How do you define winning in dbd?



  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    25k points with 4 bbq stacks.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    As survivor if I escape. That's all I care about. Ideally through the exit gates. If I die but get a pip it's a consolation prize. I'll still try and help others escape too.

    As killer 3+ kills. 2 is a draw and I'm satisfied with that. If all 4 escape but I 2 hook everyone then it's not too bad.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,820

    Wow you're right, I just saw this thread up at the top of the discussions section and jumped in lol

    I still do think there's some ambiguity in the survivor side, though, because it's not clear if the win condition is meant to be individual or collective. If you always treat winning as an individual task, sure, it's clear what a win is. If you're the only one to survive in a 3k that's a win and if you're the only one to die in a 1k that's a loss. Given that it's a team game, though, I've always considered it to be a collective goal. So, for example, if I sacrifice myself to save two teammates, I'd say "that play helped us win" not "that play made me lose".

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,820

    Idk what game you're playing lol. It's honestly very uncommon to depip on a 3k, even at red rank. You'd basically have to give up a few gens quickly, have three survivors murder themselves on the first hook, and have the last one get hatch XD

    Meanwhile you'll probably still black pip if you get like 6-8 hooks and let three escape. Depends on how the game went of course, but still.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    As a killer:

    I would count any match with 3-4 kills as a win, just not guaranteed as enjoyable. Especially if a survivor kills themselves on hook or dcs. Less than 2k is a loss.

    I would say the most enjoyable win, is a challenging (not 5 gens pop before I get 2 hooks challenging) game where I feel I got a either a descent amount of hooks and where I either got 4 kills because I played well, not because the survivors played poorly. Or I get 2 kills but I know its because the survivors played well, but I still had a chance to win, if I played slightly better/different. Fair matches you know.

    As a survivor:

    If 3-4 people escape I would count that as an overall win even if I die.

    If I escape I would count that as a personal win, unless I hatch escape with a lot of gens left(depends on the match/killer). If the killer is a mori user....or the killer plays like a word that would get censored, I will count a hatch escapes as an overall win.

  • SIeepWaIker
    SIeepWaIker Member Posts: 47

    As a survivor -

    1. Nobody d/c's, suicides, or throws.
    2. Escaping with more than just myself. I even consider my sacrifice a win if I aided in someone else's escape.

    As a killer -

    1. Nobody d/c's, suicides, or throws.
    2. Hooking many, pressuring over camping, and sacrificing at least 2.. the more the better :)
    3. Not getting trolled, looped, taunted by a superior survivor(high rank or smurf). This is a loss when they are that much better than me.
  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    To avoid stupid anger, it's a lot easier for me to look at points for winning.

    This also makes me do more as survivor, and not tunnel or camp as killer. Need to get all them points!

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Dunno, but don't do it to much with certain perks or killers.

    Because that would be overperforming apparently.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    For survivor, a win is escape and/or pipping up. But I'm happy if I safety as well.

    For killer, a win is 3K+ and/or pipping up. But I'm happy with a 2K as well since the game is balanced around that.

  • reca
    reca Member Posts: 12

    If I had a good game, with good teamplay and preferably not a facecamper or tunneler, then I won because I had fun.