gUys thE deVs aRe suRviVor siDeD!



  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Bhvr lost their minds

    thats why

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Answer the question in the 2nd comment.

    In the specific case of the Plague holding vile purge forever, is that an exploit fix or a nerf and how can you tell?

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    I had to put in a killer perk or the survivor mains would be all up over me complaining

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    I think someone forgot the spirit, nurse, legion, pig nerfs along with buffing sabotages. Enjoy your spoon-feeding

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited February 2020

    You don’t play killer. It’s clear.

    The hook sabo’ing is going to break this game for a while. Mark my words. They will change this in the first two weeks of release.

    They are making it so it’s IMPOSSIBLE for a SWF to lose.

    pallets can save player mistake.

    Dead hard save player mistake.

    flashlight save

    breakout save

    DS save

    unbreakable save

    now fast sabo save

    AND they keep their items always now if they escape and get to keep it even if they use it all.

    You don’t play killer and don’t understand how this game works.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing, but jungle gyms lose their strength once the pallet is gone so they don't need a breakable wall. It's just buildings like ironworks that can't be disabled that need a breakable wall.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If your talking about:

    Then its very clearly a bug sense the plague seem to be incapable of interacting or attacking anymore along with the none charged vile purge doing literally nothing(Couldn't infect survivors nor objects).

    I cannot find anything else on the plague that you were talking about.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    I still see a bunch of killers complaining.

    The devs really can't please these cry babies

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    Nurse is still the best killer in the game.

    Spirit is still one of the best killers in the game (when sound gets fixed)

    Pig's Endgame would've been broken with EGC.

    Legion was massacred but still do surprisingly well today.

    Sabotaging literally did NOTHING.

    Enjoy your buffs as I'll enjoy my well deserved nerfs as survivor

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    In the PTB vile purge didn't reduce your movement speed while it was fully charged. Players would immediately charge vile and just hold it while patrolling gens.

    This was immediately patched out, reducing the plagues MS while holding vile purge to 110% from 115%.

    now again. Is this an exploit fix? Or a nerf? And why?

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If it the devs intended for holding a fully charged vile to not reduce your moment speed:

    Then changed it to reduce your moment speed while holding it then that's a nerf as its power was reduced due to being too strong at what it was intended to do(Let you hold charge while moving around/not in chase).

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    "If it the devs intended for holding a fully charged vile to not reduce your moment speed"

    How do you evaluate this conditional?

    We haven't gotten the devs word on every mechanic, and we can't just assume they aren't crazy considering their track record.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Pathetic statements and the usual survivor main vs. killer main war. Devs change things: "mimimimimi". Devs change nothing: "mimimimimi". Nothing new here.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    This is devolving into arguing about semantics on your end.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    This devolved into semantics the second you declared a set of changes that reduced the power of a role an invalid example of a change that reduced the power of a role.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    I think overall this will be a much needed update. Sabotage could be broken now, remains to be seen. Same with wall breaking. Being able to keep your used items (and consumed addons with a perk) is pretty intense if it means people can bring commodious + BNP every single round with no fear of losing it.

    Making toolboxes super fast with less charges just means more people might unironically use Streetwise and Prove Thyself.

    Toolboxes were part of the problem but as it is right now the gens are still being done before many killers can even cross the map to contest them lol. I still have some hope for gens being upped to 120 seconds or so.

    Some nice QoL changes for a few specific killers here, which is always nice.

    Being able to sabotage in seconds means you don't waste time 99%ing hooks wasting time now you can just charge in for the save (on top of flashlight stuns and everything else survivors have)

    I'm glad sabotaging is useful now but I'm not sure it's gonna be good if there's just always someone handing with a flashlight and saboteur waiting to ruin your day now as if you avoid the flashlight they'll just hit the hook xD Some weird shenanigans gonna be happenin' on PTB I think.

    I'd like to see the core of the game adjusted, rather than just bandaids to certain items or perks. Right now many maps are insanely abusable (Ironworks, Coldwind, Haddonfield come to mind) and any survivors that have a clue will still be nigh untouchable depending on whether you're playing Nurse/Spirit or not.

    I can only hope that these "breakable walls" do more than look pretty. It's not necessarily jungle gyms or certain tiles that are broken it's typically when they all spawn together (like 2 jungle gyms next to cow walls on coldwind is basically gg. Same with ironworks window. haddonfield fences are insanely long but mostly annoying and cost way too much time)

    My biggest peeve right now is that answer always seems to be "play nurse, spirit, or ignore the survivors/gens and give up on like half the game." That can't be healthy for the game long term.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    How do you know about nurse? You play on PS4 stop the lies, the killer is bugged af.

    Spirit ... too bad that life is not conjunctive. Good that stuff that affects survivors gets fixed quickly.

    Honestly you have no clue how the toolboxes will be changed, meaning the exact numbers.

    Breakable walls on one map, wow that will help clown on temple,asylum, cold wind etc..

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    True. But with toolboxes having less charges, and hooks being down for less time, it definitely looks like a nerf.

    See the above response. It's overall a lateral move. But it will still end up being a nerf most likely.

    There's added utility. But I don't think it'll be enough to out way the negatives.

    Nobody Sabo'd because it was too ineffective. The shorter speed will make it easier. But overall I don't think it'll be enough to make it effective.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited February 2020

    It was ineffective because of how long it took to set up. Which was tedious because there were multiple hooks in any given area, and didn't guarantee you'd get to the hook in time unless you were heavily shadowing the killer or coordinated with someone else. There was zero reason to leave gens to save a teammate if they could eat a few hooks.

    The shorter speed will mean at least an attempt on sabo'ing the hook. People bodyblock all the time, and now they'll be able to multitask as well. It'll reward aggressive play which only swf can typically pull off.

  • heartstone_malone
    heartstone_malone Member Posts: 65

    All exhaustion perks nerfed

    Loops shortened

    DS nerfed

    Healing speed nerfed

    Auras nerfed (by undetected status)

    Window vaults nerfed

    Flashlights nerfed to hell

    EGC is massively killer sided

    Just a few things to keep in mind when ppl say the devs are survivor sided. Meanwhile, killers been getting buffs and maps reworked to be easier for killers.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    They're breakable on one map ATM. They'll eventually happen on all maps.

    Again, eventually sounds will get fixed and Spirit will yet again become a "fun and interactive" killer.

    Also, I'm going off what they said, if it's true that toolbox charges are gonna be reduced loads but the speed is gonna be buffed then that's relatively a heavy toolbox nerf.

    Not to mention survivors don't keep add ons anymore

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited February 2020

    If you don't know about that one, you're wearing ear plugs and a blindfold. A blindfolded, stuck, deafened, chained down and stuck in a closet Stevie Wonder would have seen that. Hell, survivors complain more about NOED and Camping than killers do about toolboxes.

    People need to remember something - the devs are survivor sided. Even when they buff killers, there's always a huge trade off. Where was the huge trade off with ruin for killers? Not only was there no trade off, they actually actively disabled perk synergy with a lot of perks. It's all a bunch of crap.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Except people are probably not wasting their toolboxes on it. And I doubt anybody is going to run Saboteur.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Loops were infinite and heavily abused

    DS was unmanageable, only counterable now with a tactic bemoaned by survivors (Slugging)

    Healing speed, Healing could be done DURING THE SUCCESSFUL HIT ANIMATION

    Undetectable status added because stealth killers were immediately GIMPED

    Window vaults could be spammed. I got this game on PS4 early on, watched 4 survivors spamming windows, didnt even touch the game for a year afterwards.

    Flashlights, when even the DEVS got bullied on a major live-stream showing off the brokenness of the system that had to be fixed ASAP

    EGC was implemented because survivors would hold the game hostage t-bagging at exit gates.

    Think before you smacktalk

  • scat
    scat Member Posts: 33

    The killer mains ignore The trapper buff, plague buff, doctor buff, toolbox nerf, sabo nerf, and STILL cry on these forums. Holy ######### I see why the devs don't listen to these babies, there is no way to please them

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Sabo nerf?? I’d say it’s a major buff, so what you can’t go with you SWF and billy killers with your 99d hooks

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    I dunno if it's worth taking this seriously but EGC is not killer sided. It's 50/50 they either go to the right door or the wrong one. Whispers can make this a bit faster but so can like a dozen different survivor perks.

    Loops need to be shortened, arguably more of them should be on several maps.

    DS nerfed, okay. Because being untouchable for a minute isn't strong, and when more than one person on the team has it the game turns into "lets slug oh wait they have unbreakable/adrenaline." It's not an anti-tunneling perk, it's an anti-killer perk. As soon as 2-3 people have it on a team you're gonna tell me I'm "tunneling the whole team" ? I don't think so.

    Auras being nerfed by undetectable - yeah because you don't already invalidate stealth killers with Spine Chill and/or Sprint Burst. Lockers also work against killer aura perks and those are available to all survivors all over. So I'd say it's pretty net neutral here. Only a few killers get Undetectable and they're usually slower and/or are so low to the ground they're blind anyway - and the killers that do would be useless otherwise.

    I'm not sure how flashlights were nerfed, I haven't been here super long but they're super abuseable. Pallet stun? blind. Breaking pallet? second blind. Anytime you go near a survivor for pick up or hook? better hope they don't unbreakable while you chase the flashlight because they'll blind you the second you're locked into any animation. And on top of that they can chain blinds especially if more than one have a flashlight AND they counter killers' traps or powers (Hag/Wraith/Nurse) so like.. I don't really care if they were nerfed anyway they're super abuseable lol.

    Not sure how window vaults were nerfed but you're still hella faster than any killer (except maybe legion but who plays legion for anything other than farming bloodpoints, they can't actually kill anything lol)

    Mending only takes 8-12 seconds. Standard health states take 16 seconds. That's nothing and there are an ass tonne of items and perks that make that faster meanwhile the only killer perks that really interact with it require a lot of investment (dying light) or are generally just easily countered (thana, sloppy) since they only add like 2-4 seconds healing time anyway. Gens only take 80 seconds at base and a health state is 16 seconds at base. You can heal the second the killer moves onto another chase or gen and not really "lose" time because you can finish gens faster than it takes the killer to even walk over to them lol (42 seconds for 2 people to work on a gen or 80 seconds for 2. one person looping and one person rescuing)

  • scat
    scat Member Posts: 33

    I don't even sabo cuz it's boring and unreliable, but try again crybaby. Every game you lose isn't always to a premade, you just tell yourself that to justify your ######### gameplay😂

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Why are you coming at me, I was voicing my opinion toxic #########

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited February 2020

    beyond naive

    let me know when i can resume getting games where 3 gens don't pop in 3 mins

    a new mechanic on one whole map

    wow, sure makes up for all the other recent nerfs.. 🙄

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    A new mechanic that hasn't even made it to live yet and well eventually be on all maps.

    Toolboxes which are a massive game changer are also receiving a nerf.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    Gens are still broken, but I'm curious about toolboxes. Survivors bullying killers and calling us crybabies and "gg ez bb killer" and telling us to kill ourselves and so on and so on the toxicity is insane from both sides.

    You're not outplaying the killer if you only ever run to ironworks window and 3 gens pop in a minute and a half. Two people do a gen in 42 seconds, or 80 a piece solo. You've got time for a chase and hook (a 12th of your objective) in the time it takes for a 5th or more of the survivor's objective. Two survivors will easily pump out a gen anytime you chase and hook someone while someone's doing the altruistic stuff. That's not accounting for the dev's standpoint of "just give up" the first 2-3 gens because there's nothing the vast majority of killers can do about it lol.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This is pure ignorance. Survivor nerfs have been very significant. The entire game changed 2 years ago with the DS, Healing and Vault nerfs. The slow vault massively changed chases. My life got a lot easier as killer due to that.

    Not eating 4 DS in the start of the match added to no more self healing on the other side of the pallet and no more speed vaulting from the side of the window started a trend of regular 4k matches that still continues today.

    Add the hatch changes to that and man life got easier. The whole EGC was a killer gift. One I very much appreciated. No more hatch stand off or end game immersed players for 30 minutes.

  • Dead_by_David17
    Dead_by_David17 Member Posts: 75

    That is the biggest Bull ive heard yet.

    Literally every bug survivors suffered that benefitted killers went on for almost months, ie. The slopppy butcher Wraith bug that caused massive frame drops for survivors.

  • Dead_by_David17
    Dead_by_David17 Member Posts: 75

    You killer mains are so ignorant it's painful, good lord.

    I bet if they made it so that survivors die instantly upon being hooked as opposed to having two different hook states you all would either not be happy or would somehow see that as balancing in the right direction.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    If it was only on PTB and never made it live then it's neither. Look at how Doc's rework in the PTB made it so he couldn't attack for almost the entire duration a survivor couldn't vault or drop but when it went live they reduced his shock cool down. It's not a nerf or fixing an exploit if it never went live as something in the PTB is something that is technically still being worked on like a beta test.

  • The Devs are ######### player sided. Everything they change is for the satisfaction of ######### players, be it ######### survivors or ######### killers. Then when they do make a change, they don't quite get it either.

    Killers that are ######### constantly cry about how quick 2 gens pop, like it means anything at all, bhvr response, let's speed up toolboxes!

    Survivors that are ######### constantly complained about ruin, bhvr response, let's make it so it auto kicks gens the moment our laggy servers pick up that you've left the gen.

    And so on and so forth....

    So yeah, anything they change, is for the benefit of really ######### players.

  • Gamingwalrus51
    Gamingwalrus51 Member Posts: 45

    they made it so that there can be 0 gens done and hatch still spawns. old hatch spawned only after 2 gens.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    ill said it once and I guess I have to say it yet again.


    it COULD be that by default these walls are far too long and loopable and that the killer HAS to break it to make it a more normal loop.

  • Keeper
    Keeper Member Posts: 27

    What's with the "Survivor main" and "Killer main" where are the "Mains of both"?

    I enjoy playing both and both deserve to be equally balanced.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Well, they're apparently using the animation for pallet kicks on it, so I imagine it roughly is the same time as it takes to break a pallet. As long as it isn't like 15 seconds it's a buff to killers.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2020

    You are smoking crack if you think DS is stronger than it was. DS could be used from the start, no prerequisite at all. There was no 1 hook to activate. So you could get DS 4 times before ever scoring your first hook.

    Vault nerfs are still in the game. There was no slow vaulting before. You run next to the wall and fast vault through. They added a medium vault, which was reverted because it was too strong. Now there is slow and fast where there was once only fast, or vault.

    Hatch was open at 3 gens and could not be closed. Hatch standoffs could last an hour. Now the whole hatch system is very killer sided, as well as EGC. It needs to stay that way and not revert back.

    All healing got nerfed, not just SC. You are clearly a biased player who can't see the forest through the trees. I remember killer in those days and it took a lot more skill than now. But that does not fit into the whiney narrative on this forum, so you have to make yourself look silly by saying DS is stronger now. ROFL

  • heartstone_malone
    heartstone_malone Member Posts: 65

    Lol "smack talk"? Why don't you learn what smack talk is before you go telling ppl not to do it. I only listed survivor nerfs. You sound illiterate.

    This part is to both of you since you COMPLETELY missed my point. I'm not talking about whether the nerfs were necessary or not. I disagree with some and agree that some were needed. 

    I'm listing all the Survivor nerfs from recent updates to counter the people saying the devs don't touch survivors and this game is so "survivor sided". Ruin gets nerfed and suddenly everyone forgets about all the balance changes they've made to survivors recently.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Im pretty sure you're the one posting videos on twitter about being killed by the killer, and you were complaining..... and we killer mains are the cry babies???

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    I'm positive that every one of those clips were his own showing how awful dedicated servers can be.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Your name is kinda iconic now. Death by hitbox even though the gunslinger's gun hitbox is as small as the diversion pebble

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Yeah lol. It's a good thing, but after watching a bit more DeathSlinger, I think it needs to be slightly larger. I like how it prioritizes good aim though.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    So i played the PTB and you cannot say the sabo change was anything but a huge survivor biased buff. Their reason? It was difficult for survivors to pull off and thats not good.

    You cannot acually look at the sabo change and go "Yup, that was a fair and balanced change for both sides :^)"

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Toolboxes have been nerfed into the ground and survivors lose add ons now.

    It’s definitely a survivor nerfing update. The changes to sabo don’t make up for that.

    At least with sabo’ing survivors are off gens.