Live Q&A: Post your Legion questions here!



  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Would you consider having legion instead of being completely knocked out of frenzy upon a missed attack, instead greatly deplete the bar (with varying percentages based on addons?)

    And if legion misses an attack now does he completely lose all of his frenzy or just get kicked out of it? Also love the legion changes and thank you for listening to the community 🙂

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    Have you guys ever experimented with removing deep wounds all together and making legions frenzy hit just do  a debuff depending on the cosmetic of the legion killer. IE like frank his frenzy hit would cause exhaustion for 60 seconds, susie would cause Mangled and so on and so forth?

  • Mithandris
    Mithandris Member Posts: 10

    With the changes on Legion and on Deep Wound, will BHVR also change the Mend action to work more like the Healing action, where self-mending is also 50% slower than being Mended by other player, while also increasing the time it would take for the bleeding bar to deplete? And maybe even putting Mending to interact with perks like Nurse's Calling and Sloppy Butcher?

    Since the bleeding bar would only start to deplete ouside Legion's Terror Radius, and mending would stop the bar progress, this changes would make us feel like his isnt being so penalized for using his ability.

  • Nescau_Fernando
    Nescau_Fernando Member Posts: 44

    The Legion update goes against a big feedback from the community regarding Feral Frenzy's lack of lethality: without Frank's Mixtape or moonwalking, it took 3 activations to cause enough meter damage to down a Survivor. The rework worsens the problem, making their power completely non-lethal.

    My question is: now that Feral Frenzy is slower, immediately ends upon missing an attack and renders Legion unable to see blood stains, could you make it so the power retains the ability to damage the Deep Would meter, allowing Legion to deal up to 2 hits per power activation, effectively giving them the ability to down a Survivor with 2 activations (4 hits) of Feral Frenzy?

    I understand the original design intent was for Feral Frenzy to be simply an utility power for getting the first hit and spread the damage against multiple Survivors, but M1 Killers with 115% movement speed and no one-shot ability (Clown, Doctor, Freddy, Pig, Trapper, Wraith) are simply not good enough against good Survivor teams even if some of them often get free first hits (Freddy, Pig, Wraith). I would rather have a 110% movement speed Legion with a lethal Feral Frenzy that doesn't allow moonwalking or missing any attacks than yet another underpowered M1 Killer whose build relies on Enduring + Spirit Fury combo to even hope to down Survivors in a timely manner.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Do I get it right that Feral Frenzy cannot down survivors in any way now?

    I think combining the same effect Deep Wounds on a survivor perk and a killer power was already a bad design when this came out. Now changing the effect to debuff the killer further buffs Borrowed Time usage, making it kind of insta-heal.

    Regarding the pack of debuffs to Feral Frenzy, will at least the power depletion on regular M1 attacks be removed? As Legion is going to be converted into a M1 killer, he should not get punished for using M1.

    I think the removal of bloodpool visibility is not necessary. The moonwalking, which was reagarded as abuse, is not taking place during active Feral Frenzy. So this is not helping on this issue, just nerfing the killer without explicit reason.

    Regarding the blood stains change, I would like to know on each of the announced changes what whas the intention. Which issue is targeted by the change, are there changes that are needed both to work out or is every change justifiable by itself and so on.

    To me, the changes seem to make him too weak to be a choice for anyone. Legion was not a high tier killer before but was fun to play caused by his different and unique style. The changes basically remove map pressure, chasing ability and uniqueness. The changes from survivor view may be needed as it is understandable that it is less fun to play if you cannot really escape a chase by skill, but from killer view the changes do not improve anything regarding gaming experience. Except you have an answer for that, what were your intentions from killer view. Just seems like it is a completely survivor based makeover.

    One more point (offtopic) regarding survivor experience. Legion chases normally take way longer than with other killers, except you use purple or higher addons. That gives the rest of the team time to do gens. Even more time if you don't decide to unhook yourself instantly without struggling because you are having no fun. Survivors playing correctly against Legion (opposed to a comment "changes force the killer to play Legion correctly") often results in max 1 kill. You could actively try to stay close the terror radius to pull attention but on a distance that makes it impossible to get caught in the same Frenzy. Also there are other ways to play against Legion why I think he is not really that bad to play against. My impression is, most survivors are not willing to learn how to play against new killers.

  • EclipseDarkstar
    EclipseDarkstar Member Posts: 47

    Are you under the impression that 4.6 movement speed is enough of a bonus to compensate for these massive nerfs? Because I have to wholly disagree, Legion is weak as it is. All this change does is basically make him a version of Plague that has no projectiles or corruption. You've stripped him of all true potential.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    The changes I find are pretty good but there are some holes that need to be patched up, I find that making Frenzy longer is a good thing. How ever since you're making Deep Wound paused when in the terror radius, do you plan on making the Mend time longer? Or maybe Make the Deep Wound timer longer, and only make it so your fellow survivors can Mend you?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Don't you think the changes to Deep Wound might make it too weak?

  • Skycerer
    Skycerer Member Posts: 183

    Nerf to mend? Ok

    Nerf to track survivors? Ok

    but nerf feral frenzy? You will destroy the killer design, can you revert that? Or bring me back my money

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Have you considered: restoring the original vault animation (allowing survivors a small counterplay at vaults), only reducing power by 25% for each missed attack, allowing lockers to block legion vision in Feral Frenzy, restoring Borrowed time to it's pre legion effect? (removing the Deep wound effect from Borrowed Time and restoring BT time)?

    I love the other changes, although it seems his TR maybe could've been left alone, but it was probably increased due to the increased base speed.

    Keep up good work! Can't wait for dedicated servers!

  • JewelTK
    JewelTK Member Posts: 12

    Will I get my money back since half the thing I paid for will be unusable?

  • Ajaxavi
    Ajaxavi Member Posts: 2

    Why did you make such dramatic changes instead of testing and then implementing some of them step by step if needed furthermore? The only really neccesary change was

    • -The Deep Wound timer pauses for survivors within The Killer's Terror Radius–regardless of whether they are in a chase or not. 

    As a survivor, exploiting moonwalk was the only frustraiting thing about legion. Other changes are way over the top, they remove his uniqueness and make him just another m1 enduring/spirit fury killer, which is getting boring to play as and against.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    In the earlier stages of Legion, Janick mention that Legion had to stalk to get their powers.

    Question: Why don’t you guys bring this back?

    I’m assuming that they started off with no terror radius as Myers, if so this would create more play styles for players. You could confuse survivors if you are killer/survivor more. Which is how Legion is portrayed in the trailers.

    Overall, I think any way to bring the Legion similar to the trailer would be awesome. Any who, keep up the lovely work. I look forward to all the ideas you have for this game.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Regarding the conversion to M1 killer, will there be an update on how exposed effect works with Feral Frenzy?

  • NatzAshe
    NatzAshe Member Posts: 95
    • Frank's Mix Tape: Removes 25% of the bleedout time.

    How exactly do you intend to make Frank's Mix Tape differ from Stab Wounds Study after your patch idea? Does it make sense to have two very rare add-ons fall in the same category of effect, reducing the initial bleedout timer?

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    Have you guys ever considered leaving the ptb open at all times and removing the rank on it and just using that as a casual mode and allow that group of players to endlessly test things for you at the same time.

  • LegionnaireWyatt
    LegionnaireWyatt Member Posts: 17

    Why couldn't you just do the deep wound terror radius change and leave everything else the same.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    What are the buffs/nerfs you are giving Legion that you are the most unsure about?

  • Sudoxxed
    Sudoxxed Member Posts: 34

    Is Insidious going to affect the new mend not decreasing in terror radius change?

    Like Legion is chasing someone in Deep Wound, stands still, Insidous activates, does that mean that the Mend Timer will go down?

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    Is possible to request a refund or compensation for this DLC?

    Changes should are subject to returns or compensation.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Here's a good question. What were you guys thinking when you decided to come up with this killer?

    Because it sure as hell wasn't a "Good Killer" i can tell you that much

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Have there been discussions on a full mechanical rework for his Frenzy? I personally think making it into a vanilla sprint ability may help with balancing in the long run. That way, you can add what works and what doesn't to the ability.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    With the deep wound changes, will borrowed time be changed too?

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    If the purpose of the “Deep Wound” effect is solely to slow the game down, it fails when survivors don’t feel that there is a need to fully heal themselves. There needs to be a reason that forces survivors to heal themselves to full, after being put into the mend state.

    Once a survivor has fully mended, why not make them “Exposed”, until they are fully healed or downed? While “Exposed”, any hit, including a “Frenzy” attack, should down the survivor. This would force survivors to heal to full, and not overpower “Frenzy”, as the survivor must be able to fully mend before a second “Frenzy” attack can do damage.

  • _Kirito_
    _Kirito_ Member Posts: 2

    Since the Deep Wound timer doesn't decrease in your Terror Radius, will you increase the mend time to give a reason to use his power?

  • mettee
    mettee Member Posts: 190

    Many people think the interesting feature of this killer is making plural survivors deep wounded condition at same time &making delay.

    If terror radius become 32m, it become 24m with “monitor & abuse”, this is not enough at all to make plural surviviors deep wounded conditon.

    Making deep wounded condition will become only delay guarantee when killer lose a survivor.

    I understand tha you want to stop the storategy “chasing without chasing judgement & reducing deep wounded time”.

    But only stoping time in terror radius is enough to stop this strategy, and I think we do not need other changes.

    I am Japanese, so i think there are some strange English, sorry.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    Since feral frenzy can only be activated when charged up completely and can't down a survivor or affect the "Deep Wound" timer, is there any use for it while hunting an already injured survivor?

    Since it will not be possible to activate it when it's not charged completely (like for jumping spontaneous through windows), the movement speed of FF is reduced and the Killer will get stunned after using this, I don't see any use to even activate Feral Frenzy for hunting an injured survivor, but rather go with normal movement speed after them. I think this will kill Legions best and most unique ability, that made it interesting and fun to play with or against him in the past and will turn him into a "boring" M1 killer, taking the variety out of the game.

  • OutlawRW
    OutlawRW Member Posts: 17

    Under what circumstances do you see Deep Wound putting a survivor into the dying state?

  • bkillerc
    bkillerc Member Posts: 142

    Can u make it so feral frenzy can down injured survivors who do not have deep wounds status?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Will manually ending Frenzy prematurely deplete the power guage now that his power encourages using the frenzy as much as possible to tag multiple people and not tunnel one survivor...and will stuns still deplete his power guage outside of Frenzy?

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590
    edited April 2019

    Can you reveal some changes for Legion after PTB? Because the Q&A Session on LiveStream is planned to be 2 days after PTB!

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