Lobby dodge is disgusting



  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Nikkiwhat said:
    Dodging at all is just silly. Since killer perks have been hidden I'd like them to not show items held by survivors in the lobby. 
    Oh sod off.

    And people wonder why the stereotype of entitled Survivors still sticks.  

    Says the stereotypical salty killer main
    And where am I salty? ;o I'm not the one asking to hide items to cheese the game out
  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Nikkiwhat said:
    Nikkiwhat said:
    Dodging at all is just silly. Since killer perks have been hidden I'd like them to not show items held by survivors in the lobby. 
    Oh sod off.

    And people wonder why the stereotype of entitled Survivors still sticks.  

    Says the stereotypical salty killer main
    And where am I salty? ;o I'm not the one asking to hide items to cheese the game out
    Yeah you're just the salty one dodging over it LMAO nothings more salty than someone dodging intended game functions , when you have to run away to your safe space from something that's intended but you call someone else salty?
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    There is an epidemic of DCing, the rates go up when I play Nurse, Billy, Legion, Spirit, and the funniest one Hag

    Not sure what gives, 4/5 of those that I listed are actively fun to go against. Oh well.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Lobby Dodging is like Deranking. People who do it don't give a #########.
    Personally, I rather not dodge after waiting 10 minutes for a lobby...

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    Balance the game around premade teams with voice chat (aka SWF) and lobby dodging would cease to exist. You can't force people to play a unbalanced game that they don't find fun.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    flashlights are disgusting
    coordinated swf groups are disgusting
    multiple insta heals are disgusting
    decisive strike is disgusting
    genrush is disgusting (multiple toolboxes)

    want me to continue?

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2019

    edited into last post, didn't mean to double post

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @Broosmeister said:
    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?

    "GG EZ ahahahaha"


    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Mister_xD said:

    flashlights are disgusting
    coordinated swf groups are disgusting
    multiple insta heals are disgusting
    decisive strike is disgusting
    genrush is disgusting (multiple toolboxes)

    want me to continue?

    Let me guess , surviving is disgusting too right lol ridiculous
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @Broosmeister said:
    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?

    "GG EZ ahahahaha"


    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    Well, I SUCK as killer, and I am trying to learn nurse. I am TERRIBLE with her blinks right now. I just don't get them, their range, how I seem to keep getting cucked by the buggy walls you can't blink through DURING A CHASE (I wonder if the survs I went against play her too and know which walls those are, come to think of it)...and I had a match where the first guy I injured. Not hooked, not downed, but INJURED, disconnected.

    Literally, I found him within 30 seconds of the game, was thinking to myself FINALLY, a match where something good will happen to me as nurse, and the guy disconnects the second I hit him.

    Go figure the other 3 survs were actually much higher rank and super good at juking/looping, so I lost my ass.

    Like I said in another thread, my morale for this game is just dropping fast.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @Broosmeister said:
    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?

    "GG EZ ahahahaha"


    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    Well, I SUCK as killer, and I am trying to learn nurse. I am TERRIBLE with her blinks right now. I just don't get them, their range, how I seem to keep getting cucked by the buggy walls you can't blink through DURING A CHASE (I wonder if the survs I went against play her too and know which walls those are, come to think of it)...and I had a match where the first guy I injured. Not hooked, not downed, but INJURED, disconnected.

    Literally, I found him within 30 seconds of the game, was thinking to myself FINALLY, a match where something good will happen to me as nurse, and the guy disconnects the second I hit him.

    Go figure the other 3 survs were actually much higher rank and super good at juking/looping, so I lost my ass.

    Like I said in another thread, my morale for this game is just dropping fast.

    Go learn someone else. If you start out with the nurse, survivors will bully you until you hate the game.
    Nurse is the hardest to learn. Better start with something easier.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900
    Wait til dedicated servers arrive. Then the fun will really begin.
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Nikkiwhat said:
    Nikkiwhat said:
    Dodging at all is just silly. Since killer perks have been hidden I'd like them to not show items held by survivors in the lobby. 
    Oh sod off.

    And people wonder why the stereotype of entitled Survivors still sticks.  

    Says the stereotypical salty killer main
    And where am I salty? ;o I'm not the one asking to hide items to cheese the game out
    Yeah you're just the salty one dodging over it LMAO nothings more salty than someone dodging intended game functions , when you have to run away to your safe space from something that's intended but you call someone else salty?
    *blows kiss*

    My choice and my enjoyment, sugar.  Nothing salty about wanting to play the game as allowed. ^3^

    Stay ranting about Killers sweetheart, keeps your blood pumping, jus don't OD on it, blood pressureis a Killerr💀💜
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Nikkiwhat said:

    OrionsFury4789 said:

    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    This ^


    How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.

    So you dodge games because you don't like intended items being brought in or intended features to be used , but yet you'll cherry pick some noob lobby to roll stomp with UR add ons and a ebony mori and that's fair to you right? The bias is unreal, nobody is [BAD WORD] cheating were playing by the rules like everyone else , if you don't like to play against these things you might as well play something else because 75 percent of the player base is SWF we just need to give you people survivor bots and let you set them injured or whatever from the start that you want so you can feel better, but God knows we would start seeing "Nerf bots" or "one got the hatch!" Posts and then the world would [BAD WORD] explode

    Found the entitled one!  Everyone has a right to dip out of a lobby sweetheart, may want to dump some of that salt out, not good for your health.  

    Move on to the next game, Lobby Dodging isn't even remotely as common as you all bemoaning about it.  Players DCing during a match now, now that's an issue to actually discuss

    pats head  you'll live

    No it's total horseshit to have to wait 2 hours for a game it happens every night toe on ps4 don't tell me it's not common you know nothing and you're the entitled one you just are too if ignorant to see it , you think you're entitled to make everyone wait just because you don't think you should have to play a match with any challenge I'll laugh my ass off when they get servers and start time bans on you clowns and you're on here crying again 

    @Nikkiwhat It's not a problem for YOU, good for you. Most others are experiencing it. So your "It not nearly as common" bullshit is just that: bullshit. MOST games have penalties for this sort of crap.

    Your dumbass post basically:

    It's okay if the killer lobby dodges


    Get ######### real.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Blueberry said:

    DocOctober said:
    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    This ^

    How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.

    So you dodge games because you don't like intended items being brought in or intended features to be used , but yet you'll cherry pick some noob lobby to roll stomp with UR add ons and a ebony mori and that's fair to you right? The bias is unreal, nobody is [BAD WORD] cheating were playing by the rules like everyone else , if you don't like to play against these things you might as well play something else because 75 percent of the player base is SWF we just need to give you people survivor bots and let you set them injured or whatever from the start that you want so you can feel better, but God knows we would start seeing "Nerf bots" or "one got the hatch!" Posts and then the world would [BAD WORD] explode
    Found the entitled one!  Everyone has a right to dip out of a lobby sweetheart, may want to dump some of that salt out, not good for your health.  

    Move on to the next game, Lobby Dodging isn't even remotely as common as you all bemoaning about it.  Players DCing during a match now, now that's an issue to actually discuss

    *pats head*  you'll live
    No it's total horseshit to have to wait 2 hours for a game it happens every night toe on ps4 don't tell me it's not common you know nothing and you're the entitled one you just are too if ignorant to see it , you think you're entitled to make everyone wait just because you don't think you should have to play a match with any challenge I'll laugh my ass off when they get servers and start time bans on you clowns and you're on here crying again 
    I got dodged enough to make me stop playing for almost the whole event. At first i was aiming for all 9 coins, but got tired of spending more time in the menu than playing the game, so i got Feng's outfit and left.
    I played as a killer as well of course, but i like to play both roles, not just one.
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Nikkiwhat said:

    OrionsFury4789 said:

    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    This ^


    How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.

    So you dodge games because you don't like intended items being brought in or intended features to be used , but yet you'll cherry pick some noob lobby to roll stomp with UR add ons and a ebony mori and that's fair to you right? The bias is unreal, nobody is [BAD WORD] cheating were playing by the rules like everyone else , if you don't like to play against these things you might as well play something else because 75 percent of the player base is SWF we just need to give you people survivor bots and let you set them injured or whatever from the start that you want so you can feel better, but God knows we would start seeing "Nerf bots" or "one got the hatch!" Posts and then the world would [BAD WORD] explode

    Found the entitled one!  Everyone has a right to dip out of a lobby sweetheart, may want to dump some of that salt out, not good for your health.  

    Move on to the next game, Lobby Dodging isn't even remotely as common as you all bemoaning about it.  Players DCing during a match now, now that's an issue to actually discuss

    pats head  you'll live

    No it's total horseshit to have to wait 2 hours for a game it happens every night toe on ps4 don't tell me it's not common you know nothing and you're the entitled one you just are too if ignorant to see it , you think you're entitled to make everyone wait just because you don't think you should have to play a match with any challenge I'll laugh my ass off when they get servers and start time bans on you clowns and you're on here crying again 

    @Nikkiwhat It's not a problem for YOU, good for you. Most others are experiencing it. So your "It not nearly as common" bullshit is just that: bullshit. MOST games have penalties for this sort of crap.

    Your dumbass post basically:

    It's okay if the killer lobby dodges


    Get [BAD WORD] real.

    May want to stick to your namesake darling, may pop some vessels there :]

    Dcing is bad for both sides you silly thing, makes me feel bad as Killer and so I farm and let Survivors off, or as Survivor it makes the game moot.  Dodging is a none issue, Ive been playing multiple games throughout this event, been dodged once as Survivor.  Thats the way the cookie crumbles.  Sounds like it could be you have a reputation or whomever you're with.  Either way, keep playing or stop for a bit.  No one is obligated made to play VS you 💋
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    edited February 2019

    @DocOctober said:
    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.

    That's because there is a pattern among the most toxic players.

    Nea with the long 80's hair, or the short dark hair is ok. If she has a flashlight it's just a flashlight who cares.

    However a Nea with a flashlight and the pink hair or the beanie hat, there is a high chance they're going to be a Decisive using extremely toxic little twat. Gee I wonder why, I wonder which streamer promoted toxicity and used those Nea cosmetics.
    Nurse it is man :) seriously, I agree this pattern really exists. If I see these "toxic" cosmetics I know whats going to happen and I will switch to nurse or billy 
  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @Broosmeister said:
    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?

    "GG EZ ahahahaha"


    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    Yea maybe those potatoes you're facing with that rank 15 you're rocking , that crap rarely happens at rank 1 , you're against people who literally don't care at that stage
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Wait til dedicated servers arrive. Then the fun will really begin.

    Because the game will have bot killers?
    Or are killers suddenly not required anymore to play the gen repair simulator?

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Okapi said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Let me guess , surviving is disgusting too right lol ridiculous

    Surviving isn't disgusting but playing in a way that makes the game unbalanced and not fun for the killer (SWF with voice coms) while pretending that's not what your doing is disgusting.

    No  , swf is in the game as an option and you have to get over that it's not cheating or anything you might want to say it is , the only way for a survivor to be toxic is through messages anything in game they're doing to be toxic means they aren't doing gens and if you aren't capitalizing on that its on YOU , and I play killer just as much as survivor I never have these sort of issues , if I get beat i can always see where I was at fault and not blame voice comms , sure it's annoying at times but if I play smart I'm guaranteed a 2 or 3k walking out of the match, any less means you weren't doing your job properly.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

     @Broosmeister said:

    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?
    "GG EZ ahahahaha"

    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    Yea maybe those potatoes you're facing with that rank 15 you're rocking , that crap rarely happens at rank 1 , you're against people who literally don't care at that stage

    Yeah, they really look like rank 15 potatoes...
    Fully decked death squad that tried to bully low rank killers.
    Would you prefer some rank 1 screenshots?
    How about perk- and addon-less Freddy?

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Tsulan said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

     @Broosmeister said:

    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?
    "GG EZ ahahahaha"

    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    Yea maybe those potatoes you're facing with that rank 15 you're rocking , that crap rarely happens at rank 1 , you're against people who literally don't care at that stage

    Yeah, they really look like rank 15 potatoes...
    Fully decked death squad that tried to bully low rank killers.
    Would you prefer some rank 1 screenshots?
    How about perk- and addon-less Freddy?

    Your experience on PC may be different from mine on PS4 but that never happens it's extremely rare to have a 4 man DC at rank 1 , at the reset I see it all the time but not once I rank up 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @Broosmeister said:
    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?

    "GG EZ ahahahaha"


    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    P2 Huntress only a rank 15 seems legit. I found a deranker.
  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    @The_Crusader said:
    SpongeBob420Pants said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.

    That's because there is a pattern among the most toxic players.

    Nea with the long 80's hair, or the short dark hair is ok. If she has a flashlight it's just a flashlight who cares.

    However a Nea with a flashlight and the pink hair or the beanie hat, there is a high chance they're going to be a Decisive using extremely toxic little twat. Gee I wonder why, I wonder which streamer promoted toxicity and used those Nea cosmetics.

    If you read that yourself a couple of times you might eventually get what a load of crap you are stating here....sorry.... this is the kind of bull feces attitude that is exactly ruining the game.

    Remove the killers ability to see the survivors inventory. Remove the cancel button unless there is someone with a ping above 200 in the lobby. Problem solved.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Mister_xD said:

    flashlights are disgusting
    coordinated swf groups are disgusting
    multiple insta heals are disgusting
    decisive strike is disgusting
    genrush is disgusting (multiple toolboxes)

    want me to continue?

    Yes, every SWF is the depip squad but please continue on! :)

  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343

    There seems to be an epidemic of lobby dodging, I sometimes get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row, different survivor characters as well. These Idiot killer players will dodge 1 survivor with P3 head, or 1 survivor with a flashlight, I only play solo que and I'm always at red rank, I play both killer and survivor and the only thing I would lobby dodge as a killer is a 4 man SWF with 4 P3s 4 Items (key, map,whatever else). I don't understand how people find games if they dodge just about anything. There needs to be some kind of punishment for excess lobby dodge

    You complain about lobby dodging and yet you do it. It doesn't matter the situation. Just play the game and get over yourself. None of you are entitled to win. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Sheldor said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SpongeBob420Pants said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.

    That's because there is a pattern among the most toxic players.

    Nea with the long 80's hair, or the short dark hair is ok. If she has a flashlight it's just a flashlight who cares.

    However a Nea with a flashlight and the pink hair or the beanie hat, there is a high chance they're going to be a Decisive using extremely toxic little twat. Gee I wonder why, I wonder which streamer promoted toxicity and used those Nea cosmetics.

    If you read that yourself a couple of times you might eventually get what a load of crap you are stating here....sorry.... this is the kind of bull feces attitude that is exactly ruining the game.

    Remove the killers ability to see the survivors inventory. Remove the cancel button unless there is someone with a ping above 200 in the lobby. Problem solved.

    No it's toxic players who are ruining the game.

    People just want to relax and have fun. They don't want some moron tbagging them and telling them to kill themself if they lose, or to die of cancer if they win.

    Morons who do whatever they cab and bring the most OP things just to try and ruin the fun of everyone else.
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    The posts about dodging are becoming pretty recurrent now and I don't know why this is now a problem and a few months ago nobody was talking about it...
    Both sides make things that annoy the other side and I suffered it in both sides but I don't get the hypocrisy of some survivor mains about dodge, which is one of the most innocuous actions a player can do to avoid a playstyle he/she don't like. Also there are some people exaggerating... get dodged 10 times in a row, I don't believe it. The hypocrisy is survivor mains crying because time wasted by killers dodging but I'm sure they have never talked whith their friends using a third party software, or never told their mates that the killer have NOED when dying before the last change, or never Tbag after a pallet or in the exit gates wasting the killers time and being unsportive, but "ooooooh ooooh, killer is gasting some of my time dodging, what a shame, is disgusting".
    Also, killers do things when I'm playing survivor that annoy me a lot, one of the things that annoy me the most is for example use a Party Streamer, get tunneled and moried and die knowing that the killers is taking profit of my Party Streamer... But I don't come to the forum ask for a change and call the people disgusting, I simply accept it and only complain when talking with my friend about the game...

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    @Tsulan said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Wait til dedicated servers arrive. Then the fun will really begin.

    Because the game will have bot killers?
    Or are killers suddenly not required anymore to play the gen repair simulator?

    Neither. It because killers won't have a clue when SWF come into their lobby.

  • Dolphin9192
    Dolphin9192 Member Posts: 130
    edited February 2019

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Wait til dedicated servers arrive. Then the fun will really begin.

    Because the game will have bot killers?
    Or are killers suddenly not required anymore to play the gen repair simulator?

    Neither. It because killers won't have a clue when SWF come into their lobby.

    They don't have a clue now that is why they are lobby dogging solo survivors.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    Before dcing was a huge thing survivors could see killer profiles in the lobby, the devs removed that option as people complained survivors dodged for them playing certain killers or camping etc, they turned to MLGA, the devs removed that from the whitelist as people complained, dcing became worse the devs implemented a ban system which needs to be stricter imo as it does need stamping out.

    Some killer mains are arguing that it is ok for them to dodge lobbies if its not going to be a fun game, the reality is it is not and something needs done about it.

    Cherry picking any game should be stopped on both sides, the game is what it is, don't act like you should have the right to do something on one side if you don't think its fun yet complain about the other for doing exactly the same, that is highly hypocritical.
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Before dcing was a huge thing survivors could see killer profiles in the lobby, the devs removed that option as people complained survivors dodged for them playing certain killers or camping etc, they turned to MLGA, the devs removed that from the whitelist as people complained, dcing became worse the devs implemented a ban system which needs to be stricter imo as it does need stamping out.

    Some killer mains are arguing that it is ok for them to dodge lobbies if its not going to be a fun game, the reality is it is not and something needs done about it.

    Cherry picking any game should be stopped on both sides, the game is what it is, don't act like you should have the right to do something on one side if you don't think its fun yet complain about the other for doing exactly the same, that is highly hypocritical.
    I don't care if a Killer dodges me, I move on from it.  It happens but rarely just the same as I do mine. It is literally an non-issue for me on both sides. 

    It is a right of my choice if I want to stay in a lobby or not, same with Survivors dipping out of my lobbies or others.  People are blowing this into a bigger issue than it is.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    Nikkiwhat said:
    I don't care if a Killer dodges me, I move on from it.  It happens but rarely just the same as I do mine. It is literally an non-issue for me on both sides. 

    It is a right of my choice if I want to stay in a lobby or not, same with Survivors dipping out of my lobbies or others.  People are blowing this into a bigger issue than it is.
    Well the devs obviously think it's not your right and it's why they removed that option from survivors, don't be upset when they do the same to killers, you reap what you sow just like those survivors did.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Nikkiwhat said:
    I don't care if a Killer dodges me, I move on from it.  It happens but rarely just the same as I do mine. It is literally an non-issue for me on both sides. 

    It is a right of my choice if I want to stay in a lobby or not, same with Survivors dipping out of my lobbies or others.  People are blowing this into a bigger issue than it is.
    Well the devs obviously think it's not your right hence they removed that option from survivors.
    Lmao, Survivors can still leave lobbies ya dingus. Their right to leave or stay is still there....
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    Nikkiwhat said:
    Nikkiwhat said:
    I don't care if a Killer dodges me, I move on from it.  It happens but rarely just the same as I do mine. It is literally an non-issue for me on both sides. 

    It is a right of my choice if I want to stay in a lobby or not, same with Survivors dipping out of my lobbies or others.  People are blowing this into a bigger issue than it is.
    Well the devs obviously think it's not your right hence they removed that option from survivors.
    Lmao, Survivors can still leave lobbies ya dingus. Their right to leave or stay is still there....
    Talk about missing a point sigh.......

    Of course they can, it's not about be able too that should stay for legit reason like real life for example.

    They removed the option to see killers profiles so they could not cherry pick lobbies and dodge players anymore for how or who they played, do you get it now? Is that clearer for you?

    I guess you think they should make that option available to them again since you think cherry picking who you play versus is ok?
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited February 2019

    You're too wrapped up in this buddy :]

    You literally, LITERALLY said their right to lobby dodge was taken away, as a counterpoint to mine.

     "Well the devs obviously think it's not your right hence they removed that option from survivors."

    No ######### they took out the ability to see Killer's profile, where ever did I refute or debate that? May want to clear thru that Bubba Brain a bit honey.  I said it's anyone's right to stay or leave a lobby, you refuted that eith misconstruing the points made with an example that had nothing to do with what I've been presenting here.  Points for trying I suppose
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    Nikkiwhat said:

    You're too wrapped up in this buddy :]

    You literally, LITERALLY said their right to lobby dodge was taken away, as a counterpoint to mine.

     "Well the devs obviously think it's not your right hence they removed that option from survivors."

    No ######### they took out the ability to see Killer's profile, where ever did I refute or debate that? May want to clear thru that Bubba Brain a bit honey.  I said it's anyone's right to stay or leave a lobby, you refuted that eith misconstruing the points made with an example that had nothing to do with what I've been presenting here.  Points for trying I suppose
    Then you are arguing semantics, obviously I am not speaking about the act of being able to simply leave a lobby, anyone with half a brain could work that one out.

    Read my first post you replied too again where i outline why survivors had seeing killers removed (the reason for dodging) as you are obviously taking things way out of context by seeing things too literally, you don't have to be specific when it's relevant to the actual points of the discussion as no one has mentioned removing the ACTUAL leave lobby button.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dolphin9192 said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Wait til dedicated servers arrive. Then the fun will really begin.

    Because the game will have bot killers?
    Or are killers suddenly not required anymore to play the gen repair simulator?

    Neither. It because killers won't have a clue when SWF come into their lobby.

    They don't have a clue now that is why they are lobby dogging solo survivors.

    Who saw that coming, surprise surprise

    Same with bbq nerf.... sometimes you can just shake your head

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Nikkiwhat said:

    OrionsFury4789 said:

    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    This ^


    How about we fix the disease instead of the symptoms. The disease is SWF and the games complete imbalance. That is why people get dodged.

    So you dodge games because you don't like intended items being brought in or intended features to be used , but yet you'll cherry pick some noob lobby to roll stomp with UR add ons and a ebony mori and that's fair to you right? The bias is unreal, nobody is [BAD WORD] cheating were playing by the rules like everyone else , if you don't like to play against these things you might as well play something else because 75 percent of the player base is SWF we just need to give you people survivor bots and let you set them injured or whatever from the start that you want so you can feel better, but God knows we would start seeing "Nerf bots" or "one got the hatch!" Posts and then the world would [BAD WORD] explode

    Found the entitled one!  Everyone has a right to dip out of a lobby sweetheart, may want to dump some of that salt out, not good for your health.  

    Move on to the next game, Lobby Dodging isn't even remotely as common as you all bemoaning about it.  Players DCing during a match now, now that's an issue to actually discuss

    pats head  you'll live

    No it's total horseshit to have to wait 2 hours for a game it happens every night toe on ps4 don't tell me it's not common you know nothing and you're the entitled one you just are too if ignorant to see it , you think you're entitled to make everyone wait just because you don't think you should have to play a match with any challenge I'll laugh my ass off when they get servers and start time bans on you clowns and you're on here crying again 

    Yes, because banning killers from loading into lobbies will do a LOT to get you into a lobby quicker... oh wait.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @Sheldor said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SpongeBob420Pants said:

    @DocOctober said:

    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    What are you talking about? People will dodge over cosmetics, how can they fix that? Try re-reading the post.

    That's because there is a pattern among the most toxic players.

    Nea with the long 80's hair, or the short dark hair is ok. If she has a flashlight it's just a flashlight who cares.

    However a Nea with a flashlight and the pink hair or the beanie hat, there is a high chance they're going to be a Decisive using extremely toxic little twat. Gee I wonder why, I wonder which streamer promoted toxicity and used those Nea cosmetics.

    If you read that yourself a couple of times you might eventually get what a load of crap you are stating here....sorry.... this is the kind of bull feces attitude that is exactly ruining the game.

    Remove the killers ability to see the survivors inventory. Remove the cancel button unless there is someone with a ping above 200 in the lobby. Problem solved.

    And remove half the people who play killer from the game at the same time. Great idea.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    fcc2014 said:
    Tsulan said:

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @Broosmeister said:
    Killers want easy games because they aren't that good in the game.

    Survs want easy games because most of them are ######### at the game.> @Tsulan said:

    Aven_Fallen said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Survivors lobby dodged in order to play with their friends until the devs introduced SWF.

    That was totally normal and acceptable. 

    Killers lobby dodge in order to avoid playing against SWF? "This needs to be addressed asap! They need to be punished!!!"

    Hypocrisy at its finest. 

    You cannot do a Multiplayer Onlinegame without expecting that Friends want to play together. And I am not talking about 4 Man SWFs who want to bully Killers, there are way more normal SWFs (2,3 and 4 Man) who play completely normally.

    But it is surely not intended that Killers can decide that they want the easy games.

    btw. every Killer that does not dodge has my respect. Those are either the Killers that really play fair and for fun or the really good Killers.

    But survivors can decide to have easy games by playing in a way the game was never intended to? Or by last second switching?

    I never lobby dodge, not because I am good, and certainly not because I enjoy going up against 4 stacks; but because I know i will never BECOME a good killer by dodging the harder games like a little #########. What am I rewarded with?

    "GG EZ ahahahaha"


    Still, I won't give in to these pricks by becoming them.

    SWF complain about dodging killers. But they disconnect the moment they can´t bully a killer.

    P2 Huntress only a rank 15 seems legit. I found a deranker.
    Yep I deranked back then. The picture is over a year old btw.
    Why did I derank you ask? Because we had a huge problem with high rank players deranking to 20-17 to stomp noob players during a free weekend. Especially death squads. When Flashlights were almost instant.
    Some high rank players deranked to ruin those toxic players experience. It was highly discussed on the steam forum. 
    Back then I hooked everyone twice and let them escape (just for the points) IF they were new players and not some toxic scum that last second switched.
    The community took care of their own toxic waste. Since back then players could derank to rank 20.
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @SpongeBob420Pants said:
    There seems to be an epidemic of lobby dodging, I sometimes get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row, different survivor characters as well. These Idiot killer players will dodge 1 survivor with P3 head, or 1 survivor with a flashlight, I only play solo que and I'm always at red rank, I play both killer and survivor and the only thing I would lobby dodge as a killer is a 4 man SWF with 4 P3s 4 Items (key, map,whatever else). I don't understand how people find games if they dodge just about anything. There needs to be some kind of punishment for excess lobby dodge

    Stop trash talking after every match. It's caught up with you.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    scorpio said:

    Until gens take longer than 5 minutes for all 5 to be complete, I'll dodge any lobby with 2+ toolboxes and I don't give a #########. Sorry, I actually want to PLAY the game, not have it end in 5 minutes. And you know why killers get to see survivor loadout? Because killer is supposed to be in the POWER ROLE. You know, because it's an asymmetrical horror game? Even though the balance is a joke, that is the intention. If you don't like being dodged, don't load in with 2 toolboxes, an insta heal and a purple flashlight.

    You're not entitled to a win anyways and besides, why not take a challenge for once? It's how you improve and when you go against survivors that you know won't pose not even a challenge to you, then why even play killer at that point? Sure, if you want a relaxing game that's understandable, but why play killer if that relaxing game will never happen because your idea of a relaxed game is when survivors don't use certain items, perks, add-ons, and skins? You minus well play survivor at that point and quit wasting the time of survivors who actually wanna play a game, ya know?
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    I had five lobby dodges in a row this evening. No idea why. I was playing solo. I wasn't carrying a flashlight or firecrackers. Didn't even have a toolbox equipped.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I had five lobby dodges in a row this evening. No idea why. I was playing solo. I wasn't carrying a flashlight or firecrackers. Didn't even have a toolbox equipped.

    It's not you. It's the others.