Can we please fix Scourge Hooks mechanic without band-aid perks?

Hi, devs. I once again want to aks you take a look at Scourge Hook (SH further) mechanic, because looking at new SH perk on PTB, I see that you notice the problem, but somehow decided to give us a really questionable band-aid perk instead of actually fix the problem with it.
I really love most of SH perks, but I stopped to use them more than half year ago. I simply don't want to bring perk or even perks I CANT use due to extreme and unnecessary RNG of this mechanics.
This is me went literally into first custom match to take screenshot of how amazing SH perks are. Any reason I should bring them next time instead of perks I can actually use and have value from? Do you understand that I would be literally perkless, if I brought 4 SHs?
I already did post about it more than year ago, I think my suggestion is still more than viable:
I think these changes would make this mechanic a lot more fair and worthwhile:
- At the start of the Trial, 5 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks (was 4 random Hooks)
- 1 additional Scourge Hook spawns for each additional perk after the 1st
So 2 SH perks? 6 Scourge Hooks (5+1). 4 SH perks? 8 SHs (5+3). Except Monstrous Shrine, I think it should just make SHs in the basement.
And more than this, new SH: Jagged Compass doesn't even fix it, it's awful even as band-aid. It should create SH at moment of hooking with all following effects from your perks, then it will be decent band-aid, which I prefer left alone, when whole mechanic is easy to fix. I don't want to bring perk just to make my other perks do something.