Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Thoughts on 2v8 so far?

Member Posts: 6,226
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

After years of inquiries, we've finally gotten the game mode everyone's always asked for, in an incarnation I don't think anyone was really expecting. Would love to hear how people are feeling about it.

My first experience with it is just chaos. I can't tell if I'm making good game decisions because there's so much going on at once. Gens, heals, which exit gate to go to, there's way too much going on. It was pretty common for me to go for a cage or a gate and have an entourage of 2-3 other survivors thinking the same thing. Crazy fun in the moment, but if I can't get a better sense for it, I don't think I'd play this mode very long.

The game balance seems to be able to shift really quickly depending on momentum. Quick downs will slow down survivors as they run all over the map trying to rescue each other, but gens fly at a truly insane rate if they aren't being pressured. And for all the buffs they can give each other, Killers teaming up and covering one area so far seems a terrible idea. The idea of a 2v1 chase to corner a tricky survivor only really works for a last man standing situation - in the game I played, both killers converged on me in Red Forest's main building and four gens popped in ~40 seconds. One bad chase brought the game from 6 gens to 2, and that kind of mistake is way less defensible with twice as many survivors.

Also seems like killers really need to remember which survivors they've already hooked and focus on getting people out, because just chasing whoever's in front of you is a guaranteed loss - 8 survivors are way too much to handle.

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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    That's good to hear - I was leery of playing a setup killer in such a fast mode, but there's a tome challenge and I was going to have to.

    I'm thinking that committing to any particular survivor is a bad idea in this mode - the play is probably to abandon chases as soon as you encounter resistance and trust that you'll find someone out of position pretty quickly because survivors are running all over the place. As far as I can tell, if killers aren't getting a constant stream of downs, they'll lose fast.

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    I just played as Trapper and you're right. I got so many Survivors trapped, I couldn't believe it. It was total chaos but fun too. @HexHuntressThighs and I got an 8K.

    Some survivors were lagging pretty bad too, they were down to one generator, good plays and everything but yeah, they weren't mindful of traps.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I just played a match where 4 people ended up in a cage within a 30 second time frame so yeah…. it was impossible to recover at that point, especially playing solo and not knowing what everyone else is planning on doing.

    I also figured out the hard way that if Billy is just close by and revving his chainsaw, his teammate can get an instadown? and that was kinda insane and sad since I was the last person alive and looking for hatch and not expecting wraith to 1 tap me XD

  • Member Posts: 79

    Wait time for a match if you are killer is pretty dreadful! Not much fun to be had waiting 10 mins for a match up!

  • Member Posts: 707

    Takes ages to get a match. Hope it gets better sooner.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Are you also queuing solo or have you tried pre-made?

    I'm waiting a lot as a solo player (Europe)

  • Member Posts: 3,573
    edited July 2024

    The 2v8 Gamemode is a lot of fun. Ive already seen people complaining that it is "X-sided" or "Y-sided" but frankly I really could care less, it's just a lot of fun and that's all that matters.

    Also Trapper is surprisingly good, since they can effectively control the map while the other Killer applies pressure, and Id never thought Id see the day where Trapper can actually be good.

    And Ive been enjoying the Scout class a lot. I think people really undervalue how important the information is. If a teammate is looping close by, you can effectively provide constant information to them so they dont get mindgamed. Likewise you can give information to your team that you are being chased, which helps them make better decisions on healing or repairing.

    Ive seen a lot of people running the Escapist, and I understand why, but frankly the team comp ends up a bit boring when you see over half the lobby is running Escapist. None of this is to say "dont run it", but I think it is definitely overhyped.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I'd propose for other killers to group on a Discord server but the official server asks for a phone number.

    And there is no way I'll ever give my phone number.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    The nurse queue times are probably quick, because there's likely less people queueing up as nurse since you can't have duplicate killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Trapper was a better pick than I thought. I downed a couple people caught in traps from half the map away!

  • Member Posts: 448

    chaos; mostly 2 v 1 by the killers but it's not a serious game mode so it is what it is

    with that said, the cage mechanic was nice and I don't get why we can't do this with hooks to deter that play style

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    Same experience. I've not played a single Killer game yet because the wait times are so long I get bored and go back to the Survivor queue.

  • Member Posts: 14,889

    it’s chaotic and fun for the time being.

    I actually enjoy the scout survivor class (just equipped it because it’s the least chosen one in the queues I’ve been on)

    There is an astoundingly high amount of survivors not touching gens at all. Not in every match but I had already two matches where more than half of them weren’t doing gens at all?!? It’s okay though as it’s still fun (and in one of these two matches I got hatch 😋)

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    My second game ended with a server disconnection at 1 survivor left alive … >_>

  • Member Posts: 4,903
  • Member Posts: 158

    Chaotic.. I'm having a blast ^^

  • Member Posts: 4,140

    It was like that during the 2v8 streams too. Sometimes, 4 people were picking the medic class, and it seemed like all 4 of them wanted to run to every cage to help survivors.

    …Meanwhile, there might only be 1 survivor in the entire lobby choosing the generator class, and there was often 0-1 people repairing even though all 8 survivors were still alive.

    So it turns out that having broken class abilities like the scout’s killer aura reveal, ends up hurting the survivors, because most survivors want to try out the new broken abilities, instead of repairing generstors.

  • Member Posts: 2,648

    You said you are in Europe right? We are in different regions then

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    The logic behind doing "classes" and "skills" is obviously to save the balance designer team an ENOURMOUS HEADACHE.

    But the problem is this mode as it is there isn't what I asked for, when I ask for 2v8, im not saying 2v8 without perks or with survivor classes, I mean just 2v8. it remains to be seen if this version dawns on me, the 2v8 idea is solid, but im not a fan of what bHVR is doing to the idea atm, seems like more and something else than what I signed up for.

    One of the problems I already see is the lack of build difference.
    For instance the Survivor Class Escapist being annoying, because it gives Sprint Burst to all Survivors in 12m.

    Which is basically saying you have added Sprint Burst to EVERY MATCH of 2v8 now, Sprint Burst is awful to play against and you fixed it by making other options, but now that you have less options its way more awful again.

    So is it worth it to save the Balance Designers a a huge headache by creating this new system of less variety??? I think not.
    and I think the game mode would be way better if they allowed freedom of perks and addons.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    So, 10 minutes queues for me (Nurse)

    The strongest combo I've got so far is Huntress + Nurse : the two range killers of the mode.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    So, 10 minutes queues for me (Nurse)

    The strongest combo I've got so far is Huntress + Nurse : the two range killers of the mode.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Finally got a killer game! Played Trapper, as suggested, and it was a really awesome experience. My teammate was a Huntress and carried the first bit of the match while I was setting up, but like someone else said, nobody was really watching for traps like they would be in a Trapper game and I started getting loads of catches. The end of the game was delightfully cinematic - there were two survivors left, all four players ended up converging, and I took the Dwight while she went after the Mikaela. Ended up getting the downs within two seconds of each other. Caged, and went up to each other and slow nodded as the match ended. Felt great.

    The killer experience was much less chaotic than my survivor games have been, working with a single teammate instead of seven, though it might have been the particular match I played (and the competent teammate.) Though I did have to wait ten minutes to get in.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    billy is everything i imagine in this mode. fast furious, pressure. i was just catching everyone healing. mobility is so king in this mode.

    nurse huntress is really good in chase but man the mobility on these two killer is something.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I could have kissed trappers I've grouped with. The number of times I've pushed a survivor in a trap. Hillarious. 😂

    I've yet to group with a Billy. (With anything else that Trapper and Huntress really)

    I know I would not be able to follow without wasting blinks, he would not benefit much from my proximity (apart having a blinking drone downing his hits) and I would not benefit the insta-downs (as blinks are special attacks).

    I'm curious to try and see.

  • Member Posts: 4,863

    Surprisingly balanced? I think???

    I've been having a fun time. Survivor has been pretty fun, and it hasn't really been a stomp in a lot of the matches I play. Lost a fair few, won a fair few.

    I've only played one game as killer, but that was fun! Got a 7k.

  • Member Posts: 1,145
    edited July 2024

    Does this mode have Killer bots!?

    I think this might be a visual bug on the scoreboard , because I didn't see the Huntess toward to end of the trial. Less Hillbilly, more billy no mates (sorry).

    I'd love to be able to tell you guys what I think of playing Killer in this mode, but I'm still waiting… Survivor is fun and all, but I think we can all agree that the main appeal of this mode is the Killer tag team aspect.

    Edit: OK I finally got into a game as Billy. I can definitely see why he's not instadown in this mode because he would be OP! His extra turn rate is just chef's kiss. Got an 8K with a Trapper and it felt super satisfying to tag team Survivors. No wonder the queues are so long, this mode is much more fun playing as Killer.

    Post edited by tjt85 on
  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited July 2024

    Played several more games, some more thoughts:

    -Trapper was doing great at first, and I love him as a team player that helps both killers strategically push survivors around, but against good survivors he really struggled to keep up. I got more value out of 'why would you put a trap there' traps than vaults once survivors wised up. But then I switched to Wraith and found he performs really well in this mode, since it's so easy to find survivors and he's great at patrolling, especially gates and hatch.

    -Huntress is an amazing teammate but Billy is surprisingly not. He's way too toned down and exposing people around him serves little purpose when killers don't want to team up more than incidentally. Nurse is Nurse, of course.

    -Why are there still totems on the maps? They don't do anything. Chests also contain several no-longer-useful items - sabo boxes have no function and flashlights are pretty weak when killers can't pick players up.

    -Had a weird game on MacMillan where hooks spawned on the map and cages kept getting stuck in them. Survivors didn't seem able to unhook them. Should probably fix that soon.

    -This mode is fantastic for getting sacrifice challenges and 4k challenges done in the rift, haha. The game tallies both killers' efforts together and doesn't account for the fact that a 4k is not a clean sweep here.

    -Minor gripe, but I wish the lobby showed both killers (maybe the other can be looking in from the left corner?) and all survivors. It's a bit strange having the old lobby only showing half the participants.

    Probably going to switch back to survivor games soon, but I'm really enjoying the experience of being able to team with another killer - it's a bit of camaraderie that's brand new to Dead By Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Unbreakable needs to be basekit (from the start). It takes 1s to hook someone, and being bledout over 4 minutes is the most degenerate playstyle. Auras being revealed shouldn't work when 3+ people are dead/slugged.

  • Member Posts: 4,140

    Trapper should never have been added to this game mode. When maps are super big, and the optimal strategy is to zoom around the map to chase survivors, a killer whose entire power is "let's lock down a small area", is throwing the game.

    Wraith is infinitely better than Trapper in this game mode, because at least Wraith can zoom around the map. Trapper would need major buffs to be useful in this game mode. Like, being able to remotely pick up traps, and trap setting times that are short enough to actually be useful in a chase. Nerfed Billy is even infinitely better than Trapper in this game mode, because he can at least zoom around the super big maps.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Yeah. I mean, he deserves to be here, he's the face of the game. And he can pull off some epic snowballs. But survivors have too much rapid pressure in this game for his playstyle to work, even without the issue the giant maps pose to him. They had the right idea giving Trapper more traps to start and a little speed boost while he sets traps, but it just takes too long for him to cross the map setting things up, and because the size of the map and number of survivors makes locking down an area near-impossible and you have to play the entire map, it's too easy for survivors to disarm his traps or for traps to go off in a part of the match he can't reach in time. He can provide a lot of assistance to the other killer, but they have to carry him for the first part of the match, and if they can't pick up his slack, the killers will be scrambling on the back foot for the entire game.

    Should've made him start with all of his traps, maybe then he'd have a chance - but his lack of mobility and weakness to Double Pallets Everywhere is really noticeable.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I think it is very chaos and slightly too fast pace then I'd like or enjoy. I like the concept, but I feel like they just changed too many things from the original game mode which makes it feel confusing.

    I'd like to see the classes changed to be actual perk load outs we know but that fit the class and same for killers but the change it where they have two killer build based on the killer itself and skills and do a defensive and offensive build for each one.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    the mode is fun so far but i have one important massage for my fellow killer players.

    when we are at the gate and you land a hit and downs someone and that surv does not just fall out the gate get your sorry but that is stuck in the weapon whipe animation away so your partner can hook that guy before he can escape! pretty pls no one wins anything when the surv escapes

  • Member Posts: 522

    It's too stressful and chaotic. I'd prefer they just bring back Chaos Shuffle instead.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Have you played both roles yet? Survivor is pure chaos but killer feels a lot more controlled, even if it's easy to get overwhelmed by survivor speed. I found it easier to identify what my objectives were as killer (protect this gen, commit vs patrol, let my teammate cook or help them out because there's four survivor auras running away from them), where for survivor I'm constantly getting yanked in twenty different directions.

    Is lag a big problem for anyone else? I'm missing so many skill checks because my screen keeps freezing.

  • Member Posts: 3,360

    2v8 is so fun!!! I LOVE IT!!

  • Member Posts: 4,140

    Trapper is one of the worst "face of the game" that I've ever seen in any PvP game. I don't care if the stats say he might be ok at low MMR. If BHVR can't modernize him for current DBD, then make one of the other original killers the "face of the game".

  • Member Posts: 3,744

    Pretty chaotic.

    Some unfair situations.

    The aura reveal is to much, especially at the end.

    Very limited options due to the classes. The 5 killers are already annoying - Huntress in every game :-(

    At the moment it is good it is only time limited.

  • Member Posts: 501

    Seems fun gens do be flying though

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2024

    Thoughts: Vaguely interesting. Don't really like the classes or killer structures, it takes away the variability of actual perks, items and add-ons. No rank advancement. Really it becomes a different game, an idiot Dead by Daylight if you will. Worst still is the actions of survivors contributes to the wiping out wholesale of other survivors - no cage rescues, sandbagging, clashing attempting to pass through the same narrow space. And like the PTB environment when a new release is being tested, it is nearly impossible to play killer as match times take far, far, far, far too long. In sum, it's a disaster.🤢🤮

    Update: It seems killers have found a way to make this mode even worse by engaging in the typical killer player actions that are deeply toxic in normal gameplay anyway - slugging, tunneling and camping. Working together, there have been multiple games where the two killers tag team survivors off hook. The latest other play is when there are three survivors left to just slug them with one killer riding herd on the slugs while the other hunts and downs the active survivors. This is apparently being done to ensure “that the dead weight doesn’t win” by escaping via hatch.

    the only thing that might make this vaguely to,enable would be to greatly increase the speed of both dying recovery and self healing while adding endurance for 30 seconds when the slugged survivor recovers from the dying state. Yes, I said it.

    I am done with this mode of the game. Maybe it is for the adrenaline monkeys out there, but it cannot come to an end soon enough.

    Post edited by HeyWillson on
  • Member Posts: 522

    Killer is slightly less stressful and chaotic than survivor, but is tempered by the 11 minute queues. At least I've got an ebook to make progress on while I wait.

  • Member Posts: 894

    pretty underwhelming. I only played survivor because killer has been like 10 minutes in queue and nothing...

    As survivors, first 2 matches were so easy, the first one took like 3 minutes, everyone escaped, no kidding. Second one was normal length, but extremely easy as well.

    Third one idk if killers have aura readers, but I got found in places impossible to be found unless the killers have base aura reading, which was not cool, and for some reason a trapper tunneled me out for the first 2 hooks (until a nurse found me in the most impossible way ever and i died).

    At least survivor queue time is so fast I dont mind... but yeah, as I write this i'm still in killer queue and it's already been maybe 15 mins or more...

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited July 2024

    Also, forgot to mention, I love that we get no rank ups, but I feel having only the same "classes" is very limiting in variability. Tbh I just wanted the normal game mode, but with twice the players and no ranking, no more changes...

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2024

    Long queue times for killer will be what kills this game mode. You can give survivors a 400% bonus but it won't change the fact that survivor gameplay is boring. Not even being able to have perks, flashlight saves, etc only makes it more boring. I think the actual balance is fine but that doesn't make it interesting from a survivor perspective.

  • Member Posts: 471

    Fun for killers, I don't see myself having fun playing survivor in this which is a shame because queues are terrible

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