint, I dont).

    and now you're talking about if survivors could see the killer they wouldn't get into a match? Hint, survivors don't and wont ever see the killer they're facing, for good reason.

    Killers dodge for stupid af reasons and it's normally not because of ping, killers dodge for characters used, items, certain names, players they know are good, clothing the survivor is wearing, possible swf.

    Im no pretending survivors wouldn't dodge nurses, but most of the nurse/billy/huntress matches I play don't have anyone that dodge the match immediately after knowing what the killer is.

    guess why they dont auto dodge these killers?
    cuz they are actively leaving the game in progress, therefore ruining at leats 3 other peoples fun / game.
    thereofre they get heavily punished.
    => they dont do it
    killers lobby dodging prevents the game from happening, therefore ruining no ones fun / game.
    they dont get punished for that
    => they do it

    again: what if the survivors could see what they are up against and therefore decide weather they want the game to start or not?
    they would dodge anything they wouldnt like to see
    they would not get punished for that
    => they would do it

    thats my whole point.
    and believe me: i see survivors ragequitting for all kinds of stupid stuff. example would be the "Legion = DC" person. they ragequit when they hear nurse, they ragequit when they hear the name of the killer (and they know its a good killer), they ragequit when getting moried, they ragequit when their team does bad, they ragequit when missing their DS, etc.
    now give these guys the ability to see the killer, his name and weather he uses a mori or not. you would literally get no more matches with certain killers.

    PS: i, as a survivor, see much more people DC midgame than i get lobbydodged. at some days its a rarity to even have a game with no DCs (unless im SWF of course).

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Paddy4583 said:
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)
    What platform are you on ? 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    powerbats said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    Wait you play 10 min rounds with Trapper at rank 1 without ruin? I find that hard to believe. Are the ssurvivors afk or just cherry picked potatoes?

    Actually I've faced good trapper, Pigs, Doctors, Freddy, Myers etc at rank 1 who make the games either last really long or they end them quickly.

    All of those with the exception of trapper can extend games based on their power. 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Boss said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:

    Boss said:

    That's nothing compared to the loads and loads of ingame DCers.
    While i don't support dodging in general, at least Survivors lose nothing but a bit of time from lobby dodgers...

    So @Vietfox waiting 4 hours and only playing one game is nothing? That's ridiculous and biased 

    You took that well out of context.

    Did you not see "compared"?

    Yea I saw it clearly and you having survivors DC and getting points is hardly a problem for you and this is a way bigger issue than the not so often DC that happens from survivors

    Getting BP is supposed to cover the lack of fun i'll be having for the remainder of that match?
    Or the fun of the other players?
    Lobby dodging is nothing but a small waste of time.
    Both we could do without, DCs need priority.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:
    I’d rather be dodged in lobby then load into game, and have 3 survivors DC because of ruin or they don’t like the killer... that happens way more often then a lobby dodge 
    I'd rather be dodged as well IF it didn't take 1 hour to get a match when playing solo.
    Idk who you play with but i (almost) never get 3 DCs in a single match. Makes me think you are just exaggerating.
    Well idk who I’m playing with either as I don’t play SWF so it’s always random.

    You Almost never get 3 DCs and I never wait an hour for a lobby or get dodged 9/10 times,
    so guess we must both be lying, because it’s impossible that we can have a different experience.
    Sorry but i play solo 50% of the times, i don't even know why are you trying to deny it. Look for threads about lobbydodgers, i'm not the only one here.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)

    I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous.

    So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey.

    Wow chill, why do you assume I’m speaking to you, it’s not a reply to you, it’s a reply to the OP which is where the number comes
    from,, so who’s having difficulty with this conversation?

    Imagine trying to act smart.

    You directly say "2600" hours which is the amount of hours I accidentally quoted to you in a comment but quickly removed as I didn't mean to tag you in it.

    Nowhere in this thread does the number 2600 show up except for the amount of hours that I removed after tagging you.

    paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment

    Hard to keep track of a conversation when you are  quoting so much accidentally tagging people and then editing later, like I said... sit down unravel your knickers, you won’t change my experience or win anything.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Paddy4583 said:
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.

    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)
    What platform are you on ? 
    PS4 mainly
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.
    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)
    I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous.
    So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey.
    Wow chill, why do you assume I’m speaking to you, it’s not a reply to you, it’s a reply to the OP which is where the number comes

    from,, so who’s having difficulty with this conversation?

    Imagine trying to act smart.

    You directly say "2600" hours which is the amount of hours I accidentally quoted to you in a comment but quickly removed as I didn't mean to tag you in it.

    Nowhere in this thread does the number 2600 show up except for the amount of hours that I removed after tagging you.

    paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment

    Hard to keep track of a conversation when yoir quoting so much and then editing later, like I said... sit down unravel your knickers, you won’t change my experience or win anything.

    So you first pretend you weren't talking to me, and when I prove you actually were talking to me you decide to say I'm upset? Ahaha, seems good man.

    Only thing I see is you lied to try and make me look stupid by implying the comment wasn't at me when it was, the changing and editing of my comments changes nothing, you replied to me without tagging me and then tried to pretend it wasn't a reply to me, LOOOOOOL.

    I'll say it again, paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    This whole comment chain is a mess. Why can't this playerbase have one discussion that doesn't devolve into arguments? I swear, you could make a post about chicken fingers and eventually there'll be an argument.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate.
    if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :)
    I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous.
    So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey.
    Wow chill, why do you assume I’m speaking to you, it’s not a reply to you, it’s a reply to the OP which is where the number comes

    from,, so who’s having difficulty with this conversation?

    Imagine trying to act smart.

    You directly say "2600" hours which is the amount of hours I accidentally quoted to you in a comment but quickly removed as I didn't mean to tag you in it.

    Nowhere in this thread does the number 2600 show up except for the amount of hours that I removed after tagging you.

    paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment

    Hard to keep track of a conversation when yoir quoting so much and then editing later, like I said... sit down unravel your knickers, you won’t change my experience or win anything.

    So you first pretend you weren't talking to me, and when I prove you actually were talking to me you decide to say I'm upset? Ahaha, seems good man.

    Only thing I see is you lied to try and make me look stupid by implying the comment wasn't at me when it was, the changing and editing of my comments changes nothing, you replied to me without tagging me and then tried to pretend it wasn't a reply to me, LOOOOOOL.

    I'll say it again, paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment.

    No I thought the OP was the one I was talking to which is why iy Was directly linked to the OP.  
    And I told you to unbuckle your panties a few comments back too, your a very angery little person... so you need a hug
  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    I can relate to the frustration when they lobbydodge. Sometimes its just insane and very tedious. After I open up the lobby I will sometimes within a span of 5 minutes have up to 20 survivors join and leave and join and leave! WHY!? Just play the game and stop lobbydodging!

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Paddy4583 said: Your experience is not a universal fact, so toddle on, I don’t wait hours for lobby’s and don’t get dodged at a 90% rate. if the game wait time was 1 hour between lobbies, and you are dodged 90% of the time, than your 2600 hours is irrelevant as only 10% of that time has been spent in game the rest is just lobby time... your numbers and facts not mine :) I never said I get dodged 90% of the time? See, you like to pull numbers out of thin air. I said I get dodged dozens of times a week, while I only have 10 - 15 DCs a week as killer, I can understand that following simple conversation is hard for some people but this is ridiculous. So toddle on, learn to follow a conversation and get back to me honey. Wow chill, why do you assume I’m speaking to you, it’s not a reply to you, it’s a reply to the OP which is where the number comes

    from,, so who’s having difficulty with this conversation?
    Imagine trying to act smart.
    You directly say "2600" hours which is the amount of hours I accidentally quoted to you in a comment but quickly removed as I didn't mean to tag you in it.
    Nowhere in this thread does the number 2600 show up except for the amount of hours that I removed after tagging you.
    paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment

    Hard to keep track of a conversation when yoir quoting so much and then editing later, like I said... sit down unravel your knickers, you won’t change my experience or win anything.

    So you first pretend you weren't talking to me, and when I prove you actually were talking to me you decide to say I'm upset? Ahaha, seems good man.

    Only thing I see is you lied to try and make me look stupid by implying the comment wasn't at me when it was, the changing and editing of my comments changes nothing, you replied to me without tagging me and then tried to pretend it wasn't a reply to me, LOOOOOOL.

    I'll say it again, paddy veri smart paddy dunt evn remebur own coment.

    No I thought the OP was the one I was talking to which is why iy Was directly linked to the OP.  
    And I told you to unbuckle your panties a few comments back too, your a very anger little person... so you need a hug

    Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you're still pretending you didn't mention the 2600 hours that was only mentioned by me (until I deleted it) and pretending that it was OP you were talking to?

    Im not angry, I just find it funny how people lie about things on the internet to try and make others look silly.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    you aren't entitled to have people play against you if they don't want to

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    This whole comment chain is a mess. Why can't this playerbase have one discussion that doesn't devolve into arguments? I swear, you could make a post about chicken fingers and eventually there'll be an argument.

    Indeed lol. But i can't help it, i've been dodged enough times to make me make a thread about it (and i got patience).
    Honeslty, i don't get why people keep dodging everything they don't like. Do they realize this is just a damn game?
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Pirscher said:
    I can relate to the frustration when they lobbydodge. Sometimes its just insane and very tedious. After I open up the lobby I will sometimes within a span of 5 minutes have up to 20 survivors join and leave and join and leave! WHY!? Just play the game and stop lobbydodging!

    Yea, survivors do it too - but recently I've been getting matched with survivors from Asia/Russia a lot and their pings are always trash so I can't blame them for dodging.

    It's annoying when you have a killer/survivor with green ping and they leave, it could also be the disconnect issue, I've been kicked from some lobbies while my friends have stayed in it, very weird.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @yeet said:

    you aren't entitled to have people play against you if they don't want to

    Well maybe they should stop playing PvP games then.
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @Vietfox said:
    @yeet said:

    you aren't entitled to have people play against you if they don't want to

    Well maybe they should stop playing PvP games then.

    a singe note on the worlds smallest violin for you

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @yeet said:

    @Vietfox said:
    @yeet said:

    you aren't entitled to have people play against you if they don't want to

    Well maybe they should stop playing PvP games then.

    a singe note on the worlds smallest violin for you

    Thank you.
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Vietfox said:
    @ShrimpTwiggs said:

    This whole comment chain is a mess. Why can't this playerbase have one discussion that doesn't devolve into arguments? I swear, you could make a post about chicken fingers and eventually there'll be an argument.

    Indeed lol. But i can't help it, i've been dodged enough times to make me make a thread about it (and i got patience).
    Honeslty, i don't get why people keep dodging everything they don't like. Do they realize this is just a damn game?

    Yeah, I see what you mean. I've seen it from both angles where I've been dodged over and over or I'm playing a killer and someone DCs because of whatever reason and screws over the others. I feel like both sides are guilty of wasting everybody's time.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    This whole comment chain is a mess. Why can't this playerbase have one discussion that doesn't devolve into arguments? I swear, you could make a post about chicken fingers and eventually there'll be an argument.

    Where are these alleged chicken fingers from?
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @fcc2014 said:
    ShrimpTwiggs said:

    This whole comment chain is a mess. Why can't this playerbase have one discussion that doesn't devolve into arguments? I swear, you could make a post about chicken fingers and eventually there'll be an argument.

    Where are these alleged chicken fingers from?

    Chick fil a. I might be a little hungry, right now.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019

    you quoted this part of the conversation I was having with OP. which is why I thought it was still op I was commenting too.

    regardless your comment stated that you had 2600 hours in game and that this was a fact, then apparently deleted because it was an accident,so my comment still stands and is perfectly cohearent to the comment you made.

    anyway like i said you wont change my experience of lobbies or game play
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I understand the frustration. But do consider players that aren't good enough to face these kind of teams yet still are rank 1 because of the messed up rank system. I agree though it's a problem. But the best solution would be for the devs to improve on the imbalance between solo and swf survivors.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @ad19970 said:

    I understand the frustration. But do consider players that aren't good enough to face these kind of teams yet still are rank 1 because of the messed up rank system. I agree though it's a problem. But the best solution would be for the devs to improve on the imbalance between solo and swf survivors.

    Yeah rank system is far from being perfect, but players won't get any better by dodging.
    In this case rank or teams weren't the problem (since i was playing solo and they couldn't see my rank).
    I swear this community behaves like a hive.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    This thread has devolved into a typical flame fest so it's now about Chicken and whether breaded and deep fried or just deep fried is the best.

    I say breaded and deep fried is best.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    This thread has devolved into a typical flame fest so it's now about Chicken and whether breaded and deep fried or just deep fried is the best.

    I say breaded and deep fried is best.

    I'm not gonna lie, i'm kinda proud of it.
    Anyway, just needed to release my salt.
  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    4 Toolbox = Ebonyyyy mori 4 man swf= ebony moriiiiiiiii and tunnel 
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Vietfox said:
    @ad19970 said:

    I understand the frustration. But do consider players that aren't good enough to face these kind of teams yet still are rank 1 because of the messed up rank system. I agree though it's a problem. But the best solution would be for the devs to improve on the imbalance between solo and swf survivors.

    Yeah rank system is far from being perfect, but players won't get any better by dodging.
    In this case rank or teams weren't the problem (since i was playing solo and they couldn't see my rank).
    I swear this community behaves like a hive.

    It's a bit extreme. I never have dodged any lobby and I won't ever. I enjoy the challenge. I think the problem is that playing killer isn't just challening againt good swf teams, but stressful. I think the fact that as a killer you are under constant pressure because survivors can repair gens fast, and that's what leads people to dodge swf and think killers are underpowered. But personally I don't think they are underpowered, just the way killers lose, you know, by being gen rushed, causes a lot of problems for killer players. If you get what I mean.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @ad19970 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    @ad19970 said:

    I understand the frustration. But do consider players that aren't good enough to face these kind of teams yet still are rank 1 because of the messed up rank system. I agree though it's a problem. But the best solution would be for the devs to improve on the imbalance between solo and swf survivors.

    Yeah rank system is far from being perfect, but players won't get any better by dodging.
    In this case rank or teams weren't the problem (since i was playing solo and they couldn't see my rank).
    I swear this community behaves like a hive.

    It's a bit extreme. I never have dodged any lobby and I won't ever. I enjoy the challenge. I think the problem is that playing killer isn't just challening againt good swf teams, but stressful. I think the fact that as a killer you are under constant pressure because survivors can repair gens fast, and that's what leads people to dodge swf and think killers are underpowered. But personally I don't think they are underpowered, just the way killers lose, you know, by being gen rushed, causes a lot of problems for killer players. If you get what I mean.

    Playing killer will be always more stressful no matter what (either if they are underpowered or overpowered).
    Why? For 2 main reasons:

    1 - they got the ability to kill people, if they don't they feel like they totally failed. As a survivor you kinda accept death.

    2 - killers got limited time to kill survivors and are constantly looking for them. As a survivor you just do your job (hold one button) till you hear the heartbeat.

    Last but not least swf aren't that op. They CAN be but most of them are just friends who want to play together. And honestly, SWF are more predictable and give more bloodpoints than solos.
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @powerbats said:

    This thread has devolved into a typical flame fest so it's now about Chicken and whether breaded and deep fried or just deep fried is the best.

    I say breaded and deep fried is best.

    I see you are a man of culture as well.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Vietfox said:
    @ad19970 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @ad19970 said:

    I understand the frustration. But do consider players that aren't good enough to face these kind of teams yet still are rank 1 because of the messed up rank system. I agree though it's a problem. But the best solution would be for the devs to improve on the imbalance between solo and swf survivors.
    Yeah rank system is far from being perfect, but players won't get any better by dodging.

    In this case rank or teams weren't the problem (since i was playing solo and they couldn't see my rank).

    I swear this community behaves like a hive.

    It's a bit extreme. I never have dodged any lobby and I won't ever. I enjoy the challenge. I think the problem is that playing killer isn't just challening againt good swf teams, but stressful. I think the fact that as a killer you are under constant pressure because survivors can repair gens fast, and that's what leads people to dodge swf and think killers are underpowered. But personally I don't think they are underpowered, just the way killers lose, you know, by being gen rushed, causes a lot of problems for killer players. If you get what I mean.

    Playing killer will be always more stressful no matter what (either if they are underpowered or overpowered).
    Why? For 2 main reasons:

    1 - they got the ability to kill people, if they don't they feel like they totally failed. As a survivor you kinda accept death.

    2 - killers got limited time to kill survivors and are constantly looking for them. As a survivor you just do your job (hold one button) till you hear the heartbeat.

    Last but not least swf aren't that op. They CAN be but most of them are just friends who want to play together. And honestly, SWF are more predictable and give more bloodpoints than solos.

    I agree with all of that. I as well don't think swf is nearly as op as others say. I'm just saying it's the fact that killer can be more stressful because of the reasons you said why people try and dodge swf. Cause they don't want to be stressed while playing the game. I mean normally you don't want to be stressed while playing any game. I'm not justifying that though. I personally would love a higher penalty for people who lobby dodge constantly. I also have no problem with any swf team at rank 1. I enjoy the challenge. But many people just get too stressed out, but to be fair those probably shouldn't be at rank 1 then.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @fcc2014 said:
    ShrimpTwiggs said:

    This whole comment chain is a mess. Why can't this playerbase have one discussion that doesn't devolve into arguments? I swear, you could make a post about chicken fingers and eventually there'll be an argument.

    Where are these alleged chicken fingers from?

    Chick fil a. I might be a little hungry, right now.

    Ok those are good with some waffle fries.
  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    Sooo this is an ego thread?

    "oh I'm so freakin' awesome perma rank 1 people just see my name and dodge me so hard I cant get matches any more qqhard!"

    Right. lawl. Ok.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Vietfox said:
    I've been playing solo for the last 4 hours and i've been dodged in 9 out of 10 lobbies. Seriously, uninstall DbD and go play something else.
    Some of you will say "oh, maybe they saw 4 survivors spawn at the same time". Some did, but MANY others saw me alone in the lobby, then TWO more spawning at the same time and then leave.
    Seriously lobbydodgers, grow a damn pair. This is getting ridiculous.

    Might have been mentioned (I didn't read 3 pages), but maybe they read the forums.

    Sometimes I dodge if I see a forum poster I know to be specifically toxic (only happened once actually), but Sometimes I specifically tunnel and camp (also only happened once actually) a survivor biased forum poster.

    Maybe you post too much lol.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    @Mister_xD said:
    sorry, but im not interested in a round with 2 or more toolboxes (i dont run ruin), 2 or more medkits (ive gotten instahealed so many times now, i actually dodge these. its annoying. you down someone and he's instantly back at full health .-.) or 2 or more flashlights (maybe ill play the round, maybe not).

    also, i might just not be in the mood to play against certain people. i know some names by now and sometimes (especially if its my first round of the day) i do not want to play against these, as they would completely demolish me.

    or sthg irl happened and i had to close the lobby.

    and here are a ton of reasons, besides the common "SWF group" reason. i usually dont dodge these btw.

    Stop playing the game then. This is not the game for you if you can't deal with its mechanics.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Lateral said:

    Sooo this is an ego thread?

    "oh I'm so freakin' awesome perma rank 1 people just see my name and dodge me so hard I cant get matches any more qqhard!"

    Right. lawl. Ok.

    Please tell me when i said that, thanks.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    I've been playing solo for the last 4 hours and i've been dodged in 9 out of 10 lobbies. Seriously, uninstall DbD and go play something else.
    Some of you will say "oh, maybe they saw 4 survivors spawn at the same time". Some did, but MANY others saw me alone in the lobby, then TWO more spawning at the same time and then leave.
    Seriously lobbydodgers, grow a damn pair. This is getting ridiculous.

    Might have been mentioned (I didn't read 3 pages), but maybe they read the forums.

    Sometimes I dodge if I see a forum poster I know to be specifically toxic (only happened once actually), but Sometimes I specifically tunnel and camp (also only happened once actually) a survivor biased forum poster.

    Maybe you post too much lol.

    Am i toxic now? 😂
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Vietfox said:

    Am i toxic now? 😂

    Only if he brought cookies to his invite only Bubba's basement party and you forgot the milk.

  • HulkHodn
    HulkHodn Member Posts: 116
    edited January 2019
    Reasons i dodge:

    More than 1 tool box, more than 1 first aid kit, more than 1 flashlight, more than 1 claudette, more than 1 Meg, Meg with a tracksuit, Survivors with fancy clothes, 2 or more survivors who join at the same time, when I feel like it and so on ...
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    witulo said:

    @Vietfox said:
    @witulo said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I've been playing solo for the last 4 hours and i've been dodged in 9 out of 10 lobbies. Seriously, uninstall DbD and go play something else.

    Some of you will say "oh, maybe they saw 4 survivors spawn at the same time". Some did, but MANY others saw me alone in the lobby, then TWO more spawning at the same time and then leave.

    Seriously lobbydodgers, grow a damn pair. This is getting ridiculous.

    Try playing a killer against a four man swf team, then come back here. "hint" You'll have a different opinion!

    Try play killer? Dude, i'm a rank 1 killer every month, the hell are you talking about?

    And everyone here has a six pack, a job that pay six figure salary, and a gorgeous top model boyfriend or girlfriend. Sure mate, ok! hehe

    @Vietfox isnt makin this up, dude. What would even be the point of that?
  • KissyKissy
    KissyKissy Member Posts: 112

    The only time I think it's ethically right to lobby dodge is when someones ping is far too high to create a fun experience. Nothing wrong leaving in those circumstances.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    The only time I think it's ethically right to lobby dodge is when someones ping is far too high to create a fun experience. Nothing wrong leaving in those circumstances.

    Yeah, nothing wrong with that.