Billy might need a nerf to his insta saw



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because rather than try to figure out what they're doing wrong, survivors come to the forum to complain. This isn't like current DS that has no counter. Every single killer and killer perk has counters that survivors either refuse to learn or refuse to use.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    The matchmaking is currently broken, u can't tell that people should stare at the lobby screen and waste time instead of alt tabbing to do something else. Whatever.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    lol the irony. Look at all the insane buffs killers cry for because they can't learn how to deal with whatever issues they're having or learn how to play certain killers properly.

    Also you could say "just loop them" about any killer. Therefore any killer shouldn't be able to get any hits in on survivors. Yet that's not the case, not for expert players anyway. You see my point?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There is a lack of killers. Maybe if survivors weren't so toxic, killers wouldn't have quit the game. Your disregard for the issues that led to the current situation just makes you part of the problem.

    And those get shot down just the same, but survivors seem to think that when their ideas get shot down, it's because the forum is "full of killer mains who just want easy 4ks".

    Yes, I see your point. However, there is only one killer whose basekit actually counters looping.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    What if the chainsaw had a limit to its use such as Spirit’s skill? Would that help some? I mean, in open maps, Billy can go from one side to the other in seconds unless he runs into an obstacle. What if he had a time limit too? Imagine a spirit that didn’t have this limitation to her skill...

    I don’t play Billy so I don’t know about his add-ons but a good way to loop his saw is by going into forested areas, hugging trees is sometimes a good and easy way to avoid the instadown.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Considering all the buffs killers have been getting lately, plus all the nerfs to survivors, I think it's time to at least look at alternatives to insta-saw. With all the tools killers have now it's a little over overkill that Billy can rev the chainsaw as fast as he can with add-ons. I would say just tune it back slightly, or make it so the start up effects don't stack.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Take another killer out of the equation which is viable at high ranks is this what you are trying to say. I think not mate. Nurse and Billy are the only ones at the minute who are viable at high ranks. The plague may join those two. We need all the killers preferably to be viable at all ranks.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Survivors aren't getting nerds they are getting buffs in my opinion. Killers are getting nerfed imo.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Literally like 90% of the changes in 2.5 and 2.6 favor killers.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Slugging...ever heard of Unbreakable, No Mither or Tenacity?

    Do you even play as killer? Tried out Billy to learn and understand how he works and what the limits of the killer is?

    You can talk about BHVR as much as you want, but all their killers have exploitable weaknesses. Some more, some less and some need some skill.

    Slugging is great because you basically take one survivor out of the game. Hooking is a waste of time, especially if you get genrushed.

    So yes, to some extent slugging and tunneling one down are the best way to counter genrushing.

    No heal meta only empower such tactics, even strengthen NOED, because, no one takes the time to cleanse totems.

    Try at least to learn, understand and adapt.

    If you can show, that you did everything possible and the killer is still op, then you need to make a thread, so we can help you solve this error.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Those are just good perks . Ds if happened to used well can totally screw killer

    You do it wrong you shouldnt try to stay in a chase against nurse. Nurse by default doesnt have insane map pressure she s slightly better than other weak killers at that.

    Exhaustion perks andadrenaline are just good. Bnp insta heals can be countered with killers op addons, offering so its fine by me

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Default billyandnurse are able to 4k without tunneling and camping only on killer sided maps however if they able to do that on survivor sided maps then those survivors are just really bad

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    I miss the "LOL" reaction. :/

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Well no ######### do you realize that killer s side is also played by people that also want to have equal chances of winning?

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985


    actually I’m rank 1 solo that’s been playing for quite some time. Sit down.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Billy IS boring to play against, I'll like to see some more interactive changes made to him.

    How about this? There will be 8 ramps in the trial that he can use to boost in the air with. The ramps will prioritize facing generators first then totems second, if that's not good enough, he can rotate the ramps in the direction he so pleases. To compensate for the extreme mobility, his chainsaw will have a heat gauge and if it fills up from overuse, you'll have to wait a while. Of course the heat gauge will deplete naturally so don't worry!

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    Just another whining survivor main who starts typing on forums after 1 loss from a good hillbilly.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    lol billy was nerfed. now his stun is way longer if he cancels sprint.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    You just have an incompetence in the reading department. Bc I’m sure if you didn’t then you would of registered the part of my dialogue that it’s a growing issue and it’s common. Forgive me if I don’t respond to every simple insult of this forum because you don’t have the brain compacity to keep up😘

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Billy was the killer who got the most out of BBQ and guess what?

    It got nerfed 2 times.

    Same with Tinkerer, which was only really strong on Billy; guess what?

    It got completely reworked.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Which is why I state that the perks theirself aren’t the problem. It’s a combination of the addons and the perks. Since the perks in themself aren’t issue since we can see that on the other variety of killers so a less effect that is “manageable” that means we can deduce that it’s somewhere within the character.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    I prefer discoordance thana or butcher over ruin any day but lately i decided to try it just for some change and had a few games done before any gen got fixed(rank 1). What can i say is that ruin at the moment can slow the game real good but its just gambling just like noed high risk high reward perks. Ruin is going to turn into garbage when servers arrive. Ive played games with 30-80 ms and it was quite easy to hit greats consistently.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    You dont really speak like a rank 1... and ooh a solo rank 1?...... then you're biggest priority would too actually recognize the fact that the real killer is your own teammates...... but youd rather attempt to start a movement towards nerfing one of the more popular killers instead of attempting to continue the movement towards bringing solo up to SWF or at least closing the gap...... if it's just a bit

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    I can image seeing a survivor getting destroyed by a Billy that landed on them!

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    @Bravo0413 killers don’t want solos brought up to “swf speed” most of them feel like anything that would buff a solo would be considered “free information” .if you picked up a discussion topic around here concerning solos you’d see that.

    Also swf is getting wrecked by this billy. How do I know this you ask yourself if I’m a solo? BC I GET PUT WITH A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF THREE MANS and I run perks like BOND AND AFTERCARE. I also 1.5-2 pip a significant amount of matches as a solo in These red rank. So I think I know what I’m talking about when I say it’s an ISSUE AND THE BUILD ISSA BROKEN BRUH. So if these three mans ,and if I do say so myself a solo that can certainly hold their own ,and a team together being able to assess what kind of teammate my team needs can’t combat this , that means it’s broken right? Bc teammates don’t perform this poorly at this rank against this build over and over and over and over. So therefore I think it’s well within reason to ask for the addons to be looked at.

    MAYBE IF PEOPLE USING THIS BUILD ON BILLY WERENT USING THIS TO 4K SLUG SNOWBALL their way through a team before any kind of progression can be made then I wouldn’t think this discussion would even be needed, but it’s common. You’d know that if you played enough solo survivor because THESE KIND OF BILLY players start becoming frequent around rank 8 then the higher you go the more you see them. They use it so often Bc why wouldn’t you slug until three are down and then let the last start the snowball.

    BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THERE IS NOTHING A TEAM CAN REALLY DO ABOUT IT WHEN THEY ARE RUNNING 3-4 aura type anti stealth perks to locate , and topping it with turning and speed addons. Which idk if you know but GeffinG trying to loop or juke that. If you’re close to a jungle gym when it goes down you might can buy yourself a small amount of time but only for that jungle gym.

    So if these swf running second chance perks can’t handle this(and believe me they’ve got them equipped, and I don’t which is why I’m always the last and see this scenario play out over and over)then don’t you think it’s OP? If a swf team of 3 and a solid solo can’t make progression of even 1-2 gens before this happens. DONT YOU THINK MAYBE IT SHOULD BE LOOKED AT?

    or like can we keep decisive the way it is Bc way it is also can stall a side from any progression towards their goals.?Bc that’s what busted billy build does.

    get outta here Bc I can’t take you seriously if you want to live off in la la land and pretend like everything is survivor centered and killers can’t also have things that need to be looked at due to combinations being game changing.

    Ds on loopers =op completely game changing.

    ds on people who can’t loop = not op

    Can’t nerf loops too hard Bc it will break the game. Had to nerf ds.

    busted billy=op

    billy not doing the combo for a slug snowball= not op it’s balanced.

    See the difference? It’s about how you use it ,and when something op becomes common it’s needs to be looked at.

    By all means though just keep insulting me. But if you know how to recover a team from this I’d really like to know Bc so far I’ve seen no viable counters for it. I’ve yet to see anyone offer advice , just try to call me noob, or say it was my team, or say this build is balanced Bc 4K build before any gen progression is balanced around these parts LULZ

    So if you have anything of significance to say I’m listening. otherwise by all means just keep waffling about on here , and attempt to belittle me.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    I think the problem is Billy just feels a little cheap sometimes. You unhook someone and he zooms down the map in seconds for the tunnel. He camps with his instadowns. He doesn't have a timer on his instadown like Myers, nor does he suffer the cooldown or penalty that Leatherface does if he misses, and he isn't even slowed down like LF when using his chainsaw.

    When Myers hits tier 3 you get a notification and he has a time limit. If LF wants to instadown you he has to piggyback you, which is what makes it fair because survivors have time to get to another pallet, unless LF catches them in the open.

    Billy just flies onto survivors within the first 10 seconds of the game and gets to swing his chainsaw again and again and again.

    Compare this to Spirit. She's strong but doens't feel as cheap. Why? because she can't instadown without a perk, she has to hit you twice. Secondly she can't just fly around the map wherever she wants because there is a cooldown and a limit to her power.

    Billy's snowball potential is too big. It can be hard for survivors to come back from it. He's a very all or nothing killer. Throw on a few anti-loop perks too and you cover his weaknesses.

    He needs reigning in a bit in my opinion.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    @The_Crusader you know we can start a survivor movement for when he tries to start this snowball with the slugs and downing everyone we could just leave each other down and force him to one hook us all forcing them(busted Billy players) to depip. Maybe they’ll stop with the bs. Literally leave each other down and don’t go for the saves. If we can’t play , they can’t either.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    I just feel if they gave him a recharge on that saw so he can't whizz the map back to back like he does now, and maybe slowed him down a little when charging so he can't walk around objects like LF can't then he would be fine. Still strong but more balanced.

    I'm in the "nerf nurse and billy then buff killers" camp.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    @the_crusader I’m in the same camp yo! Hi 👋 I feel like if they can tweak him down a little bit so these kind of shenanigans can’t happen then they could really address the others properly and toy with gen times more to fix the start of the game for killers. It’s not feasible though with billy(or nurse some say, not me but hey I’m a single and don’t have many issues against her since she can’t cross 1 shot like billy can making impossible snowballs naturally) running amok. It would literally break rank 8 up.

    it has to be really tactful.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Only those who say Billy is OP are the ones who haven't played enough.... Billy is hard countered by looping......... if ya loop him he cant really use his chainsaw and hes forced to follow and M1..... and I'd say only those who are completely biased killer mains would say they dont want solo brought up towards SWF.... the majority of the community knows that solo needs help and QoL

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    I honestly get eye twitches sometimes Bc solo doesn’t need to be brought up to swf Bc as a solo you can run aftercare/bond boom instant map awareness by doing survivor ######### you already do, or just being near them. Put alert on it and boom now you know what gens the killer is controlling and mapping. Those two perks alone period is everything you need instant swf status minus voice coms

    i can tell you only play killer and not solo Bc if you played solo and played it well you’d know that bringing them up to swf is a TERRIBLE IDEA FOR KILLERS. You’re basically making the game incredibly harder for yourself.Also why I don’t advocate for buffing solo’s. As a solo survivor main I’m telling you it’s a horrible idea. There’s no gap Bc there’s perks to close it, and any solo suffering from the gap isn’t playing solo right. The only thing a solo really needs is a buff to small game for totems.

    i don’t loop, i juke. if I can’t out mind game a killer to juke off,or find a place to lead him off to where I know downing me would benefit the team, I’ll let them get me. I’m not about to run you guys all over the map,or in a certain spot Bc it’s open. that’s broken Bc there’s some infinite’s left.

    I mean I will if that’s what you really want me to do, but I’d prefer we weren’t total asshats to each other Bc there’s some things in game that BOTH sides can take complete advantage of. I’ve got ######### to do, gen Jockies are rare man. Which you’d also know if you played solo survivor. I don’t have time to loop a killer around.

    Look billy needs some tweaking idk how the devs should fix the issue. that’s not up to me ,it’s up to them. I just know the issue and it’s broken Bc of a PLAYSTYLE👌

    I have no beef with billy as a character with all his stuff or any build other than this certain PLAYSTYLE BC IT’S BROKEN

    do I have to explain this 3 more times to you or have you comprehended?

    Bc I mean I guess I can become a swf dickwad that makes you hate playing your side and you can come in here complaining about looping. You think people play billy though Bc he’s super ez to keep chases on going with. Bc if you think ppl play billy to get looped for long you’re wrong , you’re wrong, especially adult Billy’s. They’re fast, and they know what they are doing.idk what kind of noobs you think I’m going up against. That’s why the other characters stay soo low on the totem poll. It’s not rocket appliances Ricky.

    I have no problem facing off against billy. We can tango I don’t mind at all 👌

    What I have a problem with is him slugging 3 people start of game and then waiting for me to go for a heal or hook save so he can commence a cross snipe at the unhooks(once he realizes I’m not going to heal) or get the fourth slug(when I try to go for a heal) you literally can’t win. I mean I can go do atleast one gen on my own but definetly not 2 by the time they realize I’m not falling for it.

    so ehh I mean I guess I can do all the gens by myself? Or I guess I can give him the snowball, but really why would I WANT to do that just to get sniped in the back.

    If you can’t comprehend this idk what to tell you, I give up. I’ll just let everyone die and build up points here and there. You’ll just have to take three hooks and your fourth when you catch me. I’ll plan to do all five generators by myself and make you suffer Bc I’m going out by door , all alone no hatch or I’m going to die trying every single time I see this playstyle from now on. I’ll MAKE SURE I DO EVERYTHING A PERSON CAN DO AS SURVIVOR EXCEPT SAVING TO AVOID THE INEVITABLE SNIPE SNOWBALL OR SNIPE BLEEDOUT. GG IF THATS HOW THE PEOPLE RUNNING THIS PLAYSTYLE WANT TO BE

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Just give the hillbilly slightly more start up when readying his chainsaw. While not OP, he can quickly dominate but hey what do I know? I main Freddy XD

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Any killer is hardcountered by looping except for clown, spirit and Nurse. What's your point? Comparatively billy brings innate brutal strenght or an instadown if a survivor makes a mistake.

  • Samwise
    Samwise Member Posts: 36
  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    OP plays DBD with 2 survivors already slugged at the start of a game .

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    So you're saying that if the survivor ######### up their punished for it? That actually sounds well designed to me!... my point is that Billy is fine... that no adjustment needs to be made simply because an inexperienced player is crying because another player was using a tactic to prevent the "gen rush" from happening..

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    You don't get punished nearly as hard on other killers, that's my point.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    And that's what makes Billy a top tier killer the ability to punish as hard as he takes a serious ######### up for a chainsaw to hit... literally you force the M1 to happen by vaulting window that's near by or by being near a pallet.... look at LF ya nerf billy in any way he'd prettymuch be another LF which is a killer that needs a buff or a rework.....LF is one of the few killers that is still punished for using their power

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    I just made a suggestion about how Chainsaw's could work. And also changing the Killer's a bit.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    @mcdardon I’m a survivor main so I can’t really give an opinion on this as far as if a killer main or someone who plays both sides equally that’s been playing for a while would be alright with it, and find it still worthy. see if it’s something they can agree on! I want the killer to still be able to maintain map pressure I don’t want him nerfed into the ground so I still want billy to be fun and viable to play as :) I’m really hoping that someone can solve this particular issue.

  • darkknight287
    darkknight287 Member Posts: 42

    Imo this game is unbalanced af because if you are a KILLER people should have to hide from you and pallets should be a last resort instead of what they use 24/7

  • crunchroll100
    crunchroll100 Member Posts: 2

    My problem with him is when he just waits to get close enough to you and just insta chainsaws you from an undodgeable range, you can't really dodge that.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    They got nurse nerfed now there going after billy they getting cocky and crossing the line we need immediate nerfs to survivors to force them back we need nerfs to dead hard, balanced landing and lithe hit them where it hurts