who do YOU think the next Killer should be?!

"WE alLLrdeaDDDYYY havVVvvEEEeee a CClllOOOwwwwNNNNN,,,rreeeEEEEeEE"
Yeah I know, but we also already had a guy with a chainsaw - yet Leatherface was introduced.
I think Pennywise would be awesome. Who else do you guys/gals think should be invited to the roster?
Lets balance the game first:) But for me I would like it to be jason:) Also maybe a alien like humanoid thing? But I will really like jason to get added cause I never got to play Friday the 13 game:(
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Agreed...let's get her fixed but as a hype/something to look forward to (aside from ded.servers) I'd love to see some cool new killers/interesting survivors. Jason would be cool I just don't see him coming over anytime soon due to the Friday the 13th game...
but yeah a alien/huminoid fella would be neat.
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If possible I'd rather see a dedicated game health chapter. New killers just add to the pile of possible things to fix.
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Pennywise I hope we don't get
Original killer next please!
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Original killer please
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I had a fun idea for a new killer in DBD that I thought was very unique at the time, and would like to hear what you guys think about it. This unlicensed killer would be called The Child, and she would be constantly giggling and babbling, which would replace her terror radius sound. This giggling and babbling could be heard from around 20 meters away. The Childs ability would be called Leaping Lunacy, and it would operate something like this.
By holding R3, the killer would stand completely still and began charging up her attack. After 3 seconds of charge time, the player would release R3 and cause the killer to leap up into the air, vaulting over obstacles and pallets. If the child landed on a survivor in mid-air, she would put them in the dying state, but in exchange for this, she would be difficult to control in the air and also would take time to charge up her jump. The fully charged leap could launch her around 30 feet in the air.This leap could be used to traverse the map incredibly quickly, and it would also be used as an element of surprise. On indoor maps, her jump would cause her to hit the ceiling and flip, at which point she would crawl across the ceiling with her head turned upside down at 150% movement speed. The downside is that it takes her a few seconds to drop back down to hit a survivor. The Child would be around 7 or 8, and would thus scream with anger if you escape her grasp, drop a pallet on her, or blind her. This shriek could be heard across the map to add to the creepiness factor. I feel as if the child could be an incredibly good nurse-level killer in the right hands.
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No offense, but I do not love the idea of another licensed killer, especially Pennywise. You are entitled to your own opinion though.
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I'd LOVE to see another original killer too! But Pennywise is & has been since i was a child my favorite "monster" (or alien). It'd be dope to eventually see him on this game.
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I still hope that they announce someday chucky, it would be so funny. And no the killer in dbd dont need to be scary, looking at you plague, ghostface, leatherface, etc 😂 i think they are more funny then scary
Otherwise i would also love to see a original killer, they are so interesting. Licensend killer a bound to the franchise and are also interesting, but in compare kinda boring. If they would add pennywise i wouldnt complain.
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I just wanna note that nobody is saying no to Penny because of him being a Clown. Penny isn't a Clown. Penny is an eldritch god, just like the Entity. That's why it'd be a bad fit.
Now, as for what I want: Something Origional so I can use all the shards I've saved up from the past 2 licensed killers. Preferably a new trap style killer, though I have no idea how they'd make a new trap oriented thing unless it was someone who could specifically trap vaults, or gens. (or maybe make mimic pallets/gens with a hard to notice tell that explode. I dunno, I want another prep oriented killer again)
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I think even for the devs its about time for a original chapter tbh, those seem to be the most unique
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o r i g i n a l
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Idc I just want it original
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I really want to see a killer that uses voodoo magic like link a doll to a survivor and you can use it to interrupt their movement or actions
it sounds silly but I’m sure the devs would come out with some interesting effects for it
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######### pennywise we already got a fat ######### clown lol
i want something original maybe something alot smaller then the other killers would be nice
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Pennywise isn't a clown, it manifests as what someone fears most for example, a clown. It's actually an eldritch god. It may be as strong as the Entity, so no to Pennywise.
No to Jason for a few reasons: he already has his own game, I think Gun Media and Behavior are rivals, and The Trapper is pretty much Jason. He wears a mask that with straps around his head, his weapon is like a machete, and he uses bear traps.
I'm hoping for a new original killer. But if they do another licensed chapter, I want to see Dr. Jekyll as a survivor and Mr. Hyde as a killer.
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NOT Pennywise, Especially not the remake version.
For a killer I'd like something that looks like Father Gascoigne from Bloodborne.
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I just like her
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Original next- then give me the Alien and I’ll never ask for another licensed Killer ever again Xx
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So, lets discuss possible original killers.
One way to look at it is Wrestling gimmicks in the late 80's early 90's, So think of any kind of profession and make a killer out of it.
For example:
- Garbage Man Killer - M1 attack is hitting you over the head with a trash can.
- Australian Outbacker
- Policeman?
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T1000 from Terminator 2
He can take the form of any (or maybe just the most recent?) survivor he touches / hits and can form his arm into a blade when striking. He can return to his normal appearance and break into an extra fast sprint while in this form. Idk, maybe something else to make him stronger.
Brad Fiedel's chase music plays during... chases ofc.
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I, for one, would love to have a rad skateboarding killer.
Or I guess one that uses fire. Maybe pours out gas wherever they want, then lights it to block certain areas. Running through gas would burn you and eventually down you if you don't stay out of it for a while. Could maybe have the gas be limited and have an ability to siphon more from generators, regressing them in the process.
Just something I think would be neat. Totally not a real thing.
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So it was a truth... Tony Hawk in the upcoming DLC 🙊
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I love how no one thought about a killer that throws a hook to reel in survivors for a hit.
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So the Candyman?
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Pennywise or any other licensed killer
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It should be an original concept, not another movie Killer.
I like what BHVR thinks of when they create new Killers and Survivors, and lore overall. I want more of that...
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I was always wondering if Pumpkin head would come to DBD, but than Demogorgon was announced and its pretty much the same thing but one has a tail and a different head...
But its basically the same thing isn't it? Except, I also think pumpkin is immortal since he's created from rituals or something? I haven't seen the movie in a long time so I forget the details...
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No , a original killer. It could be "The Butcherer" as a new original killer that tosses meat hooks to reel in survivors for a meat cleaver to the head.
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The Giant Baby - Literally a giant baby. Super scary!
It hits you with a giant rattle. Its terror radius sound is of a baby crying.
Special Power: vTech Toys of Annoyance. The baby can drop small electronic toys which mimic the killers terror radius. Upon dropping the toy, it will move in a single direction until it hits an obstacle, at which point it will bouncing off in a random direction. The toys emit a terror radius in an effort to trick survivors into running away, and into the killer's grasp. Add-ons would allow for more than one toy to be sent out, increase the terror radius of the toys, and add to the duration the toy (battery!) stays active.
Colic: Causes all exhaustible perks to trigger upon entering the giant baby's terror radius. Barring the player doesn't trigger conditions that would cause them to be exhausted again, the perks will regenerate their exhaustion while in the radius. This effect has a cool down.
Undeniable Cuteness: When looking in the direction of the killer, within the killer's terror radius, movement speed is slowed. (It would make looping harder since survivors couldn't look back at the killer all the time)
Don't Wake The Baby: Missing a skill check while repairing the generator wakes the baby and it can do a (super creepy even in real life!) bear crawl for a period of time. The bear crawl drops the profile of the killer (but not the killers view) so he is more easily hidden behind obstacles and greatly increases movement speed. Missed skill checks also cause more damage to the generator. (I like this because it makes missing skill checks more punishing, and helps the baby apply more map pressure)
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Pinhead would work nicely for that. He's all about hooks and chains.
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HA! I remember when the Doctor was coming out, they showed the Silhouette and there was Speculation it was Jacob Goodnight! Similarly, when Huntress was coming, they showed the Silhouette and a You're Next chapter was on everyone's lips!
IMO we now need...
Oh yes indeed....
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Still want to have a pyromanica with a self build flamethrower. I just want to see the pallet burn.
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dammit, can you guys not? i want a OG chapter this time instead of a licenced one...
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Could totally do a mummy killer.
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With all the lawsuits and court stuff, I doubt Jason will be added to DBD
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I think the Terminator would be a great green-low purple rank killer. It requires survivors to always know what their teammates look like. It would be a good "keep you on your toes" killer.
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Personally, I would like to see the rumored Pheonix become the next killer.
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Said it before and I'll say it again.
This game needs a werewolf. There are a lot of creative liberties that could be taken and some very cool powers and perks, based around tracking and hunting survivors that they could create.
Maybe even have it so survivors can find silver bullets or daggers to try and counter attack to bring him/her out of beast mode. Just spit Ballin here
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My three dream picks are the Xeno, Pumpkinhead and The Thing. Also of course Jason but lawsuits and all that.
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Valak the nun from the conjuring would be scary as heck. I think she would be good addition to dbd.
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Truly the oldest killer: The Caveman who uses a big club. Prehistoric map including caves etc.
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Look. They've said that they've tried to get Pennywise in the past, and even without a sewer map, I would thoroughly enjoy Pennywise as a character. It's a joke if people really don't think it's coming, they probably have been making it for a while now.
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Pinhead from hellraiser!!!
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This definitely before dumbass pennywise..... Pinhead would be a way better fit and would actually make sense , what's pennywise gonna do? Hide at the preschool sewer and coax someone into playing with him? Lol I like many others wouldn't pay a cent for another garbage clown
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I know alot of you guys feel that Chucky wouldn't be scary but ☝️ I think he would be and really awesome and cool looking at the same time while bringing some good laughs and fun.This was a human who managed to put his soul into a "Life Size" doll if that doesn't deserve a spot on Dead By Daylight im not sure what does
Apparently Scarecrow's and Mutants belong here 🤷♂️
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Yeah some sort of beast type....their art team would probably do a really good job. Red eyes, dark fur....
With the lunge and bleed mechanics, I don't know why they havent yet...
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I agree let's try to fix the problems.