Live Q&A: 3.5.0 PTB/Update



  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    I really love playing killer but sometimes it's stressful and gen's pop way to fast. Without ruin to slow the game down are there anymore idea's to slow gen times or include more gen slowing perks like ruin?

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    Since your making the game easier for survivors, will you be doing anything to make the experience for killer at least more enjoyable?

  • Feleas
    Feleas Member Posts: 123

    With Hex: Ruin being reworked, a lot of Killer players are finding the game far more increasingly stressful. Are you thinking of any plans to slow down the game in some way like a second objective anytime soon?

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94

    Are you guys considering to change the hex mechanics because the hex totems arent so powerful but easy to to break?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    What changes are you going to make to the Doctor's game-play mechanics for the live release, and how will they be different from the PTB version?

  • P0PG03S
    P0PG03S Member Posts: 80

    Will there be a gen speed overhaul or / and map size changes?

  • Watchcr
    Watchcr Member Posts: 1

    Are you going to fix the emblem system and matchmaking anytime soon? :D

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Would you consider adding variable gen speeds based on maps, their strength and location in relation to other gens, completed gens and loops?. Would help survivors become 3 gen'd less, and for killers to maintain pressure on maps where it takes a long time to travel (red forest)

    Also please buff fixated to work whilst injured like urban evasion. Please. Pretty please

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Currently, the Doctor is considered quite weak in chase, largely because of the one second it takes him to switch between stances. While I'm aware that the new three-second cooldown is planned to be reduced, unless it is reduced to less than one second it would surely only amplify the existing issues with his chase potential. So my question is, what was the reasoning behind making such a change?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    Please read the information on the original post - the Q&A is about the 3.5 patch ONLY, so please keep your questions relevant to that.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited January 2020

    Did you rework Lery's because it was the doctor's map or because of other reasons?

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    How would you justify your statement that "old Ruin did not require any effort from the killer side", when it clearly is a Hex perk and the killer had to, besides juggling 4 survivors, also protect the totem?

  • Chmurkaz
    Chmurkaz Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2020

    With DLC characters coming to the archives, do you plan to make something like free acces to the killer/survivor durning the rift but including them only with their perks? This could allow new players to have a chance to complete whole archives, also possible encouraging them to buy expansion.

  • celestialking24
    celestialking24 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2020

    On the PS4 console, you guys released dedicated servers. While Killer wait times have stayed the same, Survivors lobby times have increased, sometimes taking up to or over 10 minutes to find a match.

    My question is, with the upcoming update including a new Rift for the Archives, are you guys going to be able to look into this in any way or be able to find a solution, so players can complete the survivor sided challenges and earn more rift fragments with ease, while also not losing out on time to play matches?

  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    What was up with the blatant survivor bias in the Doctor/Ruin forum post? For example, all of the “benefits” listed for changing Ruin were for survivor enjoyment with no mention of how it would impact low tier killers.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2020

    Now that the Léry’s Rework happened, will the appearance of older maps be reworked as well? If so, what maps fit that agenda?

    The reworked Léry’s is stunning, and the ambience and effects make the place a lot scarier than what it was before.

    Editted: Forgot the follow up question if that’s allowed. :(

    xGREENCATx Member Posts: 431

    Will there ever be an XP boost for the tome/rift, like throwing in an offering during matches for bloodpoints?

  • KillerMonkey236
    KillerMonkey236 Member Posts: 35

    What was your thought process when going about the ruin change. Such as, when did it first come to talks? What were other ideas? Why the change? Also, it normally makes it around 2 min into matches which stops it from being an endgame perk so why did you do that?

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    I noticed in some gameplay videos that Lery's has been reworked slightly, and it looks a lot better, updated textures and lighting and such. Can we expect other maps to receive this level of visual improvement in the future?

  • 12powak
    12powak Member Posts: 15

    Do you have any plan about the gen speed for survivors because there is some perks, toolbox + addons increses the gen speed repair and the matches are boring for killers 3-5 min don't forget the swf..

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    While I understand taking a look at the most used perks, why don't you all also spend the time to improve and buff low usage perks such as Predator? Nerfing perks only decreases the variety of the game's average builds further and further

    If the game has such a ridgid meta why not introduce improvements to the game's mechanics and make other perks more viable?

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    Devs saying 80% killers use Hex ruin.

    are u are going to nerf ds, adrenaline, dead hard, or I'm wrong?

    Nerf all meta perks for survivors.

  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112

    What is the reason Freddy and my main man Quentin are not on the switch? If it's rights issues, maybe fans can help, aka, gettin a petition up and going to show the rights holders that we want the sleepy dudes, and are willing to pay upfront for them

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Now that the Rank Rework "Initiatives" stage in your roadmap is coming up, what additions and changes to the ranking system should we expect?

  • Void
    Void Member Posts: 15

    How do you plan on dealing with the much more massive upcoming gen rush phenomena? Right now even if the team is bad, it takes only one person to carry on the gens after the ruin is destroyed in the first minute of the game 91% of the matches (doesn't matter that you nerfed the perk and claim to be now an end-game perk, lul. In fact, it helps us, survivors, massively).

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    What early game slow down perk are you replacing ruin with

  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    Will the upcoming Tomes be easier and require less questionable gameplay? I overall didn't enjoy how the game made me play and I did mostly everything on Switch and PS4

  • KillerSlayer9001
    KillerSlayer9001 Member Posts: 1

    If part of the reason why Ruin was nerfed is because it was used in almost half the games and most Red Rank games. Are there any perks on the Survivor side that fit that statement as well? And will they be changed to allow for more build variety?

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    edited January 2020

    Are you guys planning on making the "complete in one trial" challenges on the tomb easier, considering the introduction of tomb 2? or maybe adding a second way to complete a challenge that doesn't have to be done in one trial?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Can you guys address the hook exploit?

    Being able to abuse the collision to get a free unhook without any risk is a joke

  • John_Doe
    John_Doe Member Posts: 236

    Is the new tome going to have the same grind as last tome?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    When reworking Ruin, did you try and discard any other versions of it before deciding on the one you've announced? And if so, could you tell us about some of the alternative versions?

  • stream
    stream Member Posts: 126

    Ruin will be nerfed because over 80% killer use it.

    BBQ & CHILI is also used by almost killer because it's BP bonus.

    I think the BP bonus should be a standard function for the perk diversity.

    What do you think about it?

  • Stealthbomb95
    Stealthbomb95 Member Posts: 37

    What was intended purpose with these new changes to doctor, hex ruin and other stuff. controversy was created.

  • orangegoblin
    orangegoblin Member Posts: 120
    edited January 2020

    Are you going to fix the dead blink spots in every map and remove the cooldowns on nurses power anytime soon? Nigh unplayable. Also, Screaming Banshee skin for Nurse when?

  • Waish
    Waish Member Posts: 30

    In this patch a lot of your reasoning was based around survivor's fun and frustration but you never mentioned the killer's fun and frustration you only brought up a small emblem change for killers which doesn't effect fun so why is there nothing else for killers? Is killer fun ever thought about at all lately? Because it doesn't feel like it.

  • Devblade
    Devblade Member Posts: 1

    Will you fix the hitboxes for the survivors.It is a very big issue and i like playing survivor but it's literally impossible to play/escape

  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24

    Are there any plans for looking at overall map balance? Things like the Badham and now Lery's rework are nice, but the biggest problem in this game I feel from most players is map balance. Maps feel too big for most killers, while also possibly containing complete dead zones for survivors. Not to mention things like exit gates being close together for EGC. I feel like maps could do with something like a size crunch but add more clutter/loops to make it so mobility doesn't feel as needed.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Why close maps like THE GAME ,HAWKINS AND LERRY are still in the game ?Ow and SHELTER WOODS?

  • ggallinftw
    ggallinftw Member Posts: 351

    I hear that David King is to be featured in the next tome. You wouldn't make us do a no mither challenge... would you? 😧

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    With the way Ruin is being changed, my only question is: Are you guys going to be looking into how fast most games go with survive with friends or is it something you guys haven't really found out how to balance yet?

  • HexTotem
    HexTotem Member Posts: 7

    With the new ruin rework will we be seeing changes and/or buffs to other slowdown perks to help compensate for the power vacuum ?

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Will there be more maps given the Lerys treatment where you don’t rework them simply for balancing (like badham) but also to make them visually more appealing. You guys did an amazing job with Lerys btw.

  • Will something be done about matchmaking in the new patch?

    It's kinda frustrating to play as 50 hours killer against a party of 4 survivors with 1k hours each.

  • MerGirl2003
    MerGirl2003 Member Posts: 110

    How did you come to the decision to focus on David, Jane, Doctor and Spirit for this tome? Doctor kind of makes sense but the others took me and others by surprise.

  • StargamerXD
    StargamerXD Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2020

    Was your approach in improving Movement Extrapolation with removing survivor moonwalking intentional? Or was it necessary? Moonwalking has been a gimmick in this game for me almost the whole time. It has no unfair advantage ingame and its rather something that kept the game interesting for me. I do it every game already subconscious. There has to be other solutions in improving the movement without removing moonwalking. Don't take away our toys!!

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