Lobby dodge is disgusting



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    So why not allow survivors to dodge lobbies for what they think is unfair?

    They allowed survivors to dodge lobbies but removed it as killer complained, now survivors are being dodged does that not constitute exactly the same scenario?

    The lobby scenario to see survivors is so you can setup not to cherry pick but if you want that option removed by all means justify the behaviour.

    It's just being hypocritical accept the game for what it is or it simply being petty about something you don't agree with nothing more.

    Like I said, when killers close down lobbies, it's to correct the imbalance of SWF and Voice Chat. Why would the survivors need to dodge certain killers? What game imbalance are they correcting?

    That's just trying to justify the reason for doing it, anything that is accepted by the devs is fair game.

    You are saying because something is unbalanced you have the right to dodge, you know some perks are unbalanced on both sides should these then be shown so each side can cherry pick what they wish to play agaisnt?

    The Nurse can be unbalanced to some players should they have the right to dodge all Nurse players?

    No matter how you try to sugar coat it it is abusing the system just like the survivors did so it was rightly taken away, just like those who derank and dc should be dealt with better also, abusing something because you feel it shouldn't be in the game is all you are doing nothing else, you are just as bad as those survivors in the past.
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @twistedmonkey said:
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    So why not allow survivors to dodge lobbies for what they think is unfair?

    They allowed survivors to dodge lobbies but removed it as killer complained, now survivors are being dodged does that not constitute exactly the same scenario?
    The lobby scenario to see survivors is so you can setup not to cherry pick but if you want that option removed by all means justify the behaviour.

    It's just being hypocritical accept the game for what it is or it simply being petty about something you don't agree with nothing more.

    Like I said, when killers close down lobbies, it's to correct the imbalance of SWF and Voice Chat. Why would the survivors need to dodge certain killers? What game imbalance are they correcting?

    That's just trying to justify the reason for doing it, anything that is accepted by the devs is fair game.

    You are saying because something is unbalanced you have the right to dodge, you know some perks are unbalanced on both sides should these then be shown so each side can cherry pick what they wish to play agaisnt?

    The Nurse can be unbalanced to some players should they have the right to dodge all Nurse players?

    No matter how you try to sugar coat it it is abusing the system just like the survivors did so it was rightly taken away, just like those who derank and dc should be dealt with better also, abusing something because you feel it shouldn't be in the game is all you are doing nothing else, you are just as bad as those survivors in the past.

    What the devs accept as fair game and what the player base will actually log in and play under are two separate things and only one matters.They can make any ruleset they care to but unless they have people playing it won't matter.

  • junkevil
    junkevil Member Posts: 25

    @DocOctober said:
    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    Yeah, it's really just all those toxic things survivors do, such as: Having a toolbox, having a medkit, having a flashlight, having prestige clothing, having paid cosmetic clothing, loading into the lobby within 5 seconds of another survivor, being a twitch streamer, being claudette, being dwight, being jake, being feng min, loading into the game.

    Such toxic.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited February 2019

    @junkevil said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    Yeah, it's really just all those toxic things survivors do, such as: Having a toolbox, having a medkit, having a flashlight, having prestige clothing, having paid cosmetic clothing, loading into the lobby within 5 seconds of another survivor, being a twitch streamer, being claudette, being dwight, being jake, being feng min, loading into the game.

    Such toxic.

    What do you think you're going to accomplish by pretending survivors aren't toxic? Do you think killers are suddenly going to believe you over their own experiences and start playing the game more? Your attitude of brushing away killer complaints as if they were fake, disingenuous, or otherwise irrelevant, is just one of the many reasons why killers are quitting in droves.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @twistedmonkey said:
    All these replies just prove my point, dodging for anything that is accepted is just because you think it's unfair and not fun.

    The devs accept voice chat, the devs could easily disable swf if they believe it is not meant to work that way, the devs willl not as playing with friends and voice chat go hand in hand and it would impact sales, that's the bottom line it IS part of the game third party program or not.

    You want to keep cherry picking games and try to justify it nothing else, yes swf is unbalanced but it's a game and everything in it accepted should be fair game, the devs need to sort it it is not on the players to decide that and to think otherwise is just using an excuse to fit your narative.

    Keep dodging though as like they did with those survivors who abused it as it was rh right thing to do the ability will be taken away from killers as well, you will then threaten to leave and say the queues will become long but in the end like all of what has been complained about in the past the game will go on and those of us that do accept the game as is flaws and all.

    The decent players will continue to give feedback and the stats needed by playing each and every game helping the game become better without stamping our feet and cherry picking games pouting behind a monitor stating thats unfair.

    Devs said back then that "Infinite take skill" to please the majority (temporaly of course).

    Couple that with their in game store...

    Nothing else too add.

    (Such greed tho...)

  • junkevil
    junkevil Member Posts: 25

    @Orion said:

    @junkevil said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    Yeah, it's really just all those toxic things survivors do, such as: Having a toolbox, having a medkit, having a flashlight, having prestige clothing, having paid cosmetic clothing, loading into the lobby within 5 seconds of another survivor, being a twitch streamer, being claudette, being dwight, being jake, being feng min, loading into the game.

    Such toxic.

    What do you think you're going to accomplish by pretending survivors aren't toxic? Do you think killers are suddenly going to start playing the game more? Your attitude of brushing away killer complaints as if they were fake, disingenuous, or otherwise irrelevant, is just one of the many reasons why killers are quitting in droves.

    The complaint in this thread is lobby dodging and killers are coming in to say that it's not an issue at all, which is literally what the word disingenuous means. Not sure if you knew that by your usage and syntax. The topic of this thread is something that has been an issue for a long time and has not been resolved. You can spend time derailing the point of the thread to whine about toxic survivors all you like, but that doesn't make what you say relevant to the actual topic.

    Also, killers aren't quitting in droves. The only time it's taken long to lobby up was when the event first started and killers weren't getting good event points. I'm at rank 1 btw, and dodging happens all the time, regardless of what you do pre-match.

    The solution would be to remove the killers ability to see the survivors at all. No names, no items, no avatars. It would be nice to use a toolbox and not have to re-queue 10 times before someone accepts me with a toolbox. Yes, that happens all the time.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @junkevil said:

    @Orion said:

    @junkevil said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Fix the causes of lobby dodging first.

    Yeah, it's really just all those toxic things survivors do, such as: Having a toolbox, having a medkit, having a flashlight, having prestige clothing, having paid cosmetic clothing, loading into the lobby within 5 seconds of another survivor, being a twitch streamer, being claudette, being dwight, being jake, being feng min, loading into the game.

    Such toxic.

    What do you think you're going to accomplish by pretending survivors aren't toxic? Do you think killers are suddenly going to start playing the game more? Your attitude of brushing away killer complaints as if they were fake, disingenuous, or otherwise irrelevant, is just one of the many reasons why killers are quitting in droves.

    The complaint in this thread is lobby dodging and killers are coming in to say that it's not an issue at all, which is literally what the word disingenuous means. Not sure if you knew that by your usage and syntax. The topic of this thread is something that has been an issue for a long time and has not been resolved. You can spend time derailing the point of the thread to whine about toxic survivors all you like, but that doesn't make what you say relevant to the actual topic.

    Also, killers aren't quitting in droves. The only time it's taken long to lobby up was when the event first started and killers weren't getting good event points. I'm at rank 1 btw, and dodging happens all the time, regardless of what you do pre-match.

    The solution would be to remove the killers ability to see the survivors at all. No names, no items, no avatars. It would be nice to use a toolbox and not have to re-queue 10 times before someone accepts me with a toolbox. Yes, that happens all the time.

    So you think killers are going to believe you over their own experiences. Thanks.

    PS: If you take away the one thing that can help insure killers have less frustrating trials, they're not going to play with you. They are, in fact, going to quit even more. They're not obligated to play with you, and they will stop playing altogether.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    What the devs accept as fair game and what the player base will actually log in and play under are two separate things and only one matters.They can make any ruleset they care to but unless they have people playing it won't matter.

    Well since the game came out players like yourself have said the same things over and over and yet the game has kept growning, what does that tell you.
  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    @twistedmonkey said:
    That's just trying to justify the reason for doing it, anything that is accepted by the devs is fair game.

    And that just goes back to saying that killer choosing lobbies 'is a fair game' because it's accepted by the devs.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    You are saying because something is unbalanced you have the right to dodge, you know some perks are unbalanced on both sides should these then be shown so each side can cherry pick what they wish to play agaisnt?

    The Nurse can be unbalanced to some players should they have the right to dodge all Nurse players?

    No matter how you try to sugar coat it it is abusing the system just like the survivors did so it was rightly taken away, just like those who derank and dc should be dealt with better also, abusing something because you feel it shouldn't be in the game is all you are doing nothing else, you are just as bad as those survivors in the past.

    What do you mean, The Nurse 'can be imbalanced to some players?' The Nurse is either imbalanced for this game, or it's not. Just like Voice Chat isn't just 'imbalanced for some players.' The problem is that voice chat breaks the balance for the whole game where solo/killers/SWF all have different standards. The question isn't whether an aspect of the game is unfair to each individual player - it's whether it imbalances the way this entire game is played - whether or not it breaks the core gameplay. If it is, then it should either be removed, or avoided.

    It seems like you're the one sugarcoating the impact SWF/Voice Chat has on the game as a whole. By your logic, if players are abusing Voice Chat on SWF because the developers are helpless to stop it, perhaps they should remove it from the core gameplay and put it somewhere else.

    At this point, I feel like we are talking in circles. Unless you have something new to add, I probably won't be responding.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Devs said back then that "Infinite take skill" to please the majority (temporaly of course).

    Couple that with their in game store...

    Nothing else too add.

    (Such greed tho...)

    You can use all the straw mans you want, doesn't change the fact you are just trying to justify an abuse of the system as you feel it's unfair.

    Lots of things are deemed unfair and as I said should they all be dodgeable? If not you are simply showing a hypocritical attitude.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @junkevil said:

    @Orion said:
    So you think killers are going to believe you over their own experiences. Thanks.

    PS: If you take away the one thing that can help insure killers have less frustrating trials, they're not going to play with you. They are, in fact, going to quit even more. They're not obligated to play with you, and they will stop playing altogether.

    Killers don't get lobby dodged for anything other than ping, If you're going to call me a liar because I said survivors get dodged a lot, that's your choice. It's a funny one too considering your response to removing survivor information was to say you would just quit the game if you didn't have information to lobby dodge with. That's just special. You're a very special boy.

    Killers do get dodged for other reasons, as anyone can tell you.

    I didn't call you a liar, because I do agree that survivors get dodged a lot. Unfortunately for them, it's their own doing. If you spend all your time frustrating your opponent, they're just not going to play with you any more.

    I didn't say I'd quit. Read what I wrote.

  • junkevil
    junkevil Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2019

    @Orion said:

    @junkevil said:

    @Orion said:
    So you think killers are going to believe you over their own experiences. Thanks.

    PS: If you take away the one thing that can help insure killers have less frustrating trials, they're not going to play with you. They are, in fact, going to quit even more. They're not obligated to play with you, and they will stop playing altogether.

    Killers don't get lobby dodged for anything other than ping, If you're going to call me a liar because I said survivors get dodged a lot, that's your choice. It's a funny one too considering your response to removing survivor information was to say you would just quit the game if you didn't have information to lobby dodge with. That's just special. You're a very special boy.

    Killers do get dodged for other reasons, as anyone can tell you.

    I didn't call you a liar, because I do agree that survivors get dodged a lot. Unfortunately for them, it's their own doing. If you spend all your time frustrating your opponent, they're just not going to play with you any more.

    I didn't say I'd quit. Read what I wrote.

    Dodge and DC aren't the same thing. People who disconnect when they find out it's legion or nurse are scum, not going to lie. Killers that dc when I run them around for 3 gens are equally scum. That's also not toxic behavior on my part, it's not my fault they can't end the chase quickly. They're at rank 1, they should git gud. Killers aren't lobby dodged for any reason other than ping though, and if you can enlighten me as to how that's wrong, I'm all ears. The fact, however, is that survivors have nothing else to go on in the lobby. A good deal of survivors will also remove items in the lobby if they see someone else has one to avoid being dodged. I see it all the time. There is also the last second switch, which while I find it toxic, I also find hilarious because killers have themselves to blame for it by dodging items and clothing.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    What the devs accept as fair game and what the player base will actually log in and play under are two separate things and only one matters.They can make any ruleset they care to but unless they have people playing it won't matter.

    Well since the game came out players like yourself have said the same things over and over and yet the game has kept growning, what does that tell you.

    That they haven't tried to force SWF on killers.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    That's just trying to justify the reason for doing it, anything that is accepted by the devs is fair game.

    And that just goes back to saying that killer choosing lobbies 'is a fair game' because it's accepted by the devs.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    You are saying because something is unbalanced you have the right to dodge, you know some perks are unbalanced on both sides should these then be shown so each side can cherry pick what they wish to play agaisnt?

    The Nurse can be unbalanced to some players should they have the right to dodge all Nurse players?

    No matter how you try to sugar coat it it is abusing the system just like the survivors did so it was rightly taken away, just like those who derank and dc should be dealt with better also, abusing something because you feel it shouldn't be in the game is all you are doing nothing else, you are just as bad as those survivors in the past.

    What do you mean, The Nurse 'can be imbalanced to some players?' The Nurse is either imbalanced for this game, or it's not. Just like Voice Chat isn't just 'imbalanced for some players.' The problem is that voice chat breaks the balance for the whole game where solo/killers/SWF all have different standards. The question isn't whether an aspect of the game is unfair to each individual player - it's whether it imbalances the way this entire game is played - whether or not it breaks the core gameplay. If it is, then it should either be removed, or avoided.

    It seems like you're the one sugarcoating the impact SWF/Voice Chat has on the game as a whole. By your logic, if players are abusing Voice Chat on SWF because the developers are helpless to stop it, perhaps they should remove it from the core gameplay and put it somewhere else.

    At this point, I feel like we are talking in circles. Unless you have something new to add, I probably won't be responding.

    Survivors dodging lobbies was ok until killers complained so does that mean it was ok for them to do it back then? Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean you should, the upcoming change to matchmaking makes everyone join at once so it will be harder to tell if it swf, what does that tell you?

    How can you say some think the nurse to be imbalanced and it is or it isnt but then say some think swf is the same way? That contradicts the actual argument you are trying to make, it then becomes an either is or isn't scenario, that means it comes down to personal opinion only, some killer mains don't think swf is imbalanced and enjoy playing versus it so who is in the right?

    In my opinion swf with comms is unbalanced and I think they need to look at it but that is not for me to decide if I should play versus them by abusing the system in place, the Nurse in essense also breaks the core gameplay as she negates what survivor have to create distance, the Legion breaks the core gameplay as they have no counter, things change, thing are accepted, what you think the game should be is not what the devs obviously think and since it is their game you either accept it or not but don't abuse something it wasn't designed for because you feel it's unfair.

    I am not sugar coating anything as I speak up about swf needing nerfs but you are using it as an excuse to justify abusing something which is infact wrong, each player bought the game to play, as long as it is within the games rules its fair, do you think it's right for someone to sit in a lobby for 15 mins and then be dodged for simply using what is allowed? That is what happened to have the killers profile removed from the lobby, it's history repeating itself so why should it not be treated the same way?
  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @Nickenzie said:

    Oh yes, let's assume every survivor is a try hard and every SWF is the depip squad. You get a gold star for assuming the absolute worst about every survivor.

    There are way enought of them for it to be a problem.

    I'm also gonna add that there is no need of "SWF try-hard SWAT teams" for SWF to already be a problem.

    In regard of the importance of informations and how efficiently they can be communicated, balance wise.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    edited February 2019
    Nikkiwhat said:
    OrionsFury4789 said: somthing somthing "sackless"  
    " like they're sackless"

    What a very typical male thing to say *rolls eyes* Not everyone who plays has a sack sweetheart, but please flex that machismo more here, 💋 

    I believe he was speaking metaphorically. Like I've met some women who have major "sacks". It's a figure of speech. 
  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean you should

    Look. These are your words. Now tell me, knowing that sharing of information impacts heavily on this game that revolves around hidden information, do you think that just because voice chat CAN be done, it should be used? After 2 years, the developers finally did something that they should have done from the very beginning, which is to hide the end-screen informations for killers, what does that tell you?

    @twistedmonkey said:
    How can you say some think the nurse to be imbalanced and it do the rid or isnt but then say some think swf is the same way, That statement contradicts itself by an either is or isn't scenario, that means it comes down to personal opinion only, some killer mains don't think swf is imbalanced and enjoy playing versus it.

    Again, it doesn't matter that some individual killers think that SWF is balanced or not. It's not a matter of personal opinion. It's purely logic. Is the killer balanced for solo survivors? Then SWF with voice coms, who has everything that solo survivors have but with vast amount of shared information, is overpowered. Is the killer balanced for SWF survivors? Then solo survivors, who lacks all the extra shared information, are underpowered. Is the killer balanced for average between the two? Then on average, the SWF is still overpowered, and solo survivors are underpowered. This isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    but don't abuse something it wasn't designed for

    Again, these are your words. This game wasn't designed for Voice Chat. "It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. (Cote)" Also: "That being said, however, this is a game where we tried to have this horror atmosphere, this sense of isolation, there's no spoken dialogue in the game, it's very lonely and quiet, except for the pounding of drums when you are about to die. And that's all intentional. It really builds up the feeling of the game (McLean)." These quotes are both from the end of 2018. In the end, the developers decided to condone it because they don't want to bother or can't figure how to remove it. But it wasn't designed for it - it's not part of the core mechanic that makes DBD what it is. In fact, it completely destroyed the balance of this game - we all know that.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    I am not sugar coating anything as I speak up about swf needing nerfs but you are using it as an excuse to justify abusing something which is infact wrong, each player bought the game to play, as long as it is within the games rules its fair, do you think it's right for someone to sit in a lobby for 15 mins and then be dodged for simply using what is allowed?

    If someone is sitting in a lobby for 15 minutes, then that means we just need more killers. You said earlier that this game has grown. Then tell me exactly why someone would be sitting in the lobby for 15 minutes? The population may have grown, but the less appealing part of this game has not. That's the main problem. But it's easier to just blame the people desperately trying to find a more fair game, isn't it? You keep using the word "abusing" to describe what killers are doing to get a more fair game. What word would you use to describe player who knowingly use applications that they know breaks the game, but still use it because they know that the developers can't do anything to stop them?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    What the devs accept as fair game and what the player base will actually log in and play under are two separate things and only one matters.They can make any ruleset they care to but unless they have people playing it won't matter.

    Well since the game came out players like yourself have said the same things over and over and yet the game has kept growning, what does that tell you.

    That they haven't tried to force SWF on killers.

    Of course they have or it wouldnt have stayed in the game, the new match making will be the biggest change on top of that to forcing you so far so I guess you now have a choice to make.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean you should

    Look. These are your words. Now tell me, knowing that sharing of information impacts heavily on this game that revolves around hidden information, do you think that just because voice chat CAN be done, it should be used? After 2 years, the developers finally did something that they should have done from the very beginning, which is to hide the end-screen informations for killers, what does that tell you?

    @twistedmonkey said:
    How can you say some think the nurse to be imbalanced and it do the rid or isnt but then say some think swf is the same way, That statement contradicts itself by an either is or isn't scenario, that means it comes down to personal opinion only, some killer mains don't think swf is imbalanced and enjoy playing versus it.

    Again, it doesn't matter that some individual killers think that SWF is balanced or not. It's not a matter of personal opinion. It's purely logic. Is the killer balanced for solo survivors? Then SWF with voice coms, who has everything that solo survivors have but with vast amount of shared information, is overpowered. Is the killer balanced for SWF survivors? Then solo survivors, who lacks all the extra shared information, are underpowered. Is the killer balanced for average between the two? Then on average, the SWF is still overpowered, and solo survivors are underpowered. This isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    but don't abuse something it wasn't designed for

    Again, these are your words. This game wasn't designed for Voice Chat. "It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. (Cote)" Also: "That being said, however, this is a game where we tried to have this horror atmosphere, this sense of isolation, there's no spoken dialogue in the game, it's very lonely and quiet, except for the pounding of drums when you are about to die. And that's all intentional. It really builds up the feeling of the game (McLean)." These quotes are both from the end of 2018. In the end, the developers decided to condone it because they don't want to bother or can't figure how to remove it. But it wasn't designed for it - it's not part of the core mechanic that makes DBD what it is. In fact, it completely destroyed the balance of this game - we all know that.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    I am not sugar coating anything as I speak up about swf needing nerfs but you are using it as an excuse to justify abusing something which is infact wrong, each player bought the game to play, as long as it is within the games rules its fair, do you think it's right for someone to sit in a lobby for 15 mins and then be dodged for simply using what is allowed?

    If someone is sitting in a lobby for 15 minutes, then that means we just need more killers. You said earlier that this game has grown. Then tell me exactly why someone would be sitting in the lobby for 15 minutes? The population may have grown, but the less appealing part of this game has not. That's the main problem. But it's easier to just blame the people desperately trying to find a more fair game, isn't it? You keep using the word "abusing" to describe what killers are doing to get a more fair game. What word would you use to describe player who knowingly use applications that they know breaks the game, but still use it because they know that the developers can't do anything to stop them?

    Yes they hid the and game perks which needed done and has been asked for while at the same time making a lobby system where you won't be able to tell if its an see who joins, who knows jot seeing survivor profile could be next, will you then complain? Leave the game?

    While I agree with what you say about swf being unbalanced logically the nurse can also be said to be unbalanced as she negates the core mechanics of the game, any aura perk can be unbalanced as they negate stealth, any perk which rewards failure to do the objective before the end game could be stated as unbalanced, gen time can be said to be unbalanced but with all of these the stats show balance over the user base, the point isn't simply because something is unbalanced it's the fact of cherry picking what you want play versus due to it, that is wrong imo.

    Again while I agree it still doesn't give anyone the right to make the decision of making people wait for a game for playing within the rules, the devs frequently change their mind, at one point they said looping was an exploit and now it's a mechinc, camping is a legit strat but they are trying to get killers to leave the hook etc.

    Players can sit in a lobby due to matchmaking bugs not simple the user base, the figures show it has grown, it wasn't long ago it was killer taking longer and is one of the reason they are changing the match making as it bugs out, abusing is the word as it exactly what the survivors did to get the killers profile removed from the lobby, you are using an in game system to cherry pick games as you deem them not worth your time, again if everyone had the right to do this for what they consider imbalanced within the game what would be left? If you beleive the survivors were wrong to dodge campers, certain killers etc but think it's ok to do this then that is an entitled viewpoint.

    The players using comes are doing so within the rules of the game, the devs have never stated it's against the rules, it's not bannable, it's common in every game to use comms when playing with friends so are they really using something out of the ordinary? The fact still remains that doing something about it is in the hands of the devs and it seems they are with the new matchmaking system, who knows it's being made to fix bugs but the fact it also makes everyone every game join at once hides a way of detecting swf without them having to spell it out seem very coincidental dont you think?
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    Tucking_Friggered said:

    What the devs accept as fair game and what the player base will actually log in and play under are two separate things and only one matters.They can make any ruleset they care to but unless they have people playing it won't matter.

    Well since the game came out players like yourself have said the same things over and over and yet the game has kept growning, what does that tell you.

    That they haven't tried to force SWF on killers.

    Of course they have or it wouldnt have stayed in the game, the new match making will be the biggest change on top of that to forcing you so far so I guess you now have a choice to make.

    You are making a lot of assumptions. But at the end of the day killers know who is SWF once they get in game if not by how they equip. For many the game will be closed down. I can tell you that threatening to ban me won't matter in slightest as I'll simply take that as my queue to leave and go play something else. That doesn't help your issue in the slightest as you will still sit in queue ultimately. There are not enough people willing to endure SWF to alleviate that and if they existed you wouldn't be having this issue now. It's akin to saying if you ignore the cancer it won't kill you.

    Let me reiterate it for you and the dev team. We, as in those who refuse to play under those circumstances, can't find a single F to give about SWF players and their issues. We don't care how profitable letting them make fools of killers are. No matter what you try and enforce will have no effect as we will simply not play and there is no trump card to that.

    So our choice will be made and we'll play something else better. Now you have a choice too. How long will you wait in queues before you realize that you didn't get what you wanted and that you are absolutely powerless in enforcing what the killer will endure?

    The end.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Nickenzie said:

    Oh yes, let's assume every survivor is a try hard and every SWF is the depip squad. You get a gold star for assuming the absolute worst about every survivor.

    There are way enought of them for it to be a problem.

    I'm also gonna add that there is no need of "SWF try-hard SWAT teams" for SWF to already be a problem.

    In regard of the importance of informations and how efficiently they can be communicated, balance wise.

    Exaggerating the issue won't help prove your point even more since you're talking about EVERYONE being sweaty in their games. Not everyone is like that and if you are, then you probably aren't enjoying the game to its fullest, ya know? Furthermore, how would you like it if survivors could see what you're running and dodged you because you're playing Pig? Everyone thinks DCing over the player's selected killer is bad, we all can agree there but it's ironic when you do the same thing over the player's selected item choice.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    You are making a lot of assumptions. But at the end of the day killers know who is SWF once they get in game if not by how they equip. For many the game will be closed down. I can tell you that threatening to ban me won't matter in slightest as I'll simply take that as my queue to leave and go play something else. That doesn't help your issue in the slightest as you will still sit in queue ultimately. There are not enough people willing to endure SWF to alleviate that and if they existed you wouldn't be having this issue now. It's akin to saying if you ignore the cancer it won't kill you.

    Let me reiterate it for you and the dev team. We, as in those who refuse to play under those circumstances, can't find a single F to give about SWF players and their issues. We don't care how profitable letting them make fools of killers are. No matter what you try and enforce will have no effect as we will simply not play and there is no trump card to that.

    So our choice will be made and we'll play something else better. Now you have a choice too. How long will you wait in queues before you realize that you didn't get what you wanted and that you are absolutely powerless in enforcing what the killer will endure?

    The end.

    And what happens when SWF dont fall into your way of knowing by changing clothes, items and hiding profiles? what happens if the devs remove survivor profiles from the lobby? how will you ever know? players can adapt and they will, just like the majority of good killer out there that do not care about SWF.

    Its not a threat about banning you, it has been happening for months, go ahead DC a lot, do you really think the devs care about a random salty people such as yourself that wants to cherry pick games to make them easier? you seem to think very highly of yourself.

    At the end of the day its a game, run by people trying to make money, if you cant see why they would try and stop this from happening to the largest demographic then you must be blind, i suggest maybe you should start looking for another game as you cleary have issues with this one!

    I've played since the beginning and I have seen so many people such as yourself make the same threats over and over, this game will die, lobby times will get longer, enjoy no killer blah blah and none of it has ever happened and funnily enough as I already said the game has been growing steadily, its just a lot of hot air and empty threats from some players akin to throwing their toys out the pram screaming "its not fair, its not fair, I want, I want" yet again.

    The question is if there is something out there better why aren't you already playing it? Hmmmm.......

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Yes they hid the and game perks which needed done and has been asked for while at the same time making a lobby system where you won't be able to tell if its an see who joins, who knows jot seeing survivor profile could be next, will you then complain? Leave the game?

    I... don't understand what you are trying to say here.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    While I agree with what you say about swf being unbalanced logically the nurse can also be said to be unbalanced as she negates the core mechanics of the game, any aura perk can be unbalanced as they negate stealth, any perk which rewards failure to do the objective before the end game could be stated as unbalanced, gen time can be said to be unbalanced but with all of these the stats show balance over the user base, the point isn't simply because something is unbalanced it's the fact of cherry picking what you want play versus due to it, that is wrong imo.

    All of these examples you gave are opinions, unlike the SWF/Solo/Killer balance issue, which can be logically proven. In addition, when we are talking about core game design, as I stated earlier, things are either in balance, or not in balance. Although people may debate over what balance specifically means, there's no such thing as "can be unbalanced" (unless you are speaking of on individual basis, like you seemed to be doing.) I've provided the difference between the reason why the voice chat is imbalanced, and the types of things you believe to be imbalanced.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Again while I agree it still doesn't give anyone the right to make the decision of making people wait for a game for playing within the rules, the devs frequently change their mind, at one point they said looping was an exploit and now it's a mechinc, camping is a legit strat but they are trying to get killers to leave the hook etc.

    So let the developers change their minds. Let them change their minds about killers choosing specific lobbies. Let them change their minds about voice chat. Either way, as it stands right now, just as people are allowed to take advantage of voice chat, people are being allowed to choose their own lobbies. Nothing more to say.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Players can sit in a lobby due to matchmaking bugs not simple the user base, the figures show it has grown, it wasn't long ago it was killer taking longer and is one of the reason they are changing the match making as it bugs out, abusing is the word as it exactly what the survivors did to get the killers profile removed from the lobby, you are using an in game system to cherry pick games as you deem them not worth your time, again if everyone had the right to do this for what they consider imbalanced within the game what would be left? If you beleive the survivors were wrong to dodge campers, certain killers etc but think it's ok to do this then that is an entitled viewpoint.

    Sure, if you want to gently sway this conversation into "problems with matchmaking" and "matchmaking bugs" instead of "lack of killers," that's perfectly fine. Of course, there's no proof of it currently, but sure. If the 15 minutes of waiting for survivors are due to matchmaking bugs, then guess what, you should be telling the developers to fix the matchmaking bug, instead of continually blaming killers for wanting a more fair game, which, like we agreed earlier, is allowed since the developers have not taken any actions against it, according to your logic.

    Again, survivors dodging campers why? Camping is not inherently game breaking, unlike Voice Comm, for its overall balance. We've already established the difference between why something is logically imbalanced and something is imbalanced due to "people's opinions." If you are determined to continue this route, I'm going to assume that you are simply trolling.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The players using comes are doing so within the rules of the game, the devs have never stated it's against the rules, it's not bannable,

    Again, killers searching for more fair games are doing so within the rules of the game, the devs have never stated it's against the rules, it's not bannable.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    it's common in every game to use comms when playing with friends so are they really using something out of the ordinary? The fact still remains that doing something about it is in the hands of the devs and it seems they are with the new matchmaking system, who knows it's being made to fix bugs but the fact it also makes everyone every game join at once hides a way of detecting swf without them having to spell it out seem very coincidental dont you think?

    Your argument "because open communication is common in all the other games, it is essential that it is provided in this game also" holds no merit. Part of designing games is figuring out what sets it apart from all the other games. The game designer must come up with its own rules for its own game. If 'hidden information' is a critical part of game design, then figure out a way to enforce it. Otherwise, don't make it part of game design in the first place.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    To the players that think dodging is fair game when it looks to be an unfun match, do you think they should allow survivors to see the killer profile in the lobby again so they can do the same?
    Killer should see survivor and items to counter play.  Survivor shouldn't see the killer profile. Lobby should only be closed for bad ping nothing else.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    Nickenzie said:

    @Nickenzie said:

    You're not entitled to a win anyways and besides, why not take a challenge for once? It's how you improve and when you go against survivors that you know won't pose not even a challenge to you, then why even play killer at that point? Sure, if you want a relaxing game that's understandable, but why play killer if that relaxing game will never happen because your idea of a relaxed game is when survivors don't use certain items, perks, add-ons, and skins? You minus well play survivor at that point and quit wasting the time of survivors who actually wanna play a game, ya know?

    Oh yes, let's assume every survivor is a try hard and every SWF is the depip squad. You get a gold star for assuming the absolute worst about every survivor.
    That new samination video will have them all believe that is swf.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Do you still D/C to give the hatch?

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @twistedmonkey said:

    And what happens when SWF dont fall into your way of knowing by changing clothes, items and hiding profiles? what happens if the devs remove survivor profiles from the lobby? how will you ever know? players can adapt and they will, just like the majority of good killer out there that do not care about SWF.

    Its not a threat about banning you, it has been happening for months, go ahead DC a lot, do you really think the devs care about a random salty people such as yourself that wants to cherry pick games to make them easier? you seem to think very highly of yourself.

    At the end of the day its a game, run by people trying to make money, if you cant see why they would try and stop this from happening to the largest demographic then you must be blind, i suggest maybe you should start looking for another game as you cleary have issues with this one!

    I've played since the beginning and I have seen so many people such as yourself make the same threats over and over, this game will die, lobby times will get longer, enjoy no killer blah blah and none of it has ever happened and funnily enough as I already said the game has been growing steadily, its just a lot of hot air and empty threats from some players akin to throwing their toys out the pram screaming "its not fair, its not fair, I want, I want" yet again.

    The question is if there is something out there better why aren't you already playing it? Hmmmm.......

    Actually I am playing a lot of different games my man. I don't play DbD that much sans a game or two here and there when bored. That said I am still capable of dodging SWF and until I am not I have a workaround. I don't understand what your difficulty in understanding the premise is.

    DbD might be growing but it isn't growing evenly in the way needed as it is mostly SWF squads from other games looking to come and bully killers after watching Ochido vids and such.

    I'm not going to banned because I'm not going to stick around when it is obvious all I am facing is SWF and repeatedly disconnect. I'll move on to more productive endeavors as will many killers and leave you and Mathieu begging for players to play the killer like you had to do for this event.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Yes they hid the and game perks which needed done and has been asked for while at the same time making a lobby system where you won't be able to tell if its an see who joins, who knows jot seeing survivor profile could be next, will you then complain? Leave the game?

    I... don't understand what you are trying to say here.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    While I agree with what you say about swf being unbalanced logically the nurse can also be said to be unbalanced as she negates the core mechanics of the game, any aura perk can be unbalanced as they negate stealth, any perk which rewards failure to do the objective before the end game could be stated as unbalanced, gen time can be said to be unbalanced but with all of these the stats show balance over the user base, the point isn't simply because something is unbalanced it's the fact of cherry picking what you want play versus due to it, that is wrong imo.

    All of these examples you gave are opinions, unlike the SWF/Solo/Killer balance issue, which can be logically proven. In addition, when we are talking about core game design, as I stated earlier, things are either in balance, or not in balance. Although people may debate over what balance specifically means, there's no such thing as "can be unbalanced" (unless you are speaking of on individual basis, like you seemed to be doing.) I've provided the difference between the reason why the voice chat is imbalanced, and the types of things you believe to be imbalanced.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Again while I agree it still doesn't give anyone the right to make the decision of making people wait for a game for playing within the rules, the devs frequently change their mind, at one point they said looping was an exploit and now it's a mechinc, camping is a legit strat but they are trying to get killers to leave the hook etc.

    So let the developers change their minds. Let them change their minds about killers choosing specific lobbies. Let them change their minds about voice chat. Either way, as it stands right now, just as people are allowed to take advantage of voice chat, people are being allowed to choose their own lobbies. Nothing more to say.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Players can sit in a lobby due to matchmaking bugs not simple the user base, the figures show it has grown, it wasn't long ago it was killer taking longer and is one of the reason they are changing the match making as it bugs out, abusing is the word as it exactly what the survivors did to get the killers profile removed from the lobby, you are using an in game system to cherry pick games as you deem them not worth your time, again if everyone had the right to do this for what they consider imbalanced within the game what would be left? If you beleive the survivors were wrong to dodge campers, certain killers etc but think it's ok to do this then that is an entitled viewpoint.

    Sure, if you want to gently sway this conversation into "problems with matchmaking" and "matchmaking bugs" instead of "lack of killers," that's perfectly fine. Of course, there's no proof of it currently, but sure. If the 15 minutes of waiting for survivors are due to matchmaking bugs, then guess what, you should be telling the developers to fix the matchmaking bug, instead of continually blaming killers for wanting a more fair game, which, like we agreed earlier, is allowed since the developers have not taken any actions against it, according to your logic.

    Again, survivors dodging campers why? Camping is not inherently game breaking, unlike Voice Comm, for its overall balance. We've already established the difference between why something is logically imbalanced and something is imbalanced due to "people's opinions." If you are determined to continue this route, I'm going to assume that you are simply trolling.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The players using comes are doing so within the rules of the game, the devs have never stated it's against the rules, it's not bannable,

    Again, killers searching for more fair games are doing so within the rules of the game, the devs have never stated it's against the rules, it's not bannable.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    it's common in every game to use comms when playing with friends so are they really using something out of the ordinary? The fact still remains that doing something about it is in the hands of the devs and it seems they are with the new matchmaking system, who knows it's being made to fix bugs but the fact it also makes everyone every game join at once hides a way of detecting swf without them having to spell it out seem very coincidental dont you think?

    Your argument "because open communication is common in all the other games, it is essential that it is provided in this game also" holds no merit. Part of designing games is figuring out what sets it apart from all the other games. The game designer must come up with its own rules for its own game. If 'hidden information' is a critical part of game design, then figure out a way to enforce it. Otherwise, don't make it part of game design in the first place.

    I am saying they are  currently changing the matchmaking, all survivors and killer will load into a pre lobby and get matched up and every 30 second they will join the lobby we have now so all survivors will join at once eaxh and every game, some players dodged when that happens currently as it was a way to tell if they were swf, so they are with this new system removing that option.

    That's the point they shouldn't be allowed they should play the game as it is and stop cherry picking games, with what I said above it seems the devs are already taking a step towards making that happen.

    The proof regarding the bugs is there for you to read yourself on this very forum, it is the reason they state they are changing the matchmaking, it just so happens that it also removed the killers way of all joining at once to dodge for swf, while that could be coincidental it seems logical with the lobby dodging problem it could also be an intended feature.

    With the emblem system camping can in fact be game breaking as it removes you from being able to get an emblem, doing gens and getting out punishes it but it also means you may not pip.

    Lobby dodging may not be bannable but do you honestly think they like it happening? As I already stated the new system will remove a way to tell if its SWF coincidental or not it's changing, they could easily add an swf indicator but you know they won't and for good reason.

    Of cours eit hold merit, any designer knows what tools are available, they chose to add swf knowing the tools to communicate were out there, do you honestly think it was never brought up in conversation when they were discussing it? The game is a coop multiplayer no matter the original concept it changed from the business point of view, it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that, the fact that the stats show killer over 55% win rate also tells the devs it's not as unbalanced as the complainers say, it is impossible to balance swf and solo, they need to nerf swf imo how they do I don't know but buffing solo isn't working, that doesn't mean I will agree t9 people cherry picking games as I beleive for one it helps to gives the devs the above false stats when only the best killers will decide not to dodge.

    Think about it they added the option to play with friends, the dodging is being complained about constantly and they are now changing matchmaking due to it being buggy while coincidently also removing a way to tell if the lobby has swf, I personally think that tells you how they perceive dodging.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    That's nice dear. But it doesn't matter what they want it matters what people will stick around for. You're under the assumption that if you trick people into playing SWF they won't simply close down the game and quit when it becomes obvious and will stick around and endure. Not only that but accept it and just learn to cope. I assert that you and perhaps the devs are under a delusion.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @twistedmonkey said:

    And what happens when SWF dont fall into your way of knowing by changing clothes, items and hiding profiles? what happens if the devs remove survivor profiles from the lobby? how will you ever know? players can adapt and they will, just like the majority of good killer out there that do not care about SWF.

    Its not a threat about banning you, it has been happening for months, go ahead DC a lot, do you really think the devs care about a random salty people such as yourself that wants to cherry pick games to make them easier? you seem to think very highly of yourself.

    At the end of the day its a game, run by people trying to make money, if you cant see why they would try and stop this from happening to the largest demographic then you must be blind, i suggest maybe you should start looking for another game as you cleary have issues with this one!

    I've played since the beginning and I have seen so many people such as yourself make the same threats over and over, this game will die, lobby times will get longer, enjoy no killer blah blah and none of it has ever happened and funnily enough as I already said the game has been growing steadily, its just a lot of hot air and empty threats from some players akin to throwing their toys out the pram screaming "its not fair, its not fair, I want, I want" yet again.

    The question is if there is something out there better why aren't you already playing it? Hmmmm.......

    Actually I am playing a lot of different games my man. I don't play DbD that much sans a game or two here and there when bored. That said I am still capable of dodging SWF and until I am not I have a workaround. I don't understand what your difficulty in understanding the premise is.

    DbD might be growing but it isn't growing evenly in the way needed as it is mostly SWF squads from other games looking to come and bully killers after watching Ochido vids and such.

    I'm not going to banned because I'm not going to stick around when it is obvious all I am facing is SWF and repeatedly disconnect. I'll move on to more productive endeavors as will many killers and leave you and Mathieu begging for players to play the killer like you had to do for this event.

    It wasn't long ago It was killers who had the issue with queues times and complained on the forums, event tend to have that effect when one side can earn more points it has happened in everyone so far for one side, just look at the blight and how they aslo had to make changes to it for that very reason.

    Well Since 70% of games have swf in them good luck on dcing and not be banned, if you don't play much why care? Swf isn't going anywhere but those who dc too much are.

    You say DBD isn't growing equally, I would ask you to show the stats on that but I known you can't, it's an assumption to try and make a point but it fails flat, the only way assume if its not growing equally is by lobby times and disregarding the event over the past months I have personally seen more playing killers complain about long wait times in certain ranks, could be the bug hence the new lobby system but who knows.
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    Well the forums are always fun so when the change occurs and the queues go up please keep that same energy. Do not make posts asking for a fix to the queue times as I have a long memory and will be here to point out your "they don't matter attitude".

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    Well the forums are always fun so when the change occurs and the queues go up please keep that same energy. Do not make posts asking for a fix to the queue times as I have a long memory and will be here to point out your "they don't matter attitude".

    Oh well the people doing what you do don't matter and won't be playing anyway remember you saying that with that long memory? Why do you even give a ######### ? They aren't gonna remove swf , lobby dodging time bans ARE something being discussed when servers come out but no its not guaranteed but if someone would quit playing over that one little thing then let the , it's no different when those potatoe ass survivors quit playing after the exhaustion nerf
  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595
    edited February 2019

    @twistedmonkey said:
    I am saying they are  currently changing the matchmaking, all survivors and killer will load into a pre lobby and get matched up and every 30 second they will join the lobby we have now so all survivors will join at once eaxh and every game, some players dodged when that happens currently as it was a way to tell if they were swf, so they are with this new system removing that option.

    That's the point they shouldn't be allowed they should play the game as it is and stop cherry picking games, with what I said above it seems the devs are already taking a step towards making that happen.

    The proof regarding the bugs is there for you to read yourself on this very forum, it is the reason they state they are changing the matchmaking, it just so happens that it also removed the killers way of all joining at once to dodge for swf, while that could be coincidental it seems logical with the lobby dodging problem it could also be an intended feature.

    With the emblem system camping can in fact be game breaking as it removes you from being able to get an emblem, doing gens and getting out punishes it but it also means you may not pip.

    Lobby dodging may not be bannable but do you honestly think they like it happening? As I already stated the new system will remove a way to tell if its SWF coincidental or not it's changing, they could easily add an swf indicator but you know they won't and for good reason.

    Of cours eit hold merit, any designer knows what tools are available, they chose to add swf knowing the tools to communicate were out there, do you honestly think it was never brought up in conversation when they were discussing it? The game is a coop multiplayer no matter the original concept it changed from the business point of view, it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that, the fact that the stats show killer over 55% win rate also tells the devs it's not as unbalanced as the complainers say, it is impossible to balance swf and solo, they need to nerf swf imo how they do I don't know but buffing solo isn't working, that doesn't mean I will agree t9 people cherry picking games as I beleive for one it helps to gives the devs the above false stats when only the best killers will decide not to dodge.

    Think about it they added the option to play with friends, the dodging is being complained about constantly and they are now changing matchmaking due to it being buggy while coincidently also removing a way to tell if the lobby has swf, I personally think that tells you how they perceive dodging.

    Given how you continued to: 1. express concern for people who have to wait for a lobby, but refused to have the same empathy for people being forced into unbalanced games, despite the fact that I drew the correlation multiple, multiple times over the last few posts, 2. started using phrases like "could also be an intended feature" to use speculations as a part of your argument, 3. call camping "game breaking," 4. state things like, "the devs frequently change their mind" two posts ago, but turn around and say, "it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that" just to fit your current argument, and 5. have a long sentence about the "impossibility" of balancing SWF and solo when all it would take is creating a new mode for it,

    I'm concluding that you have absolutely no interest in holding a conversation, listening to what I am saying, or sharing an interest about balancing the game for the better. Good luck in your life.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    I am saying they are  currently changing the matchmaking, all survivors and killer will load into a pre lobby and get matched up and every 30 second they will join the lobby we have now so all survivors will join at once eaxh and every game, some players dodged when that happens currently as it was a way to tell if they were swf, so they are with this new system removing that option.

    That's the point they shouldn't be allowed they should play the game as it is and stop cherry picking games, with what I said above it seems the devs are already taking a step towards making that happen.

    The proof regarding the bugs is there for you to read yourself on this very forum, it is the reason they state they are changing the matchmaking, it just so happens that it also removed the killers way of all joining at once to dodge for swf, while that could be coincidental it seems logical with the lobby dodging problem it could also be an intended feature.

    With the emblem system camping can in fact be game breaking as it removes you from being able to get an emblem, doing gens and getting out punishes it but it also means you may not pip.

    Lobby dodging may not be bannable but do you honestly think they like it happening? As I already stated the new system will remove a way to tell if its SWF coincidental or not it's changing, they could easily add an swf indicator but you know they won't and for good reason.

    Of cours eit hold merit, any designer knows what tools are available, they chose to add swf knowing the tools to communicate were out there, do you honestly think it was never brought up in conversation when they were discussing it? The game is a coop multiplayer no matter the original concept it changed from the business point of view, it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that, the fact that the stats show killer over 55% win rate also tells the devs it's not as unbalanced as the complainers say, it is impossible to balance swf and solo, they need to nerf swf imo how they do I don't know but buffing solo isn't working, that doesn't mean I will agree t9 people cherry picking games as I beleive for one it helps to gives the devs the above false stats when only the best killers will decide not to dodge.

    Think about it they added the option to play with friends, the dodging is being complained about constantly and they are now changing matchmaking due to it being buggy while coincidently also removing a way to tell if the lobby has swf, I personally think that tells you how they perceive dodging.

    Given how you continued to: 1. express concern for people who have to wait for a lobby, but refused to have the same empathy for people being forced into unbalanced games, despite the fact that I drew the correlation multiple, multiple times over the last few posts, 2. started using phrases like "could also be an intended feature" to use speculations as a part of your argument, 3. call camping "game breaking," 4. state things like, "the devs frequently change their mind" two posts ago, but turn around and say, "it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that" just to fit your current argument, and 5. have a long sentence about the "impossibility" of balancing SWF and solo when all it would take is creating a new mode for it,

    that you have absolutely no interest in holding a conversation, listening to what I am saying, or sharing an interest about balancing the game for the better. Good luck in your life.

    1 I do express concern for this against SWF as I state I beleive it is imbalanced and needs nerfed, that doesn't mean I agree with lobby dodging as I have always stated you should play the game as it is now and now how you want it to be.

    2 yes it's speculation, by using the word coincidental I imply that, do you honestly think the devs from a business standpoint are happy about the lobby dodging of the largest demographic!

    3 I never said it was game breaking I said it can be, if you can't see how someone downing the first person and standing at the hook denying emblem objectives of the game, I don't know what to say, for your info I do defend camping in the right context as it is a legit tactic.

    4 yes the devs change their mind on many things but swf has been one constant they have never budged or talked about in such a way, if you truly believe any business would remove the aspect which brings in the most money again I don't know what to tell you, the last stats had 30% solo players, that's could mean at peak time if all was equal it is around 15k around are in swf, half the population of the game.

    5 a new mode seperates the playerbase and since thw last stats showed 70% of games had swf in them how many killers do you think would openly play versus them, you also have to factor in why and if its too good a reason then what happen to the ones in a solo queue? Its not as straight forward as you put it, they may as well give an see indicator which again would mean more dodges and something that I personally do not think they would add as they do not want players to find it hard to get in a match who bought the game.

    So stating i believe dodging needs to be eliminated for the good of the game as its simply cherry picking matches and also I that I believe skews the balance figures, also stating I beleive swf should be nerfed is about balancing the game for the better doesnt say I am interested in balancing the game for the good of it? Ok then.............

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @twistedmonkey said:
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    I am saying they are  currently changing the matchmaking, all survivors and killer will load into a pre lobby and get matched up and every 30 second they will join the lobby we have now so all survivors will join at once eaxh and every game, some players dodged when that happens currently as it was a way to tell if they were swf, so they are with this new system removing that option.

    That's the point they shouldn't be allowed they should play the game as it is and stop cherry picking games, with what I said above it seems the devs are already taking a step towards making that happen.
    The proof regarding the bugs is there for you to read yourself on this very forum, it is the reason they state they are changing the matchmaking, it just so happens that it also removed the killers way of all joining at once to dodge for swf, while that could be coincidental it seems logical with the lobby dodging problem it could also be an intended feature.
    With the emblem system camping can in fact be game breaking as it removes you from being able to get an emblem, doing gens and getting out punishes it but it also means you may not pip.
    Lobby dodging may not be bannable but do you honestly think they like it happening? As I already stated the new system will remove a way to tell if its SWF coincidental or not it's changing, they could easily add an swf indicator but you know they won't and for good reason.
    Of cours eit hold merit, any designer knows what tools are available, they chose to add swf knowing the tools to communicate were out there, do you honestly think it was never brought up in conversation when they were discussing it? The game is a coop multiplayer no matter the original concept it changed from the business point of view, it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that, the fact that the stats show killer over 55% win rate also tells the devs it's not as unbalanced as the complainers say, it is impossible to balance swf and solo, they need to nerf swf imo how they do I don't know but buffing solo isn't working, that doesn't mean I will agree t9 people cherry picking games as I beleive for one it helps to gives the devs the above false stats when only the best killers will decide not to dodge.

    Think about it they added the option to play with friends, the dodging is being complained about constantly and they are now changing matchmaking due to it being buggy while coincidently also removing a way to tell if the lobby has swf, I personally think that tells you how they perceive dodging.

    Given how you continued to: 1. express concern for people who have to wait for a lobby, but refused to have the same empathy for people being forced into unbalanced games, despite the fact that I drew the correlation multiple, multiple times over the last few posts, 2. started using phrases like "could also be an intended feature" to use speculations as a part of your argument, 3. call camping "game breaking," 4. state things like, "the devs frequently change their mind" two posts ago, but turn around and say, "it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that" just to fit your current argument, and 5. have a long sentence about the "impossibility" of balancing SWF and solo when all it would take is creating a new mode for it,

    that you have absolutely no interest in holding a conversation, listening to what I am saying, or sharing an interest about balancing the game for the better. Good luck in your life.

    1 I do express concern for this against SWF as I state I beleive it is imbalanced and needs nerfed, that doesn't mean I agree with lobby dodging as I have always stated you should play the game as it is now and now how you want it to be.

    2 yes it's speculation, by using the word coincidental I imply that, do you honestly think the devs from a business standpoint are happy about the lobby dodging of the largest demographic!

    3 I never said it was game breaking I said it can be, if you can't see how someone downing the first person and standing at the hook denying emblem objectives of the game, I don't know what to say, for your info I do defend camping in the right context as it is a legit tactic.

    4 yes the devs change their mind on many things but swf has been one constant they have never budged or talked about in such a way, if you truly believe any business would remove the aspect which brings in the most money again I don't know what to tell you, the last stats had 30% solo players, that's could mean at peak time if all was equal it is around 15k around are in swf, half the population of the game.

    5 a new mode seperates the playerbase and since thw last stats showed 70% of games had swf in them how many killers do you think would openly play versus them, you also have to factor in why and if its too good a reason then what happen to the ones in a solo queue? Its not as straight forward as you put it, they may as well give an see indicator which again would mean more dodges and something that I personally do not think they would add as they do not want players to find it hard to get in a match who bought the game.

    So stating i believe dodging needs to be eliminated for the good of the game as its simply cherry picking matches and also I that I believe skews the balance figures, also stating I beleive swf should be nerfed is about balancing the game for the better doesnt say I am interested in balancing the game for the good of it? Ok then.............

    i agree dodging need to be dealt with. But and this is important it should be coincided with nerfing swf. Primarily gen speed and healing speed progress reduced by a % based on the number of players who are swfed and the % should increase dependent on the number of players are on the same team. This would accommodate for a number of advantage swf has including totem location information and gen progress being communicated across the team.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    knell said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    I am saying they are  currently changing the matchmaking, all survivors and killer will load into a pre lobby and get matched up and every 30 second they will join the lobby we have now so all survivors will join at once eaxh and every game, some players dodged when that happens currently as it was a way to tell if they were swf, so they are with this new system removing that option.

    That's the point they shouldn't be allowed they should play the game as it is and stop cherry picking games, with what I said above it seems the devs are already taking a step towards making that happen.

    The proof regarding the bugs is there for you to read yourself on this very forum, it is the reason they state they are changing the matchmaking, it just so happens that it also removed the killers way of all joining at once to dodge for swf, while that could be coincidental it seems logical with the lobby dodging problem it could also be an intended feature.

    With the emblem system camping can in fact be game breaking as it removes you from being able to get an emblem, doing gens and getting out punishes it but it also means you may not pip.

    Lobby dodging may not be bannable but do you honestly think they like it happening? As I already stated the new system will remove a way to tell if its SWF coincidental or not it's changing, they could easily add an swf indicator but you know they won't and for good reason.

    Of cours eit hold merit, any designer knows what tools are available, they chose to add swf knowing the tools to communicate were out there, do you honestly think it was never brought up in conversation when they were discussing it? The game is a coop multiplayer no matter the original concept it changed from the business point of view, it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that, the fact that the stats show killer over 55% win rate also tells the devs it's not as unbalanced as the complainers say, it is impossible to balance swf and solo, they need to nerf swf imo how they do I don't know but buffing solo isn't working, that doesn't mean I will agree t9 people cherry picking games as I beleive for one it helps to gives the devs the above false stats when only the best killers will decide not to dodge.

    Think about it they added the option to play with friends, the dodging is being complained about constantly and they are now changing matchmaking due to it being buggy while coincidently also removing a way to tell if the lobby has swf, I personally think that tells you how they perceive dodging.

    Given how you continued to: 1. express concern for people who have to wait for a lobby, but refused to have the same empathy for people being forced into unbalanced games, despite the fact that I drew the correlation multiple, multiple times over the last few posts, 2. started using phrases like "could also be an intended feature" to use speculations as a part of your argument, 3. call camping "game breaking," 4. state things like, "the devs frequently change their mind" two posts ago, but turn around and say, "it is and always will be part if the game, nothing will ever change that" just to fit your current argument, and 5. have a long sentence about the "impossibility" of balancing SWF and solo when all it would take is creating a new mode for it,

    I'm concluding that you have absolutely no interest in holding a conversation, listening to what I am saying, or sharing an interest about balancing the game for the better. Good luck in your life.

    And every point you make might be true but it doesn't change the fact that nobody is cheating on here and we're all playing fair to what's offered to us , we just want to play the game that's all 
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    Zarathos said:

    i agree dodging need to be dealt with. But and this is important it should be coincided with nerfing swf. Primarily gen speed and healing speed progress reduced by a % based on the number of players who are swfed and the % should increase dependent on the number of players are on the same team. This would accommodate for a number of advantage swf has including totem location information and gen progress being communicated across the team.

    I don't have an issue with that, if they can do it both at the same time all the better.

    I thought of them having more gens or another objective, totems change spawn location every so often, gens don't have a progress bar, items and offering can't stack apart from BP ones, it all depends on how many are in the match, things to slow the game down and remove some of the location spotting advantages they have, and make it less tedious for killers to play versus.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    fcc2014 said:
    Nickenzie said:

    @Nickenzie said:

    You're not entitled to a win anyways and besides, why not take a challenge for once? It's how you improve and when you go against survivors that you know won't pose not even a challenge to you, then why even play killer at that point? Sure, if you want a relaxing game that's understandable, but why play killer if that relaxing game will never happen because your idea of a relaxed game is when survivors don't use certain items, perks, add-ons, and skins? You minus well play survivor at that point and quit wasting the time of survivors who actually wanna play a game, ya know?

    Oh yes, let's assume every survivor is a try hard and every SWF is the depip squad. You get a gold star for assuming the absolute worst about every survivor.
    That new samination video will have them all believe that is swf.
    It's true tho, killers are too quick to judge survivors. There have been many times where I thought it was a SWF, but I was completely wrong, they were great solos players. Another thing, what's up with the 2 toolboxes/Flashlight/Med-Kits = SWF stereotype? It's like we have to follow their imaginary rules just to play a game of survivor, God bless this is ridiculous. Yet ironically, whenever they use certain add-ons it's okay??? Why can't we use our items???
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    @Nickenzie said:
    It's true tho, killers are too quick to judge survivors. There have been many times where I thought it was a SWF, but I was completely wrong, they were great solos players. Another thing, what's up with the 2 toolboxes/Flashlight/Med-Kits = SWF stereotype? It's like we have to follow their imaginary rules just to play a game of survivor, God bless this is ridiculous. Yet ironically, whenever they use certain add-ons it's okay??? Why can't we use our items???

    Survivors gave me salt one time for using "purple add-ons" for Trapper. Stitched Bag and Fastening Tools. Like do you guys even read the cards? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THESE ACTUALLY DO?? I carry more traps, I set them faster, and it's a bit harder to free yourself. Nothing at all OP about that. I could understand to a degree if I had Iri Stone or Bloody Coils, even Honing Stone, but what I was using was no where near OP.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Raccoon said:
    Do you still D/C to give the hatch?

    Haven't had to in a long time, but i would :) if you leave me on the ground too long!

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Nickenzie said:
    fcc2014 said:

    That new samination video will have them all believe that is swf.

    It's true tho, killers are too quick to judge survivors. There have been many times where I thought it was a SWF, but I was completely wrong, they were great solos players. Another thing, what's up with the 2 toolboxes/Flashlight/Med-Kits = SWF stereotype? It's like we have to follow their imaginary rules just to play a game of survivor, God bless this is ridiculous. Yet ironically, whenever they use certain add-ons it's okay??? Why can't we use our items???

    I rarely ever bring items. I got so use to the early days on console where you got dodged for prestige clothing and items i never wore my stuff or brought things. I have stacks and stacks of stuff for that reason. I don't get made when 5 matches in a row a killer uses a mori, or infinite tier 3 myers, or iridescent axe heads. You bought it play that #########. Ok you killed me i will just play another round. I've been beat before, i'm sure i will again i don't care. It is a game.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    fcc2014 said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    fcc2014 said:

    That new samination video will have them all believe that is swf.

    It's true tho, killers are too quick to judge survivors. There have been many times where I thought it was a SWF, but I was completely wrong, they were great solos players. Another thing, what's up with the 2 toolboxes/Flashlight/Med-Kits = SWF stereotype? It's like we have to follow their imaginary rules just to play a game of survivor, God bless this is ridiculous. Yet ironically, whenever they use certain add-ons it's okay??? Why can't we use our items???

    I rarely ever bring items. I got so use to the early days on console where you got dodged for prestige clothing and items i never wore my stuff or brought things. I have stacks and stacks of stuff for that reason. I don't get made when 5 matches in a row a killer uses a mori, or infinite tier 3 myers, or iridescent axe heads. You bought it play that #########. Ok you killed me i will just play another round. I've been beat before, i'm sure i will again i don't care. It is a game.

    Exactly, but why can't survivors do the same? It's like we can only play killer because half the game is locked behind a stubborn community. I could careless if I see four flashlights/toolboxes/Med-Kits in my lobby because it helps me improve and if I lose so what? Move on.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited February 2019

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Raccoon said:
    Do you still D/C to give the hatch?

    Haven't had to in a long time, but i would :) if you leave me on the ground too long!

    You're chastising people for not starting games if they see something they don't like in the lobby because they "should play the lobby unless someone has a bad connection," but you're willing to quit and ruin their game if you experience something completely normal and fine that happens during regular gameplay because...you don't like it >_>;;

    It's pretty ironic and hypocritical.

    I hope you are being sincere when you say it no longer happens often :)

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Nickenzie said:
    It's true tho, killers are too quick to judge survivors. There have been many times where I thought it was a SWF, but I was completely wrong, they were great solos players. Another thing, what's up with the 2 toolboxes/Flashlight/Med-Kits = SWF stereotype? It's like we have to follow their imaginary rules just to play a game of survivor, God bless this is ridiculous. Yet ironically, whenever they use certain add-ons it's okay??? Why can't we use our items???

    Survivors gave me salt one time for using "purple add-ons" for Trapper. Stitched Bag and Fastening Tools. Like do you guys even read the cards? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THESE ACTUALLY DO?? I carry more traps, I set them faster, and it's a bit harder to free yourself. Nothing at all OP about that. I could understand to a degree if I had Iri Stone or Bloody Coils, even Honing Stone, but what I was using was no where near OP.

    I don't care if you use Ebony Mori and Omgablink try hard Nurse edition. You paid for the game and as a consumer, you have the right to play that game however you want. This goes for both survivors and killers but dodging takes away that right because you do not get to play survivor.

    Inb4 "Don't use OP stuff."

    I could be using a common toolbox just to be dodged. Seriously, where's our freedom in playing the actual game? I never DC whenever a killer uses the most scum build in the game so what's the big deal?
  • AdánAR
    AdánAR Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2019

    @megdonalds said:
    I totally agree. At red ranks it's even much worse. I play solo and i get dodged almost every time. It feels like killers dodge lobbys because there are survivors in it, why do they even play the game LUL

    I got dodge sometimes when i go with a swf (I'm solo) Killer sometimes just wants EZ Kills, they're afraid to go against SWF and not be good enough to beat them. I go against SWF as killer all time and i don't dodge.

    And I see a lot of hate against DBD streamers, you guys really look like salty Reddit users LUL

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Raccoon said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Raccoon said:
    Do you still D/C to give the hatch?

    Haven't had to in a long time, but i would :) if you leave me on the ground too long!

    You're chastising people for not starting games if they see something they don't like in the lobby because they "should play the lobby unless someone has a bad connection," but you're willing to quit and ruin their game if you something completely normal and fine happens during gameplay that you don't like >_>;;

    It's pretty ironic and hypocritical.

    I hope you are being sincere when you say it no longer happens often :(

    Don't play as much anymore. I'm talking about dodging a lobby because you want to cherry pick a lobby. I have no problem accepting defeat. I will say the same thing i said then. You downed me go hook me. Being left to bleed out while you try to find someone hiding in a locker across the map isn't what i'm going to wait around for. Did i instantly dc no but if i was sitting for a 30s or more i would. For the record it was less than the times i could count on my hand. Maybe it is a double standard as you see it not the way i do. I'm ok with losing the match i'm just not waiting around. I have never and will never derank to bully survivors or killers. I don't rage quit when gen rushed off a map either.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2019

    @Nickenzie said:

    Exaggerating the issue won't help prove your point even more since you're talking about EVERYONE being sweaty in their games.

    And conviniently ignoring other people's post so it fit your narrative is what we call "being disingenious"

    NathanExplosion said:
    There are way enought of them for it to be a problem.
    I'm also gonna add that there is no need of "SWF try-hard SWAT teams" for SWF to already be a problem.

    Some peoples would even call this attitude "trolling", not very rare down here sadly.