I feel like mathhew needs another Korean twitch event vibe check

its scary to say that survivors are becoming almost as powerful as they used to be , never as much considering pallet nerf and flashlight nerf but still gen speed combined with a ton of loops yeah , thanks cote for the making game but I’d like to see if you would have fun as killer today
Did you check out twitch like he suggested? They play killer all the time there.
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Those nerds are minuscule to killer nerds and current balance , try again
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Cote doesn't need the check, Ethan does.
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Imagine thinking the brand new part nerf was unjustified LMFAOOOOL
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Imagine thinking a killer nerf was unjustified, save Legion.
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All of those things literally broke the game and were basically uncounterable. Yet all of the killer nerfs have been in the name of "reducing survivor frustration". Oh, and the DS change was a sidegrade. Just like damn near every so called survivor nerf. No survivor nerf to date besides pallet vacuums and the exhaustion nerf has noticeably reduced survivor power. Try another image.
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Oh survivor power hasn't been reduced...is that why kill rates went up?
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God killer mains are the whiniest and most entitled players of all.
I’ve been playing solo a lot recently and you lose game after game after hame after game after game. I have to put in so much effort, come top of the scoreboard everytime but can not carry my team of numpties to victory.
Do you see me complaining? Or asking for buff after buff? Or nerf after nerf after nerf?
No I suck it up and deal with it.
Killers are fine right now. I play solo and the chance of escaping is about 10%. I play killer against red ranks and I can still do ok. Win most games and normally guaranteed 2k minimum.
Sure 4 people all on comms can be annoying on some maps but by and large most survivors groups are fine.
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some people still will think that killer need to 4k every game without trying if he can't 4k before gens are done then those people think the killer is weak and need a buff plus survivors needs a nerf
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"Survivors are bad so we should never balance around players who are actually good." Or maybe fix matchmaking and balance around good players. I hate how your fallback every time is "but survivor players aren't good".
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Had Mathew ever played DBD before? Because holy ######### was his movement, trap placement, and overall chase mentality as hag was horrid to watch.You can lock off that basement wtih traps mid chase faster than they are going to loop it.
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Oh please as if you dont expect the game to be balanced around bad killers.
I see so many, they chase one survivor for 5 gens. They tunnel one off hook ignoring other survivors. They allow survivors to lure them to the edge of the map or areas with no gens. They make so many mistakes then cry the words “genrush” post game.
The game shouldn’t be balanced around bad killers. Plenty of good players are getting kills.
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Honestly I could say the same for survivors, so how about we ignore the people making wild claims about what the balance should be and instead focus on people who are reasonable?
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No, I want the game to be balanced around good players, regardless of role. And right now if you compare good survivors to good killers, the latter comes up much shorter.
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Yep totally not like the ranking system for survivor is very forgiving and easy to pip with, which means more potatoes at red ranks, which cause inflation of kill rates.
Also lets also mention how these kill rates include matches where it's probably considered a red rank match because of 1 red rank survivor.
The Devs said these stats aren't relevant and don't give a full story.
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You lose during a solo queue mostly because of what the other survivors do. It is the failure of a ranking system that lets potatoes pip so easily and to some degree the archive for challenges that require farming of teammates. Most red ranks survivors still dont know how to deal with the Hag, Freddy, or new Doctor.
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Yes they're so inflated that killers that should be <50% are actually >50%
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And yet I watch killer mains stream and rhey 4k almost every game against rank 1s and rank 2s
Do they all just happen to be bad survivors?
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Its not just killers dude. It goes both ways.
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Do you still not understand why these games happen? Ranking is garbage in this game. Due to horrible ranking which pushes potatoes into ranks they do not belong and the yolo matchmaking you get horrible matches from completely diffrent skillranges.
Why do you think I do not play solo survivor? Why did polls in this forum say the reason they die is due to dumb teammates? Why is the solo survivor experience so garbage? Because ranks are filled with people who do not belong there ffs, they belong into green and not any higher at best.
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Right. Folks who play DbD for 7-10 hours everyday. They are not indicative of the normal player base, which cannot play a video game all day on Twitch.
Using full-time, single game Twitch streamers as an example is like using Overwatch League players as an example for the average Overwatch player. They play the goddamn games for a living, and for an ungodly amount of hours every week. They are in no way representative of normal players nor the issues normal players face.
Normal players will rarely become that good at a game unless they are somehow naturally gifted because they simply cannot commit those hours to a video game. They have normal jobs.
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Well there's several factors in play here:
1) streamers play this game for insane amounts of hours, they're gonna simply be better than the average red ranker, they're gonna be better than survs that actually should be in red rank. They'll only be matched by survivors of equal time investment, so other streamers and just general sweat lords.
2) Streamers are usually people who are inherently good at video games, because no one watched Timmy who can't beat stage 1-2 in Mario, they wanna watch good players.
3) Kinda, ye, most red rank survivors are absolutely braindead. Pipping as surv is absolutely pathetically easy. 1 gen, unhook and get chased for 30s. Unless you're the unluckiest man alive, or toxic, you're not gonna get camped to depip even once every 10 games. If you cannot get to red ranks as a survivor with just some time investment, I dunno what to say, maybe plug in your keyboard.
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Do you think he actually plays DBD for fun? I doubt it. As long they're making money from cosmetics and dlc they're happy. That's why they prefer continuous flow of new players rather then keeping their older playerbase.
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All I’m seeing is excuses to be honest. Most survivors you will come across aren’t that great, but the same applies to killers.
Then people keep saying the red rank survivors are unstoppable but all data shows killers are doing fine so it can’t just be streamers.
Someone asked for Pig buffs the other say and Almo says all their data shows she is performing well.
Killers are getting kills.
Imo Doc was one of the worst and now he’s extremely good. Maybe a few other killers could have tweaks but a good portion of the roster is completely viable.
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Insta flash reduced their power and so did botany+ self care nerf.
Being able to keep a killer trapped while everyone did gens was a big power move.
(Sarcasm post)
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I can't trust the dev team's stats. Not because I don't think they're dishonest, but because they're unverifiable. They should create an API that can be used to track things such as kill rates and perk usage.
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Insta flash, from my memory, erased her traps right away
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Pshhh. I doubt Mcote will put himself in another situation like that one again.
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Wait he did star citizen?
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Except when you make comments like “I think we’ve done a good job so far,” or implying we should play another game you open yourself up to feedback and criticism.
Did he like not get any hooks the whole game
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Oh yeah I know he's not the project head. But that he still worked on it, like there's no way you get onto a project like that without realising it's a massive scam.
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"God killer mains are the whiniest and most entitled players of all."
Just stop comparing sides please? Both sides have whiny people no need to say killer mains are whiny. Remember survivors review bombed DbD I think on two occasions (I know they definitely did it once), would it be fair for me to call all survivor mains whiny? No it's not because you cannot judge a side on other people's behavior at all.
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Is that because the killer is strong or because they outplayed you with the limited mechanics of the game?
Some killers actually do need buffs: Pig was nerfed 8 times in a row, Nurse and Spirit had unjustified changes that only survivor mains wanted...
That and there is a massive amount of second chance and exhaustion perks that can be absolutely abused if used correctly.
I would love to see other survivor perks buffed so others aren't predictable/seen as much just for more variety.
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I agree, I’m just used to everyone here doing that already.
You cant discuss anything about a killer without people jumping down your throat putting you in a box and saying you’re part of some campaign group looking to get killers nerfed into the ground :(
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I try to be as least biased as I can but I'm tired of people jumping on me for having varying opinions on the health of the game. It's like if we all share the same mindset then it will be boring we will be like robots, it's good to have different opinions but some people just can't stand others having different opinions.
This goes for both sides, say something is too strong about survivor I'm attacked with "You're a killer main" but I'm like no I'm giving feedback about the game and it's my opinion. If I say something about killer needs to be changed I'm attack with "You're a survivor main" or "You don't have that much experience in rank 1" which I've been at too many times.
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The ones where they play at rank 15?
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There are ones at rank 1 if I remember correctly.
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Rank 1 killer, only one that I know of that plays red ranks. Plenty of them play red and purple rank survivors... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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I'd pay to watch a swf squad do that to him again that was gold, it was when the game was probably in the worst state it's ever been.
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That was a genuinely pathetic stream where Mathieu got flashlight blinded what, like 2 dozen times? Then in the very next patch they buffed the absolute bajeesus out of flashlights, pointing it in the killers direction was enough to instablind. They rolled it back a few weeks later because it was so severe.
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Maybe I can cut Mathieu a break in that case but the other 2 should be fired immediately
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After he did that I've had billionaire dreams where I buy bhvr and fire Mathieu in my first company meeting in front of all the staff, shouting "Maybe you should just go work on Civilization VI" as I have security forcibly remove him from the building. Appears as a daydream pretty frequently too
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It's almost entirely being outplayed, survivors expect to escape every match because it's so easy and getting downed is surprising. It's never about how the survivors could play better, it's "how the killer be weakened to not get me in thaf situation?"
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Pretty much its accepted at this point, that the only way a killer can get downs, hooks, and kills is literally by survivor mistakes, except for killers like spirit.
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I hope he comes to Korea once more. I want him to play a "fun game" in our country once more.
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Even then if they run the other direction they can lose the spirit, that video with diagrams was hilarious becuase they went "you go this way and run right into her at this loop" like pointing at a drawing of it to explain. I paused it and went "what if they go the other way?" And the video NEVER considered the other route I traced out.
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Bruh I get 4ks as legion all the time, #########?
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Alright. I can understand that some frustration can occur with game balance but before this transforms into a full fledged bash fest, let me clarify some things:
Game Development is a team effort. No one is the sole responsible for all the changes.
- Ethan and Louis are nice enough to show up, in public settings, and explain balance changes on behalf of the Design team. They are not the only decision makers on the changes, there is a Designer team behind them and changes need to pass through a lot of approval levels.
- Mat Coté is in charge of partnerships (licences, representation, etc.) not in charge of game balance.
I truly think this Community can do better than what I am seeing here.
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I know peanits live streams i dont know what rank though i don't know how easily it is for devs to balance red ranks if none of them are red ranks.