Why punishing DC's is not the solution



  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited March 2019

    @HavelmomDaS1 the reason that any match is not fun is solely because one side is way over-powered. Most games ensure that things like perks and addons have no major affect on the match, and more of something that is fun for everyone. This is not at all the case with DbD, as there are so many of each, that simply stacking them makes them OP.

    The only possible fix would be to reduce the effects of all perks, and all addons across the board, and to normalize all of the killers. However, if this were to happen, the game would most likely die in less than 3 months. Thus the dilemma, what can be done? If the number of perks was reduced by combining perks into new perks, and reducing the effects of those perks, could over time fix the perk issue. Doing this over the course of 1-2 years, would be more tolerable to players.

    Removing all forms of Moris (including Tombstones), firecrackers, fireworks, etc., should also be done. While they may seem innocent and fun, they are OP. Being able to use firecrackers to save a survivor who is being camped at an exit gate by a LF who is truly struggling, might be a laugh for the survivors, but it definitely isn’t for the LF. BTW, I was the one with the firecrackers, who unhooked the survivor, and we all got out.

    This is a 4 vs 1. When there are 4 survivors, they should have the edge over the killer. When it drops to 3, they should be more equal. At 2, the killer should have all the power. This is how asymmetrical games should be, and anything that throws that balance off, needs to be fixed.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Are you unable to understand what you read? You can report players for griefing and ruining the match for the others. AFK is reportable, there's even already an AFK detection in the game with the crows.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    i literally get bullied by leaver survivors who leave themselves and get no penalty, but killers have to endure toxic swf.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Blame the OP he's posting his thread in other threads

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    Been watching on here and steam forums for a while, and you are the first one I have agreed with completely. This is the fundamental issue that needs to be addressed, but too many on here and at BHVR who want the McDonalds approach of immediate gratification.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    how long does it take the devs to ######### DO something.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited March 2019

    People have been asking for rank rewards and colorblind mode since the game launched.

    2 year later neither is here so your guess is as good as mine.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2019


    "You mean to tell me ya'll wondering why people leave from the game and from the number of surveys that you put out you still don't know the reason? That's sad."

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337


    "If anytime a massive ammount of survivor start dcing because they don't like x in an attemps to get x nerf/changed and the dev change x the survivor will find something else to be frustrated about and keep dcing to get it changed too"

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    It's not griefing to follow a killer, make noises on purpose or act as a newbie. Not reportable, and not possible to check for devs.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    More motivation in an unfun match wont change the people who dc because they dont want to lose at all. Or those who want to tbag and flashlight, then dc when caught.

    You cant make a match more fun for people who are only there to be an #########. Those people will always dc.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    That's why making them lose progress will deter people like that.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah. Bans for dc, de pips etc. I get that. But the post was about NOT punishing DCs but incentivizing the game to encourage people to not DC. Which I said wont work bc people DC based on what THEY think the game should be, and they will never be happy with "incentives to stay" when they get caught first or after being toxic. The incentive for those players are the toxic actions. If they cant bully/win every game, they leave.

    Timed bans increasing on DC like many other competetive games, would work better I think than 50% of games dcd gets a ban/de ranking.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    If they made ranking up actually give the players something, people probably wouldn't d/c, so that they wouldn't lose 2 pips.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Dude.... You're a hopeless case. How are you going to stop people from doing that? Tell me? You can't stop ######### from being ######### but you can implement a report system that allows devs to punish them, Do you understand that? Does this fit in your brain?

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Are you ######### kidding me right now? YOU came with ideas how to punish DC's and I just showed you how to "exploit" that, ######### do you not understand about that?

    "punish people who DC"

    -> they will suicide on hook then

    "uhm, punish them aswell"

    -> not possible, devs won't do that (they said that), but just in case they remove the struggling: They will AFKing instead

    "uhm uhm uhhh.. punish that aswell!!!1!"

    -> then they will just "act" as they play normal but in reality will follow the killer till they died

    Does it fit in your brain?? 4head.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited March 2019

    That's why you need a goddamn report system, so people can report griefers, farmers, abusers or whatever. Again, for you:

    Step 1: A meaningful report system

    Step 2: Backup replays of frequently reported players

    Step 3: Check the replays of frequently reported players and if guilty, ban them.


    E: "They will act as if they play normal" do you even listen to yourself? Do you think people "fake AFK" by playing normal? What's going on in your head dude...

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Sadly behaviour can't fix players stupidity. It's the players that need to think for once and say for example... "oh if i play this way the plague is a normal loopable killer" wich she is. Instead of crying.

    Only change i think they can made to her is removing the broken status (i find this to be a litte op if you play solo) in swf is a piece of cake. All other aspects are fine and balanced.

    So here is a free diagnosis by the renowed Doctor Herman Carter to all the baby survivors there:

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I mean, punishing DCs works in literally every other game ever, but sure, it wouldn't work here for some strange reason.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    "It'S nOt PoSsIbLe To PuNiSh ThEm BeCaUsE tHeY WiLL jUsT sUiCiDe OtHeRwIsE"

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    Actually no it doesn't. Punishing DC's just pushes players away and reduces the population. Only hugely popular games with giant populations can get away with this really.

    Instead of punishing DC's they should reward you for not DC'ing. Consecutive completed match bonus for BP and shards would help a lot more than punishing the people that quit. Also incentivizing people to play more fair would prevent the other side from DC'ing as much. Proper matchmaking where you don't get put against players that are way better than you would help too. And this new ranking system is not helping anyone to want to stick around since it can be really frustrating to rank up to the point some people would rather just not play. If you're going to be depipped multiple games in a row because the ranking system is busted, why would you NOT just DC when you're in a losing situation?

    If BHVR just started to punish DC's then the game would just bleed players because the core issues are not addressed.

    Positive rewards > negative punishments. It's a proven fact in psychology. Give people a reason to stay and tough it out and DC rates will drop without hurting the game.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    "i'M a 4HeAd aND ShOrT-MinDeD, i CaNt SEe MuLTipLe StEps aHeaD"

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It does work. It keeps the people who dc every other game, out of game lobbies. Making DCs/afk teammates less frequent.

    The only people who dont like how dc ban timers work, are those who get banned.

    People have a reason to stay. All the BP theyve already earned, and the time spent. They dont care. Those who dc do it out of spite, rage, or the fact they tried to bully and got caught. No incentive will male them stop doing that.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I know rewards work better than punishments, but sometimes, punishment works better than reward. One such case, IMO, is when people know they're doing something they shouldn't, which is exactly the case with DCing. Then again, maybe I'm just biased, because I just want those people to GTFO my favorite MP game.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    Good evening, everyone,

    I don't usually get involved in conversations like this. This is simply because I think the calls for punishment are as narrow-minded as calling any DC a Ragequit. Please excuse me, but that's the way I see it.

    I realized at some point that I'm not skilled at DBD. Nevertheless, I like to play it as a survivor as well as a killer. In both cases, I put myself in the story, behind the characters, but I don't forget that it's just a game and I play against other people.

    For me, DBD is not a sporting competition. It remains a game and games should be fun.

    We come together to play against each other. The important thing is "We come together".

    I think the topic opener is right and he gives good approaches!

    That is probably the reason why I would like to share my view with you.

    I call myself DamnFastDead. This is no excuse, but communication and compensation in one.

    What do I compensate? The missing game dynamics.

    An example:

    From my point of view a persecutor always has an advantage over his persecuted if he plays it right. He doesn't even have to equip Perks to do this. This even applies to me when I play the killer, more often than I initially assumed.

    I compensate my advantage by giving fair chances to the survivors and often enough I see that this leads to really nice rounds where I have my fun by chasing the others and their fun by escaping me.

    Often enough I walk out of such lobbies as a merciless killer, have lots of BPs that I don't even need, and haven't even had a survivor on the hook.

    You can do that as a human being.

    What the game could do:

    Balancing the skill-based advantages. Give a spark of hope on both sides.

    I only play Dwight, without Perks, without Addons, without Item, without Offering. Why?

    Because I know I'm usually not good enough to really escape the killer. Since I know the end of such hunts, they are correspondingly boring. I admit that I've been surprised by a killer player's reaction on some occasions, but that's very rare.

    When I saw how quickly people were working through the achievements, as if their lives depended on it, I thought I'd play the game my way.

    My Dwight is still at level 1. His inventory is just things I could take out of lobbies.

    The system of Perks, Items, Addons and Offerings has become too complicated for me to enjoy a game. It's exactly the same with the maps.

    It's so predictable. Maybe that's why the players on both sides in the lobbies get in each other's way. To play undiscovered seems only rarely possible to me. Most killer players have the map well under control.

    I don't mind if lobbies run longer, but it shouldn't get boring. The time it takes a survivor to repair a generator already seems to me to be an extreme pain threshold. If it's extended by Thanatophobia and/or Ruin, it's no fun anymore.

    Dynamic blockages would be really cool. The approach where the entity blocks three generators is good. I like that and think it's expandable.

    Why should the entitus only work for the killer and not control the game by scattering stumbling blocks for both sides? The spark of hope on both sides must of course not be lost.

    The spark of hope for a possible victory keeps both sides in the game and as long as the game prevents tryhard through unexpected, unforeseen activities of the entity, which sometimes gives an advantage to one side, sometimes to the other side, everyone can certainly enjoy this experience.

    A long time ago I wrote a guide for DBD on how to (from my point of view) have a good and fair game.

    I hope I can invite you to take a look at it:


    Thank you for your time.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    It makes it less frequent because there are less players. That's not a good thing. And if you punish DC's eventually people will start to get punished who don't deserve it. Look at the forums for games that have DC punishments. There are so many instances of just an honest DC from loss of power/internet or some bug in the system and then people can't play. This makes players angry and then they stop playing. Let that go for long enough and eventually your population will suffer from it.

    "People have reason to stay" no they don't. There is nothing keeping them. If they have a bad game and barely get any BP that's not enough of an incentive for them to stay so they DC. But dangle a big fat BP/shard carrot in front of them and they will tough it out and take the L for the bonus at the very least. It works. It's been proven to work. Reward people is a much better option because it avoids the negatives. It promotes positives.

    Punishments should only be used as a last resort. Just going for the punishment out of the gate is the wrong way to do it, as it promotes negativity and just exacerbates the problem. Someone DC's out of rage, then they get punished and stop playing. Now there are less players and those that wouldn't DC will get frustrated with the game, increasing the likelihood they start to DC as well. The problem snowballs until the game is dead. Not a good solution.

    Taking a retaliatory stance is not good. You want to encourage positivity. Yea it can make you angry that people leave your game, but if you're just going to punish them and not fix the underlying problems that MAKE them want to DC in the first place you're not actually fixing the problem, just pushing it along.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    If less players means less DC, and in turn more FULL game lobbies for the entire trial, so be it. Its a welcome change. Why do we want toxic players in the community at all?

    An honest power loss DC is one time. The first time ban is usually 5 min. If you have 4 power loss DCs in 45 min, it's harder to believe it wasnt intentional.

    And if you really believe theres nothing keeping them playing, then how do you not see they play just to be toxic? They already have an incentive to not DC. NOT LOSING THEIR BP AND TIME THIS TRIAL.

    If that (the whole core of the game progression) wont keep them playing, guess what does? Being toxic. And what do those players do? DC.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    And if it wasn't intentional, you definitely have bigger problems than playing a game.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    Exactly. If you get DCd by something out of your control that much, dont try playing ANOTHER round until its resolved/understood.

    Or IRL emergencies. A 5 min ban is up by the time you're back from whatever is needed.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Carpemortum "An honest power loss DC is one time. The first time ban is usually 5 min. If you have 4 power loss DCs in 45 min, it's harder to believe it wasnt intentional."

    What do you think they will do in those 5 minutes? Wait? Maybe some people but if it was an undeserved punishment chances are better that they just shut off the game and do something else. They will go play another game perhaps, good luck drawing them back now. It doesn't work.

    "And if you really believe theres nothing keeping them playing, then how do you not see they play just to be toxic? They already have an incentive to not DC. NOT LOSING THEIR BP AND TIME THIS TRIAL."

    Again that's not an incentive for them to stay. There is no bonus, if they have a bad game the BP/time is irrelevant. Also, it's a very big assumption to say they play just to be toxic. Sure some players enjoy to annoy others, but that too is not an incentive to stay. If you fail at being toxic, but there is a big reward to stay they will stay because now they at least get something despite the fact that they failed. You want to encourage good behavior, and you can't do that through punishment. If that toxic player has some reason to be slightly less toxic they will be less toxic.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    Yes, a normal person who loses power will wait 5 mins. If it happens again theyll be mad, but not at the game. Likely at their power. How can they play another game if they have NO POWER? Or had an IRL emergency? Those are legit reasons to dc. They wont move on, because the game isnt the issue.

    People who arent there to play toxic, or can handle themselves as an adult, typically dont DC after a bad game. They accept the loss and move on. Their incentive is their time played, bp earned, and knowledge or skill gained.

    So yes, I assume most people who DC when they get hit, or hooked, are there to be toxic.

    At lower ranks it's because of frustration, but you can only use that as an excuse for so long.

    So, you're saying give a bigger bonus to keep people playing, even if it only really is a bonus to toxic players?

    Help me understand that logic.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2019

    People Dc because

    bad ping

    bs killer hits aka hitboxes when you drop pallet or when you jump window




    using really annoying addons like 5 blink nurse

    Any inside doors map

    if they remove legion and inside door maps people whil dc less and thats a fact honestly.

    Hitboxes lets hope dedicated servers can help out a bit :P

    Imagine this LEGION thanatopia lvl 3 and then sloppy butcher thats like - 43 % and people are already annoyed as it is any killer can do that pretty mutch :P

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    None of those are a good reason to DC. Annoying if you're the target? Sure. But it's not every game. Play your best. Learn what you can and move on. Dont be a child and DC because its not the game you had in mind when you hit find lobby.

    Weird killer hits? Unfortunate side affect of p2p servers, but if you know its gonna be a bs hit from past experiences, dont go for it. Bait a swing, force a pallet respect. Think.

    And bad ping? Dont ready up. Leave the lobby beforehand.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154


    Are you one of those incompetent noobs that heals through Thanatophobia and Sloppy Butcher? No wonder you disconnect you blatantly disconnect because of every BS. Get banned.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited March 2019

    Then how is it a problem? You make no sense. Unless you're saying people that disconnect for such a reason deserve punishment.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2019

    You cant deny Im right tho :P

    i Only play ping Thats green but Very often it goes to to red whil in game playing and gets you killed often...

    i rhater die then drop pallet xd

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    You're right, I cannot DENY that you are WRONG.

    if it changes in game, it may be your internet, or theirs. But if it goes from green in lobby to red in game, it didnt suddenly spike 1000ms. It's probably a 100 ms jump. Its unfortunate, but not unplayable, and likely affecting everyone.

    Lag switching is a very obvious very deliberate type of lag.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    a full 5 person game on 99% of my games would be a great reward. How many patches are going to go through with this freezing bug?

    Punishing your Fog Whisperers that actively d/c on stream for whatever their reason. (lowering rank, don't like the killer, ect) Would be a great start to keep people interested. People see their role models doing something, and they do it. So if they d/c games they don't like, it spreads. I can absolutely, 100%, assure you this does happen.

    A point bonus for being in the killers TR and not getting a chase started. AKA: A buff to stealth play. Sure it's fun to loop a killer. But it's also fun to slip by them unseen. Sure you'll have to clean up the chase code some, but that's needed anyways. The current you get in boldness is measely, and pointless. (i'de say a decent starting point would be to make the points grow exponentially. this will need to be tweaked to find the sweet spot, but it stops punishing stealth play)

    How about a pip system that doesn't punish the killer for 1 hooking someone? Not my fault the survivors gen rush and leave the guy to die.

    With that, how about a camping system that uses an invisible tether to see if a killer is moving near a hook (looking for survivors, setting traps, ect) or standing mostly still (face camping). Cause Hag is BROKE right now. And I hear trapper is too. I have a long explanation post on this idea available in the wishlist.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    Am i the only one who think let them suicide is actually way better than dc?

    At least they give you short time for survivors and maybe some points for killer i guess.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited March 2019

    Most survivors DC's on me when I catching them off guard, (grab from a chest, gen or window after a ds) I play certain killers, they accidentally get pallet blocked by a survivor who panicked or just because they always tend straight to walk into me after their unhook.

    Almost 1 DC or suicide on hook every game since the new patch came.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I've said this a few times, but there are two major categories of survivors who DC.

    1. Mad because they got downed/beat. Nothing you can do about them other than bans
    2. Frustrated due to what they feel is either toxic play, and overpowered perk/killer, or the fact that they are in a 3v1 due to DC or bug. These players can be convinced to keep playing...potentially.

    Frustrated survivors are often motivated by either the want to play and have fun, or blood points. I say this because they get frustrated by tunneling, camping, or facing killers that feel over powered to them. So, how do you fix this? How do you convince a player to continue being run over roughshod by a tunneler, or to allow themselves to be hooked by a killer who was hard camping? Give them bonuses to either bp, or some other in-game benefit.


    1. If you die on your first hook, you don't lose any items you brought into the trial.
    2. If you start a match as a 3v1, you earn 25% extra bp for all actions. (Increase it to 50% if someone DCs within the first minute. Furthermore, if it starts as a 3v1, give survivors a speed boost for a short amount of time. Let them move at 115% for the first 2 minutes of the match. Give them a 25% boost to gens until the first one is done. Then, it all returns to normal. If a killer can't destroy a 3v1, they are not very good. Survivors need an incentive to stay and allow themselves to be pummeled by a the killer. The killer wants them to get hooked and die so he/she gets their points.
    3. If the killer stays within X meters of the hook, the hooked player gains bp for actions of other players. 25% from each other player's actions. This at least gives them incentive to "hang around".
    4. If a player is downed within X seconds of being unhooked, find a way to give them a boost to bp or something....the Entity feeds on lost hope, if the killer is tunneling off the hook, what hope is there? If they stay in the game, they are showing they have hope, thus the entity rewards them...just before claiming their life.
    5. If a player DC's early (within X seconds) in a match, the killer and survivors should get a bonus. The killer should get double the lowest points they earned by chasing and killer another survivor. This keeps from punishing killers when multiple ones dc. Helps with the zero pip or getting a pip still. So, if one dc's, and they are able to chase, hook, and kill the others then the points they earned from the "worst" of the survivors is doubled, making up for lost chase/hook points of the DC. Survivors earn a flat out 25% bonus for all actions for each DC. Have the points tallied as they are earned, that way if one DC's late, those points are not tacked on to the total, but only actions taken after the DC.

    Just ideas, and not everyone's motivation is the same, but it gets pretty frustrating when you are trying to grind these horrible blood webs and you get hosed by DC's, camping, tunneling, games that only load 3, etc.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2019


    Very simple fix, does not require a wall of text.

    Leave a game = wait 5 minutes until you can que again

    Leave a game again = wait 15 minutes to que

    Leave a game a 3rd time = wait 20 minutes to que

    Automated temp bans on the day new DLC comes out, leave/disconnect from more than 25% of the games you play? take a 1 week ban, sucks don't it, not being able to play the new DLC when its fresh? Maybe don't leave the game for exploitative reasons.

    Remove the struggle phase, have it happen on its own with no button required. You can still try to Kobe or use deliverance, but once you hit struggle, you will struggle to the end. Currently struggling is boring and not interactive anyways, nothing lost here.

    Short penalties are all that is required for leaving, those with real-life emergencies or small things that require to leave a game are not punished by short que timeouts, sweaty cry babies are punished. Implement punishment for ruining others experience first, then worry about rewarding positive behavior.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Players dc for just about any nonsensical reason. Play a killer I don't like, dc. Get a map I don't like, dc. Get downed first, dc. Get caught while doing something stupid, dc. Wanting to screw over the killer's score, dc. Etc etc.

    You shouldn't have to motivate people anymore than what they are getting for just playing the game. Does the game have issues? Oh heck yeah it does and they should be addressed! Still, saying not punishing people for quitting when it hurts their team and the killer is foolish thinking. You're not always going to play a great game. You're not always going to get the same couple of killers you like going against because you know how to outplay them. At some point the dc problem will need to be harshly sorted. Even with the new matchmaking people still dc like crazy and if you play survivor then you're fine you get to go through a short queue. Killer gets to go through long queue times, gimped score, and overall worse experiences just because someone couldn't be bothered to just play the damn game.

    People treat dcing like it is a joke. Openly changing their name to insert killer=dc and they actually will dc if you play that killer. What do you think that does to the player being the killer? Killers already get punished for having too much skill, not enough skill, not following "fair play" rules, and nowadays if you play a certain killer you may as well just not play at all. Lately, the game has turned into follow survivor rules or you're getting ######### game with tons of dc and toxicity. Add all that on top of still dealing with disconnections from game errors, being put into games with laggy players on both sides, and hacking issues creeping up now and again? Come on.

  • Arabytes
    Arabytes Member Posts: 52

    Greetings everyone

    First of all, I would like to thank @DAMNFASTDEAD for presenting good ideas with respectful arguments. It made me want to share my opinions as well.

    Before reading many comments here, I was also in favor of progressive banishment (it starts mildly and is hardening according to frequency) but there are many points to be considered.

    Not everyone has a good internet, equipment or is in control of the environment, meaning that often the DC was not intentional. In these cases, banning them is not a matter of temporarily taking them out of the game, but rather creating a sense of injustice, developing a playerbase with resentment and being more likely to abandon the game instead. I would also like to say that since the DLC was released I am disconnected from the host several times and for various reasons and if I remember correctly, the last time this happened was right after they launched the Legion as well. 

    I noticed that there is a lot of discussion whether this game is casual or not. Why does that make a difference? In order for you to achieve a wide range of gameplay, it is necessary to have several perks on several levels. In my view, this requires a lot of bloodpoints, which implies a heavy grinding. As a survivor you have to play a lot to get at the end of the match with few points. It becomes frustrating to have to play 3-4 matches to level a bloodweb of level 50 and WGLF seems to promote unsafe hooks.

    The gameplay of the killer influences more we can imagine in the behavior of others. An example of this is if the person is caught and tunnelled to death, with no possibility of doing anything. It's almost certain they'll leave the match. I have seen several times a survivor dead at the end of the match with 3400 points and what can you do with it? How to convince this player to stay in other matches, wasting time and not earning bloodpoints at all? I understand the side of the killer, it needs on some occasions to put more pressure on the game and to take someone else is very valuable, in the same way that I have seen this being used with 5 generators left.

    My proposal: increase the gain of bloodpoints for everyone or reduce the price of items and perks.

    Increasing the bloodpoints that survivors earn is an incentive for them to make goals and want to stay longer in the match. However, I don't believe it should surpass the killer points, for that the last have a great amount of pressure.

    For killers: Bonus of 1000 bloodpoints for each DC.

    For survivors: bonus of 1000 bloodpoints + 2x bloodpoints for any other interactions from the moment someone disconnects like repair of generators, totems, etc. + 0.25 speed of interactions. I believe it is necessary to give a boost to those who stayed, as a way of encouraging not to disconnect and compensation for having one less member.

    That being said, thank you for your attention and let's focus on how we can contribute for an enjoable gameplay for both sides, without needing for punishements.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    If someone is playing with ######### internet and they get disconnected from the match, how is that the fault of the other players? I don't agree with that portion. If you have crap internet which causes you to disconnect on a frequent enough bases, then perhaps they shouldn't be playing. It isn't fair to the other 4 players in the match, intentional or not.

    I don't like the idea of rewarding people for playing the game they purchased already. So you didn't DC.. Here is some bonus points... Seems odd to me.

    DCing isn't a major problem in the lower ranks in terms of screwing people over. Everyone down in the lower ranks aren't the problems. When you climb the ladder and get to purple and red ranks, then this is where the DCing issue starts to be a real problem.


    One thing that is a problem in the lower ranks, is newer people not knowing what to do. If you only play this game a few matches every couple of days.. How do you know what to do with the emblem points?... How do you score them properly?.. What actions do you have to complete to actually earn a white pip?.... The tutorial shows you basic game play... how to move.. but they don't explain what to do... How to play.

    Survivor isn't such a big deal, but the killer side.... If the new player doesn't know... Hook... run away... find someone else.. hook them... run away.. find someone else.. hook them... repeat until you've hooked everyone 3 times... How do they know they shouldn't camp?... they shouldn't tunnel?....

    The Devs want you to play a almost very specific playstyle in the higher ranks. But those players will never be able to rank up and will keep screwing over the other lower rank players, simply because the game won't tell them how they are SUPPOSED to play. Then when people tell them.. it turns into a toxic ######### show.

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    People can just killing themselves instead of leaving is an very bad Argument.

    I'm playing Dead by Daylight since the Launch more than 2 Years. Do you know that there are just cruel People arround? 60 % what i was experiencing about leaving the Match was the Reason that People just disconnect because they want to ruin the Killers pips, Kills etc. I had PSN Partys where the People in the Party said: Hey cmon lets dc because i want to see the 4th guys face FOR FUN!

    MAYBE even like 30% dc because the Killer tunneling, camping. I know its frustrating a lot but its part of the game. Bevor this Update and with the new Killer there was a Day where i get tunneled on Rank 1 7 Times in a row but with the new cool Update the DbD developer did it right with the Chaser Points away when in a radius of 16m standing more than 10 seconds.

    I woulded even rather, that there should be a Update which it makes it harder. DRAMATICALLY decrease the Chaser Points, because i was trying it out and i had iridescent Emblem with 11% decrease but i had more than 100% on the other Stuff in this Chasing Emblem. There should be an Fix giving ONLY 100% at Maximum.

    If you dont know what i mean, when you scroll to the Emblem for example the Chaser Emblem it says for example 68% Chasing 51% finding Players and 11% decrease. Please fix it, that there is ONLY THE CHANCE to reach maximum 100% so for example 58% Chasing, 31% Finding Players, 11% Decrease of Camping.

    But back to this Post:

    The Rest 10% is because of the Internet. When its the Lack of the Internet People should search another Internetprovider another Internetshop with security DSL cable when for example pushing accidentally their PSN's, so they dont disconnect etc. I disconnected because of my Internet only 5 Times and played this game for more than 2 Years. So dont even think about "its maybe cuz of internet". Maybe but very very RARE.

    you know a Disconnect User makes it because the Game doesnt run at of what hes expecting. But when he just killing himself like the Thread creator was saying. I think it SCRATCH HARD on the egoistic behavior of this dude, because when he ragequit: hes like " HAHAHA YOU BECOME NOTHING HAHA" and when hes killing himself on the Hook with an new Update too, so that the Killer gets the maximum out of it like you hung up that person 3 Times + Chaser Points etc. I dont think that the Dude that when he KNOWS he gets the Maximum that hes like than: "Hahah you become nothing"

    I just registered myself here to open a Thread because when People leave the Match for stupid Reasons that im a little toxic of it. You can check it out.

    The thing is:

    Disconnecting because of egoistic, toxicity, for fun, for revenge or for "haha killer become no points" is a massive Lack in this Game, thats why VERY VERY MUCH PEOPLE as you can see on the Discuss Forums complaining about them.

    I would have a nice Solution dear Community Manager for this toxicity behavior.

    Making an BAN System for leaving the Matches.

    Maybe like in Rainbow Six Siege with an opportunity to Reconnect, but the Character dont die, they are just Idle when its the internets vault and ONLY the chance of Reconnect within 2 Minutes or lesser. But i think this will cause than Problems on the DbD servers, because i think DbD cant handle this System coding etc. But i think you can handle a BAN Systen for example leaving 2 Times Matches during a Week 30 Minutes BAN, 1 Day Ban, 7 Days Ban for example.I think it would scare a lot of People out for ragequitting. But please first fix your Server bevore putting a Ban System because very few People disconnect because of the Hosts Lack. It Lags and they dc but not wanted. Unwanted. Make please Servers.

    That's all, king regards


  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    And for People who defend ragequitters are ragequitters because they think the game must be that way the want to. Do not ever devense this stupidity behavior Community Manager.