Face Camping has no Counter

I'm sure everyone has experienced this by now. At least if you play survivor more than just for Dailies. You get caught and hooked quite early in the match, and the the killer just stands there. Doing nothing. Until the Entity just takes you away. At this point, there is literally nothing you can do to counter this. Sure, there are perks that make it much easier to get off the hook without help, but if the killer is just standing there, you aren't making it very far. Tunneling and Slugging at least have a perk that can allow you to punish the killer for focussing on you and ignoring everyone else.

I know what many people are thinking, as I've heard the arguments before, "But if the killer is camping, the other survivors can just gen rush to punish them." You know what? When I'm a survivor, and I only make 1000 bp cuz the killer just stands there, and through perks that encourage that particular tactic grant the killer over 20k without doing anything else, I really don't feel like playing a survivor any more. This makes it very difficult for new players to gain an interest in playing the game. And killers that do this have the gall to complain about DC's, too. Like, if I can't do anything, why would I stay for a lousy 200 bp so you can get 20k? That makes the game not worth my time.

In case anyone is wondering, I'm a killer main. I really only play survivor cuz Ash was added to the game.

No, for my suggested solution. And no, I'm not proposing a punishment for people who camp. There are too many perks that encourage it to suddenly punish people for doing so. No, I suggest a distraction blood point event for anyone that has been camped, by a factor affected by how long the killer stood close enough or just close enough to watch the hooked survivor. Or, as tunneling has been countered by Borrowed Time, or slugging has been countered by Unbreakable, add a perk to the game that gives hooked survivors something if they're being camped. Either increased BP, as that is this game's currency, or slow the timer while they're being camped, or increase the chances of them escaping if they're being camped. Something that helps the person being camped. So far, all I can think of is the upcoming perk from the Stranger Things DLC that pauses the timer if someone is close to you.



  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    How many perks encourage camping exactly?

    I can only think of 2. Insidious and dying light.

    The counter is indeed to rush gens. I play 50/50 and I rarely ever see a face camper.

    And if someone indeeds just face camps whoever they get, they get ######### for points

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    A smart team with borrowed time/good timing of adrenaline can play around camping easily.

  • UndergroundBubba
    UndergroundBubba Member Posts: 13

    I’ve had it happen. It sucks. Either suicide and move on to a match with an actual good killer or hold on as long as possible to let the rest of the team finish a couple gens and the Killer loses all pressure as a final screw you. It would maybe be nice though if you’re a hooked survivor to get some bonus BP for the killer just standing right next to you

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Yes. Sometimes you die first. And you sometimes you die quick. That sucks. You may die quick even if you're not facecamped.

    So probably instead of killing survivors, in order for a killer to finish the game he should make 12 hook stages? :| Now it's fair for everyone, right?

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Doing gens actually counters literally nothing. It is a way for other survivors to utilize the killer's lack of attention. But if screw up early on, or a Meyers finds a sweet spot, or even a Ghost Face, and I'm on the hook in less than a minute, what's to stop me from just mashing RB till I die to leave the match? Like, at that point, I don't care about the other survivors because I'm no longer having fun. If 3 gens get done while I'm sitting there doing nothing with no chance at earning BP, I'm not gonna just stay there for the benefit of other survivors unless I'm playing SWF, which I never do.

    Tl;Dr: Doing gens is meaningless for the person on the hook. So why even remain in the game?

  • Sackboy123
    Sackboy123 Member Posts: 466
    edited September 2019

    Well if you Die on the hook when you're being camped you're literally saying it's ok to camp, killers camp because the strategy works, either people rush the hook and get themselves killed or people die on the hook therefore other survivors are going to get camped and eventually die. Wasting the Killers time and just letting him depip from just one kill is the only way they're going to learn it doesn't work against competent Survivors.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, any genrush perk, skilled teammates, DS, and double rushing the hook. Last time a killer facecamped my friend, it ended in a 0k.... vs Ghostface...

    Secondly, what's with all the camping threads?

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    Do gens = escape

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    So really, what I'm proposing is that the devs add a blood point event for survivors being camped. It doesn't punish the killer for doing something that is incentivized, while giving the survivor an actual reason to not sacrifice themself or DC. Because atm, there is no reason for an early hooked survivor being camped to not just leave the game. And positive reinforcement always works better than negative reinforcement.

    This way, the killer can still do what they want, the remaining survivors can do what they want, and the camped survivors have a reason to stay.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    Ant good killer knows that "face camping" or even camping in general is not a good strategy unless you're in end game and its solely to secure the kill. Usually if you're being camped heavy its because the killer got salty or they are new and dont realise the error of their ways.

    So often survivors dc if they got downed to early for their liking.

    Take the L and hopefully your team capitalizes on the free time. Although i do agree hitting them in the BP would be more effective then the emblems as they currently are. Also, id be alright with a slowed hook timer when the killer was within 5 or 10 m

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Except, you know, the fact that DC'ing is against the Terms and Conditions you agreed to.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    The devs have already stated that it is ok to camp. Insidious actively promotes the action. I'm not saying to do things that get rid of it being used. I'm saying that it would be great if the devs added something so that the person being camped didn't feel like the match was a waste of time. Because if it's a waste of time, you might as well just play a different game.

    As a killer main, I avoid tunneling, slugging, and camping, but only one of those has no effective way of countering. If you time it right, borrowed time is meaningless, as you can just catch the person doing the unhook action. Adrenaline does nothing if you're already on the hook. Kindred lets people know they should ignore you if you're being camped. Other people doing gens does nothing for you. You might as well just leave the game, screwing over the survivors trying to utilize the fact that killer is busy by making it so they aren't busy. And since survivors will already DC for any conceivable reason, you really shouldn't give them one up front.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Gen rush, Borrowed Time, DS, camaraderie. Just to name a few. Yeah it’s a lame tactic but it usually means a loss for the killer and they get very little bloodpoints and usually depip. Plus At high ranks face camping is practically non existent.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is clear you have never been to a high rank. Red rank, even purple rank, Killers know that camping will always get them a de pip. Just rank up and you won't have to deal with them anymore.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Do gens = people not on hook escape. Why would I not just DC or sacrifice myself to play a different match if I'm not going to get enough BP to progress the game. Less than 3k and a match isn't worth staying in.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because Disconnecting from a match is against the rules.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You can motivate killers to not facecamp, if you just do gens. Low rank killers, that think that's a good strategy, learn it that way. Explain in post game chat tho.

    And most important as survivor: Don't be toxic. The killer decides how he'll play in the match and if you teabag him and click with your flashlight, like some Youtubers do, he'll more likely facecamp.

    Sure, sometimes you meet a very enthusiastic LF-Player with a true king basement build, even on higher ranks. Then you just need to hope for a good DS/BT/DH play by you or your mates, but most high rank killers don't play like that cause it gives you literally no BP.

    Hope that my advise can be helpful.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    For those of you mentioning depipping. No, that's not an incentive. I once mentioned that to someone before for camping. They still made over 50k without an offering. It's clearly meaningless to killers that are going to do it. Rank and pips aren't going to stop anyone when the number one way for anyone to gain anything from a match is bp. And I've been in matches where the killer camped and got a good 15k more than anyone else.

    It's really difficult to get through the lower ranks when all they do is prevent you from even playing the game. Which is exactly what camping does.

    And for everyone mentioning to gen rush. That literally does nothing for the person on the hook Which means that they might as well leave the match. Which cancels your gen rush.

    You see what I mean? There's no incentive for the camped player to even stay. They might as well just DC and play a different match.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    No, I get it. I can see camping as a strategy. I'm not in any way saying that it should be removed. More, I'm saying there needs to be an incentive for the camped player to actually stay in the game. Otherwise, you end up with people disconnecting so that they can just get to the next game faster.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You have proved yourself a liar. The maximum BP in a match is 32K without any offerings. And evidently I am to believe that you are singled out and camped every game. Nice bait, kid.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Or hell, make a perk similar to Borrowed Time. You stay near a hooked player for X amount of time while in the killer's terror radius. When it triggers, you can't be downed or grabbed while unhooking someone, and if the down you while you use a protected hit event within 10 seconds of unhooking someone, you just go into deep wound status. To incentivise unhooking a camped survivor.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Wow, way to target someone for no reason. No, some perks add BP after a match, similar to offerings, so your statement is false.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You would not get enough of a bonus from BBQ if you simply camped one person, either he wasn't camping, or, you are lying.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It proves the truthfulness of the OP, which happens to be none, apparently.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    That's the player tho. I still see your point. Look at it that way:

    You get in the game and hear a nurse scream. You know you are not good against nurse. So you dc to get in the next game faster. Should nurse be changed in some way because of you now? No, of course not. If you would stayed in that game you likely would have died, but maybe improved your gameplay against nurse in some way. You likely gonna do better against nurse next time.

    Nearly the same thing with facecamp. If the player is not just dying on the hook and struggles till the end he buys a lot of time for his mates and maybe even gets saved.

    It's a big picture.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Look,I may be exaggerating a bit, but it doesn't matter. The point still remains. Nowhere did I say that anything should be done to get rid of it. I don't care. Let a killer camp. I just want each match to be worth playing. I see so many people complaining about DC's being rampant, and being camped is the one reason I see the most as being a reason for people to DC. Why not just give them a reason to not DC? Even from a Killer's perspective. Quitter's Bonus goes straight to deviousness, not sacrifice. That doesn't make up for the DC. Just use your power, and you get deviousness. It's a waste for both parties. Why not just give the survivor an incentive to stay. It literally costs the killer nothing.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Now, I wasn't around way back then but, wasn't "facecamping" when a Killer would stand in front of a hooked Survivor and since there was only one angle you could unhook from, prevent other Survivors from attempting the rescue?

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962


    There was no chance of a rescue in this case. It was BS and got changed, but the people complaining about "face camping" have literally no idea what they're talking about and refuse to give up if they don't have any of the myriad of second chance perks available to them...

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    "The big picture" does not matter if you are a survivor in a match with randos. Likely, you don't care if they escape.

    And no, nurfing the nurse would change the game itself. I'm proposing a quality of life change that incentivizes remaining in the game. The person camping still camps, but the person being camped feels less the need to just leave. It's literally just a small boost to BP for people getting camped. Idk why this seems to be an issue.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I'm just proposing a BP boost for people being camped. Why does this seem to be an issue? It would be in a field already there. Probably boldness or altruism. Obviously not objective or survival. It wouldn't even affect the killer. LIke, in any way.

    Doing gens is great for the other survivors. But only for as long as the camped player is on the hook. Which won't be very long if they just DC or mash buttons to get sacrificed quicker. I get that a lot of players already stay as long as they can to keep the killer from doing anything else, but that is not always the case. It doesn't even change the game. It's still played the same as long as people remain to actually play the game. In no way does this actually change what can be done. Just adds to the reward system while it's being played.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Exaggerating and lying are very different. People who DC should be banned. It doesn't matter what you do, they will still DC when you down them. Bump up the struggle points to 700 total. That is all.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    It's how i mentioned:

    Case1: Stay on your hook and explain to the low rank killer at the end why facecamping is a bad strategy.

    Case2: You was toxic, now the killer is toxic too. Good job.

    Case3: It's a meme game. Laugh about it and start memeing too.

    I understand your point, really, but a BP bonus for camping would maybe be abused by farmers to get ridiculous amounts of BP in a short time.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    @Peanits Does this seem plausible? Not a change to game as it is played, just adding a BP even related to how long someone is camped to give them a reason to stay.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    A reward for failure is never good. Bump the total points for Struggling to 700.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Not really. It would only be abused if the amount you could get was abusable. And it's only obtainable if the killer waits there for you to die, in a category you can already gain points in. If the cap was just barely enough for the match to be worth it, you would still want to do other things to get BP. If the maximum you could gain from the event was for a common add-on, offering, etc. from the bloodweb AND required the killer to just stand there for you to get it, it wouldn't be worth trying to exploit it. Just like the laughable amount you can get from struggling isn't enough for people to try to get on the hook to obtain it.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Just doing gens while someone's being facecamped doesn't always work. Especially if Ruin is still up and the killer has NOED. During that time its very unlikely you'll cleanse all totems and finish the gens. Depends when exactly the killer facecamps but still.

    Also imagine the killer having Dying Light and hooking the obsession at 5 Gens with Ruin up and facecamping. Sure is fun.

    Something should be done about this, it sucks how killers can take the ability from you to play the game. Especially really bad if it's a one shot killer.

    Maybe a perk that allows you to unhook yourself with free BT if the killer is within a certain range of the hook for a certain amount of time. A bit extreme perhaps, i couldn't come up with something better right now that's balanced for both sides.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You mentioned the problem yourself. The amount you get, that's not abuseable would be too less to really motivate people to not leave and the amount you get, that's abuseable, would be enough to let people stay.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Say someone just started the game and gets face camped while they are still trying to learn how to play. Chances are that they aren't going to want to play again. If we don't have survivors to kill, we no longer have a game. This is not just a way to reward "failure," as it rewards the person distracting the killer, allowing gen rushing, but it's a way to retain players, as well.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Oh well. If they quite after one game, that's on them. They were never serious about it anyway.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Imagine you're a new Killer who hooks his first Survivor.

    Then the game kicks you in the junk with any number of 'punishment' ideas/gives a free, unstoppable unhook to Survivors who abuse a badly thought out mechanic. Now your sure kill turns into a 4-man escape outside your control.

    They aren't going to want to play again. And without Killers, we no longer have a game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That is perhaps the worst idea I've ever heard. Low rank Killers will camp, because, low rank Survivors make it possible and viable.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    But at the very least gaining enough to get a common item would keep many from just leaving the game. Or even adding a perk that allows you to get off the hook while being camped at the end of the timer to just have a chance before being dead on hook. Chances are that the killer is just going to down you immediately, but still.

    Like I said before, slugging has a counter. Flip Flop, Unbreakable, Buckle up, etc. Tunneling has a counter. Borrowed time. The closest thing Camping has to a counter is Deliverance, which will get you caught immediately if you're being camped.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    But then people can just chase around the hook...then abuse this..plus it Grant's God mode and game

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Here's the thing, though. You still get a decent amount a BP for it. I've had many no kill matches where I earned over 20k. The point of playing a game is to have fun. And camping is the only thing I've experienced when playing a survivor that made me consider never playing one again. After playing the game for over 2 years.