We need to stop the war between Survivors mains and Killers mains
@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
"Killer are in need of buffs for balance purposes more than Survivors are in need of solutions to their problems, therefore balance should take priority over Survivor issues".This is like the DEFINITION of entitlement dude. "Because our side has more problems we need all the attention". Again, just completely dismissive of survivor issues to favor one side.
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
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i just want peace. it would be really nice if bouth sides can respect the other one.
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@Orion said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
"Killer are in need of buffs for balance purposes more than Survivors are in need of solutions to their problems, therefore balance should take priority over Survivor issues".This is like the DEFINITION of entitlement dude. "Because our side has more problems we need all the attention". Again, just completely dismissive of survivor issues to favor one side.
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This just points out the entitlement hypocrisy again of one side over the other. You can't fix one sides issues without also fixing the other sides issues. You have to address both issues at the same time so that as you make changes you know that it won't unbalance other changes.
Since otherwise it's just a big circle jerk of endless buffs then nerfs around and around for each side which is where we're at now. If they make changes to the killers at the same time as survivors they can make sure that one doesn't out balance the other and require more work down the line.
That last part is what the extremists on both sides don't seem to understand or care about and it just causes more problems in the end.
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I will do my part. Starting after the August reset I will main killer and get him to rank 1 (even if it takes a coupke of months) Can't do it till then as my schedule isn't allowing for enough gameplay time until then.
anyone else willing to join me in maining side which you normally avoid?0 -
im thinking something along the lines of this:
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@Russ76 said:
I will do my part. Starting after the August reset I will main killer and get him to rank 1 (even if it takes a coupke of months) Can't do it till then as my schedule isn't allowing for enough gameplay time until then.anyone else willing to join me in maining side which you normally avoid?
I may try to get rank 1 killer again since I throwed the towel last time when I was near rank 5, but back then literal infinite like the infamous cow tree where still a thing.
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Isn't it ironic that a post calling for the community to get along has devolved into arguments?
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@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
"Killer are in need of buffs for balance purposes more than Survivors are in need of solutions to their problems, therefore balance should take priority over Survivor issues".This is like the DEFINITION of entitlement dude. "Because our side has more problems we need all the attention". Again, just completely dismissive of survivor issues to favor one side.
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This just points out the entitlement hypocrisy again of one side over the other. You can't fix one sides issues without also fixing the other sides issues. You have to address both issues at the same time so that as you make changes you know that it won't unbalance other changes.
Since otherwise it's just a big circle jerk of endless buffs then nerfs around and around for each side which is where we're at now. If they make changes to the killers at the same time as survivors they can make sure that one doesn't out balance the other and require more work down the line.
That last part is what the extremists on both sides don't seem to understand or care about and it just causes more problems in the end.
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This is a "yes/no" question. I failed to see either of those words in your answer. Once you answer it, you can then explain your reasoning. Here, I'll go first.
It's not unreasonable to fix the bigger problem first. Fixing Survivor problems might help Survivors in the short term, but in the long term, it's better if you start by putting Killers where they should be, so that the Survivor fixes don't make the game unbalanced to the point Killers put together another strike.0 -
@Orion said:
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This is a "yes/no" question. I failed to see either of those words in your answer. Once you answer it, you can then explain your reasoning. Here, I'll go first.
It's not unreasonable to fix the bigger problem first. Fixing Survivor problems might help Survivors in the short term, but in the long term, it's better if you start by putting Killers where they should be, so that the Survivor fixes don't make the game unbalanced to the point Killers put together another strike.Yet what's the actual big problem here, buffing killers or fixing the underlying issues that cause that? So you buff killers 1st well then now the shoes on other foot so they either nerf killers again or buff survivors and then were back to square 1 again.
This is why they need to address it all at the same time instead of piecemeal attempts which just end up making them redo stuff later. If they make changes to say aura reading abilities at the same time they know the balance is there when they go to release it. But if they do only killers then they have to either nerf it back again or buff survivors.
This is why they decided to change tinkerer completely because trying to adjust things for one group meant they couldn't get it right for the others. By doing the change all at once they cna now buff all the killers individually for how cdr stuff works.
The same is true for fixing killers, if you don't fix the underlying issues and instead only buff them it fixes nothing.
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@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This is a "yes/no" question. I failed to see either of those words in your answer. Once you answer it, you can then explain your reasoning. Here, I'll go first.
It's not unreasonable to fix the bigger problem first. Fixing Survivor problems might help Survivors in the short term, but in the long term, it's better if you start by putting Killers where they should be, so that the Survivor fixes don't make the game unbalanced to the point Killers put together another strike.Yet what's the actual big problem here, buffing killers or fixing the underlying issues that cause that? So you buff killers 1st well then now the shoes on other foot so they either nerf killers again or buff survivors and then were back to square 1 again.
This is why they need to address it all at the same time instead of piecemeal attempts which just end up making them redo stuff later. If they make changes to say aura reading abilities at the same time they know the balance is there when they go to release it. But if they do only killers then they have to either nerf it back again or buff survivors.
This is why they decided to change tinkerer completely because trying to adjust things for one group meant they couldn't get it right for the others. By doing the change all at once they cna now buff all the killers individually for how cdr stuff works.
The same is true for fixing killers, if you don't fix the underlying issues and instead only buff them it fixes nothing.
Why are you trying so hard to avoid answering the question?
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Someissues said:
Not until people realized that on High Ranked only very few killers are viable, and yet there still people thinking Killers like LF/ Pig/ Myer is fine on Rank 1. Sure you can still get 3/4k but it doesn't mean they are balanced and does not need any buffs
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@Orion said:
@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This is a "yes/no" question. I failed to see either of those words in your answer. Once you answer it, you can then explain your reasoning. Here, I'll go first.
It's not unreasonable to fix the bigger problem first. Fixing Survivor problems might help Survivors in the short term, but in the long term, it's better if you start by putting Killers where they should be, so that the Survivor fixes don't make the game unbalanced to the point Killers put together another strike.Yet what's the actual big problem here, buffing killers or fixing the underlying issues that cause that? So you buff killers 1st well then now the shoes on other foot so they either nerf killers again or buff survivors and then were back to square 1 again.
This is why they need to address it all at the same time instead of piecemeal attempts which just end up making them redo stuff later. If they make changes to say aura reading abilities at the same time they know the balance is there when they go to release it. But if they do only killers then they have to either nerf it back again or buff survivors.
This is why they decided to change tinkerer completely because trying to adjust things for one group meant they couldn't get it right for the others. By doing the change all at once they cna now buff all the killers individually for how cdr stuff works.
The same is true for fixing killers, if you don't fix the underlying issues and instead only buff them it fixes nothing.
Why are you trying so hard to avoid answering the question?
I'm not trying hard to avoid the question and in fact answered it, you just don't like my reasoning in my response. You claim the big problem is on your side but that doesn't make it so. I'm saying the big problem is the overall underlying issues that have put killer in such a bad place.
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@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This is a "yes/no" question. I failed to see either of those words in your answer. Once you answer it, you can then explain your reasoning. Here, I'll go first.
It's not unreasonable to fix the bigger problem first. Fixing Survivor problems might help Survivors in the short term, but in the long term, it's better if you start by putting Killers where they should be, so that the Survivor fixes don't make the game unbalanced to the point Killers put together another strike.Yet what's the actual big problem here, buffing killers or fixing the underlying issues that cause that? So you buff killers 1st well then now the shoes on other foot so they either nerf killers again or buff survivors and then were back to square 1 again.
This is why they need to address it all at the same time instead of piecemeal attempts which just end up making them redo stuff later. If they make changes to say aura reading abilities at the same time they know the balance is there when they go to release it. But if they do only killers then they have to either nerf it back again or buff survivors.
This is why they decided to change tinkerer completely because trying to adjust things for one group meant they couldn't get it right for the others. By doing the change all at once they cna now buff all the killers individually for how cdr stuff works.
The same is true for fixing killers, if you don't fix the underlying issues and instead only buff them it fixes nothing.
Why are you trying so hard to avoid answering the question?
I'm not trying hard to avoid the question and in fact answered it, you just don't like my reasoning in my response. You claim the big problem is on your side but that doesn't make it so. I'm saying the big problem is the overall underlying issues that have put killer in such a bad place.
It's a yes/no question. You've yet to say either yes or no. All you've done is criticize my reasoning for my own answer and criticize the question itself.
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@BOSS242 said:
What? If I understand you, you're saying it can be done but it's not easy so you need to make it easier? Maybe you just need to find the challenge level that fits you best. What every rank/killer combo that is for you.Any Killer can get kills if Survivors make big mistakes multiple times in a row. Doesn't mean the game is balanced.
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@JFox said:
Seriously guys, we need to stop this, because we all love the game so why are we always fighting ?
-Yes, SWF can be op but it's not the fault of the players, but the way the game was made
-Yes, Camping is annoying but it's the easiest way to do kills, if the game was totally balanced, camping wouldn't exist
-No, insulting someone at the end of a game or in his steam profile is not ok, particularly if it's just like "ez baby killer" or "without SWF you are #########", this is literally harassement.
I never had so much insults on my steam profile since I have DBD.
We should all do peace guys, and it's not because a famous player is doing one of those thing that you should do it too, the community is a real problem, not since the release of the game, but since streamers and youtubers started to play cancer, most people play like them because they do not think by themself, this need to stop.By the way I'm not a native english speaker so please don't mind mistakes, I have 1k hours on DBD and I play both survivors and killers equally
It is the survs fault. Is somebody holding a gun to their heads telling them they have to swf and use coms? No. Its a conscience decision. Their fault they are cheating.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
Until Survivors stop being entitled, constantly complaining about things that they find annoying instead of things that make the game imbalanced, you can kiss your wish goodbye.Anytime someone says anything about improving something for survivors, killers get all REEEEE and say stuff like "YOU ARE ENTITLED". That is literally the argument every killer main resorts to if they can't provide substantial counter points. Fact is, survivor has some stuff that sucks too. Do killers need to be stronger? Yes, but that doesn't mean survivors don't need a better experience too.
I play both sides I want the best game there is. I want less BS for killers AND survivors, yet anytime I make a point about BS survivors have to deal with all I get is "YOU ARE BEING ENTITLED" which is not only wrong but just a pathetic attempt to derail actual conversation. Killers are being entitled thinking they are the only ones that deserve any sort of change for the better, and the only things survivors should get are nerfs and punishments. THAT is entitlement, to think only you and your side matter or deserve things the other side doesn't.
When a 4 person wrecking crew using no coms and no perks can depip killer after killer that speaks for itself.
When a 4 person wrecking crew using coms and all available perks can depip killer after killer that also speaks for itself.This is the state of the game.
The game is surv favored. There is nothing argue about that other than they need to be nerfed.
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@JFox said:
Seriously guys, we need to stop this, because we all love the game so why are we always fighting ?
-Yes, SWF can be op but it's not the fault of the players, but the way the game was made
-Yes, Camping is annoying but it's the easiest way to do kills, if the game was totally balanced, camping wouldn't exist
-No, insulting someone at the end of a game or in his steam profile is not ok, particularly if it's just like "ez baby killer" or "without SWF you are #########", this is literally harassement.
I never had so much insults on my steam profile since I have DBD.
We should all do peace guys, and it's not because a famous player is doing one of those thing that you should do it too, the community is a real problem, not since the release of the game, but since streamers and youtubers started to play cancer, most people play like them because they do not think by themself, this need to stop.By the way I'm not a native english speaker so please don't mind mistakes, I have 1k hours on DBD and I play both survivors and killers equally
Killers mostly don't really camp. Except if there's a or more than one survivor who abuse pallet loops, infinites and/or t-bag. Which justifies camping. The game isn't balanced. That's why there's war
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@KillingInstinct said:
@JFox said:
Seriously guys, we need to stop this, because we all love the game so why are we always fighting ?
-Yes, SWF can be op but it's not the fault of the players, but the way the game was made
-Yes, Camping is annoying but it's the easiest way to do kills, if the game was totally balanced, camping wouldn't exist
-No, insulting someone at the end of a game or in his steam profile is not ok, particularly if it's just like "ez baby killer" or "without SWF you are #########", this is literally harassement.
I never had so much insults on my steam profile since I have DBD.
We should all do peace guys, and it's not because a famous player is doing one of those thing that you should do it too, the community is a real problem, not since the release of the game, but since streamers and youtubers started to play cancer, most people play like them because they do not think by themself, this need to stop.By the way I'm not a native english speaker so please don't mind mistakes, I have 1k hours on DBD and I play both survivors and killers equally
Killers mostly don't really camp. Except if there's a or more than one survivor who abuse pallet loops, infinites and/or t-bag. Which justifies camping. The game isn't balanced. That's why there's war
I do camp.
After every bullying game I have a few games relaxing in front of the hook (if I even continue playing at all)2 -
@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
Answer the question. Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
This is a "yes/no" question. I failed to see either of those words in your answer. Once you answer it, you can then explain your reasoning. Here, I'll go first.
It's not unreasonable to fix the bigger problem first. Fixing Survivor problems might help Survivors in the short term, but in the long term, it's better if you start by putting Killers where they should be, so that the Survivor fixes don't make the game unbalanced to the point Killers put together another strike.Yet what's the actual big problem here, buffing killers or fixing the underlying issues that cause that? So you buff killers 1st well then now the shoes on other foot so they either nerf killers again or buff survivors and then were back to square 1 again.
This is why they need to address it all at the same time instead of piecemeal attempts which just end up making them redo stuff later. If they make changes to say aura reading abilities at the same time they know the balance is there when they go to release it. But if they do only killers then they have to either nerf it back again or buff survivors.
This is why they decided to change tinkerer completely because trying to adjust things for one group meant they couldn't get it right for the others. By doing the change all at once they cna now buff all the killers individually for how cdr stuff works.
The same is true for fixing killers, if you don't fix the underlying issues and instead only buff them it fixes nothing.
I don´t agree. Killers have been nerved harder than survivors in the past 2 years. Most killer meta perks have been nerfed so hard, that everyone stopped using them, because they would handicap themself more by using them. Survivor perks on the other hand have been nerfbuffed. For every minor nerf, they have been hugely buffed on the other side. SC doesn´t give as much of a heal bonus to medkits? Let´s give rank 1 and 2 the 50% base heal speed!
In order to balance this game, the devs need to nerf/buff one side. Then see how that works out, before they do it another time. If they change to many things on both sides at the same time, they risk that they get inconclusive data. Because the whole thing might cause a chain reaction.
That was the whole point of the PTB. To see if the planned changes are to much or not enough. But survivors felt to entitled to play on the PTB. Because they wouldn´t gain anything from it (perks not being nerfed so hard is obviously not worth fighting for). That was a missed chance, and everyone who complains about the changes after they go live, should just shut up. Because they had their chance and didn´t use it.
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@Tsulan said:
I don´t agree. Killers have been nerved harder than survivors in the past 2 years. Most killer meta perks have been nerfed so hard, that everyone stopped using them, because they would handicap themself more by using them. Survivor perks on the other hand have been nerfbuffed. For every minor nerf, they have been hugely buffed on the other side. SC doesn´t give as much of a heal bonus to medkits? Let´s give rank 1 and 2 the 50% base heal speed!
In order to balance this game, the devs need to nerf/buff one side. Then see how that works out, before they do it another time. If they change to many things on both sides at the same time, they risk that they get inconclusive data. Because the whole thing might cause a chain reaction.
That was the whole point of the PTB. To see if the planned changes are to much or not enough. But survivors felt to entitled to play on the PTB. Because they wouldn´t gain anything from it (perks not being nerfed so hard is obviously not worth fighting for). That was a missed chance, and everyone who complains about the changes after they go live, should just shut up. Because they had their chance and didn´t use it.
As a someone who plays both sides I don't have an issue with the survivor nerfs and advocated for quite a bit of them. The survivors whining the most are like some killers that refuse to adapt to the changing game. I just think that by continuing down the nerf one side buff the other side 1 after the other nothing will get better.
The biggest issue is probably that they're limited by the ahem spaghetti code and can't do what's really needed until they write the new code.
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thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
Until Survivors stop being entitled, constantly complaining about things that they find annoying instead of things that make the game imbalanced, you can kiss your wish goodbye.Anytime someone says anything about improving something for survivors, killers get all REEEEE and say stuff like "YOU ARE ENTITLED". That is literally the argument every killer main resorts to if they can't provide substantial counter points. Fact is, survivor has some stuff that sucks too. Do killers need to be stronger? Yes, but that doesn't mean survivors don't need a better experience too.
I play both sides I want the best game there is. I want less BS for killers AND survivors, yet anytime I make a point about BS survivors have to deal with all I get is "YOU ARE BEING ENTITLED" which is not only wrong but just a pathetic attempt to derail actual conversation. Killers are being entitled thinking they are the only ones that deserve any sort of change for the better, and the only things survivors should get are nerfs and punishments. THAT is entitlement, to think only you and your side matter or deserve things the other side doesn't.
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But i like watching fights.
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@Orion said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Orion said:
Until Survivors stop being entitled, constantly complaining about things that they find annoying instead of things that make the game imbalanced, you can kiss your wish goodbye.As a survivor main I would like to apologize for that. Even I admit there are a lot of survivors out there that feel entitled. But also I've gone up against killers that feel entitled as well. I think it's a both sides of the fence sort of thing.
Survivors feel they are entitled to survive.
Killers feel they are entitled to kill.
Vicious cycle.Good luck out in the game
Killers feel they are entitled to the power role promised to them in this asymmetrical game.
Survivors feel they are entitled to the power role promised to the other side in this asymmetrical game.The two sides are not equal.
Sorry but I'm going to have to disagree with you on this. Some, not all killers, but some from what I've seen and read feel that they should be in complete control of the game and the survivors should stand absolutely no chance of survival at all.
I've been up against many killers who just played a bad game then messaged me after blaming me for their bad game play saying I should have died. This is not a one sided problem. Their on people on both sides who see this as only one sided when it is not. There is a way to balance the game without ruining it for either side. I agree that killers need a buff and I say that know I'm a survivor main. But basing those fixes on things such as SWF and trolls on both sides is not the way to go for this.
Like I said, I agree killers need a buff. However there are ways to do it without completely smothering the survivors and making it so that survivors just don't want to play the game. Same way for killers. Killers lobby waiting rooms are already kinda lengthy at times which means as it is, there's not always enough survivors playing the game as is at the time. I just don't want things to get too out of hand on both sides where it doesn't drive the player base away.
Just my opinion
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@Krueger1428 said:
thesuicidefox said:@Orion said:
Until Survivors stop being entitled, constantly complaining about things that they find annoying instead of things that make the game imbalanced, you can kiss your wish goodbye.
Anytime someone says anything about improving something for survivors, killers get all REEEEE and say stuff like "YOU ARE ENTITLED". That is literally the argument every killer main resorts to if they can't provide substantial counter points. Fact is, survivor has some stuff that sucks too. Do killers need to be stronger? Yes, but that doesn't mean survivors don't need a better experience too.
I play both sides I want the best game there is. I want less BS for killers AND survivors, yet anytime I make a point about BS survivors have to deal with all I get is "YOU ARE BEING ENTITLED" which is not only wrong but just a pathetic attempt to derail actual conversation. Killers are being entitled thinking they are the only ones that deserve any sort of change for the better, and the only things survivors should get are nerfs and punishments. THAT is entitlement, to think only you and your side matter or deserve things the other side doesn't.
Well f*****g said!
ive never in my life seen a killer use the sentence "You are entitled" when a survivor wants buffs.
we will, however say, it is probably not needed considering how imbalanced things are right now.
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Just dropped back in to see how the war effort is going? Any casualties yet?3
@JFox said:
Seriously guys, we need to stop this, because we all love the game so why are we always fighting ?
-Yes, SWF can be op but it's not the fault of the players, but the way the game was made
-Yes, Camping is annoying but it's the easiest way to do kills, if the game was totally balanced, camping wouldn't exist
-No, insulting someone at the end of a game or in his steam profile is not ok, particularly if it's just like "ez baby killer" or "without SWF you are #########", this is literally harassement.
I never had so much insults on my steam profile since I have DBD.
We should all do peace guys, and it's not because a famous player is doing one of those thing that you should do it too, the community is a real problem, not since the release of the game, but since streamers and youtubers started to play cancer, most people play like them because they do not think by themself, this need to stop.By the way I'm not a native english speaker so please don't mind mistakes, I have 1k hours on DBD and I play both survivors and killers equally
I agree that SWF is not the fault of the players, and I have no problem with people playing with their friends. I do however dislike that they then add voice cheats to the mix. Which they CAN CONTROL, so that's not how the game was made.
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@Orion said:
Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?Baited and heavily biased question so I will not answer. Who are you to say that survivor problems are "small" problems anyway? Camping is a pretty major issue if you just look at the forums, but you will never admit that because you are biased. This is exactly my point about killers being entitled. You think that because killers need buffs that the devs should only focus on them and ignore survivors, when both sides need fixes.
Also, you know nothing of game development. Bigger issues mean bigger MORE EXPENSIVE solutions. Small issues mean small CHEAP solutions. It would be a lot easier to fix a whole bunch of little things than to fix one big thing, because the little things require little resources (time, money specifically), are easy to test and push out in an update. If the devs wanted to change, IDK, say the hatch standoff, it will take a while for them to design, test, and implement a solution. Hence why we've had some new hatch TESTS but nothing confirmed, mainly because those tests failed to find a proper solution. The only BIG issue that takes priority over everything else is stability issues. If the game is constantly crashing, that's a big issue and needs a fix ASAP. Everything else is not exactly a priority.
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Some men just want to watch the world burn!
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Orion said:
@BOSS242 said:
What? If I understand you, you're saying it can be done but it's not easy so you need to make it easier? Maybe you just need to find the challenge level that fits you best. What every rank/killer combo that is for you.Any Killer can get kills if Survivors make big mistakes multiple times in a row. Doesn't mean the game is balanced.
I almost feel it's like its the gun control issue here in the US. hahahaha I know hear me out.like some people argue, they keep taken power away from survivors which seems hurt New players and non toxic players more than the toxic survs you want to take the power from. Need to keep boosting killer for chase but stop and even go back on some of the aura reading stuff so survivors can hide otherwise we're just going to go unbalanced again but for the survivors again this time
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@BOSS242 said:
Alright, I get ya. So you would like for the killer to have to make a mistake for the survivors have chance to win instead of the other way round? Makes sense. But I also think things are getting better at least for straight up players.I almost feel it's like its the gun control issue here in the US. hahahaha I know hear me out.
like some people argue, they keep taken power away from survivors which seems hurt New players and non toxic players more than the toxic survs you want to take the power from. Need to keep boosting killer for chase but stop and even go back on some of the aura reading stuff so survivors can hide otherwise we're just going to go unbalanced again but for the survivors again this time
No, not exactly.
I want Survivors to have to be smarter/better than the Killer in order to escape, instead of just having to exploit map design and broken mechanics while their team does generators.
I want Survivors to be pressured to make as few mistakes as possible, instead of having more safety nets than Chinese factories.
Long story short, I want Survivors to have to play well in order to win. They're supposed to be the weaker role, their mistakes should be more punishing.2 -
@Orion said:
No, not exactly.
I want Survivors to have to be smarter/better than the Killer in order to escape, instead of just having to exploit map design and broken mechanics while their team does generators.
I want Survivors to be pressured to make as few mistakes as possible, instead of having more safety nets than Chinese factories.
Long story short, I want Survivors to have to play well in order to win. They're supposed to be the weaker role, their mistakes should be more punishing.The only problem is the learning curve. They have to balance it for the whole community. people with 100's to 1000's of hours would adjust. New people just starting get slaughtered over and over. They move on. Highly skilled and experienced killers have been deranking and sit in 12-18 range. I've seen 6 different users with the Platinum trophy(every achievement in the game killer and survivor)That is a major problem they also need to deal with.
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@JFox said:
Seriously guys, we need to stop this, because we all love the game so why are we always fighting ?
-Yes, SWF can be op but it's not the fault of the players, but the way the game was made
-Yes, Camping is annoying but it's the easiest way to do kills, if the game was totally balanced, camping wouldn't exist
-No, insulting someone at the end of a game or in his steam profile is not ok, particularly if it's just like "ez baby killer" or "without SWF you are #########", this is literally harassement.
I never had so much insults on my steam profile since I have DBD.
We should all do peace guys, and it's not because a famous player is doing one of those thing that you should do it too, the community is a real problem, not since the release of the game, but since streamers and youtubers started to play cancer, most people play like them because they do not think by themself, this need to stop.By the way I'm not a native english speaker so please don't mind mistakes, I have 1k hours on DBD and I play both survivors and killers equally
Buckle up my friend its time we did something drastic! It's time we...DELETED THE INTERNET!
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@fcc2014 said:
@Orion said:
No, not exactly.
I want Survivors to have to be smarter/better than the Killer in order to escape, instead of just having to exploit map design and broken mechanics while their team does generators.
I want Survivors to be pressured to make as few mistakes as possible, instead of having more safety nets than Chinese factories.
Long story short, I want Survivors to have to play well in order to win. They're supposed to be the weaker role, their mistakes should be more punishing.The only problem is the learning curve. They have to balance it for the whole community. people with 100's to 1000's of hours would adjust. New people just starting get slaughtered over and over. They move on. Highly skilled and experienced killers have been deranking and sit in 12-18 range. I've seen 6 different users with the Platinum trophy(every achievement in the game killer and survivor)That is a major problem they also need to deal with.
Ideally, you could add more modifiers to the queue system that would not be bypassed no matter how much time had passed. For example, play time, highest rank achieved, and so on.
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@Orion said:
Ideally, you could add more modifiers to the queue system that would not be bypassed no matter how much time had passed. For example, play time, highest rank achieved, and so on.
That is actually a really good idea on the conditions that BHVR can pull it off and it doesn't make que times outrageous. I could see issues on pc though people hacking just to continue to troll.
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@fcc2014 said:
@Orion said:
Ideally, you could add more modifiers to the queue system that would not be bypassed no matter how much time had passed. For example, play time, highest rank achieved, and so on.
That is actually a really good idea on the conditions that BHVR can pull it off and it doesn't make que times outrageous. I could see issues on pc though people hacking just to continue to troll.
Queue times would naturally increase for high-ranking people, but that's something everyone would have to deal with to ensure balanced matches. You can't simultaneously have balanced matches and fast queues unless you have literally millions of players, or if the players you do have are equally distributed between every metric you might want to consider.
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Orion said:
@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
The fact that you believe camping and "tunneling" are balance issues says all I need to know about your understanding of the game.The fact that you use that lame ass excuse proves his point that anytime a survivor or anyone posts something that some killer mains disagree with they resort to insults. Both camping and tunneling are gameplay issues resulting from how the game is designed.
The killer has to tunnel and or camp because of lopping etc. The survivor has to do those things because they can''t really lose the killer and od an evade style of hide and seek because of map design etc. No one is going to take you seriously unless and until you and the other stop resorting to insults because you can't debate.
Tunneling is not a thing; it's called playing smart, going after the weakest link, taking out the easy target. Asking Killers to play stupidly is not reasonable.
Camping is a Survivor-created problem with a Survivor-created solution. Survivors reward camping by hook rushing or otherwise halting all progress.
Looping is not used to win a chase. It's used as a means to waste the Killer's time with minimal risk to the Survivor, and has no gameplay counter other than playing a single Killer.The two sides are not equivalent.
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Orion said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@AsePlayer said:
@Orion said:
The fact that you believe camping and "tunneling" are balance issues says all I need to know about your understanding of the game.The fact that you responded this way says all I need to know about your comprehension of the post
Yep. It's dismissive. "Killers need buffs therefore there is absolutely no problems playing survivor." No, both sides need a fix.
Wrong. The argument is "Killer are in need of buffs for balance purposes more than Survivors are in need of solutions to their problems, therefore balance should take priority over Survivor issues". Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
Do you really think survivors are going to stick around and keep playing if all you do is constantly make things harder for them?? But who cares right? "As long as the game plays how I want it to!" Open your mind a bit to the idea other people want to have fun playing too!!!1 -
@BOSS242 said:
If you spend too much time and energy on only the big issue this game will die. Your idea of a small issue may be a huge problem for others so to say "until I'm happy none of your issue can be fixed" is about as entitled as you can get!
Do you really think survivors are going to stick around and keep playing if all you do is constantly make things harder for them?? But who cares right? "As long as the game plays how I want it to!" Open your mind a bit to the idea other people want to have fun playing too!!!You're still not getting my point. I'll give it one last try.
- When you fix issues plaguing one side, you indirectly buff that side. It's unavoidable.
- The game is in the Survivors' favor right now. That's a fact that most people acknowledge.
- Survivor fixes are usually small changes. This stems from the fact that Survivor gameplay is fairly basic compared to Killer gameplay. There are few interactions that can cause problems.
- To balance the game, new mechanics will have to be introduced, which will then need to be tweaked. This takes time.
- To fix every problem plaguing Survivors would tilt the balance of the game further in the Survivors' favor. Given what happened last year, when players (yes, players; they weren't just Killer mains, despite the propaganda) organized a strike in protest of the game's unbalanced state, this could result in a similar (or worse) event.
- If Survivor mains could bite the bullet for once, instead of expecting Killer mains to do it, and wait until the game approaches something resembling a balanced state, their fixes would have less of an impact on the balance of the game. At worst, it would go from "fairly balanced" to "slightly unbalanced", as opposed to going from "very unbalanced" to "unplayable".
- If the devs start fixing Survivor problems after the game is balanced, the balance changes required will be relatively small adjustments to their new mechanics that can be released in quick succession.
- If the devs were to fix every Survivor problem now, given that it'd just add to the unbalanced state of the game, it'd take longer to achieve a balanced state. New mechanics take time to create and adjust to. Even if they only fix some of the problems at the same time as they balance the game by introducing new mechanics, they won't have reliable data on either change. This means they'll have to push back one of the two, and if history tells us anything, they'll push back whatever benefits Killers.
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fcc2014 said:
@Orion said:
No, not exactly.
I want Survivors to have to be smarter/better than the Killer in order to escape, instead of just having to exploit map design and broken mechanics while their team does generators.
I want Survivors to be pressured to make as few mistakes as possible, instead of having more safety nets than Chinese factories.
Long story short, I want Survivors to have to play well in order to win. They're supposed to be the weaker role, their mistakes should be more punishing.The only problem is the learning curve. They have to balance it for the whole community. people with 100's to 1000's of hours would adjust. New people just starting get slaughtered over and over. They move on. Highly skilled and experienced killers have been deranking and sit in 12-18 range. I've seen 6 different users with the Platinum trophy(every achievement in the game killer and survivor)That is a major problem they also need to deal with.
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@ShrimpTwiggs said:
Isn't it ironic that a post calling for the community to get along has devolved into arguments?Objectively did you, now in hind-site ... expect it not too. I mean if this was not a forgone conclusion then there would be no need for this thread and it wouldn't exist in the first place. Ah.. such lovely irony.
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BOSS242 said:Orion said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@AsePlayer said:
@Orion said:
The fact that you believe camping and "tunneling" are balance issues says all I need to know about your understanding of the game.The fact that you responded this way says all I need to know about your comprehension of the post
Yep. It's dismissive. "Killers need buffs therefore there is absolutely no problems playing survivor." No, both sides need a fix.
Wrong. The argument is "Killer are in need of buffs for balance purposes more than Survivors are in need of solutions to their problems, therefore balance should take priority over Survivor issues". Do you think it's unreasonable to focus on the big problem instead of solving small issues that would further tilt the game in the Survivors' favor?
Do you really think survivors are going to stick around and keep playing if all you do is constantly make things harder for them?? But who cares right? "As long as the game plays how I want it to!" Open your mind a bit to the idea other people want to have fun playing too!!!
Now that survivors get some MINOR(!) nerfes, they act like the devs are catering to the killers only and say that this game is going to die. Since survivors will stop playing, because it's just to hard and frustrating (wasn't frustrating for killers, right?!).
Survivors claim that killers want them to run in a straight line. But nothing could be farther away from the truth. Killers enjoy a good chase. That can even take some minutes and with the survivor escaping at the end. But killers don't enjoy running 5 minutes in circles.
Or getting teabagged at every corner.
If a survivor teabags, it's ok and killers should man up, because it's just pressing crouch. But if the killer does anything that the survivors consider toxic, suddenly all hell breaks lose and he gets a report.6 -
This community is literally the most toxic gaming community or any community I have ever encountered. Just seems like every game sucks because there are always toxic people and post game they just insult more
i quit dbd and waiting for mid chapter to play again. The game is imbalanced and not fun no matter the side I play. Killers camp tunnel(a legit stradegy but very annoying for the person getting camped or tunneled) and survivors tbag and click flashlights to be jerks and complain when they get camped(I intentionally ruin my games to camp toxic survivors)
its just simply not fun for me3 -
Orion said:
@BOSS242 said:
If you spend too much time and energy on only the big issue this game will die. Your idea of a small issue may be a huge problem for others so to say "until I'm happy none of your issue can be fixed" is about as entitled as you can get!
Do you really think survivors are going to stick around and keep playing if all you do is constantly make things harder for them?? But who cares right? "As long as the game plays how I want it to!" Open your mind a bit to the idea other people want to have fun playing too!!!You're still not getting my point. I'll give it one last try.
- When you fix issues plaguing one side, you indirectly buff that side. It's unavoidable.
- The game is in the Survivors' favor right now. That's a fact that most people acknowledge.
- Survivor fixes are usually small changes. This stems from the fact that Survivor gameplay is fairly basic compared to Killer gameplay. There are few interactions that can cause problems.
- To balance the game, new mechanics will have to be introduced, which will then need to be tweaked. This takes time.
- To fix every problem plaguing Survivors would tilt the balance of the game further in the Survivors' favor. Given what happened last year, when players (yes, players; they weren't just Killer mains, despite the propaganda) organized a strike in protest of the game's unbalanced state, this could result in a similar (or worse) event.
- If Survivor mains could bite the bullet for once, instead of expecting Killer mains to do it, and wait until the game approaches something resembling a balanced state, their fixes would have less of an impact on the balance of the game. At worst, it would go from "fairly balanced" to "slightly unbalanced", as opposed to going from "very unbalanced" to "unplayable".
- If the devs start fixing Survivor problems after the game is balanced, the balance changes required will be relatively small adjustments to their new mechanics that can be released in quick succession.
- If the devs were to fix every Survivor problem now, given that it'd just add to the unbalanced state of the game, it'd take longer to achieve a balanced state. New mechanics take time to create and adjust to. Even if they only fix some of the problems at the same time as they balance the game by introducing new mechanics, they won't have reliable data on either change. This means they'll have to push back one of the two, and if history tells us anything, they'll push back whatever benefits Killers.
All I'm saying is just because something may give the survivors a usable effect or ability you shouldn't start with a super solid NO. As you take power away from survivor (as they should) you need to give them something else to use and give killers the right kind of power. Take away my ability to run away from killer, than give me something to hide better. Instead they give dumb ######### like bitter murmurs that shows you where survivors are every time they complete their one and only objective?? How's that help killer close chase?? That's just taking away the ability to hide. I play killer a lot and I have no trouble finding people I just dont like running in circles all that much!! This game is amazing when both sides play correctly and I dont like seeing anything that hurts how clean player can play the game.
I just feel they can give and take away power from players but when you take power from one play style you need to at the very least leave the other styles alone.3 -
The biggest issue and the one that will not only take the most time to fix but also would solve a lot of the killer imbalance would be map redesign. This would take a huge amount of time to redo all the maps and not just the problem parts of certain maps. Ahem cough Barn cough being a prime example.
To make this better you'd have to give survivors more places to hide and better ways to lose the killer besides the pallets and endless looping. The survivors have to do this because it's the only thing they can do to get away, The killers then get frustrated and resort to camping,tunneling etc. You could change perks all you want but that won't address the core issues of the map causing the problems.
IF you fix the map design to be more of a hide and seek type then you can balance around that and killers would be in more of a power role.
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@powerbats said:
@fcc2014 I just had to do this because it's so true in a sarcastic sort of way. Although some of it is balance but the swf excuse is apt here.When the killers is so bad you can live on the hooks and they still blame swf.
you know we are going to get 6 posts tomorrow about this same garbage and i'm willing to bet a Leatherface avatar is behind them.