Should BBQ & Chili limit aura reading?



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited October 2019

    If BBQ has so many counters, then why is it necessary to limit the number of aura readings?

    It goes both ways, man.

    But, in answer to your question: the number of times I hook someone, look around, and see no auras with BBQ is quite large. Let's say I get eight hooks, I may only see auras for three of those eight BBQ procs. If we limit the number of times I can see auras, I may only see auras with BBQ once or even zero times during a match.

    If we limit the number of times BBQ can see auras, then the devs would have to start removing the ways survivors can counter it. Lockers hiding auras and being able to duck behind unfinished generators would have to be nerfed.

    It's still not a good idea, though. BBQ incentivizes killers to leave the hook. When the killer hooks a survivor, they know for sure where one survivor is; if they stay on that survivor, it's called hook camping, and that makes everyone playing survivor unhappy. If the killer sees an aura with BBQ, then they know where two survivors are. If the killer leaves the hook to chase the second survivor, the one on the hook can be saved and the second survivor can run, juke the killer, etc. It's healthy for the game.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    Def not factual. Killers def run for aura reading for pressure. The Double BP is just bonus.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    But they dont leave even with BBQ on seen it so many times. Most just spirit and billies leave due to the quick speed. Everyone else just knows a rough estimate where you r and still camps anyways. I'm not saying nerd bbq. But defend it with BS statements.

    But on a real note, buff distortion and it would be a good turn towards immersive play styles. The way the game is suppose to be.

    That is all

    Thank you all.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited October 2019

    "But defend it with BS statements."

    I'm going to assume you meant to say "don't defend it with BS statements." None of my statements were BS, though. I stated why BBQ is designed the way it is and what purpose it's supposed to serve. I can't control how some players utilize or don't utilize it. Not that it really matters, because it's not like they're somehow abusing the perk by not using the information it gives.

    If the killer leaves the hook because they saw an aura with BBQ, then it benefits the survivor on the hook. If the killer doesn't leave the hook, then the aura-reading part of BBQ was wasted. Sucks for the survivor on the hook, but that should make everyone saying they don't want killers to come after them because they saw their aura with BBQ happy, right?

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Because of the simple fact it can be countered in so many ways without perks that nerfing it more would be both unneeded and pointless. I don't run BBQ that much but when I DO use it I sometimes see no one at all, cause they know the counters.

    Not only that but you want something that actively encourages the Killer to NOT camp to be nerfed. So sure, by that logic you are asking KILLERS TO CAMP MORE. Do you not get that? Nerf BBQ and you will see more Killers camping cause there is nothing going "Oh hey if you go over to that aura over there and get him, you will get more BPs. Don't you want that?"

    Think about the effects of what you are asking for. Multiple Mods and Devs have told you at this point that BBQ is fine, and you have the whole of the community telling you it too. Killers AND Survivors. I make sure to point that out cause you stereotype all Killers as people that want "Survivors to spawn on the hook" and stupid stuff like that. Do you realize how BORING the game would be if something like that happened? I'd personally hate it and I play Killer 98% of the time. I want a good back and forth match, not a stomp either way. So you can't just dismiss me as a "Killer Mainz" and lump me in with the extreme side of Killers. I don't do that to survivors that have a good head on there shoulders like @TragicSolitude and @NoShinyPony

    There, your question is answered.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    Me personally dont care that it has the ability to see my aura. But you said that it gives reason killers to not camp. I was saying that killers still camp even with bbq on anyway. But hey nothing is going to change. But this discussion is very long at this point.

    But on a different note. I would enjoy a better farming perk then WGLF its already hard to get BP as survivors. Am I right yall

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Because it has so many counters. Like, you just answered your own question.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I'd be cool with giving yall more BPs across the board.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    That would be great too. Sucks that an average good game is about 18-22k per game. That's like the killer badish game.

  • Hex_Raider
    Hex_Raider Member Posts: 37

    This is a better idea.

    However, the aura reading ability should only work on Survivors who haven't been hooked. Once you get hooked, your aura is no longer shown once someone is hooked.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    There's already plenty of counters to BBQ. (Many others have stated the counters so I'm not going to repeat them!). Plus why would you want to hard nerf an anti-camp incentive perk?

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    edited January 2020

    Believe it or not BBQ gives killler many reason to not camp by giving them another objective. Nerfing this perk would be even dumber than ruin nerf.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    Because if you limit it you would nerf it ? BBQ aura reading ability is a nice help but not OP. If survivers don't care if you have BBQ its not the killers fault. It has many counterplays but some people just do gens or other stuff and ingore BBQ. So why should you nerf something that is not even OP lol ?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Not going to read through 4 pages of responses but no. Just no.

    Barbecue is already limited in range, by the fact that it won't show people nearby. And if you're across the map and the killer sees you with the perk, and decides to go for you, then its intended purpose is fulfilled: getting the killer to leave the hook to chase other people and give someone else the chance of going for the save.

    And as someone in the very first responses said (pretty much only read the first two or three) barbecue already has a shitload of counters to it. Most of the time I hook a survivor using barbecue, I can't see anyone because they're either in lockers, crouched nearby, or positioned perfectly behind a generator and I can't see them (or they run distortion)

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    The perk needs a MAJOR rework. We are talking like SUPER-ultra major FIX..

    • High Rank survivors and De Pip Squads are NOT effected by it.
    • Mid-low tier survivors can barely play through it.

    Discussions and thoughts:

    • BBQ and Chili becoming a HEX? (simple fix)
    • Distortion being buffed so it no longer has tokens? (infinite use like calm spirit).
    • BBQ and Chili now with tokens that after a SET number of uses? ( It no longer is active) (Fair to counter with distortion's limitations

  • WastelandSociety
    WastelandSociety Member Posts: 7

    I disagree and I just started to use it so it’s not like I’ve been relying on it for all my killers as I haven’t unlocked it through bloodweb yet. 

    As a new survivor in the past, I had learned to assume killers might have BBQ and will move to another location after a few seconds. Sometimes that works other times it doesn’t. Which is one way to beat it. Another way is by hiding in a locker or remain close by the killer while staying well hidden. Those are the few best strategies to make BBQ useless. Which isn’t hard to do and survivors failing to do so just doesn’t bother thinking ahead or learn what the killer perks are. Like how survivors will accuse killers of cheating cause they can take multiple swings while carrying, thanks to mad grit. Learn and practice what are the best steps to take to counter killer perks.

    If you think survivors having to assume what perks might be in play by one killer is unfair, than let’s talk about the thought process of a killer while facing 4 survivors is like. 

    I could understand it being a MAJOR issue if the perk remains active throughout the match,allowing the killers to see survivors location uninterrupted. But this isn’t it chief. It doesn’t need any major fixes. Thanks.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    No, no and no.

    Barbecue already has enough counters as it is, no need to nerf a perfectly good perk that, as WastelandSociety says, you should always assume the killer has. Remove Barbecue and you remove a lot of map pressure for the killer.

    Just get within barbecue range or hide in a locker when someone gets picked up, simple as that. There are enough lockers on the maps that you have no excuse not to be invisible to the barbecue. As I pointed out above, there are many times where I see no one with barbecue because everyone's hiding. Seems like the counters already in place work just fine.

  • thatcarbonfox
    thatcarbonfox Member Posts: 89

    Fix camping and tunneling

  • FeBLeSs
    FeBLeSs Member Posts: 15

    Use DS and borrowed time. And if you get camped/tunneled and dies, why not just move on to the next game? Escaping is not the only purpose of survivors.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    And then complain why killer camp.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Literally get behind a gen or hide in a locker

    how is that hard?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    But but.. it breaks my M1 Simulator immersion to have to stop holding the m1 button to go hide!

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    So.. This thread is a few months old and got necro'ed and quite a few people got banned, some people were quoting them. This includes the original poster. So, they may not be around any longer to respond is all.. Just a heads up.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    With that kind of logic, you just gave 'Entitled Survivor' a whole new definition. If this is how the game devs thought about every feature in the game, everyone who is worried about DBD dying in flames would have their fears justified.

    "Oh yeah, because that perk is weak, It wouldn't really matter anyways if we nerf it. My opinions are superior, and even if it makes it harder to play killer, it should still be nerfed anyways."

    "Why are people yelling at me!? Omg! This doesn't make any sense?! How can anyone disagree with MY opinion! I'm always supposed to be right all the time."

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2020

    Hmm, I didn't pay too much attention to it, but if you really see that "I've been banned, please move on" picture, I guess it really means they've been hit by the hammer. Though, why were so many people banned on this thread o_0 ? Thanks for the heads up nevertheless.

    It just finally dawned on me, as a console pleb, that when people say "M1", they mean 'Mouse 1'. So if someone talks about a 'M1 Killer', they're referring to a killer who depends on their primary attack (right?).

    Boooossshhhh... Mind Blown lol

  • Cici_Castle
    Cici_Castle Member Posts: 8

    You know why it “doesn’t seem like a good idea” to some...BECAUSE THEY ONLY PLAY THE KILLER —_— #TRUTH 😂😂🤣

  • Cici_Castle
    Cici_Castle Member Posts: 8


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Haha that's exactly what m1 means yes :)

    And you think bbq should be nerfed and that killers should be slower because you only play survivor. I play both sides and am fine with both speeds and bbq. As mentioned before, there's are already many counters to bbq, and also your keyboard broke again.

  • Cici_Castle
    Cici_Castle Member Posts: 8


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    No, I play both sides pretty much equally. Yes it sucks that killers are faster, but it's the way the game is made, if they were the same speed, then they would need to change the way the entire game works, since killers would have no way to catch up to survivors anymore.

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2020

    Been on this forum for a day and lets just say Surv mains moan alot.

    I main both Surv + Killer and i'm red ranks in both.

    So i'm fairly experienced

    Currently playing Surv is extremely boring and easy. This game clearly favours surv at the moment.

    I mean the recent update blog just proves it, how the DEVS just nerfed ruin because you baby surv's can't do skill checks.

    Not being funny if you can't find a locker near a GEN when there's normally tons and actually hide in it when you can see the killer pick up the downed SURV WITH NO PERKS. (unless they run knockout) then seriously go watch a tutorial on how to play or something.

    Can we stop nerfing killers and actually make them stand a chance against all of the broken surv perks.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And even if they run knockout, it's easy to see if they've been picked or not.. their health bar will start glowing to show the bleeding process has been paused, so either they've been picked up or someone's healing them.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    This meme is needed at another post. It's called 'Make BBQ a Hex'.

    Welcome to the forums. I'm assuming you're new? Or returning at least...

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    Oh I'm new to the forums. And already its just people who have just started the game and are moaning about mechanics without practicing to counter them.

    Makes a game boring if its to easy no?