Devs, are you gonna ignore Legion's problems for the next 6 months?



  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    For some reason they are the best. I'm not moving the discussion to anywhere. Legion has problems and that's what I'm mentioning here.

    If I mentioned all the better killers, it's because you can see a pattern here. I also said some others like pig(for example), that has a dash to help in chases, traps to stall the game and being EXTREMELY LETHAL, impossible skillchecks doctor is also unique.

    But then you have killers that simply walk like clown, wraith (some builds are exception), etc. Even these can use their power to either be lethal, or/and to mess with survivors heads like doctor.

    Legion has no unique playstyle like he had before (without the exploits) and now he has nothing. All he does is walk and m1 someone. Now, don't compare it to spirit, they have nothing similar to each other. And because she has a unique playstyle, she can actually be top tier and be real fun to play.

    I mean, you take too many risks to get a little bit of stall potential that can't snowball because it has so many restrictions.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited September 2019

    There are no unique builds for Legion? Hm, I guess there isn't a map-wide terror radius addon for Legion after all. I could have sworn there was. You could probably also do Smiley Face Pin + Knockout + Third Seal so they don't know why they can't see their friends on the ground, thinking it's Smiley Face Pin, or Third Seal, then come to find out it's Knock Out(Otz did a similar build with GhostFace with his Outdoor Security Camera to slug everyone, but Legion has sight of survivors built into his power, so it could work similarly, except he doesn't have one hit downs, so it might take a bit longer. As for your risks and stall potential, it's not the stall potential that's Legion's most important power imo. The stall potential is just a bonus for making Legion's power unable to actually down people due to if he could, he'd be too powerful due to how easily he could catch up to survivors. the information is the important part.

    Also honestly I think Legion Pin would be pretty good honestly. You can track survivors easily, and they can't heal for 60 seconds, should be a pretty easy down.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042


    You don't play legion, you clearly have zero understanding on the topic

    try and see how they actually work, and express an informed opinion not theories

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited September 2019

    Prove anything I said wrong. True used Legion's power SEVERAL times during each match. He didn't win DESPITE Legion, he won WITH Legion. There was no theory in anything I said in what you just quoted me. Killers are supposed to be more skilled to win. You can't use me not playing Legion as an excuse for expecting Legion to win against survivors more skilled than them.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765
    edited September 2019

    I didn't say that he didn't have any unique builds, don't put words in my mouth.

    I talked about his game style. Yes, the frenzy can have different sinergies with perks/add-ons but after that you can't down them without simply running and m1. That's how it is and there is no denying it.

    Yes, you can make his power lethal with the correct counterplay, so he can snowball and be outplayed, its a display of skill basically. There are ways to change his power so he can be good and fun to play as/against. See some of the ideas in the forum.

    He would be op if he continued to be a 4.6m/s killer and if his power was more dynamic. But that is something that you only realise through experience. Seeing someone doing a build on youtube and actually get a really good game, doesn't mean that build/character is actually good. I also had tons of games that I completely dominate the survivors but it is like 10% of the time if that much. I can put one of those on youtube and call Legion op or really good.

    His power isn't 100% useless ofc, but not that useful in reality. And even less fun to use. No, this isn't subjective. Because no one would like to use a power that has a lot of downsides, no room for error and that takes ages to come back. After that, m1 them to death.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2019

    1- The most killers in dbd have a reason to looking only on themselfs, because even for no reason, they are getting nerfed or never buffed.

    Imo, the goal should be to put every killer on Spirit level, after everything I have read about her (I don't own her, so I can only build my opinion on what I have read about her).

    The Legion nerf was a prime example for this. If we talk about the old Legion, we talk about a killer who had one of the worst kill rates in the whole game and that is not my opinion -> If you like you can search the official statistics to that (I bet they are still somewhere online, maybe even in this forums).

    Shortly before the Legion patch, bhvr had post this statistic.

    If you think now about that and use your common sense, you would think, that they would have try to buff the Legion, so that she gets similar kill rates as the most other killers -> wrong. We got a patch with a ton of nerfs in exchange of 1 (in letters ->one<-) buff (the faster base movement speed).

    It is very, veeery rar that a killer just get buffed, even in the situation we are in (aka. a situation where the most killers are not on Spirit level).

    Also, you get sometimes the feeling, that bhvr handles killers and survivors differently.

    The Legion is again here a prime example: While some Legions have got their deserved ban for exploiting... Where exactly were the survivor bans for the 2 survivor perk exploits that have follow on the Legion patch?

    I have nothing read from a banwave towards them. Have you?

    So... Don't judge us killers too hard if we look at first at ourselfs. That's mostly because a desert need first to freeze before we see anything good (symbolically speeching).

    2- The old Legion was faster. I had a pretty known situation to me at the patch day that I could very good compare to each other. I had follow a survivor to a nearby loob spot and now the following had happen (I will write it two times, so that also you can see the difference and, ah yes... Both times the Legion had no addons.):

    Pre patch Legion situation: I had vault over the pallet with frenzy. Then the survivor would have had a few seconds to either start the little pallet game, or he would have been hitten by me.

    My situation with the new Legion on the patch day: I had vault over the pallet with frenzy. Then the survivor had unreachable run away for me while he was just running straight forward.

    No pallet game, no further attempt to loop one more time, no nothing.

    I had just stay there with a open mouth after that.

    Still I had mori him later, since that day was for me my vengeance day, but still... That makes it not better.

    This survivor would have never survive against the old Legion in this situation, if he had not do the pallet mini game. That can you believe me.

    And that are situations, you can't nowhere read, but that are also situations where Legion mains see that bhvr had at least tryd to trick us and as said before - it hasen't work.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited September 2019

    The reason the survivor would not have survived old Legion is because one, you're comparing a very short distance, and probably only counting the time you were in Frenzy(in addition, you could actually use your power to kill someone, which likely wasn't intended in the first place). Obviously, in Frenzy, old Legion is faster for the first 6 seconds. New Legion however closes far more distance while in frenzy, because it lasts longer.

    As for survivors and killers being treated differently, this is honestly just your imagination. Survivor nerfs happen just as often as killer nerfs. You just don't realize it because you probably don't play survivor at all, or very little, and probably don't even look at the patch notes for survivor nerfs. Just in the past few patches survivors have lost: fast vaults(well not totally lost but a lot more difficult and it basically destroyed a mind game survivors could use against the killer), darker clothing, had loops that are completely pointless made on Springwood, can't see past walls on Coldwind, Mettle of Man nerf, End Game Collapse, and probably a lot more than I can think of. As for killer nerfs we've seen Pig "nerfs"(more of an adjustment that was necessary for a huge survivor nerf), A Ghostface buff and the some nerfs to the buff specifically(nothing made him weaker), and...I think that's it? I'm not saying the devs give preferential treatment to killers either, I'm just showing you that you're wrong about them treating survivors better.

    As for the Legion bug, that as far as I'm aware was a thing for a while, and basically made the game unplayable. The Sprint Burst exploit was nowhere near that, and I could still catch people using it, albeit with a slightly longer time frame.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2019

    Sry, I see the topic exploits just black and white. Either you are ok with it, or you don't. I am not.

    I know about those survivor nerfs, even I have just read them and not see them in the game, because I don't play the game anymore since the Legion patchday. That changes nothing on the situation that the most killers are still not on Spirit's level.

    If the devs are ok with the Legion, they should play the killer - best day in and day out - until they realize their mistake. I for my part don't waste my time on a killer that got gutted so far, just so that some survivors are happy now (while others miss the challenge).

    Of course, I have only count in the time in frenzy. Frenzy is ment to be a speed boost for the Legion. Otherwise you can directly stop using the abilitie (with the feeled 3 hour stun after frenzy, it would anyways the best advice) and you are ok with it, that they are so slow while they using it? o_O

    Just a reminder... The Legion are young adults, not a gang of grandpas/mas.

    Either the frenzy speed is at a minimum so fast as from the pre patch Legion, or even faster, or it doesn't matter at all and it is for sure not a buff.

    For what are the devs afraid? That the Legion hangs to often in a stun at the end of frenzy? Or that we hit survivors to often with a dw abilitie that is totally useless now compared to the old one?

    Imo, frenzy could be buffed without fearing anything. Balancing would first begin after they would do that as a necessary first step. And I know, then the balancing problems would begin, but I know also that countless Legion mains and also sometimes survivors have warn bhvr for exactly this situation and that's why my compassion is limited, what this topic matters.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Hey bud! So after some time has passed has your legion build changed any? Like do you like the new dying light? Im just curious and doing a follow up to our previous convo here.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    I'm still using the same build. Dying light is pretty alright, even better than Thanat in some situations, but the drawback of losing everything by killing your obsession has made the perk kind of useless during midgame. Besides that, not much has changed! :D

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Alright nows the perfect time to ask again, whats your current legion build after the most recent changes to him xd ?

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    God, I have no clue. The devs just keep ruining the Legion experience.

    I think my new build would have to be Dying Light, Thanat, Ruin/Pop, and any random fourth perk. I'm still trying to figure everything out, it's just...It's annoying to constantly have to change up your own stuff, especially with how often Legion is nerfed. I would really appreciate it if they could just stop trying to make the Deep Wound system favor the Survivors more than the Killers and just rework Legion altogether.