Idea for mindbreaker.

So everyone knows that the perk is not that good, but i've came up with an idea. It's desinged to counter exhaustion perks, so let it be!
When survivor is working on a gen with is below 50% for at least 3 seconds they get the mindbreaker debuff.
Mindbreaker debuff: The next time survivor gets haste stattus effect, it's reduced to 0% and they get 15% hindred status effect instead.
I don't like the conditions on the perk.
Instead of gens being the requirement, allow it to be a killer hit, similar to a killer applying mangled with sloppy butcher.
Then, a killer could apply more exhaustion time on a hit or a down which would have the same effect with a better application. The perk would still be garbage, but it would do its job better than it currently does.
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Honestly your idea is much better and simpler.
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(In addition to what mindbreaker does now)I would have it where, if you as a killer hit a survivor who is exhausted, their exhaustion timer is lengthened by 15 seconds (numbers don't have to be final).
For example:
You're playing wraith and come across a survivor working on a generator under 50%, you uncloak, they don't have enough time to run away or recover from their 3 seconds of exhaustion and you hit them. Now instead of only 3 seconds of exhaustion they now have 18 seconds of exhaustion.
This would also work on survivors who have been exhausted by other means. It will be easier to just make mindbreaker lengthen the exhaustion time rather than add a unique effect just for the perk.
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Meh they should just extend the duration to 15 seconds of exhaustion instead of, what is it 3 seconds? This means that survivor has to get off the gen much sooner if they want to use an exhaustion perk in a chase before getting slapped. Right now survivors just see the killer coming and casually walk away for a few seconds and are ready to start sprinting before the killer even gets close to hitting them. With 15 seconds they would have far more time to get that first hit, which is what this seems to be designed for.
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Wow, that's also very good idea
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The bad thing is, that devs won't even see that really cool ideas. And even if so, they won't do anything about this, because they think the perk is good enough.
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It's designed for stealth killers to counter sprint burst. That's it.
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That is why I suggested 15 seconds, long enough so non-stealth killers can catch up, and it will hurt more than just sprint burst users (It's one of the weakest exhaustion perks already imo. Now it's just wait for 3 seconds as the killer starts to come and book it. However after 15 seconds you'll be near forced to run because they will have already caught up with you, especially if you've been seen in the distance already. And it will counter all exhaustion perks, unless they want to take a hit before the chase starts while trying to walk or urban away. This includes Balanced Landing, Lithe, Sprint Burst, and even Dead Hard.
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And it does so poorly...
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Its desinged to counter one perk called sprintburst, but it actually buffs it, because after t-bagging for few seconds you can use it whenever you want if you start to sprint in the right moment.
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I think that's the point of this perk. It's supposed to counter exhaustion perks. If not then what it is purpose? To poorly counter sprintburst?
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You don't have to answer if you don't but I thought I'd ask if you think that it's strong enough at 3 seconds exhaustion? And if you thought 15 seconds exhaustion would be too much of a....Mind BREAKER!
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Do you guys have any other ideas for Mindbreaker? I'm not saying its completely useless but it is such a niche perks currently and can be counter incredibly easily by just leaving as the killers terror radius comes near you. And it has little to no synergy with other perks
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It's worth noting that it also stalls the recovery of other exhaustion perks. If someone decides to go right back to a generator, their exhaustion won't recovery as they work on it.
We're going to hold out a little bit. We're still under a week since the launch so we don't want to make any hasty decisions and buff it yet.
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This perk is useful for slowing down those who try to tap the gen mid chase. I'll load it up if I see a 3-4 man swf and give it a try.
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Oh I get why you guys are taking your time with it, But the other two perks have been going well and have got me back to rank 1 with mostly demogorgon. Surge isn't the most powerful sure but it can synergies well with other perks and catches survivors off guard, Only thing is with Cruel Confinement is that the timer seems to be a little to small as well. This chapter is awesome to say the least and you guys did a pretty awesome job so far, And thanks again with being so open with the community Peanits :)
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Gl playing with 3 perks then
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soft counters hinder a mechanic. hard-counters disable the mechanic from the game. This perk is meant to hard-counter exhaustion, however it fails to achieve it's goal because it only works 50% of the time.... for 3 seconds. let me repeat that.... it only works for 3 seconds. 3 seconds is too low and 50% is terrible. buff the perk for so that it does it's job correctly.
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its not like ppl would use it so you can get enough data. only reason its used a bit is for the achievement.
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I think the solution is simple; remove the 50% requirement from gens. The perk has potential but the conditions are too limiting.
I like the idea of forcing survivors to choose between doing the generator or chilling for a bit to let their exhaustion recover; that is assuming they're exhausted and not in a chase in the first place, which would mean they lost the killer in a chase using their exhaustion perk and sprinted straight to a (less than 50% complete) generator. Conditional.
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To be far if they are already exhausted it stacks and keeps them exhausted for an extra 3 seconds, Agreed it isn't very good though
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dead hard can never activate? please make this change live!!!
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Like playing with ruin is not the same? Seriously, at least this one has the chance of continuously working throughout the match. Nice try though.
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Before complaining just learn what the perk really does. It isnt that hard to understand what it does, and it isnt that hard to understand, that you just want to eliminate exhaustion perks, which is just stupid in regards of game balance. just another plain complaining without any second thought. its hilarious how often such threads getting started each day.
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Instead we have an absolutely useless perk.
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I don’t mean to sound rude, but if this guy works on the game, he knows what the purpose of the perk was when they added it. I do agree that it needs to be buffed nonetheless. The fact that The Demogorgon has an add on that works better towards exhausting Survivors says alot about how weak Mind Breaker is. 5/10/15 seconds of exhaustion when working on a gen sounds more than balanced to me.