Why punishing DC's is not the solution



  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    @Sinner said:

    @NekoGamerX said:
    let me get this straight ok on both sides we can't dc that's a given.But we can't suicide on hook or go afk as the killer? what with all these rules in a game with the ranking system don't matter it no even a ranking system we don't get anything for hitting rank 1.it was for better match making which is flawed. the other day I a solo survivor got in a match with a rank 13 12 and 15 survivors and rank 15 killer and I'm rank 6 survivor yes I got out but how that fair match making?

    DC = symptom
    Rank System = disease
    Ban system = palliative

    sounds about right=really bad.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I absolutely agree with you.

  • Giddawid
    Giddawid Member Posts: 102

    @PigMainBigBrain Thanks for understanding <3 I'm here to help voice the community's concerns, and discuss ways of improving the game. When people scream that something is broken with no feedback on how it could be fixed, it doesn't change anything, so thank you for bringing ideas to the table. You mentioned smurfs hopping in SWF and bullying low rank killers - how would you go about proving/preventing that, without removing people's chance to play with their friends?

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Master said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Cuz survivors can just suicide on hook and killer can go afk (and get some chasing points meanwhile if survivors farm).

    Imo the devs have two better options to combat the current "DC meta":

    1. They need to realise WHY people DC in the first place and fix the issues

    2. Give the players more motivation to keep trying in an unfun match (more rewards for example)

    Punishing DC's with bans is just a workaround and probably doesn't even work cuz people DC legit with suiciding on hooks etc.

    The sad part is when you realize that suiciding on hook is actually a step foward from out current DC situation.

    And since suiciding on hook is actually part of intended gameplay, I dont think that BHVR will do anything about this

    I would just get rid of attempt to get of hook and having to button mash on struggle phase
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    @Giddawid said:
    @PigMainBigBrain Thanks for understanding <3 I'm here to help voice the community's concerns, and discuss ways of improving the game. When people scream that something is broken with no feedback on how it could be fixed, it doesn't change anything, so thank you for bringing ideas to the table. You mentioned smurfs hopping in SWF and bullying low rank killers - how would you go about proving/preventing that, without removing people's chance to play with their friends?

    Change the matchmaking formula to prioritize the highest rank in the SWF, perhaps extend the timer before it ignores rank in matchmaking to be a bit longer. It will still be possible they will get matched with lower rank killers, but currently it feels far more common than it should be.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Giddawid said:
    @PigMainBigBrain Thanks for understanding <3 I'm here to help voice the community's concerns, and discuss ways of improving the game. When people scream that something is broken with no feedback on how it could be fixed, it doesn't change anything, so thank you for bringing ideas to the table. You mentioned smurfs hopping in SWF and bullying low rank killers - how would you go about proving/preventing that, without removing people's chance to play with their friends?

    Maybe use something else to match make, instead of actual rank, cumulation of player levels, i.e if you have 3 characters all 3 prestige then your level / score would be 450 and therefore only be with killers around that level, then you could broaden it out? with rank and de rank etc I don't think its something you can necessarily marshell unless you take out de-ranking more..i.e how it is at the moment where you cant derank back up past 15 until reset. maybe set more milestones like 12, 9, 5, - so you stay and game keeps you at a level that is more reflective.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Giddawid said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 Thank you for offering your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to think about potential solutions to keep survivors interested. What do you think would motivate survivors if you were offering a reward?

    @Giddawid alright so I was thinking a lot, took some notes and tried to test these ideas in my head how good they could work. 
    I will first mention some reasons I'm aware of why people DC and afterwards my solution.

    Reasons why survivors DC:

    - Loading into a 3v1 match (or less survivors)
    -> currently the game is very very unbalanced if the match starts with 3 or less survivors. So either figuring out how to balance this (it's difficult, I know) or just end the match automatically and give everyone his offerings and addons back

    - Deranking because facing nurse and billy all time 
    -> 1. nurse and billy are the strongest Killers. Maybe giving survivor more bloodpoints for getting chased, especially against nurse cuz it's the hardest
    -> 2. give Killers more bloodpoints for using low tier killers so people will use them more.  Solution 1 and 2 are going hand in hand.
    -> special cosmetics for surviving against a nurse/billy X amount of times at red rank (probably not the best solution because the motivation is only temporary till they unlocked it)

    - Sweaty killer loadouts
    -> As more offerings, meta addons and perks the killer is using as more BP you get at the end of the match 

    - Getting tunneled/camped 
    -> currently you can run the Killer for 5 gens, but if he catches you and camps you get not much bloodpoints and usually a blackpip at best. Maybe the survivor should get objective points for every gen which gets done while hes getting chased

    Reasons why Killers DC:

    - sweaty survivor loadouts 
    -> As more offerings, meta addons/items and perks the survivors are using as more BP you get at the end of the match 

    - last second switch (goes in hand with sweaty survivor loadouts)
    -> some mechanic to give the Killer extra seconds to adjust his loadout before the match starts.

    - Certain map offerings (mostly farm and Autohaven maps)
    -> currently I have no idea besides making the farm map walls solid so killers can mindgame

    - Squadette using purple mist offerings
    -> no idea how to motivate a killer against that 

    - When gens pop to fast 
    -> more possibilities for a Killer for a comeback without NOED 

    - eating a non obsession D-Strike (or in general a D-Strike)
    -> a BP multipler for catching the same survivor again

    The overall motivation for both sides: any kind of reward for hitting rank 1 and staying at rank 1 (a BP multiplier how long you stay at rank 1 after a match for example)

    Please let me know what you think about these ideas, thanks for reading.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Cuz survivors can just suicide on hook and killer can go afk (and get some chasing points meanwhile if survivors farm).

    Imo the devs have two better options to combat the current "DC meta":

    1. They need to realise WHY people DC in the first place and fix the issues

    2. Give the players more motivation to keep trying in an unfun match (more rewards for example)

    Punishing DC's with bans is just a workaround and probably doesn't even work cuz people DC legit with suiciding on hooks etc.

    Maybe if there was actually some point in ranking up, that would be motivation enough to stay in the game

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Giddawid said:
    @PigMainBigBrain Thanks for understanding <3 I'm here to help voice the community's concerns, and discuss ways of improving the game. When people scream that something is broken with no feedback on how it could be fixed, it doesn't change anything, so thank you for bringing ideas to the table. You mentioned smurfs hopping in SWF and bullying low rank killers - how would you go about proving/preventing that, without removing people's chance to play with their friends?

    Leave SWF alone. Match all games including Swf matches not by rank. Match by skill/hours played. Since you may not be able to determine hours on console use something similar lifetime bloodpoints as measuring stick or rounds played. To gauge experience.

    Matchmaking as follows:

    Priority 1. Hours/games played Highest amount of hours or games by 1 member of the swf and base the killer chosen on that or as close to available at the time.

    Priority 2. Solo queuing survivors are matched the same way.(this would stop players from deranking to smash lesser experienced players) We wouldn't hear the excuse i can't find lobbies at red ranks because it won't be based on that.

    Newer and fairly new players learn the game together and experienced players play against one another.

    The killer for SWF rounds is now chosen by the most experienced SWF member. So if you have someone with 2,000 hours and the rest with under 300 they will play the most experienced killer available.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited January 2019
    DCs should be punished by reducing all perk levels by 1 instead of banning. You definitely can't just leave it unpunished because some people do it just to grief.

    Also, on the subject of reckless unhooks: survivors should be able to kick away someone who is trying to unhook them. 
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    ToxicFengM1n said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:

    Cuz survivors can just suicide on hook and killer can go afk (and get some chasing points meanwhile if survivors farm).

    Imo the devs have two better options to combat the current "DC meta":

    * They need to realise WHY people DC in the first place and fix the issues

    • Give the players more motivation to keep trying in an unfun match (more rewards for example)

      Punishing DC's with bans is just a workaround and probably doesn't even work cuz people DC legit with suiciding on hooks etc.

      AFKing is also a reportable cause 

      Well as killer you can be pseudo afk. For example as hillbilly, chainsawing as long as possible across the map. In theory you are not afk, but in reality you are not really participate in this match and it's kinda the same as beeing afk. And on top on that you get blood points.

    Then that would still be reportable for farming

    Farming is not against the rules. 
  • Giddawid
    Giddawid Member Posts: 102

    Thanks for all your comments/ideas, guys <3 I'll be sure to discuss them with the team

  • ToxicAddiction
    ToxicAddiction Member Posts: 58
    Im sorry but I think you need to check your privilege at the door.
    Nah, you need to check yours- having a bad connection is unfair to the other participants. If you lack the hardware to participate, you should not participate. It might be your right to play regardless of connection, but that doesn’t make it a good thing to do.
  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    Giddawid said:

    @Sinner I disagree that the only place that skill is in the chase. There can be strategy outside of that which requires forward thinking, although that is not necessarily rewarded in the current ranking system either, so I can see what you're saying. For example, throwing a pebble and having the killer leave to check that area should give you boldness, in my opinion. It's tactical. Things like that currently aren't reflected in the ranking system, so tell me how they could be. That's what I need from you guys <3

    Skills doesn’t exist in DBD 
  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    @AntiJelly said:
    Yeah, the devs have some weird complex or obligation that makes them punish bad behavior instead of rewarding good behavior. In general.

    And instead of devoting ressources on game improvement they devote ressources for a sort of Game Gestapo that punishes people with EULA regulations invented AFTER the legitimate game purchase. Like you buy a sports car and after a year the dealer tells you you must not drive faster than 20 mph becuase otherwise they take away your car

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    Sheldor said:

    @AntiJelly said:
    Yeah, the devs have some weird complex or obligation that makes them punish bad behavior instead of rewarding good behavior. In general.

    And instead of devoting ressources on game improvement they devote ressources for a sort of Game Gestapo that punishes people with EULA regulations invented AFTER the legitimate game purchase. Like you buy a sports car and after a year the dealer tells you you must not drive faster than 20 mph becuase otherwise they take away your car

    Only if the car came with that ‘contractual’ term, like the game does 
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Giddawid said:

    Thanks for all your comments/ideas, guys <3 I'll be sure to discuss them with the team

    Thank you for the help!
  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Sheldor said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    Only if the car came with that ‘contractual’ term, like the game does 

    It didnt when I bought it

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Sheldor said:
    It didnt when I bought it

    Did you actually read the EULA before you bought the game?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited January 2019
    Brady said:

    I agree, punishing Disconnects is not ideal.

    I think people forget that most disconnects do not come from ragequits, etc.

    There's a 13 year old kid who got told to get off the PS4 because his brother wants a turn.

    Or me, who's roommate asking me to drive her to work mid-game.

    Or a college student who forgot they had class

    Or an angry sister who unplugged the router entirely out of petty

    Or the Dad who's baby just woke up crying.

    I am not fond of punishing disconnections. It is counter productive

    I will counter most of your points.

    1. This game is rated M so a 13 year old technically shouldn't be playing this anyway. Granted we all have ignored ratings at some point, they are just recommendations.

    2. That isn't your responsibility anyway. I'm making a person wait because they are interrupting what I'm doing. If you quit to give your roommate a ride because they are irresponsible and waited till the last second to ask you, that's your fault.

    3. Ok, this is definitely your fault. I'm a college student. If you forget you have class, stop going to college because you aren't ready for the real world.

    4. Lock your door, or smack your sister upside her head for possibly destroying your property, she can damage your game by unplugging it while it is on, which is personal property, that's a crime and you have the right to self defense of property. Sorry but no one is walking over me like that.

    5. This is the only real legitimate concern.

    If you give any kind of leeway for this ordeal, then people will take advantage of it and abuse disconnects. Sorry, but this is how it works. BHVR have said numerous times if you quit now and then you won't get banned, only if you have an absurdly high DC rating. You have to be harsh with disconnects, otherwise people will always quit because you won't be able to effectively deal with it otherwise.

    Don't play multiplayer games unless you're sure you have free time, this is what it comes down to. There are 4 other people's fun you are ruining when you quit. Take responsibility for your actions.
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    I think a, “comeback” reward would be good for survivors. Perhaps a 75% increase to self care and other healing actions for the total of one action? Something to help rebound. 

    I know this question wasnt directed at me, sorry, just wanted to give an idea if something from it was salvageable. 
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    I think a, “comeback” reward would be good for survivors. Perhaps a 75% increase to self care and other healing actions for the total of one action? Something to help rebound. 

    I know this question wasnt directed at me, sorry, just wanted to give an idea if something from it was salvageable. 
    Oooof, survivors already have a lot of comeback things they can use. Shall I share you my story how a potentional 4k went into a 1k withing 1 minute?
    Slugged all 4 of them, one gen left. Hooked the first one. While trying to hook the second one the first one got his 4% kobe and picked the other 2 up. The second one I hooked was on death hook, the other 3 Survivors did a hatch clutch escape with a key they found in a chest. That's not only a comeback, that's a complete flip of the game under 1 minute.
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Giddawid said:
    @HavelmomDaS1 Thank you for offering your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to think about potential solutions to keep survivors interested. What do you think would motivate survivors if you were offering a reward?

    BP is the biggest driver I've seen. If a survivor gets tunneled/camped right from the start, they likely DC due to the fact that they are not getting much of any BP for that match, and it is faster to start a new match. If there was a way to award BP to the tunneled/camped survivor for all the accomplishments of the group while on the hook/in threat radius, that might deter DC.

    There should be a max/min on it. If a survivor dies due to camp/tunnel with less than 4k, they get bp awards based on what was accomplished while they were hooked. Gen done, healing completed, totem destroyed, etc. Those things might not have been done if the camping/tunneling did not take place. Give the poor guy something!

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Great example - Just played a game with my wife (who is legally blind). We enter the match, Doc starts chasing my wife, 20-30 seconds later, he downs her. Tunnels her down every time she gets off the hook, she dies with less than 1k. She wanted to DC, but I told her to not give the azzhat the satisfaction. After the match (2 of us got out, he tunneled one other the same way), he talks smack about his two kills. Just being salty, and wanting to upset other players, but would be the first one to cry about DC's.

    Seriously, the game sucks for people who want to have fun, but are the unlucky ones to go down first while facing a camper/tunneler. That is a big reason they DC. Make it worth it to them, and they will stop. Honestly, after hearing this guy talk, he gets off on ruining people's matches. He does not care about rank/bp. Just wants to bully other people in the game. Which is worse? DC, or bully?

    Ok, my wife is already done wanting to play tonight, so off to play killer. :)

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    If the devs seriously want to reduce the number of survivor DC then this is what I would recommend.
    1.) Survivors gain 2,000 Bloodpoint bonus just for being a survivor. This bonus is independent of any other category. Hypothetically if a survivor gained 8k bloodpoints in each category they could earn 32k bloodpoints in a match (not factoring in any other bonuses such as event, offering, or perks). The 2k bonus could get them up to 34k.
    2.) Triple the bonus towards bloodpoints earned struggling.

    What this would do is provide a little bit of insurance for survivors against a terrible game. Worst case scenario, killer finds you immediately and it results in a short chase and then the killer face camps. At the minimum if the survivor doesn't DC the survivor would get the 2k bonus for being a survivor along with around 2.5k bloodpoints for struggling. That at least would take some of the sting out of a bad game and provide survivors with motivation to not just DC or suicide on hook.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    @Giddawid said:
    @HavelmomDaS1 Thank you for offering your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to think about potential solutions to keep survivors interested. What do you think would motivate survivors if you were offering a reward?

    You mean to tell me ya'll wondering why people leave from the game and from the number of surveys that you put out you still don't know the reason? That's sad.

    Actually it sounds like they want to give the OP a chance to expand on their post and provide some examples as to what they think could help as a member of this community.

    In the future it may be best to hold such snide remarks until giving the conversation at large some thought.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Sinner said:

    @Giddawid said:
    @HavelmomDaS1 Thank you for offering your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to think about potential solutions to keep survivors interested. What do you think would motivate survivors if you were offering a reward?

    Don't need to offer rewards. The problem is, matches are unfun for solo survivors because of the ranking system. Survivors reach rank 1 and don't do gens, can't counter nurse, rush for the hook to get points for pip and general bad gameplay which results in them losing.

    The ranking system is terribly flawed. Also there is boosting from swf and rank hacking. You need to make the ranking system focused more % wise around how both survivors and killers perform in a chase.
    Think about it. You got games where a survivor can run the killer for 5 gens, yet he doesn't pip to advance in ranks and face killers his own skill level which cannot be run for 5 gens. You also got games where killers cannot catch anyone but because of NOED, they kill several survivors at end game and advance in ranks to face even harder matches. It doesn't make any sense. Ranking shouldn't be about sacrifing, hooking, repairing gens, healing, it should be about skill and the only thing that requires skill in this game is the chase.

    Simply put, the goal should be to put the survivors that are best at losing the killer versus the killers that are best at catching survivors, which the current system is not doing.

    Solo/SWF is not the issue as much as it is unfun to be camped/tunneled from the start of the game. Who wants to be someone else's beating post without so much as a reach-around? Seriously, I get that some feel tunneling/camping is a strategy, and it may work against bad survivors, but there is a much larger portion of the camping/tunneling group that does it to grief other players. Just watch their streams.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    @Giddawid said:
    @HavelmomDaS1 Thank you for offering your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to think about potential solutions to keep survivors interested. What do you think would motivate survivors if you were offering a reward?

    You mean to tell me ya'll wondering why people leave from the game and from the number of surveys that you put out you still don't know the reason? That's sad.

    Actually it sounds like they want to give the OP a chance to expand on their post and provide some examples as to what they think could help as a member of this community.

    In the future it may be best to hold such snide remarks until giving the conversation at large some thought.

    Don't tell me how i should comment on a post.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    @Giddawid said:
    @HavelmomDaS1 Thank you for offering your feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to think about potential solutions to keep survivors interested. What do you think would motivate survivors if you were offering a reward?

    You mean to tell me ya'll wondering why people leave from the game and from the number of surveys that you put out you still don't know the reason? That's sad.

    Actually it sounds like they want to give the OP a chance to expand on their post and provide some examples as to what they think could help as a member of this community.

    In the future it may be best to hold such snide remarks until giving the conversation at large some thought.

    Don't tell me how i should comment on a post.

    Seriously man. Nobody is going to take you seriously if you keep up with those rebellious teenager responses.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    perotx said:

    Why reinvent the wheel? Other games already came up with a solution, which ARE temporary time-outs. Your concern is that people will just suicide on a hook or afk as a killer, but that one is solved in other games as well. If you're reported for unsportsmanlike conduct by people from different parties and in different games you're also given a time-out, or put in queue in which games take longer to find and are with people who also committed some offence. You don't get bloodpoints or pips(can't rank up or down) and to get back into normal queuing you need to do enough actions that would not are equivalent to a safety pip. If you don't get an equivalent of a safety pip, but instead get an equivalent of a -1 pip, the game doesn't count and you have to play again. If you get an equivalent of a -2 pip, you need to play TWO games and get a safety pip in both.

    Obviously, I took the idea from CSGO and Dota 2. The two games handle their players who commit offences very well, and I don't see why DBD can't learn from them. My proposed system may not be perfect, but it addresses the concerns discussed.

    I 100% agree with the time out bans. 
    As a player of dota2 myself I always thought the 3 strike rule dota2 had was excellent. 

    If you have a bad internet connection and you keep DCing either fix your internet or dont play tough luck. 

    I myself have been disconnected due to weather connections but dota2 gives you about 10mins to reconnect , I believe?
    Either way Im all in favor for  DC time out bans and would love to see all the survivors who DC be grouped up in a low priority dbd player group where they can be stuck with other players who are just as bad as they are. 

    Make them win a certain amount of matches to be free of "I DC because the killer actually caught me / Low priority / I DC because I want variety excuse players"

    Also allow commendums so people get bonus bloodpoints or iris shards for being a nice/helpful player since you guys (Dev's)  still haven't implemented rank 1 rewards like you promised .
  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    I think the best solution to keeping players more interested in an unfun game is to make devotion levels (account levels in general) actually give you cosmetics and rewards. Also, don't allow quest progress or xp from a disconnected game. If the rewards for getting higher levels was enticing, people would be less inclined to constantly give up xp. Ultimately though I don't think anything can really be done to stop it entirely.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    If the devs seriously want to reduce the number of survivor DC then this is what I would recommend.
    1.) Survivors gain 2,000 Bloodpoint bonus just for being a survivor. This bonus is independent of any other category. Hypothetically if a survivor gained 8k bloodpoints in each category they could earn 32k bloodpoints in a match (not factoring in any other bonuses such as event, offering, or perks). The 2k bonus could get them up to 34k.
    2.) Triple the bonus towards bloodpoints earned struggling.

    What this would do is provide a little bit of insurance for survivors against a terrible game. Worst case scenario, killer finds you immediately and it results in a short chase and then the killer face camps. At the minimum if the survivor doesn't DC the survivor would get the 2k bonus for being a survivor along with around 2.5k bloodpoints for struggling. That at least would take some of the sting out of a bad game and provide survivors with motivation to not just DC or suicide on hook.

    I like that idea. Survivors get less BP anyway, really difficult to get 30+ points without farming with the killer
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    perotx said:

    Why reinvent the wheel? Other games already came up with a solution, which ARE temporary time-outs. Your concern is that people will just suicide on a hook or afk as a killer, but that one is solved in other games as well. If you're reported for unsportsmanlike conduct by people from different parties and in different games you're also given a time-out, or put in queue in which games take longer to find and are with people who also committed some offence. You don't get bloodpoints or pips(can't rank up or down) and to get back into normal queuing you need to do enough actions that would not are equivalent to a safety pip. If you don't get an equivalent of a safety pip, but instead get an equivalent of a -1 pip, the game doesn't count and you have to play again. If you get an equivalent of a -2 pip, you need to play TWO games and get a safety pip in both.

    Obviously, I took the idea from CSGO and Dota 2. The two games handle their players who commit offences very well, and I don't see why DBD can't learn from them. My proposed system may not be perfect, but it addresses the concerns discussed.

    I 100% agree with the time out bans. 
    As a player of dota2 myself I always thought the 3 strike rule dota2 had was excellent. 

    If you have a bad internet connection and you keep DCing either fix your internet or dont play tough luck. 

    I myself have been disconnected due to weather connections but dota2 gives you about 10mins to reconnect , I believe?
    Either way Im all in favor for  DC time out bans and would love to see all the survivors who DC be grouped up in a low priority dbd player group where they can be stuck with other players who are just as bad as they are. 

    Make them win a certain amount of matches to be free of "I DC because the killer actually caught me / Low priority / I DC because I want variety excuse players"

    Also allow commendums so people get bonus bloodpoints or iris shards for being a nice/helpful player since you guys (Dev's)  still haven't implemented rank 1 rewards like you promised .
    People will suicide on hook then. Did you read my post? This punishment system doesn't work in dbd 
  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    If devs are deaf and do not pay attention to the terrible imbalance we have against the SWF, then we will be blind when we have to buy something. Personally I stop supporting the game until we have heard.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    Simple idea: If players DC before the match, keep the reduced generators to do, and give the remaining survivors a BP boost dependent on the number of players. 1 pre-DC = +25%, 2 pre-DC = +50%, 3 pre-DC = 1 survivor alone = 100% more BP. Do it per event and not post-game to not encourage farming. So if there are 3 survivors in the game, a totem earns 750 BP instead of 600, solo generator is worth 1562 instead of 1250 and so on.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Brady said:

    I agree, punishing Disconnects is not ideal.

    I think people forget that most disconnects do not come from ragequits, etc.

    There's a 13 year old kid who got told to get off the PS4 because his brother wants a turn.

    Or me, who's roommate asking me to drive her to work mid-game.

    Or a college student who forgot they had class

    Or an angry sister who unplugged the router entirely out of petty

    Or the Dad who's baby just woke up crying.

    I am not fond of punishing disconnections. It is counter productive

    I will counter most of your points.

    1. This game is rated M so a 13 year old technically shouldn't be playing this anyway. Granted we all have ignored ratings at some point, they are just recommendations.

    2. That isn't your responsibility anyway. I'm making a person wait because they are interrupting what I'm doing. If you quit to give your roommate a ride because they are irresponsible and waited till the last second to ask you, that's your fault.

    3. Ok, this is definitely your fault. I'm a college student. If you forget you have class, stop going to college because you aren't ready for the real world.

    4. Lock your door, or smack your sister upside her head for possibly destroying your property, she can damage your game by unplugging it while it is on, which is personal property, that's a crime and you have the right to self defense of property. Sorry but no one is walking over me like that.

    5. This is the only real legitimate concern.

    If you give any kind of leeway for this ordeal, then people will take advantage of it and abuse disconnects. Sorry, but this is how it works. BHVR have said numerous times if you quit now and then you won't get banned, only if you have an absurdly high DC rating. You have to be harsh with disconnects, otherwise people will always quit because you won't be able to effectively deal with it otherwise.

    Don't play multiplayer games unless you're sure you have free time, this is what it comes down to. There are 4 other people's fun you are ruining when you quit. Take responsibility for your actions.

    I disagree with you.

    We are not trapped and obligated to stay into a game 24/7. If something comes up,** something comes up**. It's not fun to be punished for 30 minutes, or an 1 hour simply because of a mishap?

    Again, right now the system is fine. If you are a ragequitter, then the system will eventually pick you out if you do it enough. I don't wanna be punished for my kid waking up, or having to drive my roommate somewhere and being friendly instead of a loser loner gamer more worried about his game shurgs

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    Brady said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Brady said:

    I agree, punishing Disconnects is not ideal.

    I think people forget that most disconnects do not come from ragequits, etc.

    There's a 13 year old kid who got told to get off the PS4 because his brother wants a turn.

    Or me, who's roommate asking me to drive her to work mid-game.

    Or a college student who forgot they had class

    Or an angry sister who unplugged the router entirely out of petty

    Or the Dad who's baby just woke up crying.

    I am not fond of punishing disconnections. It is counter productive

    I will counter most of your points.

    1. This game is rated M so a 13 year old technically shouldn't be playing this anyway. Granted we all have ignored ratings at some point, they are just recommendations.

    2. That isn't your responsibility anyway. I'm making a person wait because they are interrupting what I'm doing. If you quit to give your roommate a ride because they are irresponsible and waited till the last second to ask you, that's your fault.

    3. Ok, this is definitely your fault. I'm a college student. If you forget you have class, stop going to college because you aren't ready for the real world.

    4. Lock your door, or smack your sister upside her head for possibly destroying your property, she can damage your game by unplugging it while it is on, which is personal property, that's a crime and you have the right to self defense of property. Sorry but no one is walking over me like that.

    5. This is the only real legitimate concern.

    If you give any kind of leeway for this ordeal, then people will take advantage of it and abuse disconnects. Sorry, but this is how it works. BHVR have said numerous times if you quit now and then you won't get banned, only if you have an absurdly high DC rating. You have to be harsh with disconnects, otherwise people will always quit because you won't be able to effectively deal with it otherwise.

    Don't play multiplayer games unless you're sure you have free time, this is what it comes down to. There are 4 other people's fun you are ruining when you quit. Take responsibility for your actions.

    I disagree with you.

    We are not trapped and obligated to stay into a game 24/7. If something comes up,** something comes up**. It's not fun to be punished for 30 minutes, or an 1 hour simply because of a mishap?

    Again, right now the system is fine. If you are a ragequitter, then the system will eventually pick you out if you do it enough. I don't wanna be punished for my kid waking up, or having to drive my roommate somewhere and being friendly instead of a loser loner gamer more worried about his game shurgs

    Then suicide on the hook, or idle. It at least gives other people the chance to get some points off you
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    "They need to realise WHY people DC in the first place and fix the issues"

    If you give a crying child candy each time he cry he'll cry anytime he want candy.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Or you find out the source of the addiction towards candy and eliminate that, or find an alternative for him, instead of punching the crying child in the face to be quite.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    How can you guys compare a kids candy addiction to players disconnecting in a video game?

    Players disconnect for various reasons but it's NOT an addiction.

    It happens mostly out of frustration, annoyances or denial. Trying to avoid the fact that they lost, messed up or that they're about to lose. Some people disconnect to depip and in rare cases the disconnects are justified due to important stuff.

    Besides the important stuff, ALL the other reasons are not legit and don't justify a DC, therefore they should be punished. You're trying to put disconnecting players into the victim role, which is very typical for todays society and I'm tired of it. If you can't play by the rules, you get punished, simple.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    I haven't compared anything, that guy did. I just showed him that punching children isn't the best solution (if it's a solution in the Frist place)

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Hoodedfengm1n BHVR removed farming from the list of bannable offenses, but they failed to remove it from the reporting screen.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    ...but how is it wrong to punish people that 1) refuse to play by the rules and 2) purposely and knowingly ruin the match for everyone else?

    The rules say too frequent disconnects result in punishment, so that's what should happen.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    edited March 2019

    Because survivors will suicide on hook then, and devs will NEVER EVER punish that. So the best way is to find a way to eliminate the source of frustating + rewards to keep playing in "unfun" matches. Ofc with limits, devs should NOT carry biased crybabys who simply can't take a lose etc.

    And they are trying, they said they want to rework Legion, probably reason number 1 why survivors DC/suicide. The question is how long is it going to take.

    Another thing would be rewards for how long you can stay at rank 1 etc etc.

    There are solutions, solutions which are actually working. But all I see is "PLS dEvS pUniSh DCing" which is not going to solve the problem.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
    edited March 2019

    @Giddawid SWF should match according to the highest rank member, not the lowest. This would mitigate it at least.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited March 2019

    If anytime a massive ammount of survivor start dcing because they don't like x in an attemps to get x nerf/changed and the dev change x the survivor will find something else to be frustrated about and keep dcing to get it changed too

    If you cave in they'll find something else to have grievances about and will keep dcing until the game is the way they want it to be, wich in turn will be frustrating for another group of people that will start dcing themself because it worked for the other group

    That's why every multiplayer game enforce time out and penalise people for dcing.

    I compared it to candy because if the dev change the game in the way dcer want it to be anytime mass dcs happen it will give them incentive to keep dcing each thing don't go their way.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited March 2019


    Yes it is going to solve the issue, absolutely. Almost every multiplayer game punishes for such behaviour, it's not tolerated. Simple as that.

    Survivors suiciding on hook is another issue, not related to disconnects. You can solve that issue very easily; Remove struggling and let them hang for 80 seconds, finito. Case closed. Problem with Survivors instantly suiciding is gone.

    E: Additionally, I look at Survivors suiciding on hook exactly like I look at feeders in Dota 2. They refuse to participate as intended and provide a disadvantage for their team, which is ruining their fun. You can totally report people for that. All they have to do is implement a new report category "Feeder" (because that's what they are) and the system will detect if a person gets frequently reported for that (just like DCs or flamers) so they can check the reports and matches and take actions against such players.

    You people here act as if Dead By Daylight was the first multiplayer game that has to deal with feeders, leavers and griefers. It's not. Thousands of games out there with systems / mods that manage to detect misbehaviour AND PUNISH IT ACCORDINGLY to prevent people from doing it again... and again... and again.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Punishing DCs is indeed not THE solution, but nothing is THE solution.

    Punishing harder and more frequently just needs to happen, regardless of if it'll fix everything related to it or not.

    While solving issues that result in DCs is certainly what needs to happen, i'm certain quite a few of these DCs are not related to an issue with the game, but with the player.

    I mean, you have people playing with their name literally set to "Legion = DC", "Plague = DC", "Nurse = DC", "Mori = DC".

    And those are the ones who don't hide the fact that they'll DC, there's plenty of people who can't handle a match not going their way.

    TL;DR Fix stuff, yes. But definitely punish harder and faster.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Survivors will go afk then. Or buttdance, make noises etc till they die. There is not way out of that.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Great job necroing a 2 month old thread guys.