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Blood points in Custom game or Kill your friends

Why is it that we receive no blood points for kill your friends?


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    People would just farm bp in KYF.

  • mdg2018
    mdg2018 Member Posts: 153

    its not like the game is pay to win or anything like that

  • mdg2018
    mdg2018 Member Posts: 153

    i guess that makes sense...dont like it but i guess that how it works

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It's not only easier to farm in KYF because you all could just agree to it, you also have access to all the BP enhancing perks to make it more efficient.

    Given the grind is a large part of this game, it makes sense they would block it off.

    That being said, however, the devs have always been good about periodically revisiting the blood webs and reworking them to be a little less grindy as our collection of perks grows. I think we've already been through at least 2 bloodweb reworks already and they're working on a 3rd rework right now last I heard.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I wish we got BP in KYF because then I could convince my friends to play with me as the killer or something. If they limited you to like 1 million BP per rank reset to earn in KYF that would stop farming but give some incentive to play it once in a while.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    It would encourage people to play in private games with their friends to farm bloodpoints, which would get stale quickly and take people away from actually playing the game (likely having an impact on queue times as well). Sooner or later- probably sooner- that gets boring and then people just want to stop playing in general.

    It's not really any single reason, but a whole bunch of little ones.

  • panic1433
    panic1433 Member Posts: 1

    I agree with this in a sense, but playing with all your friends (including the killer) appeals to a lot of people. Though, why even bother with this mode if there is no incentive to doing so? Why not go an Overwatch-Arcade-esque sort of route and cap the amount of bloodpoints you can get in custom games every day? As well as every match? Say, like, once a day you can get 15k bloodpoints (or any number, more or less) for only 1 match per day. Or x# bloodpoints for 1 match every other day? Something to that regard. To where people can't just farm with their friends, but where people that just want to genuinely play with their friends once and awhile can get something towards the long grind. :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It helps people test builds, practice, etc, like Peanits has said and others have also said.

    If KYFs didn't exist than I wouldn't be able to answer a few questions that require me to test some things in a private match! Plus, if KYFs gave BPs than people would just farm with their friends and gain enough BPs to P3-50 the entire roster in a week or two...

    If that was the case, than the grind in DBD wouldn't exist... and we wouldn't have a goal.

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374
    edited December 2019

    Well, the easy way to make KYF give u points without make u want farm it is make u get less points

    like... u can only get a max of 2K on each category also maybe reduce every score event to the half

    also, who dont want get a bit of bloodpoints while tryning help a friend who buy the game now, and u can't play with him regular matches because is gonna be destroyed XD

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The whole point of a KYFs though is to "Kill your friends" in a friendly non-competitive/rewarding match.

    It's also used to test perk combos, powers, perks themselves, and other various small details. It was never meant to reward players for a non-LIVE match with your friends...

    This is why you don't gain points there, and i'm fairly sure it'll never do such a thing in the future.

  • mdg2018
    mdg2018 Member Posts: 153

    well you see that playing and farming KYF will get boring, the same thing could be said for playing open matches. I find it extremely more fun to play private because no one is acting like their life is going to end if they lose we play for fun.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Still, it can be abused... and if it's with friends than it can be farmed easily, making the grind pointless.

  • Smeagolthevile
    Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175

    As someone who has recently recruited enough players to the game to beable to do a game wiht 4 survivors and one killer all within the friend group, knowing that we cant play together and earn points is beyond frustrating.

    Ever consider... not allowing BP increasing items custom games?

    Also you say it affects game times, but do you know how infuriating it is to wait 10 minutes for a match just to get a killer that wants to farm BP, and then the next match is the same? There goes my time for games to people taht want to farm. If they want to farm and skip the grind let them.

    If people are trying to activly avoid the grind you put in, maybe the grind doesnt need ot be there/shouldnt be there. This isn't a free to play game, having to spend hours grinding on a tree just to make the new character work the way I like is not fun, especially when you buy that new character with real money.