Killer behaviour is appalling during events

I see Chaos Shuffle has started and decide to hop on after a week break from DbD. And how do my first two games of the modifier go?
Get matched against the same slugging Pinhead twice in a row. Like come on. Why are some of y'all SO determined to be as miserable as possible? And for those who'll come in and say they're just using it as a strategy or some other nonsense, no they aren't. Obviously I can't show it here, but their username was a taunt that made it 100% clear they're doing this to annoy everyone.
I'm so done playing survivor during events. Sick and tired of being treated as a prop to be pushed around by disgruntled killers.
Oh look. Another one. How original.
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Event lurkers came back again. They're usually very dirty players
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I'm so over it. Had the same problem during last year's anniversary event. Don't know why I bother queuing for this game these days.
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They only slug because of Unhook-Perks, trust!
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And people wonder why we have a giving up epidemic in this game. I played 3 matches and literally 2/3 were the exact same as this.
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My first match of this event was a Pyramid head just slugging and not 4k slugging but he downs someone i'm near him and boom chases me all the way across the map but also slugs through out the rest of the match. It's one of those things where if your that worried about DS just realize no one in the event has their main build on and even then DS is a 1 out of 149 which is a 0.0067% chance of a single survivor having it. But even then slugging during a event? Really?
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Oh no the killer in a game about killing people killed people.
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Do you play on EU region? I tend not to play survivor at all during events unless it's 2v8 for this reason. I watch NA streamers but it's never this bad or frequent.
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You know fully well that's not what's going on here. It's not about the killer killing survivors, it's about them choosing to go about it in the most obnoxious way possible and waste everyone's time in the process.
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Yeah, EU. This kind of thing is very common unfortunately. I'm a 60:40 killer main but think I'm just gonna drop survivor for good and focus entirely on killer because my survivor matches lately have been miserable.
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How dare murderers and killers not be polite about murdering and killing >:(
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Obvious bait. Next caller.
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Seriously though what did you expect of people? This game is over 8 years old. We've been through this.
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How edgy of you. Sorry, but you're probably one of those killers who do this.
The game is about killing people on hook, not bleeding out for zero reason on the floor.
It's players like this that ruin events for everyone and you can't quit because of the DC penalty. If this stuff happens, you should 100% get a free DC without penalty (4 slugs on floor = free DC).
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The game is about killing people on hook, not bleeding out for zero reason on the floor.
^ this.
Two pretty obvious things:
- Bleedouts give next to no Bloodpoints.
- The game is designed around Survivors basically having 3 "Lives". If it would be only 1 "live" (aka either bleeding every Survivor out or getting all 4 slugged and one-hooking them) Survivors would have to be far stronger.
But Killers know that slugging is extremely strong, even stronger when it is unlikely that anyone has a Perk against it. And doing it during Chaos Shuffle just shows that they are not slugging because Survivors have so many Perks which activate when getting unhooked.
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I don't slug. I don't even play with perks or addons.
>The game is about killing people on hook
Who said that?
>4 slugs on floor = free DC
Actually not a bad idea. A2M should hire you.
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Very sad when killers don’t play how survivors want them to play.
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Don't worry! Soon you'll have bot teammates to help with event queues after killers drive most of the playerbase back to regular matches.
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Please explain to me what the goal of this is supposed to be. What are these killers achieving by playing in this way?
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Why are there hooks on the map, then? Please explain that to me.
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Really don't understand why this behavior isn't managed. As a dev, why would you want these people playing your game and ruining it for everyone game after game?
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Making the other side miserable, generally. Some people really get a kick out of that kind of thing, unfortunately.
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Unironically the way this game is headed.
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Then also wonder why they get more swfs or competent survivors who steam rolls them.
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And how exactly would you manage it without turning the game even more into a one-dimensional slog?
I wonder at what point we stop having a game. It's already devolved into a spreadsheet simulator. Some treat it as their bully simulator. None of this will be addressed in any meaningful way because you simply can't.
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Sadly because a vocal group on these foums insist that it's just the killer "doing their job" and not a method of griefing their opponents. They resent the idea that they won't be able to annoy the other side.
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The same killers that probably complain about toxic SWFs bullying them too.
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Well, the survivors will be dead soon, and the killer will win.
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Nooo you were supposed to do it slowly so we can T-Bag at the exit gates
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This is one of the reasons why survivors don't want to play during events causing killers to have long waits. To "fix" it BHVR is going to start using bots to fill event lobbies instead of addressing the reasons why they can't get enough survivors to play.
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Okay, and why couldn't they hook us instead of making us wait 4 minutes on the ground?
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Given the average soloQ survivor performance, bots are in general an upgrade.
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Coincidentally pyramid Head can bypass with his cage so the person is being an ass.
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Whow easy there captain no need to use logic
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If you want to make your judgments about the game based on your experience with one killer players out of the thousands and thousands out there, go ahead. This is pretty uncommon in my experience
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This is every other match during events. Had the same exact problem during 2024’s Twisted Masquerade. It’s not every killer, but it’s enough.
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The ability to slug players for 4 minutes is not a necessary mechanic for the health of DbD. I can not recall a time I was forced to do this within the last 3 or 4 years. The only people doing this are griefers and trolls.
This is not gameplay depth. It's a bad legacy mechanic. If a player can't win with hooks, they're bad.
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Funny how they are all spread out across the map. How does that even happen. You have to engage in astronomical levels of tomfoolery to get to that point.
Nothing new. Some people insist on being wrong their entire lives.
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In general, my response would be "why should they be forced to hook you?" I do think there should be a vote concede option for survivors so the game can just end in this situation, and it'd be nice if the game just detected it and ended it immediately, but ultimately, it's not the killer's job to make things nicer and more fun for you. The killer's objective is to kill you. Slugging the whole team kills you. It is a win for them.
Looking at the specific screenshots you posted, in the first all the gens were done, and in the second only 1 gen was left. So while I can't speculate on specific reasons, in both cases, the survivors have nearly managed to complete their entire objective and escape. Seems like despite the slugging, you almost managed to win both games.5 -
So you're saying that the underlying base gameplay is flawed to the point where the entire game can be shut down by a single player and we are somehow wondering about how or why this outcome occurred?
Exactly how many years will it take for you to lose faith that any sort of change to this will come around?
The entire argument of winconditions and "bad players" is completely redundant when you realize that we are talking about people who are certified no-#########-giver.
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Absolutely it is poor gameplay.
As a survivor you can play without perks and experience 0 downsides if you know how the movement system works. Funnily enough even veteran players have not realized the momentum based movement and regularly ######### the bed with their big goofy turnarounds that practically guarantee a hit.
The amount of whining is absolutely off the charts and to me it's honestly quite curious how a community can collectively drive itself against the wall like this.
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Saying stuff like this while on an alt. How ironic
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It’s definitely curious how most of the disagreement in this thread is coming from brand new accounts who keep veering the discussion off-topic.
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The real irony here is that this isn't an alt account and you're the one bringing this into offtopic territory.
Also hilarious that the post count is now indicator for who's who. Us vs Them is deeply ingrained in this community, isn't it.
Anyways I will not further address this childish bs and I would much prefer to stay on the topic of Killer behavior during events, thank you.
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All generators completed in the first screenshot and four in the second... That's what I call a close game. At some point you missplayed and he knocked everyone, that's all. You can complain all you want about letting everyone bleed out to death unnecessarily, but not about a legit strategy.
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You can complain all you want about letting everyone bleed out to death unnecessarily
That’s literally what I’m complaining about.
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You are complaining about losing a match.
In a game where there's no downside to losing and you can go next within a minute or two. Help me understand the issue here.
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This. This game is designed more and more for SWF because that's who the killers play against most. They are coordinated. Soloq is bad and I won't play the event because I don't know every perk and if I'm going to be slugged, camped, and tunneled I want my own perks
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first game on I went against a proxy camping and tunneling vecna on haddonfield and the game after I went against a camping and tunneling knight on shelter woods. The way killers play when there’s no guaranteed ds,otr,dh or exhaustion perks in play is crazy.
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I just play through the Tome, then I'm done. I had fun with Chaos Shuffle the first time for about a week, messing around with weird perk loadouts while everyone else was messing around with the weird perk loadouts, and then people started playing for real and it's like, "Well, I can do that in normal mode and there I get to choose my perks, so why would I stick around here?" And that was that. I play Chaos Shuffle for the Tome and then I'm done. It doesn't even have queue bonuses to try to boost the garbage amount of Bloodpoints rewarded.
I kinda hope the event queue does get filled with bots. It'd be hilarious. That's the great thing about video games, you can stop playing whenever and let the problems become someone else's problem rather than let them be your own. If you keep getting slugging killers and you don't enjoy playing against them, let those killers become other survivors' problem. And then those survivors can do the same. And soon the killers will be waiting forever in queue or slugging bots.
As someone who's complained on the forum for six years about console performance, I have little faith that complaining on the forums works. Maybe forcing the queue to be filled with bots will mean something to someone.
Oh god, that's really jaded and cynical, isn't it. Sorry, I had a lot of fun during the Bone Chill event. I miss it. Lights Out 2.0 had the amazing candles. We no longer get the beautiful Lunar New Year event. Chaos Shuffle offers nothing. And 2v8 was fun the first time but not the second. Kinda feels like there's nothing to enjoy or look forward to in DbD right now.