Every game killer tunnels one guy

thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Last 2 days, every game, rank 2 survivor. Killer tunnels the first guy he finds TO DEATH. Then he does it to the next one, and the next one, and so on. I can understand when a killer feels the need to play defensive or secure a kill if they are behind, but this has been right at the start of the EVERY game, when 0 gens are done and Ruin is still up. I've even unhooked someone with Borrowed Time, TOOK A HIT, and the killer stills tunnels the guy on the hook. Mind you I'm injured before BT even procs on the other guy. I'm literally saying to the killer "chase me instead" but no, they flat out ignore me. Sometimes they slug me and don't come back.

This kind of bull ######### needs to stop. Killers need to stop defending this type of behavior. It takes absolutely NO skill but is so insanely rewarding to the killer if survivors are not optimal (which is like 95% of the player base). Then those same killers call "gen rush" when they get that actually is optimal and try to make themselves look like the victims. I'm not saying killers have it easy, I play killer too I know it can be frustrating. But dear God in heaven, CHASE OTHER PEOPLE. Just commit to the chase you coward. Stop hovering around every single hook, stopping hitting someone else to start a chase only to immediately run back to the hook once you get them outside of 30m.

The devs need to balance survivors, but they also need to make it so that killers can not play like absolute trash and get rewarded as much as they do. Killers should be REWARDED for playing offensively, and PUNISHED for playing defensively. Do that and playing killer will not be as frustrating, and then survivors don't have to deal with this kind of bull ######### every game and have no way to stop it.



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Orion said:
    No, Killers will not play in a way that benefits you just so you're not punished for your mistakes. Adapt or die. Your choice.

    Same with survivors. Adapt or get looped.

    Explain how to counter looping. Not mitigate its effects, but actually counter it.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Orion said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Orion said:
    No, Killers will not play in a way that benefits you just so you're not punished for your mistakes. Adapt or die. Your choice.

    Same with survivors. Adapt or get looped.

    Explain how to counter looping. Not mitigate its effects, but actually counter it.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    Orion said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @Orion said:

    No, Killers will not play in a way that benefits you just so you're not punished for your mistakes. Adapt or die. Your choice.

    Same with survivors. Adapt or get looped.

    Explain how to counter looping. Not mitigate its effects, but actually counter it.

    hag, nurse or don't chase them.

    So, play two Killers or let Survivors go free every single game. I hope the other guy understands why the situations are not even remotely comparable.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    edited July 2018
    it is what i do.  i don't chase them if i am not one of those two.  i don't have a single digit by my name denoting how i am special either though.  small price to pay.  seldom do i see 4 time wasters, if i do i just put down the controller and read until game is over.
    Post edited by EpicFailTryHard on
  • lonewolf_19xx
    lonewolf_19xx Member Posts: 22
    If you going to look at it that way then the same goes for looping. Its a tool in the survivors toolbox. You cant be one sided. Both are problems not just one. 
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:
    One stack on BBQ for every hooked survivor. If you tunnel one dude for the whole game, maybe you'll get two kills and few points. If you go for everybody, maybe you'll get four hooks, lots of points but zero kills.

    Except this doesn't actually happen. Most killers run BBQ, and there is no difference in tunneling/camping between those that have it and those that don't. Rank doesn't matter either. Rank 20, 15, 10, 5, 1. The only common dinominator for tunnel/camp and not is the killer ACTUALLY being good. Bad killers consistently tunnel/camp. Good killers do not. Bad killers barely 2k in the most unfun games ever. Good killers 3k or 4k and the game was actually fun to play.

    Also you can 1 or 2 hook everyone, with all 4 escaping, and still pip as killer. So needing to kill as a way to rank is not an excuse for your behavior anymore.

    BTW as far as "git gud" I'm rank 1 survivor. Like I said I escape and pip these games, but it's not fun. And I've been as high as rank 7 killer WITH FREDDY, so you can't tell me ######### about how unfair it can be for killer. I know how unfair it can be for killer, trust me. I still don't resort to playing like a punk at the start of every game because not every survivor is being a troll. I'll give them a chance to have a fun game and try to kill them all.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Orion said:
    Explain how to counter looping. Not mitigate its effects, but actually counter it.

    What survivors do to you doesn't change the fact that camping/tunneling is bull #########. Both sides need fixing, I'm not claiming otherwise. Killers don't ever seem to comprehend this though when a survivor brings up these problems. They just dismiss it and say "well you do X to me!" Doesn't make either of theme acceptable.

  • lonewolf_19xx
    lonewolf_19xx Member Posts: 22
    Looping, tunneling, and camping are problems on both the survivor and killer side of the game that make the game unfun for the other people playing.  But as a killer you can just leave the looping survivor amd go to the other 3 survivors. As a survivor when a killer camps and tunnels there is nothing you can do about it. Just die, depip, and hope the next match is better. 
  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Benefits to tunneling:

    • Kill somebody faster, which decreases generator progression and lengthens game time (a problem in the current meta).
    • They're also injured after being unhooked, making them faster to down and increasing pressure on the map faster.

    Cons to tunneling someone:

    • None

    Benefits to not tunneling someone:

    • Uhh... survivors might be less salty?

    Cons to not tunneling someone:

    • Have to chase after healthy survivors, which can take considerable amounts of time in some cases
    • Hooking someone new gives them another 2 minutes before they die, relieving pressure on the map for survivors relative to getting the other guy

    Benefits to camping:

    • Survivor acts as a bait, luring in new victims to your location
    • You control the area, meaning chases will be shorter if you broke/disabled looping spots and pallets here
    • You ensure (at least!) one survivor is not doing anything for extended periods of time

    Cons to camping:

    • The others can rush generators unhindered

    Benefits to not camping:

    • You can occupy another person off generators IF you find them
    • IF you catch someone else, you can potentially increase map pressure

    Cons to not camping:

    • Your hooked survivor can be rescued immediately, relieving any pressure you worked to get almost instantly
    • If you don't find or catch anyone fast enough, you're back chasing/finding one survivor while up to three other survivors work generators. It's basically like you restarted the game, but the survivors have less generators to do, putting you at a disadvantage.

    - You can be forced to go to other pallet-dense parts of the map in chases away from where you caught the first guy.

    Tunneling and camping are actually really effective in this meta, honestly.

  • lonewolf_19xx
    lonewolf_19xx Member Posts: 22
    Beaburd said:

    Benefits to tunneling:

    • Kill somebody faster, which decreases generator progression and lengthens game time (a problem in the current meta).
    • They're also injured after being unhooked, making them faster to down and increasing pressure on the map faster.

    Cons to tunneling someone:

    • None

    Benefits to not tunneling someone:

    • Uhh... survivors might be less salty?

    Cons to not tunneling someone:

    • Have to chase after healthy survivors, which can take considerable amounts of time in some cases
    • Hooking someone new gives them another 2 minutes before they die, relieving pressure on the map for survivors relative to getting the other guy

    Benefits to camping:

    • Survivor acts as a bait, luring in new victims to your location
    • You control the area, meaning chases will be shorter if you broke/disabled looping spots and pallets here
    • You ensure (at least!) one survivor is not doing anything for extended periods of time

    Cons to camping:

    • The others can rush generators unhindered

    Benefits to not camping:

    • You can occupy another person off generators IF you find them
    • IF you catch someone else, you can potentially increase map pressure

    Cons to not camping:

    • Your hooked survivor can be rescued immediately, relieving any pressure you worked to get almost instantly
    • If you don't find or catch anyone fast enough, you're back chasing/finding one survivor while up to three other survivors work generators. It's basically like you restarted the game, but the survivors have less generators to do, putting you at a disadvantage.

    - You can be forced to go to other pallet-dense parts of the map in chases away from where you caught the first guy.

    Tunneling and camping are actually really effective in this meta, honestly.

    The same can be said for looping. Its a perfect way for a survivor to waste a killers time and possibly escape the chase, when the killers are faster, amd have 1 hit downs and moris. As ive said before stop being one sided. Both make the game unfun for others. 
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    @Orion said:
    No, Killers will not play in a way that benefits you just so you're not punished for your mistakes. Adapt or die. Your choice.

    What mistake? That I want to save the guy and have an actual game? One were everyone gets chased, does some gens, maybe someone escapes. I've had games where I escaped Iri Unbroken through the gate, only because the killer REFUSED TO CHASE ME. Instead he just sat by the hook. I'm fine losing my Iri emblem if it means people play the game. I made no mistakes, I played perfectly. I pipped, or even double pipped. NONE OF THAT MATTERS BECAUSE IT WAS A ######### GAME. I'd rather get chased, hooked, have things come down to the wire. I want to have fun playing the game. Sitting there watching a killer just sit on the hook, knowing the only thing you can do is gens (even if you have BT killers don't seem to care), and just pressing a button all game to escape but forced to let at least 1 other survivor die is not fun.

    If you play like this I have no sympathy for you as a killer. I respect killers that don't camp/tunnel every hook, especially because those killers tend to ACTUALLY BE GOOD AT THE GAME AND GET 4k'S. Killers that tunnel/camp are 95% of the time absolute garbage at the game.

    Nobody cares a about taking your emblem down from iridescent to gold for a few measly chase points and a teabag party at the exit gates. Extend the game time, and I guarantee you will see killers spread out the pain more. You know, when time he hey have time enough to enjoy doing so without getting shat on.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    RemoveSWF said:

    @lonewolf_19xx said:
    If you face camp you suck as a killer.

    Factually incorrect.

    Hard camping (incorrectly referred to as "facecamping" by salty nubs) is one tool in a killer's toolbox. Just because they possess that particular tool does not preclude the possession of other tools.

    it actually does as it shows there is little else in their "possession of tools".
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Cetren said:
    Nobody cares a about taking your emblem down from iridescent to gold for a few measly chase points and a teabag party at the exit gates. Extend the game time, and I guarantee you will see killers spread out the pain more. You know, when time he hey have time enough to enjoy doing so without getting shat on.

    I don't care about the emblem or the BP is my point, I want to have a fun game. I don't disagree that the game needs to go on longer, but it's no excuse to play like a complete jerk every single game. When you defend this behavior you are basically saying the game should reward bad killers that play like cowards and refuse to try playing more aggressively.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @The_Manlet said:
    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

    On the old system this would be an excuse, but killers can pip without killing a single survivor. I know I've done it. Not saying it was the most fun game, but they all got away and I still pipped.

    So give me another excuse because that doesn't fly anymore.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    @The_Manlet said:
    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

    On the old system this would be an excuse, but killers can pip without killing a single survivor. I know I've done it. Not saying it was the most fun game, but they all got away and I still pipped.

    So give me another excuse because that doesn't fly anymore.

    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    It's almost as if Killers need to do this stuff at better to ranks to compensate for overwhelming power of the better ranked survivors. This has just become common knowledge at this point.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Cetren said:>
    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.

    There is nothing contradictory about it dude, because a fun game is one where everyone has fun and doesn't need to grind against pure nonsense tactics. You can kill everyone and not camp hooks if you are actually a good killer. You seem to be missing that point. Also the fact I let killers get free hits so they chase me preeeeettttty much means I'm handicapping myself. And sometimes when killer takes the bait I have escaped. Sometimes I don't and they hook me. But if you are seriously going to play the "I'm handicapping myself card" note that I literally throw myself at killers because I want them to not tunnel. I'm giving them the hit and the chase to show them it's not necessary.

    @Lowbei said:
    Yet another cry thread from bad survivors who cant handle valid tactics.

    Yet another idiot that doesn't read! Guess you missed the part where I said I pip/double pip/escape from these killers just fine. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE GAME WAS FUN TO PLAY. In fact it makes me want to delete it from my HDD and go to something else because it's, again NOT FUN

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    Jack11803 said:

    @Orion said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Orion said:
    No, Killers will not play in a way that benefits you just so you're not punished for your mistakes. Adapt or die. Your choice.

    Same with survivors. Adapt or get looped.

    Explain how to counter looping. Not mitigate its effects, but actually counter it.


    If it's a loop around a pallet? Only do mind games when the pallet is dropped. If you're looped around an area of the map... Well. That's a design problem and would have to be looked at.
  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2018

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Cetren said:>
    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.

    There is nothing contradictory about it dude, because a fun game is one where everyone has fun and doesn't need to grind against pure nonsense tactics. You can kill everyone and not camp hooks if you are actually a good killer. You seem to be missing that point. Also the fact I let killers get free hits so they chase me preeeeettttty much means I'm handicapping myself. And sometimes when killer takes the bait I have escaped. Sometimes I don't and they hook me. But if you are seriously going to play the "I'm handicapping myself card" note that I literally throw myself at killers because I want them to not tunnel. I'm giving them the hit and the chase to show them it's not necessary.

    The game is fundamentally set up in such a way that it isn't possible for everyone to have fun. If you died, you probably got tunneled, depipped, got almost no points and generally didn't have fun. If the killer didn't kill anyone, then he obviously isn't going to have fun because he wasn't a threat at any point in the match.

    RemoveSWF, the reason survivors don't do generators is that the bloodpoint and ranking systems force you to do unhooks if you want to profit. A match where you rush the generators and get out while the killer camps may as well be a loss.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    The only common dinominator for tunnel/camp and not is the killer ACTUALLY being good. Bad killers consistently tunnel/camp. Good killers do not.

    To understand who is good at the game you have to understand what winning is


    No to understand who is good at the game you get chased by them. Good killers catch you quickly, or make the chase REALLY hard. Bad killers swing and miss constantly, get 360'd very easy, or just flat out lose you. I can tell how good a killer is but how well they chase me and keep map pressure. Being good at the game doesn't mean you always win. It means you know how to win. There is a difference.

    Bad killers put someone on the hook and either flat out stay there or "patrol" by walking to look at the nearest gen but immediately come right back. Bad killers will also refuse to chase someone that is clearly an easier target the moment someone gets unhooked, because instead of finishing that chase for another hook they decide to let them go an go back to the hooked guy. Sometimes even choosing to chase them after they are fully healed.

    You can tell what survivors and killers have skill in the game by how they play. I've seen great killers "lose" a game, but they were still a really good killer. Maybe things didn't quite work out in their favor or they made a bad play at a critical time.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Even in the event that you "handicap" yourself for a fun game as survivor, the killer taking the hit on you STILL puts him at a disadvantage. You get a speed boost, and they're slowed to a crawl for the wiping animation. By the time that's over, you will he far away due to a combination of you getting a boost while the killer gets slower, and the killers diverted attention means the other survivor will gain a lot of distance as well. So he's still in a WORSE position than if he hits the other guy down. If you hate tunneling that much, run borrowed time. Then the killer doesn't get an advantage for hitting the other survivor, because they couldve hit you and been in the same position.
  • lonewolf_19xx
    lonewolf_19xx Member Posts: 22
    Lowbei said:
    Yet another cry thread from bad survivors who cant handle valid tactics.

    Yet another killer that has to camp to kill, and cry its becuase of looping and imbalance. Take your own advise and get good! 
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @The_Manlet said:
    The game is fundamentally set up in such a way that it isn't possible for everyone to have fun. If you died, you probably got tunneled, depipped, got almost no points and generally didn't have fun. If the killer didn't kill anyone, then he obviously isn't going to have fun because he wasn't a threat at any point in the match.


    I just had a game against a Myers that (thank Jebus) didn't camp hooks or tunnel (he did sort of at the start but it looked like it was to get EW3 because he downed the hooked guy and left them to chase/down/hook another guy first). He got a 3k, I was the only one to escape (he got 2 hooks on me BTW). No doubt he pipped that game (we had 1 gen left). This is an example of a fun game, and even if he got me (it was kinda 50/50 near the end anyway, I was lucky) I still would have had fun (and if I died I still would have pipped).

    Granted we weren't entirely optimal, but I've been saying that the game does need to be rebalanced so killers have a FAIR amount of time. Just like I'm saying that every survivor should have a FAIR chance to be saved from the hook.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Cetren said:
    Even in the event that you "handicap" yourself for a fun game as survivor, the killer taking the hit on you STILL puts him at a disadvantage. You get a speed boost, and they're slowed to a crawl for the wiping animation. By the time that's over, you will he far away due to a combination of you getting a boost while the killer gets slower, and the killers diverted attention means the other survivor will gain a lot of distance as well. So he's still in a WORSE position than if he hits the other guy down. If you hate tunneling that much, run borrowed time. Then the killer doesn't get an advantage for hitting the other survivor, because they couldve hit you and been in the same position.

    Dude, hook is 20m away, I'm right there in front of them, injured. No it's not a disadvantage because you will still get me faster than the other dude. I have been in this situation MANY TIMES, where I was clearly CLEARLY the easier, more optimal target. BUT NOPE let's go back to the hook and look for that guy, wasting 30 seconds just to re-acquire the target. This is why I say bad killers camp/tunnel because the good killers will come after me, and will (most likely) catch and hook me. They know that I'm the optimal target.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Wanna know why killer tunnels ?
    It's due to 2 reasons :

    • The 15 meters syndrone, as I call it : This one is pretty simple. As killer at high ranks, as SOON as you step 15 meters away from the hook, the unhook WILL happen. There's NO mindgames. It happens, EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. Knowing that fact, you can just come back at the perfect timing to see the unhooker/unhooked from afar, get a free hit on the bodyblocking survivor to waste his time, and then chase back your hooked target to go for the kill.
    • If you actually swap up targets, people do get refreshed time on hooks, which give people enough time to complete gens. If you allow survivors to swap freely their place on the hook, you'll just hook them all once, then twice, which will make the game extra-long and usually allow them to win. Your best bet is to eliminate 1 guy ASAP, so then, once you get someone on the hook, you can stop the only repairer by not camping, while the other guy go for the save, so you completely deny the progress, even if the gen counter is rather low.

    It's actually nearly pointless to try to fight 4 players "fair", unless you're facing newcomers. As killer, you rely on people's mistakes for the most part to actually win a round, and camping the first target in the round is one of the most efficient strategy to adopt in that regard, since running at the opposite of the map to eventually get one guy that will sprint burst and loop while the 2 other guys will just save and insta-heal/repair at the other side of the map will simply make you to lose. (and will make you lose malicious points in the process, because devs though "Yeah, let's make non-camping to make the killer to lose earned points, that sounds interesting!")

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Last 2 days, every game, rank 2 survivor. Killer tunnels the first guy he finds TO DEATH. Then he does it to the next one, and the next one, and so on. I can understand when a killer feels the need to play defensive or secure a kill if they are behind, but this has been right at the start of the EVERY game, when 0 gens are done and Ruin is still up. I've even unhooked someone with Borrowed Time, TOOK A HIT, and the killer stills tunnels the guy on the hook. Mind you I'm injured before BT even procs on the other guy. I'm literally saying to the killer "chase me instead" but no, they flat out ignore me. Sometimes they slug me and don't come back.

    This kind of bull ######### needs to stop. Killers need to stop defending this type of behavior. It takes absolutely NO skill but is so insanely rewarding to the killer if survivors are not optimal (which is like 95% of the player base). Then those same killers call "gen rush" when they get that actually is optimal and try to make themselves look like the victims. I'm not saying killers have it easy, I play killer too I know it can be frustrating. But dear God in heaven, CHASE OTHER PEOPLE. Just commit to the chase you coward. Stop hovering around every single hook, stopping hitting someone else to start a chase only to immediately run back to the hook once you get them outside of 30m.

    The devs need to balance survivors, but they also need to make it so that killers can not play like absolute trash and get rewarded as much as they do. Killers should be REWARDED for playing offensively, and PUNISHED for playing defensively. Do that and playing killer will not be as frustrating, and then survivors don't have to deal with this kind of bull ######### every game and have no way to stop it.

    1. As a survivor you can't tell a killer how to kill people. They are your enemy not your friend. If he doesn't want to chase you or pick you up, it means that the killer is trying to pull off a specific type of strategy that they think will work. If you disagree with that strategy, than why complain as the survivor. If anything if you disagree with how they play, that means that you think that they do not play as optimally. Which means that the game should be easier for you..

    For your example you provided: when that killer hits you than goes for the other survivor. It gives him more time cause you would have to heal yourself while the other person is getting chased which means you would not be on a gen. This gives more time to the killer.

    1. There is no bullshit here. Killers can play the way they want to play or you wouldn't have any killers at all. So the killer shouldn't be rewarded for the way they play?? What if I told you as the survivor that you shouldn't stay near pallets or windows all the time... You can't tell killers how to play and not look at it the other way around too.

    2. You should be rewarded for both offensive and defensive plays. If you know how to kill, you can win offensively. Since every survivor plays differently, you can't always win a game playing offensively. What is the point of playing defensive if you should get punished for it?? What is the "bullshit" you keep referring to.. That killers actually want to kill a survivor?

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Orion said:
    No, Killers will not play in a way that benefits you just so you're not punished for your mistakes. Adapt or die. Your choice.

    Indeed you need to adapt to how a killer plays. That is the point in the game xD

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Cetren said:>
    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.

    There is nothing contradictory about it dude, because a fun game is one where everyone has fun and doesn't need to grind against pure nonsense tactics. You can kill everyone and not camp hooks if you are actually a good killer. You seem to be missing that point. Also the fact I let killers get free hits so they chase me preeeeettttty much means I'm handicapping myself. And sometimes when killer takes the bait I have escaped. Sometimes I don't and they hook me. But if you are seriously going to play the "I'm handicapping myself card" note that I literally throw myself at killers because I want them to not tunnel. I'm giving them the hit and the chase to show them it's not necessary.

    @Lowbei said:
    Yet another cry thread from bad survivors who cant handle valid tactics.

    Yet another idiot that doesn't read! Guess you missed the part where I said I pip/double pip/escape from these killers just fine. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE GAME WAS FUN TO PLAY. In fact it makes me want to delete it from my HDD and go to something else because it's, again NOT FUN

    no you didnt. you died. cried about it. then came to the forum to rage.

    git gud and stop whining.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lowbei said:
    Yet another cry thread from bad survivors who cant handle valid tactics.

    Yet another killer that has to camp to kill, and cry its becuase of looping and imbalance. Take your own advise and get good! 
    im a survivor main. you are just butthurt cuz you got rekt. keep the salt in the shaker kiddo.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    no you didnt. you died. cried about it. then came to the forum to rage.

    git gud and stop whining.

    LOL no actually I played like 10 games in a row against killers that did nothing but tunnel/camp the first guy where I have no way to actually save this guy without killing him faster, so I went and did gens for 2 minutes. Then another guy gets caught as the gates are powered, but nope! Can't save him either. Guess I'm just playing Repair Sim 2018. Didn't actually die that much to it, it's actually because OTHER PLAYERS are dying and there is NOTHING I can do about it. Oh and also the fact I have to eat the lovely -10 because the killer wants to be a jerk.That's fun too.

    Good job assuming though. Know what they say about assuming right?

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    no you didnt. you died. cried about it. then came to the forum to rage.

    git gud and stop whining.

    LOL no actually I played like 10 games in a row against killers that did nothing but tunnel/camp the first guy where I have no way to actually save this guy without killing him faster, so I went and did gens for 2 minutes. Then another guy gets caught as the gates are powered, but nope! Can't save him either. Guess I'm just playing Repair Sim 2018. Didn't actually die that much to it, it's actually because OTHER PLAYERS are dying and there is NOTHING I can do about it. Oh and also the fact I have to eat the lovely -10 because the killer wants to be a jerk.That's fun too.

    Good job assuming though. Know what they say about assuming right?

    we get it. you died, got butthurt, and made a forum post.

    its common, dont worry.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @lonewolf_19xx said:
    Beaburd said:

    Benefits to tunneling:

    * Kill somebody faster, which decreases generator progression and lengthens game time (a problem in the current meta).
    * They're also injured after being unhooked, making them faster to down and increasing pressure on the map faster.

    Cons to tunneling someone:

    * None

    Benefits to not tunneling someone:

    * Uhh... survivors might be less salty?

    Cons to not tunneling someone:

    * Have to chase after healthy survivors, which can take considerable amounts of time in some cases
    * Hooking someone new gives them another 2 minutes before they die, relieving pressure on the map for survivors relative to getting the other guy

    Benefits to camping:

    * Survivor acts as a bait, luring in new victims to your location
    * You control the area, meaning chases will be shorter if you broke/disabled looping spots and pallets here
    * You ensure (at least!) one survivor is not doing anything for extended periods of time

    Cons to camping:

    * The others can rush generators unhindered

    Benefits to not camping:

    * You can occupy another person off generators IF you find them
    * IF you catch someone else, you can potentially increase map pressure

    Cons to not camping:

    * Your hooked survivor can be rescued immediately, relieving any pressure you worked to get almost instantly
    * If you don't find or catch anyone fast enough, you're back chasing/finding one survivor while up to three other survivors work generators. It's basically like you restarted the game, but the survivors have less generators to do, putting you at a disadvantage.

    - You can be forced to go to other pallet-dense parts of the map in chases away from where you caught the first guy.

    Tunneling and camping are actually really effective in this meta, honestly.

    The same can be said for looping. Its a perfect way for a survivor to waste a killers time and possibly escape the chase, when the killers are faster, amd have 1 hit downs and moris. As ive said before stop being one sided. Both make the game unfun for others. 

    You have to adapt and play differently against killers.. that is the point of the game

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Make the best use of the time you have until you are the one he's after. Try taking hits and distracting killer to confuse or force a change in killers approach. An effective team should be able to complete all gens within 6 minutes or less. Every second matters make time count.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

    On the old system this would be an excuse, but killers can pip without killing a single survivor. I know I've done it. Not saying it was the most fun game, but they all got away and I still pipped.

    So give me another excuse because that doesn't fly anymore.

    So the killer should only go for pips and not kills? Now that doesn't make any sense to me as a killer should be killing people..

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Zanfer said:
    You have to adapt and play differently against killers.. that is the point of the game

    OH PLEASE TELL ME WHAT ELSE CAN I DO? Please because when the killer tunnels/camps there is no "adapting". There is "go do gens because you can't ever save this person". Adapting to a killer would require some actual skill on the killers part for me to play around. But when they are bad, they just sit by the hook. I have no options but gens and hiding. Wow, look at me go adapting to this amazing strategy.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Cetren said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    @The_Manlet said:

    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

    On the old system this would be an excuse, but killers can pip without killing a single survivor. I know I've done it. Not saying it was the most fun game, but they all got away and I still pipped.

    So give me another excuse because that doesn't fly anymore.

    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.

    Yupp exactly he just wants killers to not be killers..

  • Krueger1428
    Krueger1428 Member Posts: 76
    Yeah, it's stupid bullshit. There is a clear difference in choosing to tunnel and being driven to tunnel. Most of the time, it's the former and that just sucks.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Zanfer said:
    You have to adapt and play differently against killers.. that is the point of the game

    OH PLEASE TELL ME WHAT ELSE CAN I DO? Please because when the killer tunnels/camps there is no "adapting". There is "go do gens because you can't ever save this person". Adapting to a killer would require some actual skill on the killers part for me to play around. But when they are bad, they just sit by the hook. I have no options but gens and hiding. Wow, look at me go adapting to this amazing strategy.

    If you were a smart survivor you actually can take a hit for the person still being chased to put less pressure on him and more on the killer. Maybe you should respond to my longer post I had to say about similar situations..

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Zanfer said:

    @Cetren said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    @The_Manlet said:

    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

    On the old system this would be an excuse, but killers can pip without killing a single survivor. I know I've done it. Not saying it was the most fun game, but they all got away and I still pipped.

    So give me another excuse because that doesn't fly anymore.

    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.

    Yupp exactly he just wants killers to not be killers..

    No I want the game to REWARD GOOD KILLERS, and PUNISH BAD KILLERS.

    Right now, because of how EASY it is to camp/tunnel someone, the game rewards bad killers. Like I said before you can tell a good killer from a bad killer when they chase you and how much map pressure they keep. I've played plenty of killers (not always Billy or Nurse) that are REALLY GOOD and do not camp/tunnel, yet still walk out of the game with 3k or 4k and likely a double pip.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @Cetren said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    @The_Manlet said:

    Only a handful of top tier killers such as Nurse and Hillbilly have the potential to play catch and release 12 times in a row. Most killers are weak, far weaker than competent survivors, and they need to eliminate a player as quickly as possible. Tunneling sucks but the game's balance mandates it.

    On the old system this would be an excuse, but killers can pip without killing a single survivor. I know I've done it. Not saying it was the most fun game, but they all got away and I still pipped.

    So give me another excuse because that doesn't fly anymore.

    Wait, quote "I don't care about the emblem or the BP... I want to have a fun game."

    Now keep that in mind and read what you just said.

    You're flat out contradicting yourself. You just want killers to handicap themselves for your enjoyment.

    Yupp exactly he just wants killers to not be killers..

    No I want the game to REWARD GOOD KILLERS, and PUNISH BAD KILLERS.

    Right now, because of how EASY it is to camp/tunnel someone, the game rewards bad killers. Like I said before you can tell a good killer from a bad killer when they chase you and how much map pressure they keep. I've played plenty of killers (not always Billy or Nurse) that are REALLY GOOD and do not camp/tunnel, yet still walk out of the game with 3k or 4k and likely a double pip.

    And like I said before. Maybe you should read what I had to say about your initial post..