It is over, survivors won... GG



  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    That legion is the new legion but better in all ways. He is power dependant as killers should be so he isn't a m1 loopable killer. Still loopable, but not that much and unfun to play as.

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2019

    Why overreact and be so melodramatic? If you need Omega blink nurse, 3 blink with increased range, etc. to dominate any team at all, you aren't good enough at Nurse. I am of the same mindset of Tru3Ta1ent that add-ons break her. She shouldn't be able to use more than 2 blinks, much less up to 5 (albeit really short ones). She should be a high skill cap high reward killer which she is without add-ons against good teams. With that said, they are mainly giving her ultra rare add-ons anyways making her even stronger in all likelihood with them since they have planned on giving every killer ultra rares from the get go.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    its literally just an add on nerf / rework.

    its like the legion rework .-. everyone agrees something needs to be changed, the devs change it, people start complaining.


  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    If shes anything lower then A tier she may as well be dead

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Ultra rare add-ons can be trash, you know ? ( Pig's UR best example )

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    oh no!! the war is over, no longer will survivors have to deal with ANY frustration.

    no more unnecessary tunneling, no more unwarranted camping, gens will complete themselves and totems will always spawn in front of survivors (like they used to. xD), every pallet will be safe and all loops will be infinite, flashlights now come equipped with limitless battery and a new taser feature.

    the hatch will spawn directly beneath the last survivors feet and doors will be opened at the start of the match. (gen completion is just for bonus points)

    it's game over, killers.. gg ez get rekt scrub.

    (totes joking, I'm sure nurse will be fine. xD )

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I must agree with OP, Legion was over nerfed, Plague was never good and GhostFace wasn't either. Speaking of Legion, people don't want Nurse to get the same treatement. No one will argue and say Omega-Blink is fair. Nobody cares about her add ons being looked at. It is her base that has people worried. The Legion rework was only supposed to re balance his power and make him more effective out of chases and less awful to deal with. Now we have a borderline useless killer. If they do the same to Nurse, I can absolutely confirm that Spirit will be next.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Give Nurse Sally a red add-on to instadown and she might not feel abused.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    This is the best way to summarize some people’s mindset on these forums. It’s shocking honestly how biased some people are on here.

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232

    Very melodramatic. Pig's ultra rares don't have to be strong when they are some of the most fun in the game. The rule's set makes it more likely to head pop when paired with the timer add-on than the increased number of boxes one, wastes more time with the same add-on, and her other one is fun on The game and on Larry's Memorial Institute like Myers is but without any severe drawbacks to her move speed or play-style. My viewpoint is that we should wait and see before complaining about changes. In my thousands of hours of play time, not once did I think the power nurse has is justified when paired with add-ons once the devs started to move towards fixing core issues with the maps and such.

    Note: If they overdo it and destroy the only toxic SWF stomping killer, I will be the first to complain as well. Wait and we shall see but I think this thread is ultimately still a good thing since it will show how worried the community is about her possible changes (as melodramatic as it has turned out to be).

  • CyberianFaux
    CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232

    I understand that but we haven't seen the changes yet. It is nice to be skeptical and honestly the best way to be but overreacting now doesn't accomplish anything. The changes will come one way or another since she is also as unbalanced currently (at least only with add-ons) as the game used to be, making her a necessity to counter broken balance at the time.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2019

    Lol another person over reacting and finding a person to blame it on WAKE UP!!!

    It's not just survivors crying that makes the nerfs and buffs happen its mainly the people who say a killer is op or a perk is which is also killer mians who say this. The devs want to balance their game and when they hear a thing is weak or op they Nerf or buff it to try and make it balance. The problem is if it affects one side like killers they tend to blame the other side like killers blaming survivors do nurse Nerf they are just forgetting they cause it as well by saying she was op or extremely op and I've seen tons of killer mains say this.

    There has been talk of maybe nerfing Billy cuz tons of killers and survivors are saying he is op and they continue what can happen is he is nerfed. But seriously stop over reacting dbd is a game like ever other game there will come nerfs buffs and rework and its not one sided fault its both sided. And u can't change it

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48

    Even trutalent someone who is a killer main but still plays both sides a lot, said that some of her addons are overpowered and extremely reduce the amount of skill needed to play her. If you're good at nurse, this "nerf" won't do anything.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    In other words they are taking her power, stripping it down to literally useless, and putting it in the reworked add-ons. AKA deleting her from the game.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    They are changing her base kit to. Their version of "slightly" is not slight at all.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    At red ranks nurse is much more common and quite a different experience from what you describe.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    That's bc the ideas that killers bring forth for changes like DS was "only 1 of you gets to use it and the rest of u wasted a perk slot. Sry. Better luck next time" or "just remove it entirely". There was never any cohesive idea on how to change decisive strike on the killers end of things so they didn't get what their entitled crybabies asked for.

    What specific change did Surviviors get when they bitched? What specific change did they lobby for and get? Legion nerf? Did anybody that come up with Legions rework say "remove his ability to see blood in Frenzy"? This is such an ignorant and nativist statement. It just further perpetuates that Surviviors are the enemy.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Yeah I'm a Nurse main and thank God for this rework. Killers and Surviviors have been bitching since the dawn of time about how she ruins the game for everyone so maybe with this they'll finally shut the ######### up

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    You're overreacting imo. Legion actually wasn't good for the game, Plague in PTB would've been OP if left unchecked, and GhostFace wasn't even nerfed, he just had a few add-on adjustments and Detection adjustments for fair play.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2019


    The nerf cryers will never shut up. They only move from the assumed strongest killer for them, to the next. If they have cry loud enough, so that everything got nerfed, they just start again with it and then the nurse would be again under fire.

    This, you can see in every multiplayer game, with more or less success.

    The difference from the common game, to dbd is just - if something gots nerfed in game X, they nerf a abilitie... They don't do a rework, just because a addon is to strong, or some other minor problem. With other words, they usually don't over nerf something.

  • I'm a Nurse main. I agree she is too strong at too many things, fantastic gen pressure and amazing chase potential - but if they do too much to her I'm done.

    We'll see what they do, I suppose.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Baby nurse ez in chat we occur more often for PC players. Nurse add-ons is gonna be reworked/updated it's a good thing but touching her base kit is less. If she became one of those killers who become add-ons reliant all nurse mains have the right to start a riot.

    Clown/doctor/Legion/Leatherface those are all add-ons reliant we could add trapper but he is another thing in his own. What does all add-ons reliant killers have in common , They get smashed in red ranks even with their best add-ons. Is that what we want with nurse NO, we have the right to be scared after what they did with Freddy after 3 years and legion after their UPDATE.

    Freddy getting blindness/hemorrage add-ons after 3 years. Those can work on low rank maybe? but red ranks seem to be considered as low ranks too. Legion update is stupid on many degree (pins being applied after hitting them two times in frenzy | he should be applied with the deep wound effect) They said that's what gonna happen and is great but it's what i've said in multiple threads long ago before his release. As other point legion power gauge getting depleted by 50% each time you hit a survivor is stupid , his add-ons being outdated frank's mix tape and stab wound study being totally useless, vault speed is making him a joke.

    Plague and ghostface is another tale with plague having a power who depend on survivors Thanatophobia seem to not bother red ranks. Ghostface being the worst killer in DbD history since Freddy but good news he is in a good spot right now i think. Plague is forgotten and not played in red ranks because his power only work on survivor that cleanse themself.

    Until maps/loops get updated which will not happen until a long time (only two maps get touched this year) Nerfing her too much will buff SwF even more.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    And they made legion a boring killer with no personality.

    Bad precedent

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I answer your post to answer many others.

    @Peanits and Stephen, both devs CONFIRMED the nerf is more than just the add ons.

    They will change base nurse and this is usually bad news.

    I don't think anyone argues about add ons, not certainly e since I only use the pocketwatch and the white knit comb to play nurse.

    You guys won, you defeated us and nurse will be changed now give us the dignity not to be mocked with "it's nothing"

    Let us mourn our less, the best killer is about yo go

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    OK let's analyse this:

    Legion wasn't healthy: maybe, but they still were weak, with the exception of Frank's and exploits. But OK, I don't mind the old legion changed but what have we gotten? A dull, boring, weak killer. So to me this rework it's a failure

    Plague on the ptb: vile purge is a weak power even with 100% speed whole charged. She lacks map pressure, she still can be looped. She was at best high mid tier. Below hag for sure. Are we allowed of getting other good killers or do we only get jokes? The last good killer was spirit, a year ago.

    Gf was slightly nerfed, nothing major but still nerfed and he didn't need to. He isn't anything special, a solid killer but nothing too strong. There was no need for a nerf.

    This brings me to nurse. Most of her add ons can go, I don't think any of ne argues with that. But they will touch her base, this is scary

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Good.. ######### nurse.. That overpowered piece of crap has been ontop for far too long

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    solid argument, Jordan Peterson level. Thank you for contributing

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Bruh. DBD is anxiety in a nutshell.

    Just watch all the negative energy coming from it, influencing players to be toxic...

    OP i dont know, to me the Dev team should be able to make their own decisions, they dont even have a Direction for the game lol. Just maps, cosmetics.

    They dont want other playstyle than Nascar looping cause all survivors are used to this and they re scared to kick the nest by changing drastically dynamics of the game.

    Create godlike killers guys, create godlike survivorp.erks. Make everything FuN and not an horror mario kart.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    yeah it is very sad...

    Survivors want looping? hell yeah! there you go

    Survivors want a killer nerf? sure why not!

    The nurse nerf clearly signals that the debate is over, survivors have won.

    It is now clear who is REALLY in charge of dbd

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    You are right, this isn't the place for a personal attack. My apologies

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Mate, it's game over. You won, there is not much to say anymore.

    Enjoy your victory and plan the attack on the spirit now.

    You guys are the real victors, the nurse nerf closed the debate.

    Let us be bitter and mourn our last bastion agains beibg looped like idiots.


  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Look, i like nurse a lot, she is my third most played killed, but i gotta admit some of her add-ons are bullshit, Omega and 5-blinks remove a lot of the skill needed when playing her and give the player an unfair advantage.

    Many of those videos making nurse look like god tier usually are just people tryharding with extra blinks and range add-ons.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I never argued for her addons to be kept since I don't use them besides pocket-watch and white knit comb.

    I may use pocket-watch and the third blink if I suspect a toxic team but that happens maybe 10% of my games the rest is pocket-watch and white knit comb.

    So as far as I am concerned they could even delete all the rare and very rare add ons for nurse and I wouldn't care.

    Unfortunately it was made clear that they will change something about her base power on top of the addons.

    And this is the final defeat for killers, this is the moment where the One ring is tossed into mount Doom.

    It is now clear who is the victor of the debate, one clear victor. I salute your victory even in despair

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Writing fancy phrases does not prove your point

    Its way too early to have already formed your opinion about it

    At the moment they said they will focus primarily on her add-ons, and will slightly change her base kit, doesnt sound too bad, you are just exagerating everything to the point you make it look as if it was the end of the game or something.

    Even if the nurse nerf turns out to be awful you still have a lot of killers to pick.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I am sorry but I don't see the point of disagreement here.

    You said that nurse with increased range or more blinks is OP to which I agreed, she is.

    Then I agreed on the fact that with nurse being nerfed survivors won the war.

    Why are you rubbing salt into the wounds of a defeated opponent?

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    It's going to be an add-on rework and maybe a minor nerf

    At least that's what I understood from the stream

    Remember that she's going to have two Ultra Rares after this, so she might be stronger than before with those

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    You may be right but I somehow doubt that the dev team will allow nurse to be stronger. I REALLY REALLY doubt she will be even closer to who she is and I strongly expect a cooldown power

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Yeah, I'm very worried about the cooldown power bs

    I really don't want another killer that has it

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Yep, from the last three streams it is clear to me that this is the new way of designing killers for devs:

    1 killers must not frustrate Survivors. Stephen said that directly in the last stream

    2 killers need counterplay in chases, also clearly stated by Stephen in the big anniversary stream

    Nurse does not fit these parameters

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Survivors are nerfed from patch 1.0.2 when they nerf first time Spirnt Burst that was more than 3 years ago, and they're nerfed to this days look for example for patch 3.0.0 when they nerf vaults again idk how many times in this game 7-8? Nurse got 1 nerf after month and next she just got only buffed(except this one month when she was bugged), like removig dead zones for her, making for her easier to blink between objects, easier blink between levels, she can cancel her blink now, orginal Nurse can't do it", so what's going on?

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Mate you won, the debate is over.

    This nerf is a check mate, no ifs or but.

    I salute your victory

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    What's your end goal with these sensationalist posts? The devs are attempting to balance something that has evaded balance for the longest time. That's a good thing.

    Get better at nurse and you will see how broken she truly is.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154