How important is it to have some Exhaustion perk in your Survivor builds?

Title. I'm a Killer main, giving myself a mini-resolution to play more Survivor in the future. I was reading up some videos that highly recommended having Exhaustion in your builds (saying it's a mistake to NOT have one), but it was a year or so old.
Like, even if I was focusing on Gen repair or being the Medic for the game, is it still important to have some Exhaustion perk regardless?
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I wouldn't say it's important but it can certainly help a lot on a killer sided map and of course it depends on what kind of build you are going for as it may be more beneficial for that perk slot to accommodate something else
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Rarely use them as of now because I find it more fun to see how I can escape the grasp of the killer without I don't think it's very important if you are skilled enough I think it's actually Better if a new player doesn't start off using exhaustion perks because then they will start to depend on it and will be scared to take them off