How do you feel about the speed of generator repair and the overall speed of the game?



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I've been trying to think of ways to create alternative objectives without hosing over the mid and low rank survivors. How about a selfish objective? If the survivors clear all the totems before the final gen is done, the hatch will spawn. The hatch can then be opened by one person using a 20 second timer and skill checks. It allows that one person to escape, and then closes again.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    Right now it's absolutely not worth it to kick a gen over chasing. I think making generators regress faster would be a good start - reward the killer for pressuring and playing well rather than just "all gens take X% longer now"

    Scott's early game idea has a lot of merit as well, applying a heavy debuff to repair speeds on gens until the first down or until a couple minutes has passed. Survivors can stealth/power through the time or get the game started in full force earlier to cut the killer's prep time short.

    The main issue right now is the developers think "giving up" is okay for killers and they should count themselves lucky if they get more than 2 kills a game. That's ######### ridiculous. That's even more stupid than their "We can't make ruin not a hex perk because hag can only have hexes" like what? Balancing the game trumps anything else related to "aesthetic" or design.

    It should be equally possible for all survivors to escape or all survivors to die. I'm sure I'm not the only one sick of all the pandering to newbie survivors. You don't pander to newbie sports players or newbies in any other game you expect them to feel rewarded for putting the time in and learning - ie: investing in your game.

    Regressing should be a lot more punishing in general imo, seeing as all it takes is a split second to stop it anyway + repairing generators doesn't take any skill and barely takes your attention. I think making the skill checks more difficult or going for a new system that actually requires a bit of attention would be beneficial so people aren't just scanning around constantly not giving any shits about their boring m1 objective.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    The problem is not really the gen speed. There are a lot of issues.

    1) Killers are so unbalanced between themselves, that 5 gens is enough for a hillbilly, but not really for a bubba, a wraith or a clown. All killers should (like pig) have a built-in slow down mechanic. Even if it's small, like applying mangled for every bubba's chainsaw, or a built-in Blind Warrior effect, or mangled if the clown hits you with the bottle and then hits you. ALL BUILT-IN, without the need to use an addon spot.

    2) Map design is bad with old maps. It's crazy that I have to follow a guy jumping the same window 3 times (wretched shop, ironworks, coal tower...) or drop the chase and find someone else, both really detrimental to me and 0 risk for survivors. They shouldn't have safe areas. You should be able to mindgame a survivor everywhere, those time wasters are just bad design. Though Devs are learning from their mistakes. New maps, like Lery's, yamaoka and Hawkins are balanced maps, since they have no infinite windows and jungle gyms are more unsafe than mcmillan, Crotus Prenn or autohaven.

    3) An early game mechanic (like go find a highlighted toolkit at the other side of the map, like Freddy's Clocks) would help the killer find people faster and would prevent survivors to sit on a gen the first 3 seconds of the game.

    4) SWF. Coordination gives too much of an advantage in this game. You can't ban SWF, since that was what made this game popular, but there has to be some penalty to gen speed for SWF.

    My 2 cents.

  • I'm a survivor main and games go so quick I cant even get anything done. I feel like I have no motive but do gens. Which I know is the objective but how am I suppose to get escape points, unhooking points, and etc if the game is already over? Changing ruin was a mistake. Dead hard, DS, and adrenaline should be perks that get nerfed. Dead hard shouldn't even be a thing or at least a one time thing.

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    This warmup idea is very good.

    I would just change it a bit... with the debuff on gen speed gets halved if the killer hits a survivor and null if the killer down a survivor or if it hits a second survivor.

    If a map is unbalanced or huge, the debuff will take care of that.

    If the map is balanced, the debuff will not hurt as it will be cancelled easily.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    What if there was a cap on repair speeds. For example, atm one survivor repairing a gen is 1x, two on a gen is ~2x (idk the actual numbers). So, implement a simple cap of say 1.5x. So, no matter what toolbox or perk is being used, or how many survivors are repairing the gen, there is a limit to how quickly it can be repaired.

    Similarly, I would also like a cap on repair speed debuffs, so killers can't just stack addons + perks to slow gens to a tedious crawl.

  • Guenther
    Guenther Member Posts: 8

    It's fine.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2020

    Generator times are too fast and most survivors will repeat the mantra of streamers saying that "more generator time is boring", which is, but changing it or how chases and map design works would be the only other solution making the game even more boring since chases are the real fun part of the game.

    Even streamers like Scott Jund would say making it slower is boring but suggests a slow down at the beginning of the game, which one way or another is slowing down generator's speeds.

    In my opinion generator's speeds should differ depending on how the game goes, in this way the game can be challenging for any player. If you have 4 people alive and no hooks: very slow and then for every hook the speed changes. If 2 players die the speed would get even more boosted than atm, making it very difficult for veteran killers and making it more easy for inexperienced survivors in the same move.

    Also, that would force people to tunnel less, which right now is the best tactic against gen rush. Its unfun, but effective for the killer. In that context, disconnecting would not change generator's speeds and hurt the team massively, otherwise DC would be a free win, more than already is with engame hatch. How much it would slow down or get faster its the point of ballance and would need to be tested.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    A way for generator speeds to be "adaptable" is to drastically increase regression speed and further reduce the efficiency of multiple survivors working on a gen. Right now kicking a gen doesn't really do anything and it's actually more efficient to give chase since regression is so slow on top of the fact survivors can just split-second tap a gen to stop it.

    Lastly, skill checks are insanely easy, downright boring. If we're not reworking the system make failing a skill check much more punishing like -20%

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    another killer main perspective. How about you mention the survivors’ side a little? It grows tiresome people complaining about problems killers have to go through 😂 that’s ridiculous. Who cares if you only get ONE guy and all 5 gens pop. You’re not entitled to killing all 4. Because... then 4/5 people in the lobby aren’t having fun and quite frankly survivors can’t even fight back so you’re lucky they can’t do more. I personally think they should be able to find a one time use melee weapon that they can stun the killer with. It shouldn’t be all about pallet looping. That’s not fun for me or my controller. From one hitting survivors to slamming them into the ground through a window because of god like range on their melee attack I think killers should be reworked so they can’t do those kinds of things. Unless somehow they can fix hook camping to make it an undesirable tactic, or give us more chances on the hook. Because getting caught seems inevitable sometimes. killers have no heartbeat, invisible and are faster than survivors, what more do you guys need? 😂 I think some maps are designed more in the killers favor than survivors because gens sometimes seem all tightly squeezed together. Maps like Meat Packaging plant there’s two floors and why is it that all gens spawn on one floor? The map isn’t even that big. In fact, you move around too much at all and you might bump into the killer and then ... time to find another game because you’re not getting off it half the time due to hook camping. Deliverance also seems broken to me, I understand it’s considered an attempt and it accelerates sacrifice progress but... there should be an exception there because it’s 100% chance. It’s not fair that 2nd time I get hooked after getting myself off the hook I get insta killed. Anyways, Maps should be larger and generators spread out. It slows the game down a bit. Maps like swamp are GREAT because there’s plenty of hiding/use for 3rd person perspective and there are gens all over the place allowing survivors to work their way through the field to find another and possibly get snatched by the killer 😂

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    That’s ridiculous. What you’re saying is for gens to not ever get done because you need extra time to slay the whole team. How would making a skill check more punishing make it less boring? 😂 Honestly I come into games and most of the time killers are getting their first hook before a generator is even completed. The maps really aren’t that big it should be easy to find someone. I’ve seen people do gen control pretty well in fact, without chasing people down and killing them. There’s many ways to do it but you’re being really anti survivor right now and that’s not fun.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Nerfing survivor perks that stun the killer? Absolutely not. You’re lucky they can’t do more such as wielding a weapon they can stun with that they found on the map somewhere with one time use durability at least or something like that. You have FOUR survivors to hunt down. That’s it. Sheesh. Do you feel like you need an Ak47 as a killer or something? Ridiculous. Killers are fast as hell, do one hit knocks, can hit people through windows... get outtaaaaaa here with your game breaking concepts man 🤣

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    i see nothing but you complaining about having your time wasted by survivors forcing you to go chase someone else. Killers are fast and can easily catch survivors if on a chase. So.... Isn’t wasting your time what they are supposed to do? You can slam people through windows as a killer Because of GOD LIKE range they do with their melee attacks. I’ve been slammed into the ground on the other side of a window so many times and wondered how he hit me if he’s still in the room I vaulted out of. So.... Should they just remove everything so you can see everyone and just sprint around everywhere unhindered by the likes of windows or pallets? I’m also wondering why survivors can’t wield stun weapons to get away from killers. It just doesn’t seem like enough sometimes

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    My vote is to INCREASE repair speed for survivors repairing generators IF the killer is within a certain radius of a HOOKED SURVIVOR which would push killers off hook camping. Whether it be a perk or some kind of temporary in-game boost everyone gets, does not matter. I’m baffled by the many people that come in here and complain about gens being done too fast. I don’t think they’re getting done at all in a lot of games because someone goes down really fast and then one tries to rescue. That’s two people doing 5 generators. Lay off. I mean, you’re telling me that you guys aren’t finding people repairing generators that are HIGHLIGHTED for you and not the survivors? Wow.... This is mind-blowing. If they make anymore changes to decrease repair speed or make it Take longer to escape, I quit. Survivors have to repair 5 out of what... 8 total generators on the map? You understand that - using basic math - one can see that 5/8 is more in favor of the killer right? They have to do the MAJORITY of YOUR generators. If they WORK TOGETHER to get gens done faster, they have EVERY right to get them done with ease. Maybe the killer catches one or two. That’s how it should be. However I’m actually seeing a lot of killers sweep the whole team often. Rarely all 4 escape unless the killers really that bad. I’m seeing a lot of efficient killers though. My team of survivors falling apart and whatnot whilst playing with random people. It sucks because, killers soak up a lot of points at the end of the match. Consistently more than survivors.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    You do realize that if you do “basic math”, as you’re calling it, survivors can finish those gens in under 4 minutes, even with those “uneven odds” of yours. At the start of the game a killer doesn’t have any pressure and that’s by design at the moment. How is that not a problem?

    Highlighted or not, it doesn’t change the time for killers to walk up to them (which on some maps takes so long it’s honestly ridiculous), look around and in the best case scenario they find someone chase and down them. Worst case scenario they need to leave the gen because they can’t see anyone and other gens could be worked on too.

  • Liisjak
    Liisjak Member Posts: 40

    Scotts idea would backfire. Survivors would just wait till the chase starts and then just gang bang gens as usual...there would be no improvement, just a prolonged tediousnes.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited February 2020

    Im considering bad gen speeds are source of many problems. Lets say truth that generators can be done incredibly fast. Well organized teams can finish all gens in 4-5 mins which is giving no space for killers to act or apply pressure. Killer cross map and usually 1st gen is done, then chase first survivor and 2nd gen is done and it is really frustrating for every killer watching gens popping out meanwhile chasing first survivor. Then killers better camp/tunnel/slug to achieve at least 1 kill before game ends.

    So here is 1st consequence of insane gen speeds ==> camping/tunneling/slugging.

    I dont consider these tactics as dirty (still legit tactics) but many survivors do but its result of very short time to play properly. 4-5 minutes are really not enough to find, chase and hook every survivor 3x, its not literaly possible. As killer I rather facecamp because I know that if I go for gens I have almost 0 chance of achieving kills by chasing every single survivor in 4-5 minutes.. Its sad but its true. Same for tunneling, killer rather delete complete 1 survivor from game ASAP to mitigate pressure that is applied to killer. By reading recent posts on forum all must notice that killers are raising in camping/tunneling and its exactly after last patch that destroyed one of the best counters to gen-rushing. Its not coincidence, its because killers have no chance to counter insane gen speeds. Only perk they can use to slow down game are thanatophobia or dying light but these perks have so ridiculous numbers that it adds a few seconds only but killers sacrifice perk slots.

    This leads to 2nd consequence of insane gen speeds ==> no variety in perks/builds.

    In these rushing time killers have to use certain perks and builds to have chance to achieve some kills. For example Im using 2:2 perks strategy, 2 perks for normal game and 2 perks for post-gen phase of game because Im expecting gens to be done very quickly. This is restricting me to 2 perks only early and 2 perks only post-gen. You can see almost similar perks and builds on killers and there are so many other unused perks because game is pushing you to use certain perks. For example NOED, its must have in current times but it leads to crying of survivors on forum.

    Because situation is getting worse with every patch for killers, speaking about Hex: Ruin nerf that make gen-rushing situation even worse its leading in decrease killer players base because game seems to be highly survivor sided. Game is easy and comfortable for survivors but no way for killers. Killers are now synonym for sweating, stress and frustration, no surprise that there are less players of killers. I was used to wait about 5+ mins as killers in queue for game but now? My games are almost instant thx to decrease in killer base. Unfortunately its only positive thing about it because lack of killers is leading to horrible matchmaking.

    3rd consequence ==> unfair matchmaking for killers to fill lack of killers.

    Last month Im assigned as rank 8-9 vs 1-3 rank survivors, every single game. How much fun killer can have vs highly experienced SWF groups??? I can tell you, not much. Here developers are working on better matchmaking but its only curing symptoms of illness not source. BHVR should focus on generator speeds and perks that can help killers to slow down game little but they are doing exact opposite = ignoring generator speeds and nerfing slow down perk and add-ons. By creating another matchmaking system devs mitigate symptoms but illness still persists.

    I think that insane generator speeds and survivors OP perks and items that can even speed up that speed is main source of many problems ingame. Only by balancing generator speeds and toolboxes you can achieve balanced game for all.

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 116

    I'm having fun... I just had to change my expectations about the game.

    Whenever I'm playing killer I'm prepared for 2 gens to pop before I get one hook, that's just the way the game is right now (specially when I'm playing pig.. love her, but damn she has no early map pressure). Also, as a killer I'm expecting to get 2 kills on an average.. I still do get 4ks or 3ks, but 2ks are more common right now. And the queue times as killer is incredibly fast on PS4 right now.. which is great.

    Now, as a survivor I'm having fun too. The new ruin makes it way easier to do gens, sometimes I don't even notice the killer is running it... but I do feel the game is going a little too fast. It's not just because of ruin, I think nerfing it just made gen speeds more noticeable. Also, the queue times are atrocious on PS4. So sometimes I spend longer in queue than actually playing the game, which can be very frustrating. That's not too bad when you're in a party, but when you are solo queuing... jaysus... it's a pain.

  • celestialking24
    celestialking24 Member Posts: 29

    Some killers can apply pressure, so the gen speeds aren't an issue for them. However, other killers are more difficult to play now. It's not fun losing multiple gens before you can get your first hook. Maps also affect performance as well at times.

    Had a match earlier tonight as the Clown. Map was The Game. Before I could even hook my first survivor, I lost 3 gens and my Devour Hope Hex. It's frustrating and not even remotely fun.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I don’t understand why everyone is so upset at losing gens before their first hook. If you hook somebody and end up getting that kill or somehow get a second kill and that’s it, the other two escaped, then you should be happy with that. 1-2 kills sounds balanced to me. You shouldn’t be getting sweeps consistently in ANY game. Otherwise I’m pretty sure that’s clearly evident of an unbalanced game. Survivors should be able to survive somehow. They loop you, you complain. They blow through your gens, once again, more complaining. Just have fun chasing and getting who you can. Killers have the opportunity to get way more points than survivors anyways. I’m getting the vibe people that play killers just want to stomp the whole lobby. How would that be fun for survivors? It’s not all about you. Besides, most likely It’s an organized team that’s blowing through gens so fast. You can’t really do anything about that. If you nerf certain things survivors do or keep fixing things that set them back eventually it’ll be killers having a hard time finding survivors to play against. I already don’t like playing with random people because it can be so much harder. I almost don’t want to play anymore because I find myself last live often or getting put down first and hook camped. Then I leave with 5 thousand blood points and queue up for another game? How was that fun? Solving hook camping by slowing down gens isn’t going to solve the problem because that’ll make it easier for the killer to sit back because he knows you can’t finish the gens before he watches somebody bleed out on the hook. Or it’ll give him way more time to gen camp and they’ll never get done. It’s not like there’s a thousand generators on the map. They’re HIGHLIGHTED for YOU not the survivors. And they have to do the majority of them. Killers are fast, have no heartbeat, can static blast the map until 4 survivors go mad giving up their position, are invisible and have melee range that’s pretty impressive. How is any of that NOT good enough? Jesus... I can’t play with people in this game anymore. I have way more fun dying in Friday 13th from teleporting Jasons than these cry babies that sit there and watch survivors bleed out on the floor or camp hooks 😂 what’s being done about survivor issues with killers? Pssshhh. Please.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    How about this, increase number of gens required to get done AND the number of total gens? Increasing map size that one I’m not sure of. But I find, particularly on the Meat Packaging Plant map that I can almost never find a generator because they’re either all upstairs or all downstairs rather than just all over both spread out evenly. Last play through on that map I swear every gen was upstairs. I tried being stealthy downstairs until I gave up and started running and didn’t find a single one. My entire team was getting wrecked downstairs thinking the same thing 😂 I was like well that makes it easy for the killer to just defend one floor. That map terrifies me 😂 heartbeat affects both floors regardless what floor the killers on so youre constantly on the edge of your seat 🤣

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    That clowns gas is OP because it literally slows you down to the point where you might as well just let him take you 😂 Do you know if Calm spirit allows you to ignore its effects? If its a sufficient counter? I haven’t tried it. But that gas is insane.

  • Smeson
    Smeson Member Posts: 43

    I can see you are a new player, so let me explain.

    1 kill is always a depip at red ranks for killers, unless you hook the rest twice each, and got good score in other ways too. Hell, even 3 kills at rank 1-2 is sometimes just a black pip. So, you kinda need to expect to get more? I mean, when I play survivor at red ranks I hardly do anything and still pip, its so easy and boring.

    Survivors are very overpowered right now, and got way too much toolkits to them to deal with every situation, thats a common fact in atleast red ranks, where the game should be balanced.

  • Madd_Brando
    Madd_Brando Member Posts: 5

    It's obviously way too fast. The more seasoned survivors with lots of hours know every nook an cranny of the game and abuse the killer and gen speed. Not to mention all the perks that many of them always use that delay the killer from getting their much needed hit/hook to apply the appropriate pressure. Top of all that they can bring in tool boxes to make the gen speed that much faster. There definitely needs to be a change.

    It's funny you have a game where its scarier to play as killer than survivor. The amount of stress I get from playing killer is insane. Maybe you can give killers an extra perk? Essentially, a killer is going up against 16 perks to its 4 perks. This way you don't have to feel you wasted a perk slot just to slow down gen speed. Or simply you can adjust gen speed and I believe map design plays a big role.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940
    edited February 2020

    BHVR are aware of the issues but refuse to act. "Matchmaking" doesn't need to be fixed when there are no killers as they simply don't have fun against swf comms unless they actually balanced it instead of just messing around with perks, killers, maps.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Great for survivor, dominating if you are in a good team with 2 or more tool boxes. For killer, it just highlights the need for "something" to slow the game down for slower killers.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    THe problem I have and I think others do is that its supposed to be an expectation that a killer loses 2 gens and unable to do anything. If that was said on the opposite end, that survivors should expect to lose one player without being able to do anything, it would be seen as madness. And it is madness to force that kind of expectation on anyone, on either side.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    Right now regressing is basically pointless without pop goes the weasel or ruin. At the very least I'd like to see the rate increased because it's pretty much worthless as is, and if you run those perks cool but it kinda sucks paying a perk slot tax to play killer beyond yellow ranks because 2-3 gens pop by the time you hook 1 or 2 people.

    People don't realize it takes 12 hooks for their 5 gens and getting 2 or 3 hooks is easily enough time for a gen.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    The improvement is no gens being done before a chase can start. Normal game maybe 2-3 gens pop by the time you find someone and down them if they're somewhat competent. Gives the killer a little more time at the beginning which is what is needed.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    Yeah gens can pop just in the time it takes to walk across the map nevermind find and down someone and god forbid you picked the wrong gen to walk to so 2-3 more pop.

  • Liisjak
    Liisjak Member Posts: 40

    Still it wouldn't change anything. They'd have ample time to find gens and soon as you'd start a chase they would rush gens. As I said it would delay the same frustrating process by a minute.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2020

    People are saying its funny some killer mains being worried about losing 1 or 2 gens on the first hook because they either don't play on both sides or don't play on red ranks.

    Most matches with a specific killer I can usually hook 1 or 2 people before the second generator is done, if that doesn't happen I already know the game is possibly lost (even if I manage before I still lose most of those games). I dont despair, cry or disconnect like many survivors actually do, I keep trying to pressure and try to have fun with the chases, which are the best part of the game. If you play with all killers you will notice that not only there is a much steep learning curve for playing killers compared to survivor, but you also notice that if you don't specialize in one killer you can't keep up with the current ballance of the game. Which turns the game into sweaty and scummy tactics all over and I don't think that is fun for either side. It turns the game into who can be more toxic, not a game of skill. (That or you are paired with baby survivors or baby killers)

    You bring Mori, I dc. You bring key, I Mori. You bring Haddonfield I dc, or I camp, etc.

    For the most part I think the game is somewhat ballanced on mid ranks (if the matchmaking wasn't bonkers), but in both extremes of the spectrum the game isn't. The error developers are commiting is to think they can ballance for new players and still have any semblance of ballance anywhere else.

    The only thing that would make sense in this context would be to either ballance the game differently for new players and endgame players (separately) or change the speed of the game relative to how good of a performance the killer has comparing to survivors. That forces every game to lean its ballance towards the end that is losing the match. If the speed of the game is controled by how fast only 1 side can do its objective (generators) it will always be unballanced. Adaptative difficulty is the key and also a much better ranking system (a real one) that doesn't reset and changes based on your acomplishments, not handholding.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    What about the No Mither + Sabotage + Boil Over + Tenacity/Break out/Breakdown meme build? The less hooks on the map, the more viable and annoying the build will get.

  • RoyalMeowveon
    RoyalMeowveon Member Posts: 18

    Alright, this is gonna be a long one.

    Gen times are not the issue. Directly increasing gen times just makes survivor gameplay even more boring than it is. The issue is split into two big problems.

    1) Maps. Map design in this game is and always has been god-awful. There is not a single map that doesn't have some glaring flaw, and I can't cover all 30-something off them, so as a general idea of what I want done to them, overall map size reductions for most maps and certain horribly survivor sided structures (Ironworks, Storehouse, Wretched Shop etc.) having more options added for the killer to potentially mindgame a survivor and punish their mistakes.

    2) The killers. As in, the killer roster. As it stands, only four killers out of 18 are consistently strong at rank 1, these being Nurse, Spirit, Hillbilly and Freddy. The rest can have POTENTIAL, but often fail to ever reach it at least on a consistent basis due to lacking either chase power or map pressure, or in some extremely weak killers' cases, both.

    If every killer were as strong as Hillbilly/Freddy, gen times wouldn't be an issue. I'm going to propose changes that will help bring the bottom 14 perhaps not all the way up to perfect viability, but will at least get them closer.

    The Trapper: 2 traps default at start of game, max carry capacity of 2 at base without addons. Number of traps on the map should not change with addons and should instead stay a consistent 8, all spawning relatively close to where the Trapper spaws.

    The Wraith: Reduce uncloaking time. Make Shadow Dance addon at green rarity base, and rework Shadow Dance.

    The Hag: Honestly, just change some of her terrible addons. Waterlogged Shoe needs a total rework, deafening survivors with the Disfigured Ear should actually cloud the sounds of the game for an amount of time and induce a dizzy screen visual effect that reduces field of view and distance the survivor can see.

    The Doctor: Fix Shock Therapy. Reduce the travel time significantly to the point where it's almost, if not just hitscan. Makes it much more reliable at actually being a threat in chases.

    The Huntress: 110% is her movement speed when carrying 5+ hatchets. When her hatchet count goes below 5, she begins to gain 1% movement speed for every hatchet she throws out, putting her at 115% if she's empty handed.

    The Pig: Ideally, a complete rework. For now however, make the keys in jigsaw boxes ACTUALLY random, as right now a survivor will have the same jigsaw box all game no matter how many traps are put on their face. Make the key required of every RBT actually random as you'd expect it is.

    The Clown: Hitting a generator directly with a bottle will cause it to lose 5% progress and start regressing (doesn't work if already regressing, of course). Thick Cork Stopper is base kit for faster reloading. Remove the drastic slowdown he gets when throwing a bottle.

    The Legion: Total rework. No other suggestions, this killer has always been either problematic for the game or terrible, and it's painfully obvious BHVR don't know what they want to do with them.

    The Plague: Survivors staying fully infected will slowly gain an action speed penalty, 1% more for every 4 seconds, resulting in a cap of 30% penalty after three minutes. In return, nerf Corrupt Purge in some way, but keep it strong.

    The Ghost Face: Rework his addons, as of right now he has virtually no good options for addons except for Night Shroud recovery rate, which almost feel required to use the insta down in a chase.

    The Shape: When in T3, perform break actions 15% faster and reduce stun time by 30%.

    The Demogorgon: I got nothin' for this one, I play very little Demogorgon.

    The Oni: Injured survivors within your terror radius but not in a chase will bleed more and drop more blood orbs.

    These changes along with actual fixes to the maps and general Quality of Life help such as a tweak to DS and making it so auto aim doesn't cancel my swing because it thinks I hit a survivor when I most definitely didn't will go a long way.

  • Pornbjörn
    Pornbjörn Member Posts: 52

    Every mine killer playing session i have 3-4 games that ends in 4-6 mins because gens are flying.

    Feels Unfair Man.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    I think that add 2 gens into map and 6 needed total to power-up gates is acceptable compromise. There will be no need of changing speed times, toolboxes and perks. Gens can be done so fast that games are shorter then waiting for game. Games should be longer, not 5 mins of gen-rushing. ideal game lenght should be 10-15 mins. If devs dont want change times of gens just add more gens into map and 1 to objective of survivors. 6 gens are not big change.