Face Camping has no Counter



  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Yes it does.

    It's called generators.

    Or BT if you want to get spicy.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Not if, similar to DS, it's only usable once. Even in the lore of the Entity, the survivors are meant to have hope for which the killer crushes. A complete lack of hope makes people not want to even play the game.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Already covered both in detail. Neither give the camped player a reason to not just leave the game. And since survivors will DC for seemingly no reason sometimes, there really shouldn't be more reasons for them to do so.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    So the fact that the Killer gets BP means they should be happy if the game or a broken mechanic denied them a single kill?

    'No, don't try to do good. Be happy you got BP. Even though the game said you lost. Survivors get to escape but you got BP. Better luck not getting anyone because of a broken mechanic next game!'

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    In fact, as a player that has been hooked, I have sped up the sacrifice process before to spite the other survivors for staying as far away from me as possible, so gen rushing is no incentive

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    If you're being facecamped, stick it out and move on. There's nothing you can do but start another game and leave with the satisfaction that you got so far into the Killer's head they threw the game to kill you.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Ds end game by itself is pretty much a garunteed escape..plus bt..now you want invulnerability for the unhooker too? You clearly arnt seeing the big picture..this would be abused to hell and back

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Lost? No game ever says that you lost. There's no such thing. BP and rank pips are the only things that even give you a semblance or progression. I've had no kill matches as a killer that were more fun than 4k matches. And more rewarding. If you actually pay attention to the lore of the game and to what the game deems important, you would realize that escape and death mean nothing in the long run. Remember the tag line of the game? "Death is not an escape." Neither mean anything more than the BP you earn for them.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Satisfaction? What satisfaction. That you could do literally nothing for a solid minute for a BP reward not worth it? You might as well DC and start a new match. Seriously. That's no satisfaction. In a game all about the grind, that's nothing. Less than nothing in some cases. Maybe it'll be different when the devs alter the bloodweb, but as it is now, I don't blame survivors that DC when camped.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Honestly, as far as big picture matters, the main thing I want is for there to be a BP event for distracting a killer when they camp. That would mean that you get sacrificed, but could still afford a common item for someone literally taking the entire game from you. That's a solid minute after having to wait however long for the matchmaker to put you into the game. What's the point in staying at then? Zero punishment for a BP event.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    you know what stops me from DCing when im being camped? the fact that i try to be a team player. i know not every survivor out there is like this, especially solos, but when i play survivor im deciding to play as a team. and if that means i gotta sit there for 2 minutes while everyone else is doing gens, so be it. i dont know the other players, most of the time at least, but i want them to be able to have fun or at least be able to get their escape.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    dont listen to people who tell you silly things like "do gens" and "dont get caught", etc.

    those are the people that think that's the way you deal with a camping killer and they're unlikely to change their minds because they're all super scared of their own shadows..

    fact of the matter is if you are regularly playing with people that leave you on a hook as "bait" or whatever, forcing you to "take one for the team", then you're just on a really really bad team..

    i'd recommend encouraging those people to get a little bit better at the game and if they choose not to, don't continue playing with them particularly if you have the choice.

    if you are a random in that game and don't know your teammates, you've lost nothing (although you've also gained nearly nothing) but you you can consider it a whammy round and just move on to the next game that will hopefully have better survivors in it..

    face camping just became a gift, not a curse.. :)

    good luck in the fog.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    giving a BP Boost for people being camped isn't a good idea in the slightest.

    it rewards you slightly more for doing absolutely nothing.

    you may not be doing absolutely nothing by choice, but seriously, who cares? just get another game and make tons more bp.. you don't deserve to be given bonus bp for not doing anything because someone else did something you didn't like..

    i'm not even sure i can wrap my head around that logic.. "you should pay me more as if i did more than i did because it could very well have been someone else's fault that i didn't do as much as i would have liked to"

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Okay. I accept your post. From now on, I'll disconnect to get into another match from now on. Man, such a great idea. Can't fathom why I hadn't thought of it in the first place.


  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    It's still against tos..so that kinda shakes it up..plus if everyone gives in to these guys you'll make it even worse

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Give in to who? The devs themselves said that it is a legit strategy. So far as to add perks that make it easier to do so. And by staying on the hook, you are preventing a killer from going after anyone else. It's the same as distracting them while running, just with less effort. Either make it worth their time, or punish the killer. And punishment is never received well. Chances are that no one would even care if it was implemented. Only complaining about the suggestion. Because it affects no one while making the game more fun for those that didn't notice meyers or ghost face stalking them 10 seconds after the match started. (Not everyone can just run spine chill)

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    first things first, to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, i never said anything about disconnecting from anything. i said you don't deserve a point multiplier or bonus just because you got boned in a game.

    secondly, just kidding.. there's no secondly.

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    Its funny how main killers are crying about any survivor thing that has allegedly no counter. Yet they reply here with bs like do gens (which is NOT a counter for a camper person). Kill survivors then, get gud and stop crying in your next anti-survivor threads.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    How silly of us, to assume that doing your objective while we can't stop you because we are camping is a viable way to punish camping. 🙄

    I don't know what we were thinking! It's clear to me now that the only way to punish campers is to hold the Survivor's hands and let them instantly win any match in which a Killer is near a hook for over 0.000003 seconds. I mean, how silly of me! Assuming doing your objective was a viable counter! That takes effort! Ain't no camper-complaining Survivors got time for that!

    They need to win in 2 minutes so they can come back on here and look for something else to nerf about Killers so they can win in under one minute next time!

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    Killers are not nerfed. The problem is the balance among the killer characters (powers and add-ons) themselves. Some killers are OP, some are average, some are totally garbage. Which is totally different from survivor characters which are practically just skin sets.

    One time you all are crying about survivors genrushing, now you say they should actually do those gens and they should stop crying because you want at least one kill. Make your mind, killers.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    lol where do people come up with this kinda stuff? "i'm going to punish the killer by refusing to actually play the game and i'll just watch my teammates die slowly while i perform an 'objective' super fast so i can GTFO and hopefully never even know who the killer is if i'm lucky"..

    im ded :) keep on "punishing" those campers

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    it makes campers lose out on 3 Kills. What more do you want?

    Oh right; 90% of all 'Punish Campers' ideas want hard punishments like BP loss, respawning, or god-mode. You literally want a 4-man escape as the only punishment. Anything less is 'lol, that's no counter!'

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    it makes survivors lose out on 2+ scoring categories.. probably 3+ for the survivor on the hook you're using to "punish" the camper..

    to be clear, you aren't "punishing" the camper by doing what you're doing.. you're "punishing everyone" with a super crappy game and then you retreat to the forums to complain about the "camper" who needs punishing, when you could just learn to play the game better and go break the camp, save the teammate, and have a much better overall experience.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    ...Are you for or against camping punishments? I thought you were poking at me because I'm against adding a punishment, but now you sound like you think players complaining about campers just need to get good instead of complaining.

    Which I agree with.

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    In what sense losing points over camping is "hard punishment". You are absolutely ridiculous. Survivers lose their points over unsafe hooks, I dont know why killers should lose theirs over something equally stupid as camping.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Getting caught before earning a worthy amount of Bp is on the survivor. Camping can be countered by the team just not the individual hooked.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    you sounded to me like you are suggesting the proper way to deal with camping is gen rushing and leaving.. i'm against that.. i want to make sure everyone who comes across a thread where people are suggesting that as the way to deal with camping understand that it is not.. it is an indicator of a player with no skill.

    that being said, i don't see anything wrong with camping.. i like when killers camp because i like breaking camps.. it's super fun.. i don't like 3 randos then taking the opportunity to rush generators and leave and then laugh in endgame chat making fun of a killer when anyone who understands the game knows that the only people that should be made fun of in that scenario are the little dust-bags that watched their teammates die and ran out of the exit to claim their sweet little depips.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358
    edited September 2019

    Perk - Get Out Of My Face - When on a hook, if the killer remains within 16 meters of you for 30 seconds, you can successfully pull yourself off the hook. If the killer hits you within 15 seconds after jumping off, the killer is stunned.

    Gives teammates time to rescue you and if you time it right, you waste a good bit of the killers time.

    Make it a generic unlockable so beginner low rank people can get it easier

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    This would be abused so hard. Survivors would just circle the hooked Survivor until he could free himself, or the Killer would have to walk away & give Survivors the free unhook.

    Again; exactly like how the other camping punishments were abused back in the early days.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Killer would have to not be in a chase or no other survivors in close proximity.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Define 'close proximity'?

    Because this crap has been done before. Survivors always find the magic line where they can stay on one side & the Killer gets shafted.

    It. Does. Not. Work.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    32 meters.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Ok. That gives Survivors a free unhook.

    32 meters is the Huntress' humming distance. At that distance, a Survivor will sprint in & unhook before a Killer can return.

    Once again; it either punishes the Killer by letting the hooked Survivor get away free, or it forces the Killer to be so far away that they can't stop an unhook.

    ONCE AGAIN; it would be abused. Just like the old punishment. Just like ANY punishment.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Survivors must stay 32 meters for perk to activate, killer 16. If survivors are swarming then the perk is useless as its meant for face camping and the killer is free to run around. Not an exhaustion perk so person on hook still will have whatever exhaustion perks available to get away.

    Unless survivors go for the save then they shouldnt be anywhere near there. I dont see how this can be abused. Not arguing just trying to understand your pov

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yes it does. Doing gens. Killer gets 1/4.

    You mean you cant save vs a face camper? Also not entirely true. If you have certain perks or can take a hit one or both of you can escape.

    Also, do gens.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    If you really do want to unhook do this. Have everyone bring Leader and Spine Chill as well as BT and DS. It will unhook fast and once they attack they will wait 15 seconds and then they get DS

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    you only need BT at best. it's important not to get grabbed off while unhooking.

    run to the person on the hook, grab them, but immediately let go. the killer will most likely try to grab you off while unhooking. the only difference between the killer grabbing you and the killer hitting you is whether you are holding your button or not.

    if the killer hits you, unhook during the killer's recovery from hitting you.

    if the killer does not swing at you, keep "faking" it until the killer does hit you, or you think you can complete the unhook without them swinging.

    at a certain point, you'll have to commit, and if you get yanked, hopefully another teammate can rescue that person before they switch hook states..

    if you get downed and hooked, your team has 60 seconds to recover and make a little progress objectively before they need to get you off of the hook.

    if they don't get you off of the hook, find another team.

  • Cornix5
    Cornix5 Member Posts: 3

    All I play is killer and face camping is a waste of time dull as heck and just plain stupid for the killer as well.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Why is there so much of an issue with giving the camped survivor extra blood points for being camped? OP is not asking for anyone to be punished or anything to be nerfed. It should give distraction points.

    It was not the survivors choice to get camped so how would it be abused? The killer gets his 1k and the survivor get a few extra points for staying on the hook. The only thing wrong with OP's arguement is survivors dcing for being camped. Dcing shouldn't be a part of this.

    What should be argued is survivors should get distraction points for not killing themselves on hook if they are camped.

  • Cornix5
    Cornix5 Member Posts: 3

    You know despite what I said earlier I think agree that survivors that get face camp should get a big blood point bonus. I mean they literally are forced to not play the game. Give them something for their time being wasted.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    To all the people having this "do gens" lightsaber, and everyone approving this : you don't get it.

    People of this forum are "special players", not the majority. A lot of people play without watching streamers or guide and quite don't understand this game.

    Telling them to "do gens" bring nothing as a solution for camping. I see you coming. "Camping is legit, BHvr allow that"....

    Its not. Not legit. Not a strat. Only a new player move. And survivors as new players aswell dont know how to react, they only want to save their friend. Logical. Aswell for the killer that want to protect his meat and want it to die.

    On both sides, camping is not correct. Bhvr is just lazy to bring something about this indirect problem in the game.

    Yes this is a problem. Look at your queues and matchmaking. Stranger things wont have a lot of new sustained playerbase.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    I think that if there is a killer camping you with 0 chance of you escaping, there should be at least some incentive for you to stick around in a match, besides "the satisfaction of watching the killer do nothing" or "the killer will lose anyways".

    I could imagine nothing more boring in game than just dangling in front of a killer for 2 minutes, and even if the killer depips and the other survivors can crank out all the gens, the one on the hook still gets nothing from it. They likely depip, and get very few blood points, so i dont see a harm in adding a bp event for "distracting" a killer on hook

    And the argument that borrowed time and decisive strike, while valid, ultimately isn't enough to stop a killer determined to kill that one specific person (as well as that it means the survivors on hook aren't on the generators)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    giving a survivor points for being hooked is the same as giving the killer bloodpoints for generator progress.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Do gens anyways. It's fast enough that even NOED can't punish you in time.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    No counter? Do gens. That simple. If all 3 of you do a gen, then you can complete all 3 of them before that person died if they struggle. Nice try.

    From the Wiki

    1 Survivor1.0 c/s | 100 % 1.0 c/s 80 seconds

    Hooks have three different stages. Stages 1 and 2 each have a duration of 60 seconds

    So, a face camp is 120 seconds.

    1 gen is 120 seconds. All 3 of you do a gen. Bam, all 3 are done for one person. That's over half the needed 5.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
    edited September 2019

    U can't pump 5 gens in 2 minutes with 3 survivors lad. U can't even do that with 4 survivors and an afk killer