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General Discussions

Were the Michael Myers buffs enough or not?

Member Posts: 3
edited March 16 in General Discussions

Did they gave enough buffs for Michael Myers or does he need more buffs? I want to know your perspective on this.

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  • Member Posts: 16,769

    They were nice. But they can still give a bit more. And finally remove the Tombstones, dont know why they want to keep them in the game.

  • Member Posts: 28
    edited March 17

    Hey there! I'm a 450 hour player who mains Myers, alongside Dracula and Nemesis. I will readily admit that I'm not very skilled, but I like this killer and wanna share my take anyway.

    I feel like Evil Within is extremely strong for him, especially when leaning into it with chase perks like PWYF, Bamboozle, or my personal favorite Fire Up. He definitely feels like one of the "heavyweights" in the game. He potentially has some of the best insta-down potential in the game, and what makes him so nice compared to someone like Bubba is the fact that he makes amazing use of Surge as a way to disrupt gens after getting a down. He can snowball with slugs very hard, especially with the add-ons that lengthen T3.

    On a brief tangent, in competitive Pokemon, we have something we call "four moveslot syndrome". This is for Pokemon like Infernape or Gyarados that have all the tools they need on paper, but the tools are spread out across more than four moves, meaning you have to run these Pokemon with sets, while leaving a certain hole open in that Pokemon's coverage, which can be pretty rough for offensive setup Pokemon, such as Dragon Dance Gyarados. This isn't an unhealthy thing in Pokemon, to be clear; the game would completely shatter with a fifth moveslot, and you have five other Pokemon to build around the options you choose. The Pokemon mentioned have had good careers, but this is what Myers kinda feels like to me.

    Myers has amazing instadown, but he doesn't really have gen pressure, you could argue he has negative gen pressure, because of how long stalking takes, and he also doesn't really have the chase mobility he'd really want for certain loops. As I mentioned earlier, the chase aspect is easy to cover with chase perks, and Surge IS good gen slowdown, but unless you're specifically holding a three-gen, it's inconsistent if you'll hit the gen you want to, and picking up wastes a lot of time in T3 if you wanna go for a Scourge Hook to guarantee it. I don't think this is unhealthy game design either, a Myers with passive slowdown like Pinhead or Onryo would be absolutely crazy, and I feel would ruin a bit of the appeal of the killer.

    What I think would make sense for Myers is to slightly bump some action speeds within T3. Maybe give him basekit Brutal Strength in T3, If you want a more wild idea, basekit Enduring could make Spirit Fury Myers NASTY.

  • Member Posts: 7,186

    Mikey main of many years here. The buffs were nice and definitely made him better to play. But yes there's still room for more.

    They need to add something extra to tier 3 like breaking pallets faster to go with the mega lunge and faster vaulting speed.

  • Member Posts: 271

    I think the changes were a good appetizer but the main dish still needs to be cooked up. Tier 3 doesn’t feel rewarding enough for the time invested into getting to it. I posted the link to my ideal patch for dbd and in there is a bundle of changes for Myers that I think would put him in a much better state. Feel free to take a look and let me know if those changes look good or if other changes should be implemented!

  • Member Posts: 674

    It was just another unnecessary buff in a long line of unnecessary buffs to klillers to make soloQ even more miserable to play.

    He was even a high kill rate killer and the changes still went through, I think the stats had him in the top 5 and like 2nd one time.

    This is even more so for something like Meyers, where you just have to assume hes always 99d since you cant know what any of your soloQ teammates are doing.

    As well as not touching the instamori joke Tombstone/Piece addons that should not be in this game at all.

    Buffs for SWF complaints, nerfs to soloQ logic from BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 43
    edited March 18

    Maybe don't remove them, but can we please at least get an indication that he's using Tombstone Piece and Iri Tombstone? NO, his hand being open or closed or whatever that old wives' tale is, is not even true by the way.

    I don't know if it should necessarily be an icon showing you he has it, or at least something on his character model. Maybe instead of holding the knife up, whenever he has one of the tombstones— and he's in tier 3, he keeps his hand and knife down lower. I don't know. Maybe the chase music can be different a little bit with the tombstones, kind of like how Legion's music changes between addons?

    Just really sucks to be insta killed out of the game like that with no warning.

  • Member Posts: 324

    If he gets more buffs, a visual or audible hint has to be added what that current evil level of my team members is.

  • Member Posts: 2,099
  • Member Posts: 732

    Hated the rework due to close stalk being too slow, meant when next to a survivor by a pallet it was a lose lose situation. Chase for ages around the pallet or stop and stalk too slowly for it to make any difference. Then they tweaked it so close stalk was slightly increased and it made a world of difference. I'm happy with that.

    I'm not happy that the Iri add ons are basically useless now, they should be the best but they are useless. Why have tombstone add on which slows Myers down by 9% and takes more stalk when there is tombstone piece with no speed reduction and less stalk required? I just use tombstone piece and 99 it, use it at the right time to get a kill. Way better than using the iri tombstone add-on.

  • Member Posts: 16,769

    I dont know to be honest. The only counterplay then would be to give him instadowns via Lockers. Even tho at least you would not have to jump into a locker because you assume that he has a Tombstone/Tombstone Piece, because you would have a clear tell.

    But I just really, really dislike the concept of someone else being responsible that I die to an Add On. This is already an issue with Myers, he can stalk someone who is not paying any attention at all and you are the one who has to deal with a 99ed Myers and go down instantly, despite maybe not seeing him the whole game. At least Ghostface is more fair in that regard, if I get instadowned by a Ghostface, this was 100% on me.

    And this is only being downed. With a Tombstone Piece you can be out of the game without ever seeing Myers before. And then a tell as you proposed will not even help here, except if you want to jump into a Locker while he is in Tier 2, but then we are not only assuming that he has the Add On, but also that he is close to tiering up.

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