Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Other anti-escape options: Let killers damage the gate switches

I am probably not the first person to suggest something like this but this concept is basically to address the matter of survivors literally bringing the lever up to 3 lights and then leaving it so they can possibly go rescue one of their buddies they should just be leaving to their fate or to go activate the other one so both gates can easily be opened or simply wait by the gate for other survivors to get there before opening it. Like I am more curious as to how this wasn't addressed long ago.

So to keep this brief, the killer will now have 2 options when near a gate switch, force open a gate like currently to begin an endgame collapse and a new "damage lever" option which makes them hit the lever and regress it like a generator, and for a short time survivors cant pull it again until a 5/8/10 second cooldown is up depending on the bulbs lit up, trying to do so will cause them to "get shocked" and briefly stun them like when blowing up a gen which can also alert the killer. The lever will continue to lose progress unless it's pulled again after the cooldown is up. Idea is this will address a lot of say survivors doing like rotating in turns to distracting killer while one goes for the lever to slowly make progress on the gate and waiting at the gate for everyone else before opening it.

(And if you're a survivor main getting angry by this post you can shut it as you have no say on this cause you have enough second chances in this game as is time for killers to get a few)

One idea I heard from somebody was a new perk that allows killers to close a gate after endgame starts but that to me seems a little too OP and I can already see the complaining that would follow.

Perks like Dead Man's Switch for example would be buffed to apply to this new feature by blocking a gate switch if a survivor let's go of it.


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  • Member Posts: 46

    I fully support you.

    Survivors should not bring the gate switch to 99% progress, and then go to save a friend, knowing that the gate is already essentially open.

    I think it could be done so that the progress of opening the gates is slowly reset if no one opens them.

  • Member Posts: 262

    I think it could be done so that the progress of opening the gates is slowly reset if no one opens them.

    This is genius

  • Member Posts: 45

    I can agree with this as well, anything to help address this nonsense as it's basically "got the gate almost open so don't have to worry about the endgame collapse". It's basically just more survivor bias, the setup right now is being all "Ok gens are repaired, gates are active the killer has failed" Or killer closed the hatch and now the gates are active and last survivor might be swapping between the 2 switches (Which I have experienced this first hand before) It should be mandatory they stay on the lever.

  • Member Posts: 75

    killer is already the power role and now you want more crutches to compensate for your skill issue. if survivors got the gate open then you failed at your job as killer and no the devs should not hand you free end game kills because you can't catch survivors before the gens pop like you're supposed to do.

  • Member Posts: 45

    There is no skill issue, only skill issues is with survivors being constantly given second chances after screwing up. The gens should only be phase one of escape, opening the gates should be another, every moment up until the survivors are through the exit should be dangerous, not just the gens. If you leave the gate switch you should face consequences for it otherwise it's honestly pointless even having them setup like they are.

  • Member Posts: 237

    Well, I think at the very least, killers need something to do at the end game, because I'm pretty tired of seeing all the face camping. BuT wHaT eLsE iS tHe KiLlEr SuPpOsEd To Do? I don't know, come up with something!!

    The idea of damaging gate switches to temporarily close the gates or lower their progress seems like a good idea. Or what if the killer could damage a generator, and then that prevented the gates from getting any power for 2 minutes, OR until that generator was fixed? I'm not talking about an insane time. Think of the time it takes a generator to stop regressing.

    Maybe the killer could unhook the survivor and carry them again, and if they made it all the way to the basement they could rehook for an instant sacrifice? Maybe so long as that one survivor was stuck on hook, nobody can escape the trial? I'm sure there's other creative ideas to come up with, but I also think the anti-camp meter needs to operate during end game as well, because it's so boring.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    I don't see anything wrong with this.

    I'd like it a lot.

  • Member Posts: 1,402

    Sounds to me like you want to stun-lock survivors so that the killer essentially gets a guaranteed hit.

    I suppose the scenario you have in mind is one where one survivor is on hook, the killer is camping them, there's a gate nearby and one far away and the three other survivors just keep pressuring the close gate (let's assume for a second that is as easy as it sounds) then yes, I can see how this might alleviate the stress the killer player feels in that situation.

    But that is one situation.

    What about all the times, where gates a rather close or the killer is a high-mobility killer. The second a surv touched a gate and coulodn't open it all in one go that gate effectively becomes impossible to open. Any surv going there and getting stunned will get hit.

    The exit gates aren't there for the killer to build immense pressure; that's the gen-gameplay. The gates are there to wrap the match up. Either side can make a last-ditch-effort to score one more point but it should never be possible to completely turn the tables (with the exception of dedicated egc builds — which I also view highly critical precisely because of their table-turning-nature at a point during the match where that should not be possible anymore).

    As an example, how would you address a situation where both gates are top-side when there's a high mobility killer who can get from one gate to the other within the stun duration + two seconds. How would survivors ever open either of those gates?

  • Member Posts: 45

    Why your criticism is reasonable you seemed to have misinterpreted the matter of the shocking and stunning, it's not supposed to be like a major impairment, it's basically equal to missing a skillcheck on a gen and making it explode and briefly locked in the face shielding animation which doesn't even last that long, same thing applies here if a survivor grabs the lever during the "damage" time they will get shocked and scream which then gives the killer a noise indicator, why it may hender them a little and could be dangerous if the killer is close by, but other than that can easily go and hide by the time the killer reaches the gate if they are a good distance. What I have in mind is the gates will give off sparks and electric arcs as the indicator they can't be touched, if a survivor decides to go for it than that's not anyone's fault but the idiot player that wasn't paying attention.

  • Member Posts: 46

    I agree. Survivors are given a lot of second chances, even when the killer is obviously in a losing situation.

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