Why do people believe bloodlust should be removed?



  • Zesty_Renato
    Zesty_Renato Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2024

    People can't maintain a consistent argument against bloodlust. First, it's unfair; then it's a solution to an issue that no longer exists. If you're hitting Bloodlust 2 or 3 consistently, you're "trash" or new, and now it's unfun for the survivors. You're not supposed to be able to outplay the killer for that long. Again, Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game. An individual survivor should be significantly weaker than a killer. Your issue seems to lie more in your inability to employ team-centric thinking than in the bloodlust mechanic itself. It's crazy that survivor mains need to be reminded that DBD isn't a one-on-one game, and each survivor has three hook states and there are four survivors in a match—that's a lot of chases for the killer. If you want a 1v1 game, maybe try some mini-games on Roblox.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Asymmetrical does not mean one side should win more than the other. It means either opponents have separate roles to play.

    I played alot of Dying Light Be the Zombie b4 DbD came out where there is 1 "Killer" and 4 "Survivors".

    No one there argued the zombie should win by default because no one wants to play a game where you get outplayed/handheld just by picking a side.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Survivor gameplay is not killer gameplay and killer gameplay is not survivor gameplay. Creating false equivalencies in every discussion is one of the silliest things this community does.

    Bloodlust has nothing to do with survivor perks.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    The killer refusing to break a pallet has nothing to do with survivor gameplay. If a survivor is at a simple car loop, it feels bad being caught because the killer was stubborn. Loops that can be played by both sides become increasingly unsafe depending solely off killer stubbornness until they're BL3.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    Yes, which are called such because someone like Freddy who can't hit over a pallet has to break them. Even at BL37, that pallet is getting kicked. That's not a reason for BL spoiling every other pallet that is perfectly playable. A Killer BLing the 2 car pallets outside the preschool shouldn't be a thing.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678

    God Pallets have no place in any discussions about Bloodlust, since God Pallets need to be kicked. Very poor argument.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    You can't even BUILD BL at those pallets since it would involve chasing a survivor around them.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2024

    What exactly do you think should happen at that loop if you don't want to leave it but also don't want to get hit?

    Without a chase power or bloodlust, there is no mindgaming this loop because you have full visibility, so a survivor with sufficiently fast reflexes is just going to instantly mirror your movements and keep themselves on the opposite side of the loop the entire time.

    How is this not asking for infinites?

    Unsafe pallets are supposed to exist. You're supposed to use them to chain other loops and to have a resource to stun the killer with. Not run around it a thousand times while 5 gens pop.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Huh, thats a strange take. Breaking a pallet or doing anything that advances your game as a killer specifically CHANCELS bloodlust. If you want to keep bloodlusting to the higher tiers, you HAVE to ring around the rosie without breaking the pallet that would open up said loop.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    Were still talking about the car loops, right? It's perfectly possible to get a hit WITHOUT bloodlust on those loops, and if you arnt confident... kick the pallet and move on. The idea of a killer completely removing counterplay in exchange for a fixed amount of time is why original Legion was hated. It's not that its too strong, but that the survivor skill isn't allowed to be expressed.

    These middle ground pallet loops where it's neither a guaranteed hit unless you can get a stun or 100% safe is ideally what the game should have more of. Those getting screwed over by a mechanic meant to bandaid fix window loops that were too strong and have mostly been changed already... is not were we should be.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368


  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 994

    This is it right here. It is only necessary because there are still some extremely busted tiles and groups of tiles on maps that most killers can do nothing about without bloodlust. Fix maps and then bloodlust is not necessary.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 479

    Bloodlust is pretty fine as is and serves its purpose.

    Bloodlust 1 exists to help give you a leg up when a chase drags on.

    Bloodlust 2 exists if you're committing to a losing chase.

    Bloodlust 3 exists if you've already lost the chase.

    I think it's the mindset that people need to understand, if a killer if getting to Bloodlust 3 to down you then you've already won the chase. It isn't about outrunning the killer, it's about how much time you buy your team and in that scenario you've bought your team A LOT of time. Also, given that a lot of killers these days rely on their powers to help in chase it's very rare that you'll see anything like BL2 or BL3 so you don't need to worry about that.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678

    No, it is a bad argument. God Pallets are exactly the same, whether you have no Bloodlust at all, only Bloodlust 1, Bloodlust 3 or Bloodlust 10.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    And as soon as said God pallet is thrown, you either break it or the chase ends. There's no time in that scenario where bloodlust gets built. That's why mentioning God pallets as a reason for bloodlust makes 0 sense. You can't build bloodlust after a godpallet is thrown.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    Maybe not removed but it could definitely be adjusted inline with map reworks. Theres a lot more filler pallet loops these days on maps that are absolutely useless to the point that a killer can literally lunge around them or just skip the pallet entirely. BL becomes a problem when you have maps filled with these types of pallet setups and you have nowhere to go.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    So we have the opinion that BL2 and BL3 should not exist because they for some reason are unfair to survivors who can keep looping / outrunning killer with BL1 ( which if and when happens means BL1 is not enough to catch up, thus by logic BL1 is useless ) and at the same time there's an opinion that BL2 and BL3 only reward bad play, despite the fact that if BL2 or BL3 was reached then it's most likely because BL1 was not enough ( again ).

    In other words BL2 and BL3 are the ''fix'' for cases where BL1 does not work. Some people should really decide what they want - BL1 to be so effective that BL2 and BL3 will no longer need to exist or things stay as they are, because apparently BL1 in many cases may not be enough. If you ask when killer may need BL2 or BL3, the most obvious answer is when map RNG decides to make BL1 insufficient.

    It may come as revelation to some players, but sometimes tile generation makes certain things a bit too unfair to deal with. Unless a static map system is introduced, this ''archaic band-aid fix'' is still required.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    I think it's generally outdaded. Bloodlust 1 is fine specifically for killers that lack chase power, mobility, or map pressure as a whole. In an era where maps are smaller and tiles are weaker, tiers 2 and 3 are necessary.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,228

    I think it's the mindset that people need to understand, if a killer if getting to Bloodlust 3 to down you then you've already won the chase.

    I don't want the bloodlust system to change for very different reasons than what are being discussed, but I feel like there would be howls of outrage if a mechanic was introduced where if a killer got multiple downs in quick succession, all survivors got an boost where they did gens and healing quicker. There's be a ton of 'why am I being penalized for playing well?' posts even when it was pointed out 'you're already winning'.

    Actually, we kind of dealt with that during the 8 gen kick change already.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I actually think that the game would THRIVE if it had some kind of comeback mechanic, I am saying this for years!

    Yeah, I get that it sucks to be "penaltized" or "punished" for playing good, but on the other side this game so often leads to hopeless situations where one side snowballs so hard that the other side has no conceivable way of winning.

    This hord-shooter-type games like Left4Dead or Vermintide often have a game-director-ai that holds back when the team is doing poorly, but unleashes hell on them when they are doing too well. And what would the game lose if The Entity would eat a pallet or two, if the killer got into a chase with a god-looper who greeded every pallet and wasted nothing while his team did 3 gens, or if a survivor suddenly finds a medkit in the remote corner they are hiding in, after the killer injured them when they went for the safe on one of the two hooked other survivors?

    Allowing the losing team to catch up in clearly losing situations would only help to have fewer stomping games and more of this nailbiting tight and fun games. But I guess "skill expression" is more important then having a balanced and fun experience for everyone.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    i think bloodlust 1 and 2 shouldn't exist. bloodlust 3 should exist but it should be like fixed amount of time it activates. for example if you didn't hit a survivor for 60 seconds, you get 25% haste bonus. if certain killer are too weak without bloodlust 1, they could buff their base m/s very slightly. like 118% m/s. it is already exists for hag waterlogged shoe, I cannot see harm in other killers acquiring that.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 479

    I don't really see that being practical in any way for the killer. Current Bloodlust 3 requires 35 seconds of not hitting, breaking or using powers in a chase to grant you +15% haste. What you're proposing is +25% after 60 seconds of not hitting, breaking or using powers. At that point you might as well scrap the bloodlust mechanic altogether because your proposed change serve no use in any situation aside from the killer hard tunnelling out a single survivor and even then they'll probably down before bloodlust even happens.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,383

    It should only exist on M1 killers with no significant power. No one should need bloodlust to hit someone on killers like Blight, Hillbilly, etc. The higher tiers could be removed altogether.

  • Vulcan7471
    Vulcan7471 Member Posts: 41

    first mistake was looking at YT shorts comments

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    no i am proposing 60 seconds flat. you don't need to be in the chase for this timer to tick. if you don't hit anyone within 60 seconds. you get bloodlust. bloodlust is 25% haste.

    I don't really see that being practical in any way for the killer.

    The point is that bloodlust is not suppose to be practical. it is suppose to be impractical and occur very rarely. Like it should occur only if there are infinities or busted setups that spawn such as….. Shack window facing a jungle gym window or 2 T-L walls facing each other which at this point, if the mechanic is triggering, we should be asking whether that setup/loop is balanced or not.

    Strangely enough, i think the mechanic would occur very often in dbd survivor vs killer 1vs1's.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,932

    Not while garden of joy main building still exists, and many others.

  • I think it’s fine

  • how do you fix them? I personally think blood lust is fine I don’t really care about it but how do you fix the maps?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    Ok, all true statements statements that have 0 to do with God pallets. Imagine THIS situation for a second. Your on Lerys chasing a survivor. The survivor throws a pallet that blocks the entire hallway, also known as a god pallet. The only way to get to the other side of the pallet is by going through a separate room which wouldn't ever catch ANY survivor unless they were blind and deaf.

    Even if it were possible to keep building BL in this situation, BL 1000 is not going to let you phase through that wood. You have now stopped running though and the survivor is 100% safe so they have no reason to run except to make distance until you do the only move you have... which is to kick the pallet.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Not really. Maps are shrinking and tiles are redesigned to be much weaker. Those are the equalizers. You can’t have bloodlust but also small maps but also weak filler tiles. Survivors get to have fun too.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    Yes, if the killer had bloodlust... they'd lose it. Bloodlust does not help on God pallets. This is why bringing up godpallets as the reason we need bloodlust makes 0 sense. No amount of bloodlust would help you get a hit once any of these pallets are used.

    Bloodlust was meant to counter overly strong WINDOW loops, which have mostly been eliminated at this point. Even THEN though, BL1 could accomplish that. A killer hitting BL3 is just someone who is getting outplayed and is too stubborn to kick the pallet. Not talking about God pallets here because... no one is looping these once they're tossed.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i think it's time they can customize and balance BL for each individual map. on some you only reach tier 1, on some you don't get it and on some you get each tier per 10 seconds in chase.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    You used godpallets as the reason BL should exist. That's why I was talking about them. I'm sorry for talking about the point YOU made. If we're talking about window loops...sure. Lead with that. Why bringing up god pallets at all?

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 333

    Because survivors are demanding stuff extra hard after they saw it can work with the skull merchant. They complained about Gen perks so they got nerfed, now they are complaining about Slugging, add-ons, aura reading, and bloodlust. It's quite tiring

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    So you brought up god pallets for 0 reason when asked why BL should exist... thanks... Having a pallet to reset BL does NOT mean BL should exist to begin with.

    Strong windows ARE a legit reason for BL, but those have been continuously altered by adding things like doorways directly next to windows. There's only a handful of killers who's power wouldn't help them get a hit on just about every existing window loop in the game, and most of THOSE are because their power is already applied to get a down rather than just a hit (Myers, Ghostface, Plague, Legion). Every other killer would be actively using their power, therefore not gaining bloodlust. What's that leave... Pig? Maybe just tie bloodlust to Pig and remove it from every other killer.

    I welcome you to screenshot a windows loop that is unplayable without bloodlust. You mentioned Autohaven, but that's a whole realm and not a map. I don't know what building you're refering to.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    Yes... you said "God pallets exist :)" when the topic of the thread is "Should bloodlust be removed". Are you saying you bringing up god pallets was completely random and had nothing to do with the topic?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    That ALSO makes no sense since I was talking about car loops and how BL3 shouldn't be used on them. This is another point that bringing up god pallets is random. God pallets has nothing to do with car loops, OR bloodlust 3.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    You clearly only read a few things in my response and ignored what I was talking about. I was talking about "getting rewarded for playing poorly" which is stuff that is in the game on both sides.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    "If some one is hitting 2 and 3 consistently, there is something very wrong with their gameplay" In some cases, that is somewhat true. BUT, the problem is, 99% of the players will not have enough time to learn all the small nuances of the chase mechanics and hundreds of perks, because of multiple reasons (usually work, school, family etc…) So, therefor BL is good for those who want to play this game casually.

    If they took BL away, that would impact negatively most of the playerbase who play Killer. And taking it away, may also impact player count negatively