Let's put together some of the most popular proposals... from some killers:
@Tsulan said:
@pauloandrade22 said:
@Giche said:
@SovererignKing said:
Patch 1.4.0 GicheThank you, as we can see, it's been a while.
@pauloandrade22 said:
@SovererignKing said:
PTSD of the Magic School Bus
PTSD of the "magic house in badham as leatherface" i only did not DC due to the 26 k bp but i might as well have.
Isn't it beautiful ?
They add Bamboozle to fight some bullshits windows rather than fixing them (as usual).
And i'im pretty sure that they willingly re-added those infinites/semi-infinite .
Wouldn't surprise that they thought : "That will balance the perk and make people use it".
At least you can get the Clown for free... for the moment.
And bamboozle does ABSOLUTELY 0 in those magic houses since the survivors have to vault 2 windows to make the infinite too.
Bamboozle should work longer and on more windows.
Yes and for the survivor make no sound (at least) until you are at the window and you try to vault it too (so that you are "Bamboozled" by the fact that it is blocked).
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This content has been removed.
@ZombieGenesis said:
I think Bamboozle should work for X seconds on every window you walk through. Right now it's like "Okay, you blocked that window...well I'll just use this one, or this door, or run through that pallet drop..."and no sounds or even spikes until you try (and fail ) to vault the window.
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@powerbats said:
**There's always trolling on this forum, but the flame war insults go over the top, scrubvivor really? I'm also not talking about just hat post but others as well. The art of trolling is actually quite fun when done right and no one gets offended because there's always certain lines you don't cross.
Some good biting sarcasm within a well reasoned post is a great way to zing one or more while keeping it still this side of civil. I don't see killers feedback as whining anymore than survivors. But what I do consider whining is when the killer isn't even out a full day and the rant threads popup.
What makes it so extremely hilarious is these come from sometimes along with the usual posters who when something negative will affect survivors. They say the exact same thing to them we're saying, it's only been less than a day. We tell them the same thing they said to survivors complaining, wait and see how it works out.**
I know this game and his community at least as much as you do (i assume too), don't tell me how to react to it.
I'm not telling you how to react to it, just warning you of the consequences of one of your choices you've chosen to follow. Since given the direction this thread has gone I'd give it less than a day may'be two before the mods become involved.
Also i still haven't figured out where are the insults in my posts.
I mean legit one.
They're there, you just can't see them since you're so used to using them.
Scrubvivor maybe, but isn' it considered like a "lighthearted joke" like the numerous "Killers just want EZ 4K" and other happy things i see regulary down here ?
Saying killers want EZ 4k isn't on the same level as calling everyone who plays a survivor scrubvivor then repeating it.
I saw that some peoples like to be quite sensitive over this aspect on this forum.
**This is funny since the moment someone calls out some of the killer mains on here they go ballistic. It's not that people are sensitive on here, it's that they're tired of seeing the same mindless mudslinging from the same few on both sides.
If you and the rest really want to have a flame and insult war go get your own private forum and have at it.**
Some weren't on the Steam forum back then, and still aren't on Reddit, quite weird ?
Some don't bother with the cesspool that is Reddit and Steams just as bad now. I've got one of the original accounts from back when Condition Zero was the 1st release from Valve long before Steam was even out. I've had a Reddit account since they were out as well
But Reddit has become the new 4Chan and Steam forums aren't far behind with the COD crowd infesting it. So the fact some refuse to deal with that type of 6 year old behavior means nothing in the context of where they post.
What i get from this is this is simply a matter of principles.
You can describe the "art of trolling" (lul) as much as you want, it doesn't make it a good thing for me, and still hate it.
What is particular to this game is the fact that the devs have cattered to this troll majority, for the majority of the game lifespan, and only STARTED to fight it recently.
In an healthy game and community , disgusting peoples like OchiPedo would have NEVER been so popular.
And his hardcore fanbase is not better than him, i affirm this without shame.
Hate me all you want for this, but of course never question yourself for defending these kind of peoples.
So when you see numerous serious feedback thread being plagued by those kind of "lighthearted joke xP ", knowing that the devs will certainly LISTEN to this kind of trollish answer, it's just a normal thing to do to not let them destroy the game even more.
Devs have made a lot of money on this toxicity.
Principles again, but for me, hunger should not justify the means.
They solded their souls to the toxic survivors mass, and are trying to get it back lately.
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Giche said:
@powerbats said:
**There's always trolling on this forum, but the flame war insults go over the top, scrubvivor really? I'm also not talking about just hat post but others as well. The art of trolling is actually quite fun when done right and no one gets offended because there's always certain lines you don't cross.
Some good biting sarcasm within a well reasoned post is a great way to zing one or more while keeping it still this side of civil. I don't see killers feedback as whining anymore than survivors. But what I do consider whining is when the killer isn't even out a full day and the rant threads popup.
What makes it so extremely hilarious is these come from sometimes along with the usual posters who when something negative will affect survivors. They say the exact same thing to them we're saying, it's only been less than a day. We tell them the same thing they said to survivors complaining, wait and see how it works out.**
I know this game and his community at least as much as you do (i assume too), don't tell me how to react to it.
I'm not telling you how to react to it, just warning you of the consequences of one of your choices you've chosen to follow. Since given the direction this thread has gone I'd give it less than a day may'be two before the mods become involved.
Also i still haven't figured out where are the insults in my posts.
I mean legit one.
They're there, you just can't see them since you're so used to using them.
Scrubvivor maybe, but isn' it considered like a "lighthearted joke" like the numerous "Killers just want EZ 4K" and other happy things i see regulary down here ?
Saying killers want EZ 4k isn't on the same level as calling everyone who plays a survivor scrubvivor then repeating it.
I saw that some peoples like to be quite sensitive over this aspect on this forum.
**This is funny since the moment someone calls out some of the killer mains on here they go ballistic. It's not that people are sensitive on here, it's that they're tired of seeing the same mindless mudslinging from the same few on both sides.
If you and the rest really want to have a flame and insult war go get your own private forum and have at it.**
Some weren't on the Steam forum back then, and still aren't on Reddit, quite weird ?
Some don't bother with the cesspool that is Reddit and Steams just as bad now. I've got one of the original accounts from back when Condition Zero was the 1st release from Valve long before Steam was even out. I've had a Reddit account since they were out as well
But Reddit has become the new 4Chan and Steam forums aren't far behind with the COD crowd infesting it. So the fact some refuse to deal with that type of 6 year old behavior means nothing in the context of where they post.
What i get from this is this is simply a matter of principles.
You can describe the "art of trolling" (lul) as much as you want, it doesn't make it a good thing for me, and still hate it.
What is particular to this game is the fact that the devs have cattered to this troll majority, for the majority of the game lifespan, and only STARTED to fight it recently.
In an healthy game and community , disgusting peoples like OchiPedo would have NEVER been so popular.
And his hardcore fanbase is not better than him, i affirm this without shame.
Hate me all you want for this, but of course never question yourself for defending these kind of peoples.
So when you see numerous serious feedback thread being plagued by those kind of "lighthearted joke xP ", knowing that the devs will certainly LISTEN to this kind of trollish answer, it's just a normal thing to do to not let them destroy the game even more.
Devs have made a lot of money on this toxicity.
Principles again, but for me, hunger should not justify the means.
They solded their souls to the toxic survivors mass, and are trying to get it back lately.
1 -
@Giche said:
What i get from this is this is simply a matter of principles.
You can describe the "art of trolling" (lul) as much as you want, it doesn't make it a good thing for me, and still hate it.
What is particular to this game is the fact that the devs have cattered to this troll majority, for the majority of the game lifespan, and only STARTED to fight it recently.
In an healthy game and community , disgusting peoples like OchiPedo would have NEVER been so popular.
And his hardcore fanbase is not better than him, i affirm this without shame.
Hate me all you want for this, but of course never question yourself for defending these kind of peoples.
So when you see numerous serious feedback thread being plagued by those kind of "lighthearted joke xP ", knowing that the devs will certainly LISTEN to this kind of trollish answer, it's just a normal thing to do to not let them destroy the game even more.
Devs have made a lot of money on this toxicity.
Principles again, but for me, hunger should not justify the means.
They solded their souls to the toxic survivors mass, and are trying to get it back lately.
I'll respond later but there's a lot wrong here, especially with your assumptions. I don't like Ochido for one nor his followers. There's pther things but I'll add those in later.
2 -
@Giche said:
@ArthurFiNCHr said:
We got already response from devs which is saying that pallet looping isn't exploit. The End, no more discussion, that's end of that topic. All we can do now is speculate, they even add bloodlust to help counter pallet looping. (here we also can say that using this is sometimes exploit if killers use that when survivor isn't really looping xD jk)
The reasons why i can only play this game for short period of time and stop playing for months.
Because that's what we killer are told since 2 years, and running in circle 80% of the time is not fun.
It's only fun for the one who like bullying the killer and make him feel hopeless.
Will not name it, as it will offend some peoples...
It's not that bad dude, now am playing mainly survivor, but i got rank 1 killer with wraith before any kind of buffs or reworks, so trust me, it's not that bad.
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powerbats said:
@Giche said:
What i get from this is this is simply a matter of principles.
You can describe the "art of trolling" (lul) as much as you want, it doesn't make it a good thing for me, and still hate it.
What is particular to this game is the fact that the devs have cattered to this troll majority, for the majority of the game lifespan, and only STARTED to fight it recently.
In an healthy game and community , disgusting peoples like OchiPedo would have NEVER been so popular.
And his hardcore fanbase is not better than him, i affirm this without shame.
Hate me all you want for this, but of course never question yourself for defending these kind of peoples.
So when you see numerous serious feedback thread being plagued by those kind of "lighthearted joke xP ", knowing that the devs will certainly LISTEN to this kind of trollish answer, it's just a normal thing to do to not let them destroy the game even more.
Devs have made a lot of money on this toxicity.
Principles again, but for me, hunger should not justify the means.
They solded their souls to the toxic survivors mass, and are trying to get it back lately.
I'll respond later but there's a lot wrong here, especially with your assumptions. I don't like Ochido for one nor his followers. There's pther things but I'll add those in later.
Last messages were about killers by killer mains and i was the one hosting them, and i absolutely don't mind!! I let them talk (because why not? It looked like they were having a nice talk between them) while i was typing somewhere else, but i guess that for some people we are trolls no matter what we do, oh, and ochido fans of course. Gotta admit that the Ochido thing triggered me xD.2 -
@Vietfox said:
Do you think i like Ochido or his gamestyle?
I don't know you, how is it relevant to what i say ?
You could, since the majority of survivors i face ingame are wannabe Ochidolings or are acting that way without even knowing him.
Because the game allow them to.
And like with childrens, spoonfeeding a part of the community while ignoring the other create entitlements and toxicity.
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Giche said:
@Vietfox said:
Do you think i like Ochido or his gamestyle?
I don't know you, how is it relevant to what i say ?
You could, since the majority of survivors i face ingame are wannabe Ochidolings or are acting that way without even knowing him.
Because the game allow them to.
And like with childrens, spoonfeeding a part of the community while ignoring the other create entitlements and toxicity.
Sorry mate, but you are only making it worse for yourself.2 -
@Vietfox said:
You are right.
Last messages were about killers by killer mains and i was the one hosting them, and i absolutely don't mind!! I let them talk (because why not? It looked like they were having a nice talk between them) while i was typing somewhere else, but i guess that for some people we are trolls no matter what we do, oh, and ochido fans of course. Gotta admit that the Ochido thing triggered me xD.I played survivor once... suddenly I felt a compulsion to subscribe to Ochido.
(Seriously though, it's amazing how ######### up he is.)
1 -
And... this thread is going right into another slap fight. Terrific.1
@Giche said:
Devs have made a lot of money on this toxicity.
On this line: they made money (I don't know if it's a lot) on making a great game. As they should. And what you call toxicity is incredibly easy to shrug off.
I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help wondering: all the people who complain about toxicity and being bullied IN A GAME... what do you guys do in a RL conflict? I mean, someone starts throwing insults at you at a bar? Report them to... whom, the bartender? Someone says nasty things to your girlfriend? If you had some idea how REAL bullying or REAL violence works, you would not give a damn about "toxic" players in a virtual environment. I know I sound like some old dustfart (which I am) but the X/Y generation is so weak... it's worrying me. Just learn how to punch someone in the face or how it feels to be punched in the face, and you won't give a toss about "bullying" in a game.
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@Vietfox said:
You talked about ochido fans, in my discussion, talked about trolls and assumed i was a troll as well, so yeah, can be easily related.
Sorry mate, but you are only making it worse for yourself.And here you go with the strawman argument.
I simply said that in an healthy community and game, streamer like Ochido would never have been so popular.
Don't tell me that he hasn't plagued the community for a long time, and left a mark on it.
That this game isn't an imbalanced toxic mess.Good step are sometime made in the right direction, but it take long.
But no, when "reading" that you all lose your mind and jump on argument like this :
@Mc_Harty said:
I played survivor once... suddenly I felt a compulsion to subscribe to Ochido.
(Seriously though, it's amazing how ######### up he is.)
Not gonna lose more time on a sterile school yard argument.
Like i said, no matter where you go, this game's forum remains the same.
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MrChills said:
@Vietfox said:
1 - remove the hatch2 - nerf ds, sc
3 - nerf looping
4 - make other killers as powerful as (or close to) the nurse.
5 - make gens to take longer to repair (or gather pieces to repair them)
6 - remove SWF
Don't you see a big flaw if all of these ideas became real?
I personally find it funny when someone asks for all this and yet makes fun of survivors by saying they want ez matches.
PS: feel free to add more of these suggestions if you think they have been proposed often.
Disclaimer: i've already said that swf needs a especial treatment and some small tweaks would be needed in the game.
These requests you have stated are not from what us true killer mains have asked for.
We want to be able to do something with the hatch, we do not want it remove. If we could close it like before, it would be fine yet to be fair, if we are able to close it, you should be able to risk it for the biscuit and search for the key in the basement or some other chest.
Nerfing ds and self care is fine. be thankful self care doesn't have limited usage. the changes coming to these perks are really fair and it could be nerfed a lot harder for example, limited usage.
Looping doesn't need a nerf, poor map design does. The insta teleport on pallets needed to go.
We are not asking for op killers, we're asking for average killers, balance. Some us like playing certain killers yet it is very frustrating to do so with how things are. The trapper and hag buffs made it much enjoyable to play them. We want balance not opness.
Gens are done too fast even as a solo survivor I can pop one easy. honestly, adding more objectives to the game such as finding parts would make this game more dynamic and add more flavor to it. Doing the same thing a thousand times eventually become boring. How long can keep doing the same thing over and over? We ant new players to come in and keep older players entertained to stay. I for example started to become recently of the game yet with the event and new killer coming out, I am pretty hyped and excited once more!
We do not want SWF removed, we want the option to OPT out of SWF matchmaking.
Please do not take the complaints of bad killers( not saying you are) and use them to try to point out that of all us killers want these kind of changes. We want healthy change. If the changes on your list did go through just as they are, then yes it would be awful yet the changes I listed above for what us killer mains want. it would not be so bad.
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@George_Soros said:
I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help wondering: all the people who complain about toxicity and being bullied IN A GAME... what do you guys do in a RL conflict? I mean, someone starts throwing insults at you at a bar? Report them to... whom, the bartender? Someone says nasty things to your girlfriend? If you had some idea how REAL bullying or REAL violence works, you would not give a damn about "toxic" players in a virtual environment. I know I sound like some old dustfart (which I am) but the X/Y generation is so weak... it's worrying me. Just learn how to punch someone in the face or how it feels to be punched in the face, and you won't give a toss about "bullying" in a game.
I don't get bullied IRL.
And no one will come and told me to kill myself in a regular basis, especially without facing consequences.If someone do whatever you have enumerate, i perfectly know what to do and will not go into detail on how since it will be used against me sooner or later as an "argument" (lul).
I'm a an adult, who now how to defend himself, thank you for your "concern".
I just don't like bathing in my own "dirt" and enjoy toxic behavior in general.
Even less in a supposed adult rated game that i paid and love.
There is always toxicity and there will always be.
But games usualy try to minimize it, and no endorse it like it was the case.
Also this generation X/Y you are talking about also tend to reverse values and glorify bad behaviors on the web.
Not everyone of course, but there is a trend since a long time now.Coincidence ?
0 -
To fight the said toxicity.
Not letting peoples spewing lies and non-sense to keep the game unbalanced (worked well for them sadly)
To try to not get another Freddy's fiasco.
I know that there are other Veteran down here WAY BETTER than me at this, but hey, i can still try to help.
0 -
@Giche said:
To fight the said toxicity.Not letting peoples spewing lies and non-sense to keep the game unbalanced (worked well for them sadly)
To try to not get another Freddy's fiasco.
I know that there are other Veteran down here WAY BETTER than me at this, but hey, i can still try to help.
You cannot be serious....
That's sad. I'm fighting toxicity.
I can't even laugh at that it's so depressing.
You have my condolences buddy.
2 -
@Mc_Harty said:
@Giche said:
To fight the said toxicity.Not letting peoples spewing lies and non-sense to keep the game unbalanced (worked well for them sadly)
To try to not get another Freddy's fiasco.
I know that there are other Veteran down here WAY BETTER than me at this, but hey, i can still try to help.
You cannot be serious....
That's sad. I'm fighting toxicity.
I can't even laugh at that it's so depressing.
You have my condolences buddy.
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.
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@pauloandrade22 said:
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.
"Some peoples just want to watch the world burn"
2 -
@Giche said:
@George_Soros said:
I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help wondering: all the people who complain about toxicity and being bullied IN A GAME... what do you guys do in a RL conflict? I mean, someone starts throwing insults at you at a bar? Report them to... whom, the bartender? Someone says nasty things to your girlfriend? If you had some idea how REAL bullying or REAL violence works, you would not give a damn about "toxic" players in a virtual environment. I know I sound like some old dustfart (which I am) but the X/Y generation is so weak... it's worrying me. Just learn how to punch someone in the face or how it feels to be punched in the face, and you won't give a toss about "bullying" in a game.
I don't get bullied IRL.
And no one will come and told me to kill myself in a regular basis, especially without facing consequences.If someone do whatever you have enumerate, i perfectly know what to do and will not go into detail on how since it will be used against me sooner or later as an "argument" (lul).
I'm a an adult, who now how to defend himself, thank you for your "concern".
I just don't like bathing in my own "dirt" and enjoy toxic behavior in general.
Even less in a supposed adult rated game that i paid and love.
There is always toxicity and there will always be.
But games usualy try to minimize it, and no endorse it like it was the case.
Also this generation X/Y you are talking about also tend to reverse values and glorify bad behaviors on the web.
Not everyone of course, but there is a trend since a long time now.Coincidence ?
Let me just say I didn't mean some poorly concealed insult by implying that you're one of them mindless youngsters. Sorry if this is how it came through.
I just don't get it why is so called "toxic" behaviour is such a big deal, either in games or social media, etc. What's the worse that could happen there? Bad words? Teabagging? Flashlight spamming at the exit gate? Such trifles. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but seems so insignificant. I just wish people, young and adult alike learned how to return insults with more something more painful, verbally or otherwise. Principles like "don't feed the troll" or "be nice to each other" just don't work.1 -
@George_Soros said:
@Giche said:
@George_Soros said:
I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help wondering: all the people who complain about toxicity and being bullied IN A GAME... what do you guys do in a RL conflict? I mean, someone starts throwing insults at you at a bar? Report them to... whom, the bartender? Someone says nasty things to your girlfriend? If you had some idea how REAL bullying or REAL violence works, you would not give a damn about "toxic" players in a virtual environment. I know I sound like some old dustfart (which I am) but the X/Y generation is so weak... it's worrying me. Just learn how to punch someone in the face or how it feels to be punched in the face, and you won't give a toss about "bullying" in a game.
I don't get bullied IRL.
And no one will come and told me to kill myself in a regular basis, especially without facing consequences.If someone do whatever you have enumerate, i perfectly know what to do and will not go into detail on how since it will be used against me sooner or later as an "argument" (lul).
I'm a an adult, who now how to defend himself, thank you for your "concern".
I just don't like bathing in my own "dirt" and enjoy toxic behavior in general.
Even less in a supposed adult rated game that i paid and love.
There is always toxicity and there will always be.
But games usualy try to minimize it, and no endorse it like it was the case.
Also this generation X/Y you are talking about also tend to reverse values and glorify bad behaviors on the web.
Not everyone of course, but there is a trend since a long time now.Coincidence ?
Let me just say I didn't mean some poorly concealed insult by implying that you're one of them mindless youngsters. Sorry if this is how it came through.
I just don't get it why is so called "toxic" behaviour is such a big deal, either in games or social media, etc. What's the worse that could happen there? Bad words? Teabagging? Flashlight spamming at the exit gate? Such trifles. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but seems so insignificant. I just wish people, young and adult alike learned how to return insults with more something more painful, verbally or otherwise. Principles like "don't feed the troll" or "be nice to each other" just don't work.The thing that i have learned in my life is that ignoring the insulter( their insults more precisely) or not resorting to insulting them back but being calm and serene makes not only you "morally" win if you want but it really grinds the gears of the insulters ( and i dont give a single ######### against rude or similar people from that point onwards too) And it works wonders . Much better than punching them back or insulting them.
0 -
pauloandrade22 said:
@Mc_Harty said:
@Giche said:
To fight the said toxicity.Not letting peoples spewing lies and non-sense to keep the game unbalanced (worked well for them sadly)
To try to not get another Freddy's fiasco.
I know that there are other Veteran down here WAY BETTER than me at this, but hey, i can still try to help.
You cannot be serious....
That's sad. I'm fighting toxicity.
I can't even laugh at that it's so depressing.
You have my condolences buddy.
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.
2 -
@pauloandrade22 said:
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.Social Justice Warriors.
They typically have a habit to push agendas against things they perceive as toxic.
For example - Feminist and Toxic Masculinity
Men's Right Activist and Toxic Femininity.Both sides off the same coin that keep pushing #########, calling each other toxic. Just nothing but fights.
Trust me when I say I'm talking from experience here. If you dedicate your time on the forum just to fight whatever you perceive as toxic, it quickly becomes a slippery slope.
2 -
@George_Soros said:
@Giche said:
@George_Soros said:
I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help wondering: all the people who complain about toxicity and being bullied IN A GAME... what do you guys do in a RL conflict? I mean, someone starts throwing insults at you at a bar? Report them to... whom, the bartender? Someone says nasty things to your girlfriend? If you had some idea how REAL bullying or REAL violence works, you would not give a damn about "toxic" players in a virtual environment. I know I sound like some old dustfart (which I am) but the X/Y generation is so weak... it's worrying me. Just learn how to punch someone in the face or how it feels to be punched in the face, and you won't give a toss about "bullying" in a game.
I don't get bullied IRL.
And no one will come and told me to kill myself in a regular basis, especially without facing consequences.If someone do whatever you have enumerate, i perfectly know what to do and will not go into detail on how since it will be used against me sooner or later as an "argument" (lul).
I'm a an adult, who now how to defend himself, thank you for your "concern".
I just don't like bathing in my own "dirt" and enjoy toxic behavior in general.
Even less in a supposed adult rated game that i paid and love.
There is always toxicity and there will always be.
But games usualy try to minimize it, and no endorse it like it was the case.
Also this generation X/Y you are talking about also tend to reverse values and glorify bad behaviors on the web.
Not everyone of course, but there is a trend since a long time now.Coincidence ?
Let me just say I didn't mean some poorly concealed insult by implying that you're one of them mindless youngsters. Sorry if this is how it came through.
I just don't get it why is so called "toxic" behaviour is such a big deal, either in games or social media, etc. What's the worse that could happen there? Bad words? Teabagging? Flashlight spamming at the exit gate? Such trifles. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but seems so insignificant. I just wish people, young and adult alike learned how to return insults with more something more painful, verbally or otherwise. Principles like "don't feed the troll" or "be nice to each other" just don't work.For me is that the person behind the toxic act is a coward and the act itself that ruins my day. They would not do that to me in real life i can 100% guarantee it.
1 -
@Vietfox said:
pauloandrade22 said:@Mc_Harty said:
@Giche said:
To fight the said toxicity.
Not letting peoples spewing lies and non-sense to keep the game unbalanced (worked well for them sadly)
To try to not get another Freddy's fiasco.
I know that there are other Veteran down here WAY BETTER than me at this, but hey, i can still try to help.
You cannot be serious.... That's sad. I'm fighting toxicity. I can't even laugh at that it's so depressing.
You have my condolences buddy.
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.
You got that wrong, @Mc_Harty meant that it's ironic cause @giche is the toxic and salty one
Heh. Most of the peps in the forum are a bit toxic at some point in time anyways I remember the times i facecamped survivors for one( the real face camp by the way)
1 -
@Mc_Harty said:
@pauloandrade22 said:
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.Social Justice Warriors.
They typically have a habit to push agendas against things they perceive as toxic.
For example - Feminist and Toxic Masculinity
Men's Right Activist and Toxic Femininity.Both sides off the same coin that keep pushing #########, calling each other toxic. Just nothing but fights.
Trust me when I say I'm talking from experience here. If you dedicate your time on the forum just to fight whatever you perceive as toxic, it quickly becomes a slippery slope.
Thats the extremist part of the equation only.
Extremism is always bad.The good ones want both to be equal for one.
And i want people to not insult others in the forums for two . Thats one of the reasons i am as polite as possible . To fight it you know.
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pauloandrade22 said:
@Mc_Harty said:
@pauloandrade22 said:
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.Social Justice Warriors.
They typically have a habit to push agendas against things they perceive as toxic.
For example - Feminist and Toxic Masculinity
Men's Right Activist and Toxic Femininity.Both sides off the same coin that keep pushing #########, calling each other toxic. Just nothing but fights.
Trust me when I say I'm talking from experience here. If you dedicate your time on the forum just to fight whatever you perceive as toxic, it quickly becomes a slippery slope.
Thats the extremist part of the equation only.
Extremism is always bad.The good ones want both to be equal for one.
And i want people to not insult others in the forums for two . Thats one of the reasons i am as polite as possible . To fight it you know.
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@pauloandrade22 said:
@Mc_Harty said:
@Giche said:
To fight the said toxicity.Not letting peoples spewing lies and non-sense to keep the game unbalanced (worked well for them sadly)
To try to not get another Freddy's fiasco.
I know that there are other Veteran down here WAY BETTER than me at this, but hey, i can still try to help.
You cannot be serious....
That's sad. I'm fighting toxicity.
I can't even laugh at that it's so depressing.
You have my condolences buddy.
What is wrong with fighting toxicity? i think thats great personally.
There's nothing wrong with fighting toxicity, but two wrongs don't make a right. Using terms like "Scrubvivor" doesn't add anything to a discussion, makes his points seem less valid, and starts flame wars instead of rational debate on topics.
Looking at a number of his posts, he tends to fuel it instead of fight it.
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@pauloandrade22 said:
Thats the extremist part of the equation only.
Extremism is always bad.The good ones want both to be equal for one.
And i want people to not insult others in the forums for two . Thats one of the reasons i am as polite as possible . To fight it you know.
That's the thing.
You can't really fight it. If you do, you risk becoming toxic trying to fight toxicity.
There's a saying I live by; 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions.'
Basically means while a persons intentions may be good, they may fail to commit to good actions they originally intended.
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@George_Soros said:
Let me just say I didn't mean some poorly concealed insult by implying that you're one of them mindless youngsters. Sorry if this is how it came through.
I just don't get it why is so called "toxic" behaviour is such a big deal, either in games or social media, etc. What's the worse that could happen there? Bad words? Teabagging? Flashlight spamming at the exit gate? Such trifles. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but seems so insignificant. I just wish people, young and adult alike learned how to return insults with more something more painful, verbally or otherwise. Principles like "don't feed the troll" or "be nice to each other" just don't work.No problem, sorry too for sounding harsh.
I think i don't need to explain to you where the toxicity is coming from.
The addition of multiple flaws in-game coupled with the after-game toxicity, glorified by multiple streamers, endorsed by the devs.
The list goes on, and wouldn't even had took this proportion if the devs had integrated back then a decent report system.I get what you explained, but as much as you can't tell to everyone "be nice to each other" you realisticaly can't ask everyone to be enought strong/having repartee to face everyone or everything by themselve.
Evolution isn't something defined, it don't care what is good or bad (relative, i know) or if it go to the disaster or not.
We are enought smart to not let things rots on place, and to at least try to mitigate and direct it for the better.
Only with time, of course.
And it can be applyed to everything.
@Mc_Harty so answering to shits like "KiLleR OnLy WHaNt FrEe 4K" is being a SJW ?
And this comparison ?
Thanks for the laugh.0 -
Lol at this point weÍ're positively offing the hell out of this thread. @Vietfox just say the word and I'll shut up :chuffed:
It's just a topic close to my heart1 -
"We got the hero we deserve" i guess
But you're not totally wrong i'll give you that.
That affected me in a way or another with the time.
You'll never see me starting a flame thread or trolling people for the sake of it tho.
EDIT: ^^^^^^^Also yes @George_Soros you're right. I'm out.
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George_Soros said:
Lol at this point weÍ're positively offing the hell out of this thread. @Vietfox just say the word and I'll shut up :chuffed:
It's just a topic close to my heart1 -
@Vietfox said:
George_Soros said:Lol at this point weÍ're positively offing the hell out of this thread. @Vietfox just say the word and I'll shut up :chuffed:
It's just a topic close to my heart
Lol, i dont mind. Some of the killer mains i was talking about got exposed already. Thanks for that anyway xD
Does that mean you are finished? Or should i go for more popcorn?
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Tsulan said:
@Vietfox said:
George_Soros said:Lol at this point weÍ're positively offing the hell out of this thread. @Vietfox just say the word and I'll shut up :chuffed:
It's just a topic close to my heart
Lol, i dont mind. Some of the killer mains i was talking about got exposed already. Thanks for that anyway xD
Does that mean you are finished? Or should i go for more popcorn?
0 -
Buff Leatherface. He's too addon dependent.
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HellDescent said:
Buff Leatherface. He's too addon dependent.