When will something be done about SWF rigging



  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    The biggest issue imho is the survivors have too many ways to combat the killer (DS, flashlights, Pallet saves, body blocking) and with coordinated teams, you'd need Enduring, Mad Grit, Lightborn, and Ruin to fight them: Enduring for pallet saves, Lightborn to prevent flashlight saves, mad grit to stop body blocking, and ruin to slow down Gen rushing. Only 2 of those 4 perks are even partly viable, while the other two are only useful in niche situations.

    Again, this problem wouldn't be so bad, if SWF didn't bring it to the forefront of everyone's attention.

    In the higher ranks, you can tell easily when you have an SWF team: 2 will be running flashlights, 1 a non-broken key, and the last an ultra rare map. The flashlighters both play Blendette, the key player is whomever they want, and the map user is wearing the loudest outfit possible so you tunnel them, ignoring the Blendettes.

    Beyond any of this, they just buffed SWF with the Enduring change, so unless they plan on making a perk that's literally built to counter SWF, we're stuck.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    As a Rank 7 killer atm, I can beat some SWF teams, but it takes the fun out of it. It's not too tough to confirm a team is SWF in terms of quickly opening up profiles etc. Most of the entertainment value is just gone once you realize you're the designated bloodpoints-pinata and then you'll derank most of the time anyway, and even if you play hyper-aggressively, you just can't do that much against a fully coordinated team because the game wasn't designed to let you unless you explicitly play Nurse.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited June 2019

    I'm just trying to see how blatantly they're lying about SWF stats.

    Tonight so far:

    39 lobbies.

    All confirmed SWF, either 2-pairs, 3-man, or 4-man. Most are 3 and 4 man SWF. I haven't been able to get a single lobby of solo survivors. The stats are clearly more like 90% of all players are playing SWF now, and since that's 4 players making money on all their microtransactions, that's more worthwhile than balancing the game for the 1 player who gets to be pinata as killer.

    You can now officially go literally over an hour without finding a single team of solo survivors, because the game won't even open a killer lobby until it finds people for you, and it finds nothing but SWF.

    Devs need to own up to the SWF issues, and fix this crap.

  • Sonicwb
    Sonicwb Member Posts: 39

    Complain and complain. Blah blah blah, go play another game.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Spot the SWF player who really doesn't want his free bloodpoints vanishing.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Don't worry, it's clear the devs are never going to do a single thing about how broken SWF is. Makes too much money.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I literally just don't want the game to be rigged, and that's literally too much to ask on DBD it seems. Idc if I lose to 4 solo survivors, at least it won't be a rigged game with no fun.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    I do fine against SWF groups, flashlights dont really slow me down I just walk sideways. I patrol gen to gen and reverse every now and again to scare them. I get it when its some hardcore players thats trash the killer but I almost never have a match thats under 3kills.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited June 2019

    Another night where it is literally impossible to not get SWF.

    There is thread after thread after thread about this on the steam suggestions board (Which the devs fully ignore 100%, it's just there to draw flak away), but hey who cares, as long as SWF makes the money, right?

    They need to deal with SWF, perhaps by actually not ignoring all criticism of SWF.

    Edited last part out (See 2 comments below).

    Post edited by Traslogan on
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Traslogan  That last post you made shows why you won't be taken seriously.

    The part about... "here's a new one for you: The game has started placing SWF teams together in front of my hex ruin..."

    You are blatantly just throwing stuff out there to see if anything sticks, which discredits anything you've mentioned above about your stat tracking on your lobbies.

    Since it shows you'll make up whatever information you want to twist it into your argument.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited June 2019

    I'm trying to be taken seriously, and that has actually happened where I've beelined for my hex and I find confirmed SWF all just standing at it 15s after a game starts. Though yes i will admit, it's not part of the main issue I'm trying to raise here and is another issue entirely, so sorry for that.

    I'm primarily just frustrated with SWF. If I lose to solo survivors, I'm fine with that, at least there's going to be fun there. I'm tired of confirming every single game is SWF, watching them know things they shouldn't possibly know, knowing every single person is running decisive strike so they can all suicide-unhook each other just to punish the killer, and then getting so little done that there's no fun in it. There's nothing I can do to counter one person finding a hex, and the other 3 getting told about it over comms, or that people get told when I've chased someone off a generator so someone else abandons what they're doing to come get it. Everything becomes a tug of war with SWF, but the killer is just the rope.

    Not sure what you mean about stat tracking in lobbies. All I do is check all steam profiles. Most DBD users are private profiles, but they always leave a few public with their friends visible, and a quick CTRL+F shows that everyone in the lobby is in their friends list, either in-game, online but not in-game, or they're just outright hiding offline (aka the other private profiles). It only takes 30-40s to do it, and for me it's shown that from Rank 15/16 and beyond, SWF is everywhere and even as I slowly push down to Rank 6 and 7, I can literally wait 30 minutes to get the game to give 4 solo survivors, sometimes 15 minutes to get the compromise of 2 pairs of SWF.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    More SWF rigging matches tonight

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @shalo means nothing as you don't show your results which leads to a misleading conclusion.

    You could have killed 2 in each match which would mean what?... You played at an average level.

    You could have killed none but still walked out with over 20K bp before bonus.

    Poor match making could have created that situation aswell with all solo players.