Every game killer tunnels one guy



  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Nickenzie said:
    @thesuicidefox I made a post about how the developers should rework the hook. Basically, when your on the hook for a extend period of time, you'll lose vision of everything. It's complete darkness, you can only see they hook and your survivor so you can't tell if your being camped or not. It makes being on the hook fun and it adds tension to the survivor because you'll never know if your going to be saved or not. Additionally you can't hear the killer's terror radius as well to make it confusing when you get unhooked.

    Basically, instead of getting upset at killers for doing their job, make losing more fun! :)

    This doesn't really change anything for what the OP is wishing for..

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @marshmallowking said:
    Ok.  I think I see a clearer picture of your argument, you want what you define as skill (something that is in fact a personal idea as to what skill is) and you want everyone to play in a way you prescribe and they better have fun because you have removed all aspects of the game that would be tilting (I hope that extends into auto aim and frame rates because those things personally tilt me more then game mechanics that have pre existing game mechanic counters). If this is incorrect please define more clearly so that the discussion can be more productive then us talking about things the other has not talked about.

    This is where you are wrong. You can quantify skill. You can compare the amount of skill needed to achieve A to the skill needed to achieve B. If A takes more skill than B but B is more effective/rewarding, then more people will do B and be labeled as better than players that do A by the game.

    If a character in a fighting game had a move that could take down your entire life bar, would you define it as skill that they could do a single fireball input and win? Even if it can be beaten by picking another character or playing in a very specific way, and that choice does not even consistently work? That's basically what this is.

    Look you can pretend camping/tunneling takes skill all you want but the fact is it doesn't. Anyone can chase 1 person and eventually catch them if they were that determined. As far as counter strategies, the only option you have when a killer does this is do gens. That's it, and it actually does nothing to stop the guy from dying so you still lose the benevolence points. If even 1 other survivor takes the bait, or even just gets caught late game, you simply will not pip unless you did 3 gens by yourself. Killers are abusing this, forcing players to safety or depip by preventing them from making saves.

    The only possible reason I can see players defending this is that they use it themselves and cannot get a kill otherwise. You defend it because you know it's easy and effective and you don't want that to go away. No one ever wants their character nerfed in Overwatch but guess what, the character has some broken mechanics that allow for easy and effective tactics. DBD needs the devs to actually address camping/tunneling, and then looping/SWF on survivors side. I don't know exactly how they can do it, but I am saying they just need to find a way to make it not so rewarding to do, however that comes about. It can stay an easy tactic, easy tactics are a thing in games, it just shouldn't also be the most effective because that combo is a problem.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @marshmallowking said:
    I saw that, which is why this thread is so silly to me (entertaining but...)

     As far as I can tell op is advocating for no gameplay that is not what they consider to be skilled game play, something I believe to be subjective and only based on a personal emotional response.  

    The quantifiable way of winning is either through pips or through killing in the eyes of a large majority of the killer base. that’s what he wants changed based on a personal preference how “fun” is measured for them.  

    Any repetitive action or circumstance is boring and less “fun” eventually even any viable changes this thread could come up with would end up stale. These changes would most likely come from nerfs in the meta and buffs in the non meta (something that is already happening like it or not) or a complete overhaul to the game mechanics as a whole. A new mode of gameplay wouldn’t even solve this issue but I advocate for this option (never know when a not so interesting defense building FPS will blow up into a immensely successful BR with building) 

    i think both both of our points @Zanfer is that the arguement itself is invalid because it’s unquantifiable, intangible and inconsistent.

    You can totally quantify fun. It's called a Likert scale and is used in actual game research. It's been done, just look it up. But you don't even need that for this game really all you need to do is look at the comments after games, or on the forums, or on YT, or on your Steam profile. If people are didn't have fun there is a high chance they will be toxic. Then that attitude carries over to the next game and the next. After a while even games that would have been fun won't be because you are so tilted. And this toxicity grows because of the amount of bullshit each side can do to the other. Take that BS away and people would have less reason to be toxic, which invariably means that people are having more fun with the game. Granted there will be some people that are toxic anyway, but the point here is to reduce the instances of the game itself causing the toxicity. No survivor likes camping and tunneling. No killer likes looping and SWF flashlight abusers. Why you guys fight to keep this garbage is beyond me.

    As far as skill you can also quantify that very easily. How fast does the killer catch you? How much map pressure do they apply? Do they keep you all engaged in something other than gen repair? When a killer can just put the first person on a hook and wait, even if the other survivors rush, that killer got a kill with little to no skill. It's honestly not hard to catch 1 person in an entire game. Chase them long enough, without them actually getting away, and you will catch them eventually. Winning itself does not equal skill when you use tactics that are outright easy and highly rewarding. IDK if you are aware of Akuma in the old SF series, but when he originally appeared as a playable character he was so far and above every other character in the game he ended up being banned at tournaments. Pick Akuma and you win, does that mean it takes skill to play him? Not really because he wins by using very easy and highly rewarding tactics. Chasing 1 person and sitting by the hook to kill them takes no skill, or at the very least significantly less skill than chasing/hooking multiple survivors, yet the game rewards the former more than the latter. You can't deny that.

    The fact people like you are so ready to accept this kind of nonsense as acceptable behavior is part of the reason it still exists. People like you defending it as if it should be a valid tactic, when all it does is promote toxicity while letting less skilled players get more wins/pips that they rightfully should. Camping/tunneling does not belong in the game, period. You should not be rewarded as killer for these tactics, at least not so much that it supersedes the need to go out and actually do something to earn your rank.

    No game worth it's salt as an eSport allows defensive strategies to be superior to offensive ones, because defensive strats are not only much easier to do but ruin the spirit of the game in the process. It's why FPS players hate campers, and why FGC hates turtling, because play defensively is a very easy thing to do and playing against it is a chore, not entertainment. Really go find me any legit eSport game where the superior tactics are defensive. You won't because those games nerfed those tactics so they aren't viable (at least not as a primary strategy). If you get put into a defensive position in any serious competitive game that's usually a sign that you are losing, not winning.

    1. You can easily find peoples opinions about a game online like any other game. That doesn't justify how fun it is for people in general. Some people won't like certain games and so will you. You clearly don't like this game as much as you used to, so you have your right to say the game isn't as fun. The game is fun for me cause I play a certain way to were the best outcomes come out of it.

    2. Goes on about how killers shouldn't play defensively because it isn't as fun when fun is still subjective to an emotion that can only be experienced by the player it self and no one else. What about the new players that have never played the game.? What about you when you started playing? Clearly you had to play the game to figure out what strategies work better. New players can't and casual players play for their enjoyment.

    3. Toxicity is in every game and you don't have to read any post game or anything about the game if you don't want to. Casual players don't care about forums or youtube videos. They care about playing the game once in a while to have fun. Fun is subjective to the person playing.

    4. I don't know why you brought esports into the conversation cause DBD is NOT and esports title/game. Games that I like are different from games you would like. Just because it has esports in the title doesn't make it a "more fun" gaming experience..

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    no worries. once you git gud, all these tunnelling and camping problems will fade away.
  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2018

    Apparently I am the only killer to find camping fun.

    Also the only survivor who enjoys being camped as long as my teammates know how to work them gens

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    The reason why killers tunnel the first guy to death, is simple. He wants to have a fair chance to win. As long as 4 survivors are alive, the gens get done to quickly. With 3 survivors, the game slows considerably down.
    If it wouldn't take survivors 3 minutes to finish all gens, then the killer might go easier on the survivors. But on high ranks? By the time he hooked the first one, 3 gens are done.
  • Brenon1106
    Brenon1106 Member Posts: 30

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Last 2 days, every game, rank 2 survivor. Killer tunnels the first guy he finds TO DEATH. Then he does it to the next one, and the next one, and so on. I can understand when a killer feels the need to play defensive or secure a kill if they are behind, but this has been right at the start of the EVERY game, when 0 gens are done and Ruin is still up. I've even unhooked someone with Borrowed Time, TOOK A HIT, and the killer stills tunnels the guy on the hook. Mind you I'm injured before BT even procs on the other guy. I'm literally saying to the killer "chase me instead" but no, they flat out ignore me. Sometimes they slug me and don't come back.

    This kind of bull ######### needs to stop. Killers need to stop defending this type of behavior. It takes absolutely NO skill but is so insanely rewarding to the killer if survivors are not optimal (which is like 95% of the player base). Then those same killers call "gen rush" when they get that actually is optimal and try to make themselves look like the victims. I'm not saying killers have it easy, I play killer too I know it can be frustrating. But dear God in heaven, CHASE OTHER PEOPLE. Just commit to the chase you coward. Stop hovering around every single hook, stopping hitting someone else to start a chase only to immediately run back to the hook once you get them outside of 30m.

    The devs need to balance survivors, but they also need to make it so that killers can not play like absolute trash and get rewarded as much as they do. Killers should be REWARDED for playing offensively, and PUNISHED for playing defensively. Do that and playing killer will not be as frustrating, and then survivors don't have to deal with this kind of bull ######### every game and have no way to stop it.

    Hope you don't mind my exception. But Freddy is basically required to tunnel because of his low defensive abilities. For any other killer, just do gens you will be able to do 4 gens within the time your teammate dies assuming 3 survivors r on gens and the teammate struggles but doesn't attempt.

  • Brenon1106
    Brenon1106 Member Posts: 30

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Last 2 days, every game, rank 2 survivor. Killer tunnels the first guy he finds TO DEATH. Then he does it to the next one, and the next one, and so on. I can understand when a killer feels the need to play defensive or secure a kill if they are behind, but this has been right at the start of the EVERY game, when 0 gens are done and Ruin is still up. I've even unhooked someone with Borrowed Time, TOOK A HIT, and the killer stills tunnels the guy on the hook. Mind you I'm injured before BT even procs on the other guy. I'm literally saying to the killer "chase me instead" but no, they flat out ignore me. Sometimes they slug me and don't come back.

    This kind of bull ######### needs to stop. Killers need to stop defending this type of behavior. It takes absolutely NO skill but is so insanely rewarding to the killer if survivors are not optimal (which is like 95% of the player base). Then those same killers call "gen rush" when they get that actually is optimal and try to make themselves look like the victims. I'm not saying killers have it easy, I play killer too I know it can be frustrating. But dear God in heaven, CHASE OTHER PEOPLE. Just commit to the chase you coward. Stop hovering around every single hook, stopping hitting someone else to start a chase only to immediately run back to the hook once you get them outside of 30m.

    The devs need to balance survivors, but they also need to make it so that killers can not play like absolute trash and get rewarded as much as they do. Killers should be REWARDED for playing offensively, and PUNISHED for playing defensively. Do that and playing killer will not be as frustrating, and then survivors don't have to deal with this kind of bull ######### every game and have no way to stop it.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Yeah tunnel is ######### but I prefer tunneling a person and get momentum then getting tbagged by 4 people @ the exit gates.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @MagV3 said:
    Lol... If a killer doesn't play that way then he losses pretty hard. You say you play killer, yet it doesn't sound like it. Every game is stressful to the max, meanwhile as survivor you're like, yea whatever I'm going to chill. The game for killers is literally heartbeat pumping 90% towards the limit, with every second ticking down and you feeling the momentum slip away. Its a stressful role and the tunnel has to happen or you lose your momentum and then you get bullied by the nonsense. You want the killer to give you each 3 hooks which is 12 lives or 16 if you include DS... Yea wonder if they'd ever win.

    I do play plenty killer. In fact up until last month I was a Freddy main, and I've been as high as rank 7 killer. I KNOW how annoying the game can be for killers. And guess what? I still don't tunnel or camp hooks. I leave to find another survivor. I take the risk. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I get kills, sometimes I don't. And with emblems being easy AF to earn as killer, I've had many games where I pip without actually killing anyone (just like I can pip as survivor even if I die).

    Killers have no excuse to tunnel except that they are bad and cannot get pips/kills any other way. The game being frustrating is no reason to play like complete ass because you are desperate. And playing Freddy is absolutely frustrating, especially when the gates are opened and you hook someone knowing they will just get immediately unhooked and will probably make it out the door before you can get them again. That sucks, but I don't deserve the kills because I played poorly and made a lot of mistakes. I can accept that.

    Not to mention, if you look at GOOD killers like Marth and True they consistently will body 4 man SWF teams without camping or tunneling. They do what you are supposed to do as killer; keep survivors busy with map pressure. They don't just take the easy way (which True himself says it is, go watch the video) because they aren't scrub killers.

    @Brenon1106 said:
    Hope you don't mind my exception. But Freddy is basically required to tunnel because of his low defensive abilities. For any other killer, just do gens you will be able to do 4 gens within the time your teammate dies assuming 3 survivors r on gens and the teammate struggles but doesn't attempt.

    Like I said above I play Freddy, I know the plight. The fact he has "low defensive abilities" means he actually SHOULD NOT tunnel/camp. I only ever tunnel/camp if I use Dying Light, and sometimes Remember Me if I find the obsession late in the game. Otherwise I hook someone, look at my BBQ and go away from the hook, because you can't defend it. I see Freddy's tunnel all the time and they end up losing because it's not actually the best way to play him. You have to know how to juggle multiple survivors in DW as Freddy to be most effective. You have to know how to move around the map to not give away you exact location (that means walking in the empty rows between corn if/when possible).

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    The problem is, some killers rely on tunneling to have a decent shot because time is constantly against them. I don't get mad at killers for tunneling, just like I don't get mad at survivors for looping. The problem is the design of this game promotes this play style. Gens get done too quick so killers need to do whatever it takes to buy themselves time. Survivors don't get rewarded much for stealth and wasting the killer's meager time is the best way to get out alive. And because of poor map design, looping can be done with ease, which takes risk out of playing distraction.

  • bortami
    bortami Member Posts: 91
    sharks don't go after the 3 other swimmers whenever the 4th swimmer is bleeding.
  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    I think the issue is that people play for different reasons. I've balanced my hours between killer and survivor. As a killer, I dont have to 4k to have fun. I could even get no kills, but 2 hook everybody, and if it felt like a decent challenge, I'll have fun so long as the survivors are good sports. As survivor, it is nice to survive, but I have no problem being altruistic and letting somebody else escape with myself dying in their place. But plenty of killers do not enjoy chases. Several killers, if they don't 4k, feel the game is not fun. And it is their right to feel this way, even if others don't agree with it. Just like survivors don't have fun unless they survive. I understand the desire to tunnel if your goal is to 4k every match. But as a survivor, I don't enjoy being tunneled. It is not fun for me at all. It isn't fun for either side. In terms of killers thinking survivors should just "git gud" and escape or play stealthy to evade the killer and that looping shouldn't exist, the game isn't designed for this. If you go in the corn field and don't use any windows or pallets, every killer in this game can catch the survivor easily. The loops are needed for survivor to put a challenge to the killer. If you don't want the challenge of chasing a survivor, then simply say so. But this game does not encourage survivors to play stealthy, and it certainly isn't designed for survivors to outrun the killer and get away without using obstacles. I fully agree that tunneling is annoying, and although isn't lacking of skill, certainly takes less skill than chasing a healthy survivor and downing before all 4 gens are done. This is the spark of the hunt. If I as killer wanted lambs for the slaughter, I would turn on my xbox and play destroy all humans. But I want a challenge, so I play this game instead. But for those killers who do defend the tunnel, I would hope you do your best to set yourself in the survivor's shoes and see how fun it is when you get unhooked, and the killer runs right by the person who saved you, who would be an easy hit, and instead go right for you, not allowing you to even play the match.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    They have to tunnel at high rank or they lose the game

    first hook 2 /3 gens done, second hook 1 gen left/ all gens done

    3 minutes in, Ruin active, 4 gens done as seen in here, no hook yet

    survivors have 3 lives, if killer don't camp/tunnel at high rank how can they win? This needs reworked ofc, its toxic but they had no choice

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    Define winning. There is no specified win conditions of this game for either game. Either you survied or you died. Either entity is disappointed, or you are one of 3 different killer adjectives. Tru3 as a killer main would have known to abandon that loop and chase somebody else. The issue isn't the loop, but that generators need to take longer.

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    @thesuicidefox said:
    . I've even unhooked someone with Borrowed Time, TOOK A HIT, and the killer stills tunnels the guy on the hook. Mind you I'm injured before BT even procs on the other guy. I'm literally saying to the killer "chase me instead" but no, they flat out ignore me. Sometimes they slug me and don't come back.

    This kind of bull ######### needs to stop. Killers need to stop defending this type of behavior. It takes absolutely NO skill but is so insanely rewarding to the killer if survivors are not optimal (which is like 95% of the player base).

    Let me get this right according to you.

    The Killer has hit you once and you are hurt, and vulnerable, the other guy is hurt and has a sort of shield on him that allows him to ignore a hit. That would make the other guy the HARDER target. One more hit you are down and two more hits to down the other guy.

    And you claim this way is the NO SKILL way of doing things? The Killer has chosen to hunt the tougher prey ... NO SKILL!!!!

    When will survivors like yourself just accept that the logical and best way to play that situation is to kill the guy that has already been hooked. Sure it doesn't take into consideration the unwritten survivor game play rules, but F' those anyway.

    And if you look at it from the Killer side, if you are running BT and are unhooking with him right near by, then chances are you are banking on being a good juker. Why risk chasing you all over the map, when he already knows exactly the juking skills of the person he already hooked?

    Please stop confusing intelligent play with having NO SKILL. Because if the Killer did exactly what you think is SKILLFUL play, he would open himself up for many unknowns, possibly ones that could cost him the entire match.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Outland said:
    The Killer has hit you once and you are hurt, and vulnerable, the other guy is hurt and has a sort of shield on him that allows him to ignore a hit. That would make the other guy the HARDER target. One more hit you are down and two more hits to down the other guy.

    The only part you got right is that the guy I just saved is a less optimal target, and where you are wrong is that THE KILLER STILL GOES AFTER THEM. They should chase me, but they don't, and this is my point. This is what I talk about when killers tunnel, they ignore obvious opportunities to get more survivors but they never take them.

    Maybe read my posts again because you clearly don't understand my argument.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    how is this butthurt thread still going?
  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Outland said:
    The Killer has hit you once and you are hurt, and vulnerable, the other guy is hurt and has a sort of shield on him that allows him to ignore a hit. That would make the other guy the HARDER target. One more hit you are down and two more hits to down the other guy.

    The only part you got right is that the guy I just saved is a less optimal target, and where you are wrong is that THE KILLER STILL GOES AFTER THEM. They should chase me, but they don't, and this is my point. This is what I talk about when killers tunnel, they ignore obvious opportunities to get more survivors but they never take them.

    Maybe read my posts again because you clearly don't understand my argument.

    I read your post, you should try reading it as someone who plays both sides. It is in the Killers favour to KILL someone outright , and do it quickly. Allowing 4 survivors to run around unchecked is not smart play. The only way the Killer should be chasing you is if they have "Make Your Choice" on. Otherwise its smart play to tunnel the already hooked guy. The only people it doesn't make sense to are you survivors who think that the Killer is obligated to chase and hook everyone twice before they start killing people.

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    If I see someone who’s getting tunnelled I’ll try my best to get the unhook because points for me.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Outland said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Outland said:
    The Killer has hit you once and you are hurt, and vulnerable, the other guy is hurt and has a sort of shield on him that allows him to ignore a hit. That would make the other guy the HARDER target. One more hit you are down and two more hits to down the other guy.

    The only part you got right is that the guy I just saved is a less optimal target, and where you are wrong is that THE KILLER STILL GOES AFTER THEM. They should chase me, but they don't, and this is my point. This is what I talk about when killers tunnel, they ignore obvious opportunities to get more survivors but they never take them.

    Maybe read my posts again because you clearly don't understand my argument.

    I read your post, you should try reading it as someone who plays both sides. It is in the Killers favour to KILL someone outright , and do it quickly. Allowing 4 survivors to run around unchecked is not smart play. The only way the Killer should be chasing you is if they have "Make Your Choice" on. Otherwise its smart play to tunnel the already hooked guy. The only people it doesn't make sense to are you survivors who think that the Killer is obligated to chase and hook everyone twice before they start killing people.

    dood I do not disagree with the fact camping/tunneling is the optimal strat. What I'm saying is that it is TOO EASY and gives TOO MUCH REWARD, and that is a huge problem.

    If you look at any game worth playing on a competitive level (which optimal play basically is), you'd notice some things about defensive tactics. First thing is that NO ONE LIKES DEFENSIVE TACTICS. Most game communities frown on this type of play because it ruins the spirit of the game and is very frustrating to deal with. Shooting games hate campers. FGC hates turtling. No where in gaming are defensive tactics seen as good. BUT in the competitive games, players also understand that these tactics are sometimes necessary (though if you are engaging in them that's usually a sign you are losing not winning). There is also the factor of skill input versus reward output. If skill input is very low (ie. it's easy) then the reward output is usually very low. This is where most general defensive tactics in games fall, again if you are doing it that means you are probably losing. But the reward output can also be high so long as the skill input is very high. Overwatch is a good example of this when you are the team on defense, as it is generally the more difficult position to be in and only teams with high skill can successfully defend the point (or at the very least, if they can defend the point with more skill than the opponent did on defense they stand a higher chance of winning).

    But in DBD a killer can camp/tunnel (which is easy) which just so happens to also be the superior strategy. Not only are you putting in very little effort you are getting a rather significant reward. Either the reward needs to be less, or the skill needs to be more.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited July 2018

    @Outland said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Outland said:
    The Killer has hit you once and you are hurt, and vulnerable, the other guy is hurt and has a sort of shield on him that allows him to ignore a hit. That would make the other guy the HARDER target. One more hit you are down and two more hits to down the other guy.

    The only part you got right is that the guy I just saved is a less optimal target, and where you are wrong is that THE KILLER STILL GOES AFTER THEM. They should chase me, but they don't, and this is my point. This is what I talk about when killers tunnel, they ignore obvious opportunities to get more survivors but they never take them.

    Maybe read my posts again because you clearly don't understand my argument.

    I read your post, you should try reading it as someone who plays both sides. It is in the Killers favour to KILL someone outright , and do it quickly. Allowing 4 survivors to run around unchecked is not smart play. The only way the Killer should be chasing you is if they have "Make Your Choice" on. Otherwise its smart play to tunnel the already hooked guy. The only people it doesn't make sense to are you survivors who think that the Killer is obligated to chase and hook everyone twice before they start killing people.

    dood I do not disagree with the fact camping/tunneling is the optimal strat. What I'm saying is that it is TOO EASY and gives TOO MUCH REWARD, and that is a huge problem.

    If you look at any game worth playing on a competitive level (which optimal play basically is), you'd notice some things about defensive tactics. First thing is that NO ONE LIKES DEFENSIVE TACTICS. Most game communities frown on this type of play because it ruins the spirit of the game and is very frustrating to deal with. Shooting games hate campers. FGC hates turtling. No where in gaming are defensive tactics seen as good. BUT in the competitive games, players also understand that these tactics are sometimes necessary (though if you are engaging in them that's usually a sign you are losing not winning). There is also the factor of skill input versus reward output. If skill input is very low (ie. it's easy) then the reward output is usually very low. This is where most general defensive tactics in games fall, again if you are doing it that means you are probably losing. But the reward output can also be high so long as the skill input is very high. Overwatch is a good example of this when you are the team on defense, as it is generally the more difficult position to be in and only teams with high skill can successfully defend the point (or at the very least, if they can defend the point with more skill than the opponent did on defense they stand a higher chance of winning).

    But in DBD a killer can camp/tunnel (which is easy) which just so happens to also be the superior strategy. Not only are you putting in very little effort you are getting a rather significant reward. Either the reward needs to be less, or the skill needs to be more.

    later, once you git gud, all your nonsense camping and tunnelling dramas will disappear.
  • nhattminhh
    nhattminhh Member Posts: 16

    I agree with killer camping and tunneling. I am a survivor main and I go with the mentality that if you are downed, you are dead. Have you ever see an actual human that take a heavy hit from a sharp object and hook on through body and still alive running to waste killer time? I mean, come on, stop crying and actually git gud.