Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Thoughts on 2v8 so far?



  • Member Posts: 189

    Demonstrates that the pallets in this game are unbearable. Just so many - take 20% away and force survivors to learn to loop and evade instead of running from one safe pallet to the next.

    I'll get my points in the tome and go back to 1v4.

  • Member Posts: 854

    I have yet to play it. I had no time.

    Tho I just wanted to replay to one sentence: "game mode everyone's always asked for". I would rather play 5v5

  • Member Posts: 395

    personally i love it. i actually choose to play survivor and enjoy it now because im not camped or tunnled. its so amazing. and killer is fun too since theres alwasy something going on.

    my only gripe is the survivors i get teamed up with. like how am I the only person of 8 total survivors….doing a gen? Ive been let in cage to get to second stage, people ignore me entirely when needing heals, they lat out ignore gens. its the definiton of solo queue lmao

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    It's pretty fun. Although, I have noticed that it feels like Trapper, Wraith and Billy are all just supporters that can't do much on their own, while Nurse and Huntress are just great in general. This does limit the number of worthwhile combos drastically.

    Hillbilly seems to be pretty bad in every combination because on his own he is terrible and his team ability is not good with Huntress and Nurse. So you would need to pair him with either Trapper or Wraith, who are also not very good and suffer from the same issue, which makes it way harder to use the exposed effect. Also, Billy's mobility is terrible. There is just too much clutter everywhere to really make use of it, so you might as well play Wraith. As a Billy main, this has me disappointed.

    Trapper and Wraith also feel terrible on their own. I understand that team work is key but if you can't do anything on your own, that's not very fun. With the amount of chasers that is exactly the case though. Also, why did they think that the strongest killer in the game needed the most buffs? 8 buffs for Nurse might be a little much.

    I hope they'll change some of these killers for future iteration. They will probably have to add a few more interesting things for survivors too because this is just not that interesting from their perspective. It's fun as a killer because for the first time you can play together with a friend (if we ignore that old glitch) but for survivors there is nothing that special to it.

  • Member Posts: 261

    Indeed and I love it!
    Both sides feel fun to play, I hope they will extend the duration of the 2v8 mode, its great :)

  • Member Posts: 1,389

    Haven't played too much - but from what I can tell; teamed up killers who got the cage spawn logic down and are on comms just make sure survs are busy running literally across the map the whole time and then greet them there as soon as people are unhooked.

    Similarly, teamed up survs (three or more) just systematically stack gens in whatever corner the killers aren't; simply getting them takes them almost as long as completing the gen so it's one hook stage vs one gen.

    tbh, I think this would be better with SoloQ only; simply because you can pretty much immediately tell if people have Qed up as a team and the matches where no one seemed to have Qed up together were a lot more fun. That being said: Qing up premade hasn't been particularly common for me so it's just every once in a while. Let's see how it goes as the event continues.

  • Member Posts: 193

    It's pure chaos and I love it. Even after getting absolutely clobbered twice in a row last night, it was insane. My one gripe is with Killer queue time but I also totally get why it's so long rn.

    I'm gonna try to get in a couple games of Killer tonight since I only tried for the 400% yesterday, but I'm excited to see what future iterations of 2v8 will be like.

  • Member Posts: 1

    It sucks. It's all about the killer and I spend 20 minutes trying to play as killer. If DBD plans on keeping this garbage they need to adjust everything. I've escaped once, can't get in match as killer, the wraith is the worst. I've decided I'm not picking this game up again until this 2V8 is done.

  • Member Posts: 854

    My thought is that killer que is too damn high!

  • Member Posts: 501

    It does seem to be that pretty much every game every gen is done an this is with my randoms who go down almost instantly can you imagine an 8 man stacked team lol

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited July 2024

    I'm genuinely wondering, are there killer bots being sprinkled in here? I have come across nurses that don't blink and keep whiffing even the simplest attacks, trappers that hardly even trap, killers that are extremely easy to loop, where as in regular pub matches I typically get destroyed…

    Some games it seems like we all get an easy escape, other games the killers are really coordinated and actually down survivors quickly and we get annihilated. So ARE killer bots being put into some lobbys??

    Considering that the killer queues are so long, and I'd like to try playing killer at some point in 2v8, they definitely shouldn't be utilizing bots. Every time this is being done, that's one less spot for a real player to get in on the action.

  • Member Posts: 25

    I played it until I finished the current tome page and am not touching it until the new page is up tbh.

    Yes, it's fun to play killer with my housemate who usually hates playing killer, but the killer selection is too limited. More importantly: Limited to killers neither of us enjoys to go against or touches unless we have a challenge for them.

    Personally I don't really see the chaos in it aside from the chaotic matchmaking and players running around like lost little ants at the start of the match. The rest is very predictable since powers and classes are predefined. You know exactly what to expect once you have read and understood the different skills for each role/killer. When the Scouts do their job right, survivors have constant aura reading on the killers and killers have nearly constant aura reading on the survivors in turn. And because everyone loathed remote hooks during the anniversary, they are back here with a somewhat different animation. To top it all off, we can't even progress our ranks in this mode. So at the end of the day it comes down to killers trying to have a slaughterfest and survivors attempting to genrush as fast as possible.

    Don't get me wrong, it's great that people enjoy it, but it's not really for me. I much rather prefer Chaos Shuffle. Where we at least had all killers and all maps and no one knew what to expect until they loaded into a match. That's the mode I hope to see return one day.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    honestly while it might be GREAT for killers, the survivors have a hard time. They’ve made this tooooo easy for killers.
    Throwing axes through walls? I got knocked down WAY TO MANY times because of it!!! (another reason I feel this way)

    I might have been a little better to be carried to the closes cage.
    they definitely only thought about killers this game not survivors.
    no point in playing killer when you have to wait 30-45 minutes just to get into a match .
    I definitely can’t wait for this 2v8 to be over so I can finally play an actual match. Because I keep getting kicked out everytime I try to play one.

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