Face Camping has no Counter



  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    4 Survivors and an afk Killer can get 5 gens done in 109 seconds without prove thyself. That's 11 seconds under 2 minutes.

    But even with just 3 Survivors you need to take into account the initial chase time. You aren't starting with 0 progress, you are starting with 30 seconds-ish of progress.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    1 gen, solo, without toolkits or skillchecks, takes 80 seconds. That's 1 minute 20 seconds. That's 3 gens in 1:20 if one player is camped.

    So it takes about 2 minutes, 40 seconds to do 2 gens solo, without a toolkit or skillchecks. That's 6 gens in 2:40 with one player camped.

    Out of 5 needed.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited September 2019

    If all 3 survivors confirmed the face camp. Which is even easier on comms with friends. Do the gens.

    The killer won't do anything to stop you. You do gens faster than the sacrifice will come. 3 survivors get out, killer gets punished at doesn't rank up, which will hopefully draw people away from face camping.

    However, seeing as I see somewhat skillful killers face camping, something leads me to believe. That survivors are rewarding the killer by trying to attempt a rescue either alone or poorly in a group and get destroyed, there for the killer thinks it works more often than it actually does.

    Long story short, do the gens. 3 survive. Killers get punished.

    Why is this so hard to grasp?

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    The way that the game currently works, if I'm not playing with friends, and I'm being camped, I'm just going to die as fast as I can. It's not worth it for me to remain. I don't care if the other survivors get gens done because I'm wasting my time by staying in the match, because it's just not fun to sit there doing nothing for 2 whole minutes, not playing the game, for 500bp. That's 2 minutes I could be spending finding another match to play. This so called "punishment" is meaningless for the person on the hook. Now there are 3 survivors left, with the possibility of 5 gens remaining.

  • markosoft
    markosoft Member Posts: 6

    If you're on the hook and you're being camped then DC well... you're the problem in that scenario. Is camping fun? Of course not. Is it allowed? Undeniably. And when you play as a survivor then you're part of a team by your own choice, so if you have a killer camping you then play the team game and waste THEIR time so your team has a better chance of escaping.

    The killer is under no obligation to make your game fun to the expense of their objective. But if you want to limit camping killers then stay on hook because at some point they all learn the same thing; that camping is more often than not a damaging strategy for their objective.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Camping is a pretty crucial strategy at red ranks if you want to 3-4k every game and want to play m1 killers. First survivor you run into is good at looping and is next to a slew of safe pallets? Yeah, it's probably camp or lose.

    It's rarely worth it to camp someone for the full two minutes but going back to the hook to ensure they hit stage two or camp them from stage 2 to dead? Very worth it a lot of the time. Getting someone out of the game early is one of the best ways to win in the game.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2019

    Teabag. Clicky flashlight. Hook body block. = You're getting face camped.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited September 2019

    Hmm. At some point in your argument are you going to make a case as to why another should save you? You've already declared that when you aren't having fun you suicide or leave the match. Somehow I don't think you want others to do that should they be the one who messed and were caught. Your post rings selfish and ironic. The irony being that you want someone else to save you, an unselfish act, while threatening or at least insinuating not doing so will end with you being selfish.

    Here is a solution. Get good and don't get caught. Then you won't get face camped. There is no entitlement to BP. You play skillfully and earn it or you do without. It's the same for killer and survivor.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Yes. Simple.

    In THEORY.

    Unexperienced survivors won't stick to your maths mate. They'll try to save. Add to the equation a ruin and a Noed, you got a perfect build for a newbie killer that feels like his "strategy" is working.

    Camping has always been a problem and can screw a squad of solos doing bad decision making.

    Camping has counter play. Only if you're facing SWF or experienced survivors. Otherwise, camping has NO counter.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    Good suggestions, guys. Next time I get facecamped, I'll just gen rush. Oh, wait...

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited September 2019

    I'm done commenting on "Ban camping" threads. It just boils down to "REEEEEEE" on both sides and I'm not gonna bother. Yall don't wanna listen and just wanna #########. So go for it. Devs arn't gonna change it cause they'd have to change literally the whole game or there "Fix" gets abused. Get over it, or play a different game.

    Post edited by UlvenDagoth on
  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    What are you talking about? No, I don't want the other survivors to come save me when I'm being camped. That's suicide. I specifically suggested a distraction bp event for ppl that get camped. I mean, at that point, the killer is getting bp for standing there doing nothing. The survivor should get something for literally not being able to do anything for a solid 2 whole minutes.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    This isn't a "ban camping" thread. It's a "give the camped survivor an incentive to stay" thread.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I'm really tired of ppl suggesting gen rushing. It's not a solution. Especially for new players.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    When your team don't know about "genrush" vs facecamper its always gg.

    And btw, almost all "russian" killers facecamp at 10-15 rank, even with 1k hour ingame.

  • Kasaki
    Kasaki Member Posts: 155

    Run deliverance , ds, and adrenaline. Jump off the hook , d strike and run the killer until adrenaline pops

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Even then, Dying light is faster if you tunnel than camp.

    I never see campers, but then I'm not trapped in rank 20-16.

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    Dying light doesn’t even encourage camping anymore it’s how many people you get hooked now that’s or the obsession and if your obsession quits or is killed you lose the perk

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    Your statement about adrenaline is wrong if you’re dead on hook it can’t help you but if you get rescued off hook after your adrenaline you’re full health and get a sprint burst

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Camping is lame. It's a real failure on the part of BHVR that nothing has been done about it in all this time. The worst part is that it limits game design that would benefit killers. A lot of killers complain about gen rush, but gens can't be made longer and secondary objectives can't be added, because it would increase the efficiency of camping.

    Sad to see so many veteran killers defend it. Folks say good killers don't do it, but you see a lot of strongly killer-biased people defend it vehemently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I just went against Insidious Bubba today... but even then I still escaped. So you're not wrong...

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Gen Rush...

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Dying light got reworked.. it doesn't encourage camping now

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited November 2019

    Its sucks that you don't really get to play, but if the Killer is wasting time facecamping you then you should feel GOOD about it. Why? Because the Killer is wasting time, they are making no Bloodpoints and they are playing poorly. Focus more on the fact that if your team is doing Gens that they will most likely get out and the facecamp killer is only going to get one kill and nothing else.

    You'll also get to start your next match quicker.

    "For those of you mentioning depipping. No, that's not an incentive. I once mentioned that to someone before for camping. They still made over 50k without an offering. It's clearly meaningless to killers that are going to do it."

    So, a couple of things:

    1. 50k without offerings is IMPOSSIBLE.
    2. 50k while camping is also impossible, unless everyone else used BPS but even then I can't imagine them facecamping and then still making even nearly that.
    3. You have a very, very loose definition of camping. If a killer is making 15k more than the next highest player then they were doing a lot more than camping. But ok, sure. I totally believe you don't worry.
  • kaio_stk
    kaio_stk Member Posts: 92

    Simple! facecamp does not summon the entity, then it ends this killer clown , the entity wants a hunt and not an idiot standing in front of you staring at you like a statue with a chainsaw for example.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Deliverance +DS

  • xyzdx
    xyzdx Member Posts: 66

    There is a slight counter they made when you get off a hook you have a few seconds of a invincibility frames so they can't just immediately down you but they're still can get around that so it's not really much of a counter there is one perk I think it's while you're close to them it stops the struggle timer but only for a few seconds .

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    “Just do gens” isn’t a counter, it’s a punishment and there IS a difference.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    It does suck when the killer facecamps. Yes, the other survivors can do gens and punish that killer but there's literally nothing that person can do if the killer decides to take them out of the game that way. I wish it happened less but it's pretty common. There's no good solution.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    I have mix feelings about this, if i get facecamped, i rather not punish my teammates by suicide but then again i rather not give the killer the extra 2 hook points, something needed to be done to deter camping, either give no hook points if consecutive hooking within a time period(same survivor) that way you can't fault the killer for hooking you since your teammate could not get you up, and camaraderie should be reworked to make the struggling timer pause when a killer is within terror radius that would be more beneficial

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    deliverance, DS, DH -- anti camp build

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    Do gens or coordinate a two player rescue. The only way facecamping is uncounterable is if the killer has full stbfl or 1-shot downs.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715

    Killers do actually already lose points if they stay close to the hook when no other survivor is near, though it doesn’t do a very good job of letting them know; just like it doesn’t do a good job of telling survivors they lose more points than they gain if they unhook and they go down before getting the ‘safe unhook’ score event.

    I would totally support a score event being added for the survivor on the hook being a ‘distraction’.

    I would also love to see a ‘mercy’ score event added for killers to encourage them to leave an unhooked survivor unless they feel it’s necessary.

  • Joekillu
    Joekillu Member Posts: 164

    I agree you even have 1 person with BT on that normal enough. If it's not then do gens it's the killer that will end up with low points if not a de pip.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2019

    Everyone is going to say do gens but at the beginning of the game we all know that its good to attempt to save the survivor to give the whole team a chance to do better. The less people there, the easier time the killer has. It's no secret which is why some killers face camp in the first place.

    Anyway, it's not so much a counter as a tactic and it really only works with survivors that work well together, usually an SWF is needed but what you do is have one survivor go up and pretend to get the hooked person off, they take the hit and run off, and another uninjured survivor who was right there waiting grabs the hooked person and frees them (hopefully they have BT because the killer will probably just tunnel).

    This has worked for me a few times.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Tbf, it's a thing new players do for sure, but also red rank killers love doing it too.