The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Is there something being done about this?



  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    @Vietfox said:
    OrionsFury4789 said:

    I have been screaming this for a while now I'm so glad this thread was made, it's a serious situation on console right now people are leaving this game for that que times+dodge , they Dodge for items but have every tool to stop the items if they choose, I don't cry about OP killer add ons because I play killer just as much , hell if anything I've played killer at least twice as much as survivor for the past 2 months because of ques and I like playing killer and all but Im a survivor main and like to keep up with my friends and see how they've been doing, the past two times I've tried to play with @Vietfox or fcc2014 we've given up after an hour or more of waiting or went and played a different game together because it was just outrageous we were getting dodged with nothing coming in 

    Yup, i'm sure you @OrionsFury4789 have noticed that i haven't been playing DbD lately because i'm tired of this.
    Killers dodge because they don't want to deal with certain intended features despite having counters for them. I wonder, if survivors had a way to know when killers are using good addons and/or ebony moris, i guess killers wouldn't mind to be dodged as well, right? I mean, they should understand them as well...
    Now @people, really, is it that difficult to suck it up and just play the damn game? Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, that's [BAD WORD] it.

    as I mentioned earlier, it would be great if it were that simple. The community thrives off of tormenting the loser, so people try to get every advantage they can. the less GG EZ BABY KILLER players we have, the less people will be paranoid of every lobby.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    Kaelum said:

    The devs have specifically stated several times, that the killer can leave the lobby at any time, for any reason, and they encourage killers to do so. Survivors have the same option, which they can and should use for bad latency. The moment the counter reaches 0 and switches to the offerings page, disconnecting is not allowed for any reason. The reason that killers are allowed to see what survivors are carrying is because the killer is at a disadvantage, and again, the devs have stated that it will not be removed.

    I agree with this. 

    Also, on the subject of updates benefitting killers: that's because there are a lot of useless killer perks and a lot of killers only play meta builds because they are objectively the best way to win. By buffing the useless killer perks, they are encouraging killers to stop using the meta and experiment with different perks. Same with buffing survivor perks. There is nothing wrong with making worthless things strong on either side. It only feels bad because it's the other side. I feel the same way when survivors get buffed, but then I have to stop and remknd myself that it DOES actually make the game better for everyone by adding more build variety.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Wanna know the difference between survivors dodging killers vs killers dodging survivors?

    The game is way more balanced for what the survivors would dodge regarding killers than vice versa. 
  • trendyfartknocker
    trendyfartknocker Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2019

    Aside from the complete cryfest this post represents, the option to leave a queue is a part of multiplayer gaming at its core. Forget about your whiny survivor BS or your killer crynanigans, no player should be forced to begin a match against someone with a connection that prevents the two from communicating smoothly. The ping meter helps identify this scenario and that alone is reason to allow queue dodging. Wipe your tears and play single player if it bothers you that much.

    And for the record, killer faces 4v1. 4x the perks, 4x the items, 4x the personality. All other things being equal, killer will always have the manpower disadvantage. It's a bollocks argument to suggest both sides be susceptible to the exact same pre-game parameters.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    Sweet, sweet, entitlement.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2019
    Ryuhi said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    DemonDaddy said:

    Lobby dodge can be for any reason and should be. The whole point of the game is to have fun and if you feel that it will be less than that back out. Shouldn't matter what side, equipment or character is the cause. Maybe you feel your teammates are instigating a tough match with equipment choice, 4 survivors with the same appearance, or you don't have good addons to compete with multiple toolboxes and medkits. If they don't want to play that match, so be it, rather that then a killer putting themselves in a corner to deny points or survivors dc/force kill themselves. I'd much rather spend the match with people that will actually try and play.

    You say it doesn't matter what side but like..survivors will literally never dodge. We cant see the killer, or their items, not only that but we waited probably 15 minutes to find that game. There's no way we're dodging lol

    survivors dont often lobby dodge, but they sure as hell suicide on first hook and/or dc.

    Which is also frustrating as hell. Survivors DC or suicide just as much as killers. And as someone who play both sides its annoying as badword, wether I'm playing survivor or killer.

    This isn't one of those killer vs survivor moments, this is just plain unsportsmanlike bs that just ruins the game. This is a player situation. We aren't all fighting and playing sides. Both sides suck. 

    But in general I will say, killers will use aaaany excuse to dodge or DC. Survivors arent much better with DCing, but they honestly arent as bad as killers lol. Probably because they cant see mori's before game. Alot of survivors are sad saps who can't handle mori's just like killers cant handle toolboxes, medkits, keys, maps, flashlights. Basically any item tbh lol.

    Edited because I cant spell.
  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    You're right cry this, cry that, but if you say players should not be forced to play a game they are not having fun in... (really tho?) Then there should be no consequences for survivors leaving during the game and killers quitter bonus should be removed. That, or just simply stop dodging or have the game not show items. Also You killers complain about items being OP and stuff like insta heal. Look at Insta downing(exposed) or the Mori after one hook. You can say we cry about this and that but how bout we focus on the issue.. STOP DODGING.. simple

    @trendyfartknocker said:
    Aside from the complete cryfest this post represents, the option to leave a queue is a part of multiplayer gaming at its core. Forget about your whiny survivor BS or your killer crynanigans, no player should be forced to begin a match against someone with a connection that prevents the two from communicating smoothly. The ping meter helps identify this scenario and that alone is reason to allow queue dodging. Wipe your tears and play single player if it bothers you that much.

    And for the record, killer faces 4v1. 4x the perks, 4x the items, 4x the personality. All other things being equal, killer will always have the manpower disadvantage. It's a bollocks argument to suggest both sides be susceptible to the exact same pre-game parameters.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    @Lanis_ said:
    pemberley said:

    You have to look at it from the killer’s pov and understand multiple toolboxes equals gen rush, flashlights equals getting blinded at pallets, and health kits are either instant or you’re in for a chase while their buddies gen rush. 

    Meaning they don’t want to deal with the suspected toxicity. And I don’t blame them. 

    Fix the survivor crutches and abuses like gen rush and flashlighting a pallet and maybe killers won’t lobby dodge a lobby they think will only waste their time. 

    Repair gen=gen rush=toxicity
    Health kits=toxicity
    Using pallet=toxicity

    I suppose ds=toxicity, borrtime=toxicity , adrenaline=toxicity.

    How dare survivor try to escape from Lord Killer?

    Lmao ikr, recently I've been picking up the pace with my killer gameplay and honestly I don't consider DS or BT toxic, nothing like that. the only "toxic" thing I can think of is long loops which break los, which is especially bad when playing a slow killer. Otherwise I don't really kind, sure I find it frustrating but overall I don't really mind since I do the same thing as a survivor.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @PiiFree said:
    Played killer all night yesterday, straight from Rank 9 to Rank 1.

    Only dodged a handful of times due to ping, but it's no surprise to me that Killers pay more attention to who they're playing against.

    Not a single lobby without SWF, always at least one DS (not even kidding here) and the gen rush is absolutely insane because of the event. I also noticed that many map offerings like badham preschool or black water swamp are played.

    Look, I know it's annoying to constantly get dodged but if you keep going to make it as hard as possible for Killers to get their event points, you gotta expect that people start to cherry pick to increase the chance of success. They're not trying to get easy matches, they're trying to get FAIR matches.


  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    But finding a "fair" match is already found. thats why there are ranks. The game has items to use and if killers don't like what the game game has, don't play at all and set up false hope for a game. But I understand what you mean on the other part, that's where the killer perks are supposed to come in though and slow down the process.

    @PiiFree said:
    Played killer all night yesterday, straight from Rank 9 to Rank 1.

    Only dodged a handful of times due to ping, but it's no surprise to me that Killers pay more attention to who they're playing against.

    Not a single lobby without SWF, always at least one DS (not even kidding here) and the gen rush is absolutely insane because of the event. I also noticed that many map offerings like badham preschool or black water swamp are played.

    Look, I know it's annoying to constantly get dodged but if you keep going to make it as hard as possible for Killers to get their event points, you gotta expect that people start to cherry pick to increase the chance of success. They're not trying to get easy matches, they're trying to get FAIR matches.

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    I feel like the killers that are salty about this post must have had a real number done on them by survivors. XD

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    LMAO :..D

    @NathanExplosion said:

    @PiiFree said:
    Played killer all night yesterday, straight from Rank 9 to Rank 1.

    Only dodged a handful of times due to ping, but it's no surprise to me that Killers pay more attention to who they're playing against.

    Not a single lobby without SWF, always at least one DS (not even kidding here) and the gen rush is absolutely insane because of the event. I also noticed that many map offerings like badham preschool or black water swamp are played.

    Look, I know it's annoying to constantly get dodged but if you keep going to make it as hard as possible for Killers to get their event points, you gotta expect that people start to cherry pick to increase the chance of success. They're not trying to get easy matches, they're trying to get FAIR matches.


  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited February 2019

    @BO0ON said:
    But finding a "fair" match is already found. thats why there are ranks. The game has items to use and if killers don't like what the game game has, don't play at all and set up false hope for a game. But I understand what you mean on the other part, that's where the killer perks are supposed to come in though and slow down the process.

    SWF matchmaking doesn't go off of the highest ranked person. Its very common in low ranks as killer to have high ranked players get brought in through grouping with 1 or more lower rank players. Why comment about killers not playing the game because they don't like items, when survivors constantly DC when they see a hidden offering, a p3 nurse, a legion in general, etc? They actually do more harm to the game than any lobby dodging killer ever will.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited February 2019

    @BO0ON said:
    But finding a "fair" match is already found. thats why there are ranks. The game has items to use and if killers don't like what the game game has, don't play at all and set up false hope for a game. But I understand what you mean on the other part, that's where the killer perks are supposed to come in though and slow down the process.

    We have different definitions of a "fair" match then.

    I don't care about items or perks, it's the playstyle SWFs that triggers me; mainly because of their voice communication. They have another definition of "fair/fun match", which apparently doesn't include the Killer at all.

    Tell me one thing SWFs do to make the Killers experience BETTER compared to non-SWFs? There is none. SWFs give Killers no reason to appreciate their existence. It's the other way around, they are more likely to bully Killers whenever possible because it's so much easier to do with friends and with voice communication.

    If playing against SWF was a fun experience for Killers, no one would dodge.

    (I made this one myself btw xD)

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited February 2019

    It's just the result of many bad experiences...

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    well, one thing that SWFs do thats positive for the killer is they often play over-altruistically and throw the game super hard, so there is that :D

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @PiiFree said:

    (I made this one myself btw xD)

    They need this here :

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Ryuhi said:
    well, one thing that SWFs do thats positive for the killer is they often play over-altruistically and throw the game super hard, so there is that :D

    Stupid SWFs do that, I agree, but they're also overly-toxic when you make use of that. It always comes at a cost.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PiiFree said:

    @Ryuhi said:
    well, one thing that SWFs do thats positive for the killer is they often play over-altruistically and throw the game super hard, so there is that :D

    Stupid SWFs do that, I agree, but they're also overly-toxic when you make use of that. It always comes at a cost.

    Reports are free.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Orion said:
    Reports are free.

    Doesn't change the fact that it's annoying to deal with. Would you rather prefer a match without toxicity? I do.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PiiFree said:

    @Orion said:
    Reports are free.

    Doesn't change the fact that it's annoying to deal with. Would you rather prefer a match without toxicity? I do.

    Of course. That's why I report all forms of toxicity in every multiplayer game I play. I see it as doing my part to help purge the cancer.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Orion said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @Ryuhi said:
    well, one thing that SWFs do thats positive for the killer is they often play over-altruistically and throw the game super hard, so there is that :D

    Stupid SWFs do that, I agree, but they're also overly-toxic when you make use of that. It always comes at a cost.

    Reports are free.

    Yes I'm not against you being upset with toxicity but the fact I can't wear certain outfits ive bought, play certain characters, accidentally pop into a lobby wearing a similar outfit to another person, have an item I've spent bloodpoints on, or even remotely come in together.... THAT'S why I'm upset It's outrageous at this point we didn't make this game the way it is and its in a way better place than it was when this all started. I mean it could be a number of things , maybe I beat the guy before or got some BS escape on him but that shouldn't matter when you're at rank 1 you should be up for any good ping game that pops up otherwise we need to bring in survivor bots and award half bloodpoints to these guys and let them play the game another way if we're gonna get endlessly dodged for not looking like tutorial Dwight in every match, if people would stop dodging and actually play the games you say are unbalanced the survival rates should go up  if it's that bad and proper data can be collected to fix it , the killers band-aid fix to getting away from anything they don't like is part of the problem and they're causing the game to stay unbalanced even more by cherry picking lobbies , end the lobby dodging and let the devs have their proper information if you guys really want it fixed
  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    @PiiFree said:
    Played killer all night yesterday, straight from Rank 9 to Rank 1.

    Only dodged a handful of times due to ping, but it's no surprise to me that Killers pay more attention to who they're playing against.

    Not a single lobby without SWF, always at least one DS (not even kidding here) and the gen rush is absolutely insane because of the event. I also noticed that many map offerings like badham preschool or black water swamp are played.

    Look, I know it's annoying to constantly get dodged but if you keep going to make it as hard as possible for Killers to get their event points, you gotta expect that people start to cherry pick to increase the chance of success. They're not trying to get easy matches, they're trying to get FAIR matches.


    You realize your old account isn't banned anymore right?
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited February 2019

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Yes I'm not against you being upset with toxicity but the fact I can't wear certain outfits ive bought, play certain characters, accidentally pop into a lobby wearing a similar outfit to another person, have an item I've spent bloodpoints on, or even remotely come in together.... THAT'S why I'm upset It's outrageous at this point we didn't make this game the way it is and its in a way better place than it was when this all started. I mean it could be a number of things , maybe I beat the guy before or got some BS escape on him but that shouldn't matter when you're at rank 1 you should be up for any good ping game that pops up otherwise we need to bring in survivor bots and award half bloodpoints to these guys and let them play the game another way if we're gonna get endlessly dodged for not looking like tutorial Dwight in every match, if people would stop dodging and actually play the games you say are unbalanced the survival rates should go up  if it's that bad and proper data can be collected to fix it , the killers band-aid fix to getting away from anything they don't like is part of the problem and they're causing the game to stay unbalanced even more by cherry picking lobbies , end the lobby dodging and let the devs have their proper information if you guys really want it fixed

    I dunno who "you guys" are since I only dodge because of bad ping or when people were toxic in a previous trial. When SWF comes I just bite the bullet and suck it up, which is apparently something you're not willing to do by not equipping items or playing a different character. I will admit to occasionally DCing out of frustration when it's clear survivors are just there to troll, but killers never seem to do that when I play survivor.

    While I understand it sucks to get dodged (happens to me too, even though I only play Jake and don't bring items with me), you also have to understand it's equally frustrating to play trials you know are going to be boring and filled with toxicity.

    Do you think killers like to dodge lobbies? It's just as boring for them to have to open up a new lobby again and again until they get what remotely resembles a fair and relatively non-toxic trial as it is for survivors to have to queue up again.
    However, survivors, rather than try to meet killers halfway, began to exploit the system in every conceivable way, to be sure they could be as toxic as they wanted, with last-second switches and actual exploits (seeing the killer's loadout before the trial has ended, DCing while keeping their items and points, etc), and blamed killers for not wanting to take part in trials where they knew they'd be toxic. They constantly bullied and harassed killers, thus confirming the main reasons why killers dodge - to avoid that behavior.
    Now killers are just leaving the game, because if survivors are not willing to meet them halfway or simply tone down the toxicity, then they can play the game by themselves.

    Killers are tired of playing the class clown. That's why you see so much dodging and fewer people playing killer. Survivors did this by choosing to be toxic and exploiting.

    Survival rates alone are not relevant, because this game is simply not balanced. In a balanced game, both sides' skill would be relevant to the outcome. Instead, the result of a trial is primarily decided by how the survivors play, because rather than balance the game at the top, as it should be, devs decided to balance for an average player, which is absurd.
    Tell me, would you like to play a game where your skill is irrelevant in deciding whether or not your team wins? Because that's DbD, if you play killer. The survivors decide if you win or not, as proven by the Depip Squad, and even a victory can be frustrating if the other side is as toxic as possible.

    You can choose to be part of the problem on either side - survivor by being toxic and killer by dodging everything under the sun; both by deranking to stomp noobs - or you can be part of the solution and try to see things from the other side's point of view.
    I know dodging sucks, so I don't do it (except in the situations I mentioned). I know toolboxes, flashlights, etc., are primarily used to be toxic and make many killers dodge, so I don't bring them in. In return, I get survivors still being toxic and killers not dodging (at least not nearly as much). Funny how that works, isn't it?

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    If the survivor lobbies are long, that is an indication that their is fewer killer players. Mind you thats the side with only 1 person and its a long que. The game heavily favors surviver groups and force the killers who remain to deal with groups they don't want too might just finish off the killer population.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    TeaLeaf said:

    If the survivor lobbies are long, that is an indication that their is fewer killer players. Mind you thats the side with only 1 person and its a long que. The game heavily favors surviver groups and force the killers who remain to deal with groups they don't want too might just finish off the killer population.

    I can usually find the first couple of lobbies fast but after the Dodge we wait for an hour, start a new lobby get the same treatment 
  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Orion said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Yes I'm not against you being upset with toxicity but the fact I can't wear certain outfits ive bought, play certain characters, accidentally pop into a lobby wearing a similar outfit to another person, have an item I've spent bloodpoints on, or even remotely come in together.... THAT'S why I'm upset It's outrageous at this point we didn't make this game the way it is and its in a way better place than it was when this all started. I mean it could be a number of things , maybe I beat the guy before or got some BS escape on him but that shouldn't matter when you're at rank 1 you should be up for any good ping game that pops up otherwise we need to bring in survivor bots and award half bloodpoints to these guys and let them play the game another way if we're gonna get endlessly dodged for not looking like tutorial Dwight in every match, if people would stop dodging and actually play the games you say are unbalanced the survival rates should go up  if it's that bad and proper data can be collected to fix it , the killers band-aid fix to getting away from anything they don't like is part of the problem and they're causing the game to stay unbalanced even more by cherry picking lobbies , end the lobby dodging and let the devs have their proper information if you guys really want it fixed

    I dunno who "you guys" are since I only dodge because of bad ping or when people were toxic in a previous trial. When SWF comes I just bite the bullet and suck it up, which is apparently something you're not willing to do by not equipping items or playing a different character. I will admit to occasionally DCing out of frustration when it's clear survivors are just there to troll, but killers never seem to do that when I play survivor.

    While I understand it sucks to get dodged (happens to me too, even though I only play Jake and don't bring items with me), you also have to understand it's equally frustrating to play trials you know are going to be boring and filled with toxicity.

    Do you think killers like to dodge lobbies? It's just as boring for them to have to open up a new lobby again and again until they get what remotely resembles a fair and relatively non-toxic trial as it is for survivors to have to queue up again.
    However, survivors, rather than try to meet killers halfway, began to exploit the system in every conceivable way, to be sure they could be as toxic as they wanted, with last-second switches and actual exploits (seeing the killer's loadout before the trial has ended, DCing while keeping their items and points, etc), and blamed killers for not wanting to take part in trials where they knew they'd be toxic. They constantly bullied and harassed killers, thus confirming the main reasons why killers dodge - to avoid that behavior.
    Now killers are just leaving the game, because if survivors are not willing to meet them halfway or simply tone down the toxicity, then they can play the game by themselves.

    Killers are tired of playing the class clown. That's why you see so much dodging and fewer people playing killer. Survivors did this by choosing to be toxic and exploiting.

    Survival rates alone are not relevant, because this game is simply not balanced. In a balanced game, both sides' skill would be relevant to the outcome. Instead, the result of a trial is primarily decided by how the survivors play, because rather than balance the game at the top, as it should be, devs decided to balance for an average player, which is absurd.
    Tell me, would you like to play a game where your skill is irrelevant in deciding whether or not your team wins? Because that's DbD, if you play killer. The survivors decide if you win or not, as proven by the Depip Squad, and even a victory can be frustrating if the other side is as toxic as possible.

    You can choose to be part of the problem on either side - survivor by being toxic and killer by dodging everything under the sun; both by deranking to stomp noobs - or you can be part of the solution and try to see things from the other side's point of view.
    I know dodging sucks, so I don't do it (except in the situations I mentioned). I know toolboxes, flashlights, etc., are primarily used to be toxic and make many killers dodge, so I don't bring them in. In return, I get survivors still being toxic and killers not dodging (at least not nearly as much). Funny how that works, isn't it?

    So why should I have to decide to play with nothing but a standard looking character and no items or anything a killer doesn't like? Especially knowing that at high ranks it's some insta down killer with an ebony mori waiting , it's a double standard they're allowed to equip the full loadout while they want me with nothing,  It's part of the game and not my fault but I totally understand where you are coming from don't get me wrong  but I just want this stopped , if the game truly is unbalanced as bad as some people think than it's dire that we let the devs collect the data to fix the problems and balance the game? Am I right?
  • Marvett
    Marvett Member Posts: 159

    Since the game is placed in the category of "asymmetrical", this mechanic gives the killer a strategic advantage against the 4 opponents.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited February 2019

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    ...if the game truly is unbalanced as bad as some people think than it's dire that we let the devs collect the data to fix the problems and balance the game? Am I right?

    The devs themselves (namely McLean) admitted live on stream that they are "well aware that the game is not balanced".

    People dodge because devs DON'T care about balance. They are aware of it but are too afraid to balance it. I'm looking solely at SWF and DS now, as those are the main sources for rigged, imbalanced matches. Dodging is the only way to deal with it on the long run if you don't want to end up in a mental disaster.

    Fix SWF and fix DS and I'm sure you'll see a lot less dodging. SWF is the main reason why Killers dodge, items and skins are mostly irrelevant unless you try to bring 4 toolboxes, because that just screams GEN RUSH and no one likes to deal with that.

    ...and the fact that most SWFs try especially hard to be as annoying as possible makes the whole situation even worse. Just yesterday faced one of those legendary 4x DS cancer squad. You're asking to get dodged if you play like that.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    PiiFree said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    ...if the game truly is unbalanced as bad as some people think than it's dire that we let the devs collect the data to fix the problems and balance the game? Am I right?

    The devs themselves (namely McLean) admitted live on stream that they are "well aware that the game is not balanced".

    People dodge because devs DON'T care about balance. They are aware of it but are too afraid to balance it. I'm looking solely at SWF and DS now, as those are the main sources for rigged, imbalanced matches. Dodging is the only way to deal with it on the long run if you don't want to end up in a mental disaster.

    Fix SWF and fix DS and I'm sure you'll see a lot less dodging. SWF is the main reason why Killers dodge, items and skins are mostly irrelevant unless you try to bring 4 toolboxes, because that just screams GEN RUSH and no one likes to deal with that.

    ...and the fact that most SWFs try especially hard to be as annoying as possible makes the whole situation even worse. Just yesterday faced one of those legendary 4x DS cancer squad. You're asking to get dodged if you play like that.

    You're dodging over intended items and perks though, I get why you don't like them and how annoying they can be but there are also ways to counter it all (besides voice comm and DS) my point is on ps4 it will kill the game totally if something doesn't get done because people aren't gonna wait forever I saw with my own eyes a entire community completely switch their group to a red dead group from DBD because it wasn't working, I was in the group to find players and ended up leaving it, that's the reality of the situation. I've played twice as much killer as survivor lately because I love the game but I personally like to play as the survivor role that's why I bought the game and I feel ripped off when I buy cosmetics and find out no killer is gonna play against it because it just came out or some ridiculous reason
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Boss said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:

    Boss said:

    Yes: Dedicated servers.
    Lobbies won't rely on the Killer anymore to exist...
    At least that's the potential that servers bring, i actually am not sure if the devs are gonna make it that way.
    It'd be the smart thing to do, but it's these devs...

    It's the killers who don't want to play the game though

    Well i'm just 1 guy, but i recently actually stopped playing Survivor due to not finding it to be fun anymore.

    And there's nothing wrong with feeling  that way , I personally still like the experience though I wish a little more would get added like secondary objectives and more stealth gameplay options, the way the perks and everything are put together it's nearly impossible to not come off as what the other side would view as "toxic" when you're just playing the game normally and wind up escaping/killing  like you're supposed to 


  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    You're dodging over intended items and perks though, I get why you don't like them and how annoying they can be but there are also ways to counter it all (besides voice comm and DS) my point is on ps4 it will kill the game totally if something doesn't get done because people aren't gonna wait forever I saw with my own eyes a entire community completely switch their group to a red dead group from DBD because it wasn't working, I was in the group to find players and ended up leaving it, that's the reality of the situation. I've played twice as much killer as survivor lately because I love the game but I personally like to play as the survivor role that's why I bought the game and I feel ripped off when I buy cosmetics and find out no killer is gonna play against it because it just came out or some ridiculous reason

    You reap what you sow.

    Survivors had fun bullying Killers, Killers got tired of it and refuse to play against anything that could possibly come out as bully group.

    I'm just saying how it is: No Dead By Daylight player will start playing Killer and immediately dodge SWFs, Items, Skins or whatever. They don't even know what those things are at that point...but they'll figure it out sooner or later.

    Dodging is not something that's there "by default", it's something people start to do once they get tired of dealing with the same frustrating experiences over and over again, when they had enough of it and look for solutions.

    It's no coincidence that everyone will end up with the same conclusion: SWF = Toxic. The solution? Dodge them.

    BTW: Just because you keep getting dodged doesn't necessarily mean it's because of your cosmetics.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    So why should I have to decide to play with nothing but a standard looking character and no items or anything a killer doesn't like? Especially knowing that at high ranks it's some insta down killer with an ebony mori waiting , it's a double standard they're allowed to equip the full loadout while they want me with nothing,  It's part of the game and not my fault but I totally understand where you are coming from don't get me wrong  but I just want this stopped , if the game truly is unbalanced as bad as some people think than it's dire that we let the devs collect the data to fix the problems and balance the game? Am I right?

    You shouldn't have to, but at this point, you have two choices: do those things and continue to be dodged, or don't do those things and avoid being dodged. You can thank toxic survivors for being left with those two options.

    The devs are well aware that the game is not balanced. They don't need any more data.

    To reiterate: at this point, you can either be part of the problem, or part of the solution.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Orion said:
    Of course. That's why I report all forms of toxicity in every multiplayer game I play. I see it as doing my part to help purge the cancer.

    Just be aware that being toxic is NOT reportable, and abusing the report system will get you a ban. The devs have stated this at least twice since last Summer, on their live dev stream.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaelum said:

    @Orion said:
    Of course. That's why I report all forms of toxicity in every multiplayer game I play. I see it as doing my part to help purge the cancer.

    Just be aware that being toxic is NOT reportable, and abusing the report system will get you a ban. The devs have stated this at least twice since last Summer, on their live dev stream.

    I'm well aware that teabagging and whatnot is not reportable. I'm talking about post-game chat toxicity.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited February 2019
    Lobby dodge can be for any reason and should be. The whole point of the game is to have fun and if you feel that it will be less than that back out. Shouldn't matter what side, equipment or character is the cause. Maybe you feel your teammates are instigating a tough match with equipment choice, 4 survivors with the same appearance, or you don't have good addons to compete with multiple toolboxes and medkits. If they don't want to play that match, so be it, rather that then a killer putting themselves in a corner to deny points or survivors dc/force kill themselves. I'd much rather spend the match with people that will actually try and play.
    You say it doesn't matter what side but like..survivors will literally never dodge. We cant see the killer, or their items, not only that but we waited probably 15 minutes to find that game. There's no way we're dodging lol
    I've seen other survivors drop out right before the timer locks us in for the match like the last 5 sec. Not saying its as often as a killer dodge but it does happen and if not in lobby its on first down or hook. Time can be wasted on both side for people actually looking to play.
  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    Yea, I hear ya. (I am a Solo player and don't do SWF cause sometimes they wanna voice chat and I need to focus on hearing the heart beat and all not them screaming, lol) I guess the SWF problem is it's own issue, but solo players should not be effected. And nice job on the meme. XD Love it <3 > @PiiFree said:

    @BO0ON said:
    But finding a "fair" match is already found. thats why there are ranks. The game has items to use and if killers don't like what the game game has, don't play at all and set up false hope for a game. But I understand what you mean on the other part, that's where the killer perks are supposed to come in though and slow down the process.

    We have different definitions of a "fair" match then.

    I don't care about items or perks, it's the playstyle SWFs that triggers me; mainly because of their voice communication. They have another definition of "fair/fun match", which apparently doesn't include the Killer at all.

    Tell me one thing SWFs do to make the Killers experience BETTER compared to non-SWFs? There is none. SWFs give Killers no reason to appreciate their existence. It's the other way around, they are more likely to bully Killers whenever possible because it's so much easier to do with friends and with voice communication.

    If playing against SWF was a fun experience for Killers, no one would dodge.

    (I made this one myself btw xD)

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    Ok, whoa there.. Survivors DC cause of a hidden offering, I don't buy it. Maybe in your experience, however it seems to be less likely that survivors would do that as a killer dodges more lobbies than they can actually play. And as I said before, when survivors leave durning the game we are penalized for it and you killers get quitters bonus. Not to mention that you can also report the player for leaving too, soo something can be done about that, but what is being done about the dodging.. Just more dodging.

    @Ryuhi said:

    @BO0ON said:
    But finding a "fair" match is already found. thats why there are ranks. The game has items to use and if killers don't like what the game game has, don't play at all and set up false hope for a game. But I understand what you mean on the other part, that's where the killer perks are supposed to come in though and slow down the process.

    SWF matchmaking doesn't go off of the highest ranked person. Its very common in low ranks as killer to have high ranked players get brought in through grouping with 1 or more lower rank players. Why comment about killers not playing the game because they don't like items, when survivors constantly DC when they see a hidden offering, a p3 nurse, a legion in general, etc? They actually do more harm to the game than any lobby dodging killer ever will.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @BO0ON said:
    Not to mention that you can also report the player for leaving too

    You can, but it won't help.
    And i'm not saying "The devs never do anything", but they said they automatically look for them.

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    What I am getting from this is killers excuses to dodge and that we cry. lol Just stop dodging and take the game like any other game. You don't dodge other game lobbies cause a player is higher lvl or has some sort of advantage and if you do.. what a gamer you are..

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    What do they mean to "automatically look for them"? Like devs play the game and see if they find players being naughty? > @Boss said:

    @BO0ON said:
    Not to mention that you can also report the player for leaving too

    You can, but it won't help.
    And i'm not saying "The devs never do anything", but they said they automatically look for them.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @BO0ON said:
    What do they mean to "automatically look for them"? Like devs play the game and see if they find players being naughty? > @Boss said:

    @BO0ON said:
    Not to mention that you can also report the player for leaving too

    You can, but it won't help.
    And i'm not saying "The devs never do anything", but they said they automatically look for them.

    A system records disconnects.
    And it'll differentiate correctly between crashes and intentional leavers.

    I wish to know more though, we only know that they did ban waves twice and the rules to not get banned.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @BO0ON said:
    So I know and understand that the developers are working hard to fix the long queue times for survivors, but I still face an issue that I feel is still unfair to us. I main and only play survivor so I see it happen too many times to feel its a coincident.
    -When in a lobby the killer sees what the 4 players bring and decide not to play up against a group that has toolbox's or med kits, whatever the case may be and so they decide to leave to find another lobby that best suits their comfortability.-
    It does not help the fact that I (and I'm sure many others) have waited soo long to find a game that is just going to be false and have us look forward to another 30+ min wait to potentially have the same thing happen again.

    So I ask, Is something being done about the killers seeing our items?

    I understand you are looking at this from a wait time perspective. Having to wait for a long period of time only to play the game you paid for isn't fun. Being a survivor main, might try playing killer to see why some or many killers might dodge such load outs? On the other hand, at least if the killer dodges a lobby full of items the survivors get to keep them. A killer bringing in an ebony mori followed by very rare and ultra rare items might waste them for nothing when survivors DC when they see the 'secret' offering show up for the killer, as a killer doesn't get to keep anything if things go south fast.

    Again I understand this isn't the perspective you are taking, but I can understand the frustration. Killers shouldn't dodge items in general. See items bring FD. On the other hand a 'good' SWF fully loaded can be a stress filled game as playing killer usually is compared to survivor. I play survivor to enjoy DbD lol. Killer is not without it's advantages, but it comes at a price. Your mental stability :-)

    Really though, I hope they find a solution for your lobby times and DC rage in general. Killers and Survivors should be on the same team when fighting for fairness. Good luck!

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    Ahh, okay. Thanks! > @Boss said:

    @BO0ON said:
    What do they mean to "automatically look for them"? Like devs play the game and see if they find players being naughty? > @Boss said:

    @BO0ON said:
    Not to mention that you can also report the player for leaving too

    You can, but it won't help.
    And i'm not saying "The devs never do anything", but they said they automatically look for them.

    A system records disconnects.
    And it'll differentiate correctly between crashes and intentional leavers.

    I wish to know more though, we only know that they did ban waves twice and the rules to not get banned.

  • BO0ON
    BO0ON Member Posts: 36

    Thank you and I hope the same. > @TrAiNwReCk said:

    @BO0ON said:
    So I know and understand that the developers are working hard to fix the long queue times for survivors, but I still face an issue that I feel is still unfair to us. I main and only play survivor so I see it happen too many times to feel its a coincident.
    -When in a lobby the killer sees what the 4 players bring and decide not to play up against a group that has toolbox's or med kits, whatever the case may be and so they decide to leave to find another lobby that best suits their comfortability.-
    It does not help the fact that I (and I'm sure many others) have waited soo long to find a game that is just going to be false and have us look forward to another 30+ min wait to potentially have the same thing happen again.

    So I ask, Is something being done about the killers seeing our items?

    I understand you are looking at this from a wait time perspective. Having to wait for a long period of time only to play the game you paid for isn't fun. Being a survivor main, might try playing killer to see why some or many killers might dodge such load outs? On the other hand, at least if the killer dodges a lobby full of items the survivors get to keep them. A killer bringing in an ebony mori followed by very rare and ultra rare items might waste them for nothing when survivors DC when they see the 'secret' offering show up for the killer, as a killer doesn't get to keep anything if things go south fast.

    Again I understand this isn't the perspective you are taking, but I can understand the frustration. Killers shouldn't dodge items in general. See items bring FD. On the other hand a 'good' SWF fully loaded can be a stress filled game as playing killer usually is compared to survivor. I play survivor to enjoy DbD lol. Killer is not without it's advantages, but it comes at a price. Your mental stability :-)

    Really though, I hope they find a solution for your lobby times and DC rage in general. Killers and Survivors should be on the same team when fighting for fairness. Good luck!

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    Vietfox said:
    I have been screaming this for a while now I'm so glad this thread was made, it's a serious situation on console right now people are leaving this game for that que times+dodge , they Dodge for items but have every tool to stop the items if they choose, I don't cry about OP killer add ons because I play killer just as much , hell if anything I've played killer at least twice as much as survivor for the past 2 months because of ques and I like playing killer and all but Im a survivor main and like to keep up with my friends and see how they've been doing, the past two times I've tried to play with @Vietfox or fcc2014 we've given up after an hour or more of waiting or went and played a different game together because it was just outrageous we were getting dodged with nothing coming in 
    Yup, i'm sure you @OrionsFury4789 have noticed that i haven't been playing DbD lately because i'm tired of this.
    Killers dodge because they don't want to deal with certain intended features despite having counters for them. I wonder, if survivors had a way to know when killers are using good addons and/or ebony moris, i guess killers wouldn't mind to be dodged as well, right? I mean, they should understand them as well...
    Now @people, really, is it that difficult to suck it up and just play the damn game? Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, that's [BAD WORD] it.
    The problem is not losing, the peoblem is being abused or wasting time. I don't mind if I lose, a few hours ago 4 survivors scaped from me but I had fun anyway, I hooked two times all of them but they were smart and scaped after a fun and long game. The problem is being abused, I dont want to be genrushed and end the game with only one or two hooks at most in 5 minutes or less. Or being followed by a stupid guy tapping the flashlight while he is supossed to be running and hidding, or being forced to no breaj the pallets because they take an advantage of a game design flaw which is the disabilty of moving the camera while you are breaking a pallet to avoid being blinded. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @IamFran said:
    @Vietfox said:
    I have been screaming this for a while now I'm so glad this thread was made, it's a serious situation on console right now people are leaving this game for that que times+dodge , they Dodge for items but have every tool to stop the items if they choose, I don't cry about OP killer add ons because I play killer just as much , hell if anything I've played killer at least twice as much as survivor for the past 2 months because of ques and I like playing killer and all but Im a survivor main and like to keep up with my friends and see how they've been doing, the past two times I've tried to play with @Vietfox or fcc2014 we've given up after an hour or more of waiting or went and played a different game together because it was just outrageous we were getting dodged with nothing coming in 
    Yup, i'm sure you @OrionsFury4789 have noticed that i haven't been playing DbD lately because i'm tired of this.
    Killers dodge because they don't want to deal with certain intended features despite having counters for them. I wonder, if survivors had a way to know when killers are using good addons and/or ebony moris, i guess killers wouldn't mind to be dodged as well, right? I mean, they should understand them as well...
    Now @people, really, is it that difficult to suck it up and just play the damn game? Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, that's [BAD WORD] it.
    The problem is not losing, the peoblem is being abused or wasting time. I don't mind if I lose, a few hours ago 4 survivors scaped from me but I had fun anyway, I hooked two times all of them but they were smart and scaped after a fun and long game. The problem is being abused, I dont want to be genrushed and end the game with only one or two hooks at most in 5 minutes or less. Or being followed by a stupid guy tapping the flashlight while he is supossed to be running and hidding, or being forced to no breaj the pallets because they take an advantage of a game design flaw which is the disabilty of moving the camera while you are breaking a pallet to avoid being blinded. 
    I really love to face this "game abusers", about 90% of them die when i face them. I personally don't mind them at all, they make me laugh tbh.
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    PiiFree said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    ...if the game truly is unbalanced as bad as some people think than it's dire that we let the devs collect the data to fix the problems and balance the game? Am I right?

    The devs themselves (namely McLean) admitted live on stream that they are "well aware that the game is not balanced".

    People dodge because devs DON'T care about balance. They are aware of it but are too afraid to balance it. I'm looking solely at SWF and DS now, as those are the main sources for rigged, imbalanced matches. Dodging is the only way to deal with it on the long run if you don't want to end up in a mental disaster.

    Fix SWF and fix DS and I'm sure you'll see a lot less dodging. SWF is the main reason why Killers dodge, items and skins are mostly irrelevant unless you try to bring 4 toolboxes, because that just screams GEN RUSH and no one likes to deal with that.

    ...and the fact that most SWFs try especially hard to be as annoying as possible makes the whole situation even worse. Just yesterday faced one of those legendary 4x DS cancer squad. You're asking to get dodged if you play like that.

    You're dodging over intended items and perks though, I get why you don't like them and how annoying they can be but there are also ways to counter it all (besides voice comm and DS) my point is on ps4 it will kill the game totally if something doesn't get done because people aren't gonna wait forever I saw with my own eyes a entire community completely switch their group to a red dead group from DBD because it wasn't working, I was in the group to find players and ended up leaving it, that's the reality of the situation. I've played twice as much killer as survivor lately because I love the game but I personally like to play as the survivor role that's why I bought the game and I feel ripped off when I buy cosmetics and find out no killer is gonna play against it because it just came out or some ridiculous reason
    Blame the toxic survivors and the SWF and items umbalance flaws for creating the dodging situation, not the killers. 
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    > BO0ON said:
    > Ok, whoa there.. Survivors DC cause of a hidden offering, I don't buy it.

    This happens all the time, leaving you in a match with less than 4 survivors, no matter how long they’ve waited to get into a match. If they missed the offerings display, they DC the moment the killer uses the Mori.  There are only 2 killer offerings that are secret, the Mori’s, and the Shroud of Separation. Every survivor knows this, or learns very quickly. The Shroud of Separation is rarely ever seen.