Lobby dodge is disgusting

There seems to be an epidemic of lobby dodging, I sometimes get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row, different survivor characters as well. These Idiot killer players will dodge 1 survivor with P3 head, or 1 survivor with a flashlight, I only play solo que and I'm always at red rank, I play both killer and survivor and the only thing I would lobby dodge as a killer is a 4 man SWF with 4 P3s 4 Items (key, map,whatever else). I don't understand how people find games if they dodge just about anything. There needs to be some kind of punishment for excess lobby dodge
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
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@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.
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@SpongeBob420Pants said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.
I'm not talking about those special cases of dodging, I'm talking about the reason the average Killer would decide to dodge a lobby.
Seriously, is everything immediately an extreme for you?
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They need a longer penalty each time you dodge because you can match make with the same killer once that killer has dodged. Especially at rank 1.2
I totally agree. At red ranks it's even much worse. I play solo and i get dodged almost every time. It feels like killers dodge lobbys because there are survivors in it, why do they even play the game LUL
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SpongeBob420Pants said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.
Nea with the long 80's hair, or the short dark hair is ok. If she has a flashlight it's just a flashlight who cares.
However a Nea with a flashlight and the pink hair or the beanie hat, there is a high chance they're going to be a Decisive using extremely toxic little twat. Gee I wonder why, I wonder which streamer promoted toxicity and used those Nea cosmetics.9 -
DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
All they need to do is grow some balls.15 -
I tried playing with some friends a couple of days ago and we were dodged at least 9+ times in a row. I have even seen killers dodge lobbies simply because of what the survivors were wearing, lolz. I play survivor and killer equally (rank 3 survivor and rank 3 killer) and I have never dodged a lobby.
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@SpongeBob420Pants said:
There seems to be an epidemic of lobby dodging, I sometimes get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row, different survivor characters as well. These Idiot killer players will dodge 1 survivor with P3 head, or 1 survivor with a flashlight, I only play solo que and I'm always at red rank, I play both killer and survivor and the only thing I would lobby dodge as a killer is a 4 man SWF with 4 P3s 4 Items (key, map,whatever else). I don't understand how people find games if they dodge just about anything. There needs to be some kind of punishment for excess lobby dodge"Idiot Killer players"
Dude take a chill pill, you sound like a raging twitch streamer.4 -
People must understand killers dont necessary dodge cuz of you as there are other survivors in lobby as well. Especially during weekends I get into game much faster as duo que rather than solo. Why? Cuz that enables rest of survivors to be 3 man swf and killers dont want to deal with that.
Dodging flashlights is weird tho as thats best you can hope as killer that 1 fkboy is not doing gens.1 -
@Vietfox said:
DocOctober said:Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
^ Lol, lobby dodger spotted.
All they need to do is grow some balls.
Think I'll play some DBD and have some fun. Been a long work day.
(Instant 4 man SWF)
Hmm not really what I wanted to deal with after work I'll skip this one
(3 player SWF 3 toolboxes)
Ugh, really just want a normal game...skipOMg yOU're alL TOXic kiLeRS!!1!!!
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@DocOctober said:
@SpongeBob420Pants said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.
I'm not talking about those special cases of dodging, I'm talking about the reason the average Killer would decide to dodge a lobby.
Seriously, is everything immediately an extreme for you?
First of all I'm not talking about special cases I'm talking about average experience, and secondly the only thing they could do to improve the confidence of killers is to make the bloodweb give 3 or even 4 perks per web, but even if they add that, excess lobby dodge should be punished with a wait time.
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@MegaWaffle said:
@Vietfox said:
DocOctober said:Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
^ Lol, lobby dodger spotted.
All they need to do is grow some balls.
Think I'll play some DBD and have some fun. Been a long work day.
(Instant 4 man SWF)
Hmm not really what I wanted to deal with after work I'll skip this one
(3 player SWF 3 toolboxes)
Ugh, really just want a normal game...skipOMg yOU're alL TOXic kiLeRS!!1!!!
This is basically exactly it. I want a normal game, I don't want to play in a sauna for the next 30 minutes.
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I see a survivor join my lobby who locks in and has constant red ping, no thanks I'm gone. Have a hard enough time upon occasion dealing with certain survivors without them doing their best Nurse impression.
I see someone in legacy or blood? Psh... Not much of a threat generally. Most Legacies I've run into cheated to get it. Only a few live up to the orange hype. As for blood, there's no real point in being bothered by it since that, like Rank 1, are damned easy to get.
Not trying to come across as hyper elitist but just making the point that not many of people with these cosmetics are as potent as they seem. That and with the changes coming to the SWF/Solo lobby experience, killers won't know who's SWF or not.
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@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.This.
Ffs. This.I can’t believe we’re still complaining about dodging! How many more times?
I exclusively solo and am seldom dodged [there’s a correlation there]. But when I am dodged, I assume there was a SWF in the lobby, and I respect the killer doesn’t want to deal with that stress. Then I click “join game” again. Then I’m “genrushing” within 2 mins [it would be 1 min if some of you could just hit “ready up”! Why isn’t that an issue talked about more?]
Lobby dodging really isn’t a big deal and it’s so frustrating that a non-issue like lobby dodging is given equal attention to DCing (or the aforementioned inability to ready up). But maybe I was dodged because I or other survivors had items, or I was dodged because there were too many prestige-ed players, or something petty like that? Well, firstly I have no evidence whatsoever that that’s the case, but even if I did have evidence, it’s definately a minority of cases and not worth the text on a forum. So I click “join game” again.
You are grossly exaggerating. On the other hand, I appreciate you and your mates hate having your time wasted. It must be extremely frustrating and you want something done about it. For SWF players, lobby dodging is an issue and I respect your grievances. Okay?
But unless you can take an honest look at the causes, and don’t just dismiss the real reasons dodging happens, things won’t get better. They'll get worse.
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@mintchapstick said:
@MegaWaffle said:
@Vietfox said:
DocOctober said:Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
^ Lol, lobby dodger spotted.
All they need to do is grow some balls.
Think I'll play some DBD and have some fun. Been a long work day.
(Instant 4 man SWF)
Hmm not really what I wanted to deal with after work I'll skip this one
(3 player SWF 3 toolboxes)
Ugh, really just want a normal game...skipOMg yOU're alL TOXic kiLeRS!!1!!!
This is basically exactly it. I want a normal game, I don't want to play in a sauna for the next 30 minutes.
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@Vietfox said:
A normal game? Ok so i'm guessing you never use ebony moris, iridescent heads and all that stuff, right?I really, actually don't. I used my first mori ever yesterday, and I used my first purple add-on today. Tried an iridescent add-on for the first time after that, but it didn't work. Which reminds me, I need to make a bug report about it.
I usually use brown/yellow add-ons, btw. I only just started actually using the add-ons when I reached rank 8.
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SpongeBob420Pants said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.
Dont make out it’s an issue you want resolving if you are contributing to it3 -
Dodging at all is just silly. Since killer perks have been hidden I'd like them to not show items held by survivors in the lobby.9
People complain about lobby dodging but here I am being furious about 1-2 survivors disconnecting every game..
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@SpongeBob420Pants said:
There seems to be an epidemic of lobby dodging, I sometimes get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row, different survivor characters as well. These Idiot killer players will dodge 1 survivor with P3 head, or 1 survivor with a flashlight, I only play solo que and I'm always at red rank, I play both killer and survivor and the only thing I would lobby dodge as a killer is a 4 man SWF with 4 P3s 4 Items (key, map,whatever else). I don't understand how people find games if they dodge just about anything. There needs to be some kind of punishment for excess lobby dodgeBack in the days survivor lobbydodged in order to play with their friends.
Nowadays, killers dodge SWF to dodge the unbalance it brings.Back in the days, the devs catered to survivors and gave them SWF.
Now, why dont they cater towards killers and give them a SWF and a solo queue?7 -
Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.
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reads title
Right? Can Survivors with green & yellow ping please stop dodging my lobby just cause it doesn't have 4 Survivors yet?3 -
Play the lobby unless someone has a bad connection.
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@Vietfox said:
DocOctober said:Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
^ Lol, lobby dodger spotted.
All they need to do is grow some balls.
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Vietfox said:DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
All they need to do is grow some balls.3 -
se05239 said:
People complain about lobby dodging but here I am being furious about 1-2 survivors disconnecting every game..
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Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.
That was totally normal and acceptable.
Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"
Hypocrisy at its finest.11 -
@SpongeBob420Pants said:
If this is a response to the original post, then you are actually ######### because I stated I only play solo que and you miss-quoted.
Yeah and I’m accusing you of lying. Try re-reading the post. You do not “get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row” while playing solo. That is a complete lie. Utter, utter nonsense. And killers do not exclusively dodge over cosmetics and items. That’s complete and total trash. Dismissive arrogance. And I made arguments supporting all these things. You’ve made no arguments. And you’ve addressed none of my arguments.
Also: “I stated I only play solo que and you miss-quoted.” – I didn’t quote you at all! Seriously, is this troll? I'm not talking to you directly. Stop being so thin skinned. Though I'm glad you're taking heat for this thread.
@SpongeBob420Pants said:
If this is a response to the person you quoted that also doesn't make sense.Well I was supporting the person I quoted. This is made clear by the first word of my post. I mean that’s obvious. Do you think I’m arguing with him or something?
My tirade against SWF is a response to other posts, not yours. Like i said, I was not responding directly to you and gave no indication that's what i was doing. And it does make 100% sense. I am discussing lobby dodging which is the issue at hand. It’s the issue being discussed. You’ve offered no counter argument to that whatsoever and you’ve just slung insults around at me and others.
The problem is “actually” you.
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@Tsulan said:
Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.
That was totally normal and acceptable.
Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"Hypocrisy at its finest.
You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.
But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.
btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.
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fcc2014 said:@Tsulan killers are not just dodging swf they are dodging solo also. Pull your head out of your ass if swf was removed from the game tm, another excuse would be made.
Oh wait, survivors can't see other survivors pings... but lets propose punishment anyway. Because reasons.
I never asked for the removal of SWF.
Since that would badly hurt the playerbase.
Swf players however just love to propose bans for dodging killers. Since this game doesn't requires killers to be played... oh wait maybe they haven't thought the thing through.8 -
I'll dodge swf for shits and giggles now. I know how much of a pain it is for them to keep re-queueing up together over and over and over. It makes me giddy lol. Especially since everyone here bitches about it. Other than that the only thing I'm dodging is when I play survivor and the killer has insane pig or my team is 3 squadettes p3 with flashlights. I don't wanna play with that ######### cause I know what's gonna happen to my ass. I'm gonna get farmed. As a killer, like I said I'll just dodge some swf teams cause they look super sweaty and it makes me happy to make them get together in the lobby again
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Aven_Fallen said:
@Tsulan said:
Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.
That was totally normal and acceptable.
Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"Hypocrisy at its finest.
You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.
But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.
btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.
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@BoxingRouge said:
They need a longer penalty each time you dodge because you can match make with the same killer once that killer has dodged. Especially at rank 1.What are you saying? As survivor i lobby dodge when the ping is 220+, as the killer i lobby dodge when 2 or more survivors has red ping. I don't want to wait years to get a good game because people doesn't have good conection lmao
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@Tsulan said:
Aven_Fallen said:@Tsulan said:
Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.
That was totally normal and acceptable.
Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"
Hypocrisy at its finest.
You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.
But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.
btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.
But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?
Of course it was intended to implement SWF. You know that, I am pretty sure you also participated in the thread were it was explained.The Devs would be stupid to not allow people to play with their friends.
Last second switching is Bullshit, I agree with that. Even though I do not see a reason why a Killer should see the Survivor Loadout (in terms of Items)...
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Tsulan said:Aven_Fallen said:
@Tsulan said:
Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.
That was totally normal and acceptable.
Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"Hypocrisy at its finest.
You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.
But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.
btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.
No, majority of us Killers like to get some calm games now and then, Survivors in general have proven they want to bully Killers, cheese games and make it unfun. I've seen it in other's games, Ive seen it was Killer and I've seen it as Survivor. I've been dodged before as a Survivor and I've had Survivors drop out of my Killer lobby on occasions...so what, I ready up for the next game/wait for it to fill out.
I'm not entitled to them being forced into my game, nor am I in theirs....
Too bad so sad, grow up and move on3 -
Oh the excuse is i dodge because of bad ping. Seems legit....0
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.This ^
+1How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.
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Blueberry said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.This ^
+1How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.
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@fcc2014 said:
Blueberry said:@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
This ^
How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.
Oh i thought it was because in a game with no rank rewards no real meaningful ranks players just don't have the stones to play because it will shatter their fragile ego if they lose.
Yeah you were mistaken
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Blueberry said:
@fcc2014 said:
Blueberry said:@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
This ^
How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.
Oh i thought it was because in a game with no rank rewards no real meaningful ranks players just don't have the stones to play because it will shatter their fragile ego if they lose.
Yeah you were mistaken
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Axelson said:
@BoxingRouge said:
They need a longer penalty each time you dodge because you can match make with the same killer once that killer has dodged. Especially at rank 1.What are you saying? As survivor i lobby dodge when the ping is 220+, as the killer i lobby dodge when 2 or more survivors has red ping. I don't want to wait years to get a good game because people doesn't have good conection lmao
0 -
No what's discusting is 1 or 2 survivors much higher rank than killer and other survivors.
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Blueberry said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.This ^
+1How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.
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OrionsFury4789 said:Blueberry said:
@DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.This ^
+1How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.
Move on to the next game, Lobby Dodging isn't even remotely as common as you all bemoaning about it. Players DCing during a match now, now that's an issue to actually discuss
*pats head* you'll live4 -
@Laakeri said:
People must understand killers dont necessary dodge cuz of you as there are other survivors in lobby as well. Especially during weekends I get into game much faster as duo que rather than solo. Why? Cuz that enables rest of survivors to be 3 man swf and killers dont want to deal with that.
Dodging flashlights is weird tho as thats best you can hope as killer that 1 fkboy is not doing gens.I understand the flashlight dodge, I only dodge if there are two or more flashlight but only one can ruin the game for a killer because it almost make the flashlight user untouchable. If you chase someone with a flashlight you cannot break pallets because he/she always blind you when trying to do it and if you dont break it the pallet stay and can be used in future chases or by other survivors unless you turn and break it from the other side which waste a lot of time, if you wait the survivor to get away the pallet to break it you waste a lot of time again and some of them simply stay in the other side of the pallet till you try to break it, if you simply resign yourself and get blinded you waste time AGAIN. Playing against more than one flashlight is a pain in the ass, against one is manageable, you simply can let the user be and ignore him and is very funny when the flashlight user become frustrated because you refuse to chase him/her and start to spam flashlight tapping trying to take your attention.
I know Franklin's demise is a counter, but is a half-counter really, because a lot of survivors simply remember where they lose the flashlight and come back to take it latter.1 -
@Vietfox said:
@mintchapstick said:@MegaWaffle said:
@Vietfox said:
DocOctober said:
Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.
^ Lol, lobby dodger spotted.
All they need to do is grow some balls.
Think I'll play some DBD and have some fun. Been a long work day.
(Instant 4 man SWF)
Hmm not really what I wanted to deal with after work I'll skip this one
(3 player SWF 3 toolboxes)
Ugh, really just want a normal game...skip
OMg yOU're alL TOXic kiLeRS!!1!!!
This is basically exactly it. I want a normal game, I don't want to play in a sauna for the next 30 minutes.
A normal game? Ok so i'm guessing you never use ebony moris, iridescent heads and all that stuff, right?
I play on console so I don't use Huntress. And no I don't use mori unless I have a daily.
Aside from perks I don't typically use add-ons with killer because I don't invest enough points to keep their items stocked up.
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@IamFran said:
@Laakeri said:
People must understand killers dont necessary dodge cuz of you as there are other survivors in lobby as well. Especially during weekends I get into game much faster as duo que rather than solo. Why? Cuz that enables rest of survivors to be 3 man swf and killers dont want to deal with that.
Dodging flashlights is weird tho as thats best you can hope as killer that 1 fkboy is not doing gens.I understand the flashlight dodge, I only dodge if there are two or more flashlight but only one can ruin the game for a killer because it almost make the flashlight user untouchable. If you chase someone with a flashlight you cannot break pallets because he/she always blind you when trying to do it and if you dont break it the pallet stay and can be used in future chases or by other survivors unless you turn and break it from the other side which waste a lot of time, if you wait the survivor to get away the pallet to break it you waste a lot of time again and some of them simply stay in the other side of the pallet till you try to break it, if you simply resign yourself and get blinded you waste time AGAIN. Playing against more than one flashlight is a pain in the ass, against one is manageable, you simply can let the user be and ignore him and is very funny when the flashlight user become frustrated because you refuse to chase him/her and start to spam flashlight tapping trying to take your attention.
I know Franklin's demise is a counter, but is a half-counter really, because a lot of survivors simply remember where they lose the flashlight and come back to take it latter.I dont use neither Franklins or Lightborn, waste of perk slot if you got headphones and baiting pick up or facing the wall works almost every time, if neither work just slug.
I would trade 2 toolboxes to 4 flashlights any day as you know the game will last longer than 5 minutes.
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Nikkiwhat said:chemical_reject said:Dodging at all is just silly. Since killer perks have been hidden I'd like them to not show items held by survivors in the lobby.
And people wonder why the stereotype of entitled Survivors still sticks.6